The Big New 每天一句【生活大爆炸】 每天參與聽寫酷的童鞋均可額外抽取獲得50滬元 全周的【生活大爆炸】都參與了的童鞋可額外抽取獲得300滬元 生活中柴米油鹽這些看似簡單的事情,卻讓他們有迷失在太空里一樣的感覺,他們所掌握的那些科學原理在這里根本沒有用武之地...讓我們一起來TBBT... Sheldon&Leonard&Penny在看The Grinch(圣誕怪杰) 【TIP】: Grinch 圣誕怪杰 On the contrary, I found the Grinch to be a relatable,engaging character. 剛好相反,我發(fā)現Grinch是個惹人憐愛迷人可愛的角色。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
行了,可婚禮一結束,矛盾又來了... 【語言點】 ? [en]1.I just cannot stay here while your father goes out of his way?to humiliate me.[/en][cn]這里我是待不下了,你父親擺明了就是要羞辱我。[/cn] go/get out of one's way:想盡辦法,不怕麻煩;格外努力,特意,特地,故意;自動,自愿 ? ? [en]2.Do I say”stop what?”?or just throw in the towel?[/en][cn]我是接“少來什么?”還是該停止裝傻了?[/cn] throw in the towel?認輸 同義短語:give up, say uncle ? ? [en]3.Yeah, plus if you leave, Alfred will know he got?under your skin.[/en][cn]而且你要是走了阿爾弗雷德就知道他成功激怒你了。[/cn] get under one's skin:使人煩躁;激怒某人;使人不安;叫人討厭 ? ? [en]4.Yes, while also getting in a solid?dig at?you.[/en][cn]沒錯,我還同時好好挖苦了你一番。[/cn] dig at:挖苦,諷刺,嘲諷,譏刺,嘲笑,對…進行冷嘲熱諷;鉆研;苦學;苦干 短語詞組: have a dig at?嘗試 dig at sb?挖苦某人 ? ? [en]5.Water under the bridge, Alfred.[/en][cn]過了就算了,阿爾弗雷德。[/cn] water under the bridge 字面意思是橋下的水,與我們中生活大爆炸文中潑出去的水同理,意為過去的事了,無法挽回的事 近義表達:讓過去的事過去吧 let bygones be bygones 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
當《生活大爆炸》遇上Fun.神曲《We Are Young》
【滬江英語小編】又是一段毫無違和感的神剪輯,當The Big Bang Theory 搭配上 Fun.樂隊神曲《We Are Young》!聽著經典樂曲,伴著《生活大爆炸》中一路走來的謝耳朵等人,回顧曾經一幕幕難以忘懷的鏡頭,你心中是否也充滿了回憶與感動?希望這群人能一直陪著我們,帶給我們無盡的歡樂。 We Are Young 是美國獨立流行樂團Fun.于2011年9月發(fā)行的一支單曲,單曲收錄在樂隊第二張錄音室專輯《Some Nights》中。在2012 Billboard Hot 100 Year-End中這首歌排列第三,并獲第55屆(2013)格萊美年度歌曲獎(Song Of The Year)。 We Are Young Give me a second 給我一秒鐘的時間 I need to get my story straight 讓我理清思緒 My friends are in the bathroom 死黨醉倒在洗手間 Getting higher than the Empire State 比那帝國大廈還要high My lover she's waiting for me 愛生活大爆炸人在等著我 Just across the bar 就在酒吧的那一頭 My seats been taken by some sunglasses 戴著墨鏡的人占據了我的位置 Asking 'bout a scar 談起你我的情傷 And I know I gave it to you months ago 我知道我傷你很久 I know you're trying to forget 我知道你嘗試遺忘 But between the drinks and subtle things 但是在酒醉金迷間 The holes in my apologies 我的道歉漏洞百出 You know I'm trying hard to take it back 你知道我嘗試的挽回 So if by the time the bar closes 所以如果酒吧打烊的時候 And you feel like falling down 你的腳步蹣跚 I'll carry you home 我將會帶你回家 Tonight 今晚 We are young 花樣年華的我們 So let's set the world on fire 將世界點燃 We can burn brighter 我們可以大放異彩 Than the sun 讓驕陽失色 Tonight 今晚 We are young 花樣年華的我們 So let's set the world on fire 將點燃世界 We can burn brighter 我們可以大放異彩 Than the sun 讓驕陽失色 Now I know that I'm not 現在我知道我并不是 All that you got 并且你也清楚 I guess that I 我想我 I just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart 我覺得我們可以找出全新的分離的方式 But our friends are back 但是我們的朋友們都會來了 So let's raise a cup 所以讓我們共同舉杯 Cause I found someone to carry me home 因為有人將會帶我回家 Carry me home tonight 今晚將我?guī)Щ丶?Just carry me home tonight 就把我?guī)Щ丶?Carry me home tonight 今晚把我?guī)Щ丶?Just carry me home tonight 就把我?guī)Щ丶?The world is on my side 世界站在我這邊 I have no reason to run 我沒理由逃跑 So will someone come and carry me home tonight 所以今晚有誰會帶我回家 The angels never arrived 天使從未降臨 But I can hear the choir 但我卻能聽到天籟之音 So will someone come and carry me home 所以誰將帶我回家 So if by the time the bar closes 所以如果酒吧打烊時 And you feel like falling down 你的腳步蹣跚 I'll carry you home tonight 我今晚就帶你回家
2013-04-24 -
生活大爆炸亮相漫展 透露7個秘密
作人Steve Molaro悲催的現實生活,他在婚禮之夜生病,導致無法入洞房。[/cn] [en]2. The writers still haven't decided which of the guys will get [w]tenure[/w] at work, but we should find out soon.[/en][cn]2. 編劇們還未決定究竟哪個角色可以得到終身職位,但我們應該馬上就會知道了。[/cn] [en]3. Howard Wolowitz is named after Prady's former computer programming partner.[/en][cn]3. Howard Wolowitz這個名字來自于Prady以前的計算機程序員搭檔。[/cn] [en]4. Mayim Bialik is a scientist in real life, "I'm actually a 6-foot-4 African-American dude," Rauch joked, before the writers added that, like the central [w]quartet[/w] of characters, they too get excited to hang out with Kaley Cuoco.[/en][cn]4. Mayim Bialik在現實中就是一位科學家,“我其實是個6.4英尺高的非裔美國人,”Rauch開玩笑說,編劇接著說,就像四個主人公一樣,他們也熱衷于和Kaley Cuoco一起出去。[/cn] [en]5. Amy (Bialik) and Sheldon's (Jim Parsons) relationship will continue at a [w]glacial[/w] pace this season, but naturally, Amy will push for more. "Amy will continue to try to get her way," Molaro said. "It always [w=baffle]baffles[/w] me how much Amy has gotten Sheldon to move," Prady added.[/en][cn]5. Amy與謝耳朵的關系在這一季還是發(fā)展緩慢,但是Amy會使兩人的關系更進一步?!鞍讜L試用自己的方式突破的”,Molaro說。Prady又補
看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第五集 【劇情介紹】 Penny受Leonard所托,給Howard介紹對象Bernadette, 起初兩個人完全沒有共同語言,氣氛很尷尬,后來發(fā)現他們都受媽媽“擺布”,這讓氣氛一下緩和,和諧起來. SHELDON:I play nightshade dryad. Game,set and match. Now fetch me Wil Wheaton! Bot-tash bir jab-loo-di rekh kkhakkh-o ny! WIL:Did that guy just say "Revenge is a dish best served cold" in Klingon? STUART: I believe so. WIL:What is wrong with him? STUART: Everyone has a different theory. HOWARD: How about computers? Do you like computers? BERNADETTE: I use them. I don't like them. HOWARD: Okay...Puppets?? Where do you stand on puppies?. BERNADETTE:A puppy once bit my face. HOWARD: Of course it did. LEONARD: How about that? Einstein was wrong. PENNY: What? LEONARD: Approaching the speed of light Doesn't slow down time. Approaching them does. HOWARD: Excuse me. Oh,damn. It's my mother. BERNADETTE: Are you going to answer it? HOWARD: I'm torn. She might be dying,and,you know, I wouldn't want to miss that. On the other hand, If I let it go to voicemail,I could play it over and over. BERNADETTE: I know how you feel. My mother makes me crazy. HOWARD: Not as crazy as my mother makes me. BERNADETTE:Oh,yeah? Does your mother call u every day at work To see if you've had a healthy lunch? HOWARD: My mother calls me at work To see if I had a healthy bowel movement. BERNADETTE: Does she lay out your clothes for you in the morning Like you're nine years old? HOWARD: You live with your mother? BERNADETTE: No. That's the sad part. 【口語講解】 1Revenge is a dish best served cold君子報仇十年不晚 2Everyone has a different theory.每個人的觀點都生活大爆炸不同,也可以理解為蘿卜白菜各有所愛. 3Where do you stand on對…是什么態(tài)度how do you think of 4bowel movement排便 5lay out展示;安排;花錢; He laid out all his savings in buying a car. 他把所有積蓄都用來買車了。
《生活大爆炸》追劇筆記S10E7:White Lies
今日為大家?guī)怼渡畲蟊?/span>》第十季第七集。本集中Sheldon知道了Amy騙他公寓維修工程延期了來和他多住些日子,Lenard知道了Penny在偷偷一點點地把自己的收藏扔掉,他們將如何揭穿謊言,Sheldon和Amy還能繼續(xù)住在一起嗎?大家快去一探究竟吧!那么下面我們就先來學習本集重要的知識點: ? [en]1.And I’d like to know why you?blabbed?about my apartment.[/en][cn]我還想知道你怎么把我公寓的事也說出去了。[/cn] blab v.泄密,泄漏秘密,漏嘴;胡說,胡扯,亂說;喋喋不休 n.胡扯,胡說,亂說;胡扯的人
[en]If you were fan of Howard's (Simon Helberg) song for Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) during the Thursday (Oct. 24) episode of "The Big Bang Theory" (and how could you not be?), you're in luck: CBS has made the song available for purchase.[/en][cn]如果你喜歡上周四那一集《生活大爆炸》中Howard唱給Bernadette的歌的話,那你就幸運了:CBS決定,讓粉絲們可以自行購買這首歌。[/cn] [en]The day after fans [w]swooned[/w] as Howard sang his original composition "If I Didn't Have You (Bernadette's Song") outside his wife's hospital room during her quarantine after a lab accident, the very sweet and very funny song was released on iTunes in recognition of the show's support of MusiCares.[/en][cn]在觀眾們都被Howard給因為實驗意外被隔離在醫(yī)院的Bernadette原創(chuàng)的那首《If I Didn't Have You (Bernadette's Song")》感
影片名稱: 生活大爆炸 外文名稱: The Big Bang Theory 其他名稱: 天才理論傳、天才也性感、宇宙大爆炸 出品時間: 2007年 出品公司: 哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS) 制片地區(qū): 美國 導演: James Burrows,Mark Cendrowski 編?。?查克·羅瑞、比爾·布拉迪 主演: 吉姆·帕森斯,約翰尼·蓋爾克奇,卡蕾·措科,西蒙·赫爾伯格,昆瑙·內亞,馬伊姆·拜力克 集數: 更新至第六季18集 類型: 劇情、喜劇 上映時間: 第一集2007年9月23日 主要獎項: 2010年艾美獎最佳男主角 制片人: 查克·洛爾 比爾·巴拉蒂 語言: 英語 主創(chuàng): 比爾
2013-02-05 -
《生活大爆炸》S05E01口語精華: 地質學不是真正的科學
? 看生活大爆炸學英語第五季第一集 【劇情介紹】 由于發(fā)生了Raj和Penny事件,Penny覺得很對不起大家,正當她準備打包回家時獲知自己得到痔瘡的廣告,興奮地又決定不回老家。Sheldon的一句” “地質學不是真正的科學”雖然“犧牲”自己,卻激發(fā)了團隊的斗志,最終贏得彩彈游戲。 [en]1. My brother-- he's got a big crush on Bernadette.[/en] [cn]我哥非常喜歡伯納黛特。[/cn] [en]2. It's not what it looks like.[/en] [cn]事情不是你看上去的那樣。[/cn] [en]3. What
《生活大爆炸》S04E21:Amy哼起水果姐小調 與Sheldon大跳華爾茲
滬江英樂: 《I Kissed a Girl》是水果姐Katy Perry08年發(fā)行的專輯《One of The Boys》中的冠單,Katy Perry是美國著名創(chuàng)作歌手,歌曲大多朗朗上口,節(jié)奏輕快,讓人身心愉悅。 在《生活大爆炸》第四季21集里Amy居然一反常態(tài),哼起了水果姐的小調,看來水果姐真是無處不在啊,后面的“Shamy”風格華爾茲更是笑點頗多。謝耳朵迷們不要錯過他難得的舞姿哦~ 生活大爆炸MV: 歌詞: This was never the way I planned Not my [w]intention[/w] I got so brave, drink in hand