在那之后會發(fā)生些別的什么事?!盵/cn] [en]Molaro told us they do talk about how the show may end, but there is no set ending in mind.[/en][cn]Molaro告訴記者他們確實談生活大爆炸》將要完結了?[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory won't go on forever.[/en] [cn]《生活大爆炸論過這部劇應該如何結束的問題,但是現(xiàn)在還沒有一個定數(shù)。[/cn] [en]"My concern is that we do it right and we end this show in a way that is as befitting of these characters that we respect and love," he said. [/en][cn]他說,“我認為我們應該好好想想,以一個合適這些我們都喜愛并尊敬的角色們的方式來結束這部劇?!盵/cn] [en]"As long as we can have the opportunity to end it in a way that serves them all properly, that's my concern—more than the number of seasons."[/en][cn]“我認為重要的是以一種能夠適合所有角色的方式來結束這部劇,這對我來說比一共可以拍幾季更加重要?!盵/cn] [en]CBS recently became the home of Thursday night football games, putting The Big Bang Theory, which airs at 8 p.m., in a sort of [w]limbo[/w].[/en][cn]CBS最近經常播周四晚的足球賽,因此使晚上八點播出的《生活大爆炸》處于尷尬的境地。[/cn] [en]But CBS likely won't [w]sideline[/w] the highest-rated comedy on TV until November.[/en][cn]但是CBS應該不會在11月之前停播這部排名最靠前的喜劇。[/cn] [en]Look for The Big Bang Theory to probably premiere on a different night before moving back to its regular Thursday home.[/en][cn]所以他們想要在周四晚間時段空出來之前換一天播出《生活大爆炸》這部劇。[/cn] ?
看生活大爆炸學英語(2) 你們篡改了我的實驗
出演尼爾(Nell)。尼爾是一位最近才獨立出來的院校老師,和拉杰有著千絲萬縷的聯(lián)系。戈金斯飾演尼爾的丈夫奧利爾(Oliver),精神高度緊張,追蹤者拉杰,還和他正生活大爆炸面對剛。[/cn] [en]Big Bang Theory's current 11th season has found Raj as the odd-man out as all of his friends are married or engaged. New showrunner Steve Holland told?THR?at the start of this season that Raj's decision last season to give up his family's money and become his own man will bring the character more confidence. "The reason to do a journey like that is to have it affect and change the character a bit, and that change is going to affect his dating life as well," he?said.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》已經拍攝了十一季,所有朋友都結婚戀愛后,拉杰顯得被孤立了。新一季的制作人斯蒂芬·莫勞瑞告訴媒體THR,上一季結束時拉杰說不會再問家里要錢,會獨立自主,在新一季開始后,他會因此自信不少。“這樣做是為了讓角色有些變化,這種變化也會影響他的婚戀狀況?!盵/cn] [en]Goggins is currently up for a Critics Choice Award for HBO's?Vice Principals. He's next onscreen in?Tomb Raider.Behrs spent six seasons on CBS and Warners'?2 Broke Girls.[/en][cn]戈金斯目前正以美國紐約有線電視網絡媒體公司(HBO)的《副校長》(Vice Principals)爭奪廣播影評人協(xié)會獎(Critics Choice Award)。接下來他的作品《古墓麗影》(Tomb Raider)將會上映,比厄則參演了六季哥倫比亞公司和華納兄弟的《破產姐妹》。[/cn] (翻譯:阿忙)
[en]Sheldon, the in-development Big Bang Theory spin-off prequel about breakout character Sheldon Cooper's childhood in Texas, has found its young Sheldon as well as his mother Mary, according to The Hollywood Reporter.[/en][cn]據(jù)《好萊塢報道者》報道,《生活大爆炸》衍生劇中,扮演童年Sheldon Cooper的小演員和扮演Sheldon媽媽Marry的女演員都確定
《生活大爆炸》衍生劇《Young Sheldon》定檔!
[en]CBS has officially greenlit Young Sheldon, a spin-off of the megahit sitcom The Big Bang Theory about breakout character Sheldon Cooper's (Jim Parsons) childhood, for the 2017-18 season, the network announced Monday.[/en][cn]CBS喜大普奔宣布熱門情景喜劇《生活大爆炸》衍生劇《Young Sheldon》定檔2017-2018年,故事講述Sheldon Cooper小時候的成長經歷。[/cn] [en]Iron Man director Jon Favreau will executive-produce and direct the first episode. Jim Parsons will narrate, Wonder Years-style, as grown-up Sheldon. Unlike The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon will be a single-camera sitcom without a laugh track.[/en][cn]鋼鐵俠導演Jon Favreau將會作為本劇執(zhí)行制片人并導演第一集。Jim Parsons將會作為本劇的旁白,用《純真年代》的風格講述Sheldon的成長故事。和《生活大爆炸》不一樣的是,《Young Sheldon》將大會是單鏡頭喜劇,也就是說不會有《生活大爆炸》的罐頭笑聲。[/cn] [en]As previously reported, 9-year-old Iain Armitage will play the boy genius, and Zoe Perry will play his mother Mary. Perry is the real-life daughter of Laurie Metcalf, who plays Mary on The Big Bang Theory.[/en][cn]之前有報道,9歲的Iain Armitage將會扮演天才少年Sheldon,而Zoe Perry將會扮演Sheldon媽媽Mary。Perry是《生活大爆炸》中Mary扮演者Laurie Metcalf現(xiàn)實生活中的女兒。[/cn]
2017-03-15 -
慣了這里的生活。[/cn] [en]In the last episode of The Big Bang Theory, "The Escape Hatch Identification," Raj (Kunal Nayyar) agreed to move into Sheldon's (Jim Parsons) old room in Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Penny's (Kaley Cuoco) to cut down on costs. In Thursday's new episode, "The Collaboration Fluctuation," we get to see what this new living arrangement looks like.[/en][cn]在《生活大爆炸》上一集《The Escape Hatch Identification》中,Raj同意搬入Leonard和Penny家Sheldon以前住的房間,這樣Leonard和Penny就可以省下些花銷了。在本周這一
[en]CBS has officially given a series order for “The Big Bang Theory” spinoff “Young Sheldon”. The half-hour single cam, currently with an unspecified number of episodes ordered, will premiere in the 2017-18 season.[/en][cn] CBS正式啟動了熱門喜劇《生活大爆炸》的衍生劇《Young Sheldon》,每集大概半個小時,具體集數(shù)尚未確定,有望在2017-18播出季播出。[/cn] [en]Created by Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro, the series follows “The Big Bang Theory’s” Sheldon Cooper at age 9, living with his family in East Texas. Jon Favreau is directing and executive producing the first episode of the series, which stars Iain Armitage as 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper as well as Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Raegan Revord and Montana Jordan.[/en][cn]本劇由Chuck Lorre 和Steven Molaro開創(chuàng),講述的是《生活大爆炸》里的謝耳朵9歲和家人住在東部德克薩斯州的故事?!朵撹F俠》導演Jon Favreau將執(zhí)導首集,小演員Iain Armitage將出演9歲的謝耳朵,Zoe Perry、Lance Barber、Raegan Revord和Montana Jordan分別飾演謝耳朵的媽媽、爸爸、雙胞胎姐姐和哥哥。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
[en]CBS is closing in on a two-season pickup for Warner Bros. Television’s “The Big Bang Theory,” primetime’s top-rated comedy series.[/en][cn] CBS一下續(xù)訂兩季華納兄弟制作的《生活大爆炸》,史上電視劇收視率頂尖的劇集。[/cn] [en]The prospect of a two-season deal would extend “Big Bang’s” run through at least a 12th season, which would
[en]We're finally going to find out what happened before the Big Bang.[/en][cn]我們終于要知道《生活大爆炸》之前會發(fā)生什么事了。[/cn] [en]According to The Hollywood Reporter, The Big Bang Theory creators Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady and executive producer Steve Molaro are developing a spin-off prequel series that would focus on young Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons).[/en][cn]據(jù)《好萊塢報道者》報道,《生活大爆炸》制作人Chuck Lorre和Bill Prady和執(zhí)行制片人Steve Molaro正在籌備《生活大爆炸》前傳,講述年輕Sheldon Cooper小時候的事。[/cn] [en]Lorre, Prady and Molaro told THR in 2013 that they couldn't imagine doing a spin-off, but apparently their minds have changed.[/en][cn]Lorre、Prady和Molaro在2013年接受《THR》采訪時說,他們當時并沒有做衍生劇的想法,不過看來他們現(xiàn)在已經換想法了。[/cn]