你真是個討要的人。 Are you a spiritual person? 你是個高尚的人嗎? There was not a person in view. 放眼望去一個人也沒有。 到滬江小D查看盲人的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 盲棋的英文怎么說>> 盲目的模仿者的英文怎么說>> 盲目的英文怎么說>> 盲流和倒流人員的英文怎么說>> 盲從的英文怎么說>>
driveway. 隱蔽的車道 If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 盲人領盲人,雙雙跌人溝。 The very limit of human blindness is to glory in being blind. 人類盲目性的最根本局限就在于其對盲目性感到榮耀。 We are all blind to our own choice blindness. 其實人人都有選擇盲區(qū)。 Light filtered through the blinds. 光線透過了簾子。 到滬江小D查看盲人用手杖的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 盲人學校的英文怎么說>> 盲人摸象的英文怎么說>> 盲人的英文怎么說>> 盲棋的英文怎么說>> 盲目的模仿者的英文怎么說>>
2012-07-03 -
盲人摸象的英文: [Literal Meaning] blind/man/feel/elephant like the blind men feeling an elephant [解釋] 比喻對事物只憑片盲人摸象的英文面的了解或局部的經(jīng)驗,就胡亂猜測,做出全面的判斷。 [Explanation] to take a part for the whole [例子] 我們在認識一個復雜的國際問題時,不要盲人摸象,要全盤考慮這個問題。 [Example] When seeing a complex international issue, we should not take a part for the whole but consider it holistically. 到滬江小D查看盲人摸象的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 盲人的英文怎么說>> 盲棋的英文怎么說>> 盲目的模仿者的英文怎么說>> 盲目的英文怎么說>> 盲流和倒流人員的英文怎么說>>
2012-07-03 -
盲人領盲人,雙雙跌人溝。 The very limit of human blindness is to glory in being blind. 人類盲目性的最根本局限就在于其對盲目性感到榮耀。 We are all blind to our own choice blindness. 其實人人都有選擇盲區(qū)。 Light filtered through the blinds. 光線透過了簾子。 到滬江小D查看盲人學校的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 盲人摸象的英文怎么說>> 盲人的英文怎么說>> 盲棋的英文怎么說>> 盲目的模仿者的英文怎么說>> 盲目的英文怎么說>>
2012-07-03 -
開車要注意信號燈!同樣盲人也是! The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it is safe to cross the street. I was crossing with a co-worker of mine, when she asked if I knew what the buzzer was for. I explained that it signals to blind people when the light is green. She responded, appalled, "What on earth are blind people doing driving?" 當你可以安盲人全過馬路的時候,馬路拐角處的指示燈就會發(fā)出響聲。我正和一位同事一起過馬路,她問我知道不知道這響聲是干什么用的。我說,這是給盲人的綠燈信號。她膽戰(zhàn)心驚地問:“盲人究竟為什么要開車?” 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
? 盲人,就是眼睛患有疾病或受到意外傷害而導致雙目失明或單目失明的人。盲人是社會的弱勢群體,因為看不到而享受不到很多的樂趣。社會也越來越關注盲人,幫他們融入正常的生活,現(xiàn)在盲人也可以“看”電影了。 "The camera slides across the water as people run on the riverbank. Now part of a tree appears; the camera [w]dashes[/w] atop the woods, and you can see a sidewalk through the leaves. The camera lifts
導盲犬當“紅娘” 英國盲人男女相戀結婚
到了對的人。我從來沒相信過命運,但這次就真的好像是天賜良緣。我們一起吃午餐的時間越來越長,連服務員都敲著手指等我們離盲人開了。”[/cn] [en]'We chatted about anything and everything.?I trusted in the luck I didn't seem to know existed.?Now we joke that with every guide dog you get a free wife. I love Claire's personality and her laugh is infectious.?We've never had an argument, we just seem to click.'[/en][cn]“我們在一起暢所欲言。我相信緣分,而之前我都沒意識到它的存在?,F(xiàn)在我們經(jīng)常開玩笑說,導盲犬可以給你帶來美嬌妻。我喜歡克萊爾的性格,她的笑聲很有感染力。我們從沒吵過架,我們就是好像突然就來電了。”[/cn]
識字的;文盲的 a largely illiterate population 文盲占多數(shù)的人口 an educational outreach to illiterate adults. 對文盲的教育服務項目擴大 Eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people 掃除青壯年文盲 It lies on all of us to lick illiteracy. 掃除文盲是我們所有人的責任。 Over ninety percent of the islanders here are illiterate. "這兒的島民,百分之九十以上都是文盲。" Our overriding concern is the eradication of illiteracy. 我們最關心的事是消除文盲。 Only ten percent of the population here is illiterate. 這里只有百分之十的居民是文盲。illiterate是什么意思: n. 文盲 adj. 文盲的,沒受教育的 A large percentage of the population is illiterate. 文盲人口占有相當高的比例。 The modestly educated are not equal to illiterates. 僅受過一般教育的人并不等同于文盲。 Rock fragments, including volcanics, are common, and the matrix consists largely of kaolin and illite 常見有巖石碎塊,包括火山巖屑,基質大部分為高齡土和伊利石。 They made an illiterate out of my daughter. 他們使我女兒變盲的英文: illiterate參考例句: Literacy and educational attainment is a matter of vital national interest 掃除文盲成了文盲。 The mud was a blue-gray plastic clay composed predominantly of montmorillonite with some illite 這種泥土是一種藍青色膠質土,主要由蒙脫土和一些伊利土組成。 到滬江小D查看文盲的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 文洛克的英文>> 文聯(lián)的英文怎么說>> 文理學院的英文怎么說>> 文理不通的英文怎么說>> 文科院校的英文怎么說>>
are in harmony. 色彩調和。 The bottom color is the brown coffee color. 底色為棕咖啡色。blindness是什么意思: n. 失明;無知;盲區(qū) A blind driveway. 隱蔽的車道 If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 盲人領盲人,雙雙跌人溝。 The very limit of human blindness is to glory in being blind. 人類盲目性的最根本局限就在于其對盲目性感到榮耀。 到滬江小D查看色盲的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 色厲內荏的英文怎么說>> 色狼的英文怎么說>> 色拉九孔的英文怎么說>> 色拉醬的英文怎么說>> 色卡的英文怎么說>>