《生活大爆炸》 Penny 喜結新歡
Kaley Cuoco is playing for love.?The "Big Bang Theory" actress was spotted on Friday and Saturday with tennis player Ryan Sweeting, Us Weekly reports. On Aug. 2 the pair reportedly supported each other's sports as Cuoco cheered on Sweeting during a match in Sherman Oaks, Calif. Later that day the 26-year-old tennis player watched his lady show off her equestrian skills in Moorpark. They were spotted together again Saturday at Marmalade Café in Sherman Oaks for a casual lunch.?Cuoco seems to have bounced back nicely from her short-lived romance with actor Henry Cavill, which ended in July.?Before that she was dating musician Bret Bollinger. But now, Cuoco has scored the winning point as she dates Nassau, Bahamas-born Sweeting who now calls Ft. Lauderdale his home. Sweeting played in the US Open in 2006 and won his first ATP World Tour singles title at the US Men's Clay Court Championships in 2011. The actress took to Twitter on Saturday to abolish any talk of vying for media attention with her new romance.?"Those of you who think I'm 'paying paparazzi' to follow me around are poorly mistaken," she wrote. "I feel sorry for your ignorance and obvious boredom." 【娛樂快訊】 在《生活大爆炸》中被眾星捧月般對待的女神 Penny 最近又結新歡。與《暮光之城》演員 Henry Cavill 的短暫羅曼史,似乎并未給?Kaley 帶來什么陰影。他的這位新男友是網壇紅人 Ryan Sweeting。8月2號,Kaley 還前往謝爾曼奧克斯,為男友加油鼓勁兒,而比賽之后,Ryan 也貼心地前去穆爾帕克觀看 Kaley 表演馬術。 上周六,這對情侶又被拍到在謝爾曼奧克斯的一家餐廳里吃午餐。有人說 Kaley 在借新戀情炒作,對此,Kaley 在推特上回應說:“那些認為是我買通狗仔隊來跟拍我的人,你們大錯特錯了。我為你們的無知和無聊感到難過?!辈徽撊绾?,我們還是祝福這對新戀人,能夠長長久久吧!
2013-08-07 -
[en]The Big Bang Theory?has been [w=renew]renewed[/w] for an [w]additional[/w] three seasons, keeping the show on [w]air[/w] through its seventh season in 2013/14. [/en][cn]《生活大爆炸
《生活大爆炸》追劇筆記S10E7:White Lies
今日為大家?guī)怼渡畲蟊?/span>》第十季第七集。本集中Sheldon知道了Amy騙他公寓維修工程延期了來和他多住些日子,Lenard知道了Penny在偷偷一點點地把自己的收藏扔掉,他們將如何揭穿謊言,Sheldon和Amy還能繼續(xù)住在一起嗎?大家快去一探究竟吧!那么下面我們就先來學習本集重要的知識點: ? [en]1.And I’d like to know why you?blabbed?about my apartment.[/en][cn]我還想知道你怎么把我公寓的事也說出去了。[/cn] blab v.泄密,泄漏秘密,漏嘴;胡說,胡扯,亂說;喋喋不休 n.胡扯,胡說,亂說;胡扯的人
《生活大爆炸》劇組出席活動 "佩妮"黃裙明艷
efforts to provide care, research, and support for those affected by this devastating disease. 當地時間3月21日晚,熱播美劇《生活大爆炸》劇組全員在好萊塢比弗利山莊出席了阿茲海默(老年癡呆)協(xié)會主辦的慈善活動,“佩妮”扮演者卡蕾·庫科以一襲明艷的黃裙亮相,并在現場與“伯納黛特”梅麗莎·勞奇、“Raj”昆瑙·內亞等演員親密相同拍照合影。另外還有克里斯汀·貝爾等人前來助陣。?
行了頒獎典禮,84歲的紐哈特憑借在上季《生活大爆炸》中客串兒童科學節(jié)目主持人質子教授獲得了喜劇類最佳客串男演員。[/cn] [en]"This is my seventh shot at this. ... I just love this very much," he said
中了Howard和Leonard研究成果,希望能把他們的成果用語軍事運用。不得不說這個角色選得很好,Norris看起來就像一位空軍將軍的樣子。[/cn] [en]The casting brings Norris back to CBS, where he played the nefarious Big Jim Rennie in CBS' Under the Dome for three seasons.[/en][cn]這也將會把他再次帶生活大爆炸回到CBS電視臺的屏幕上,因為他之前就在CBS的夏季劇《穹頂之下》里扮演大壞蛋Big Jim。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory returns Monday, Sept. 19 at 8/7c on CBS.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》第十季將會在9月19日晚回歸CBS電視臺。[/cn]
The Big New 每天一句【生活大爆炸】 每天參與聽寫酷的童鞋可額外抽取獲得50滬元 全周的【生活大爆炸】都參與了的童鞋可額外抽取獲得300滬元 生活中柴米油鹽這些看似簡單的事情,卻讓他們有迷失在太空里一樣的感覺,他們所掌握的那些科學原理在這里根本沒有用武之地...讓我們一起來TBBT... Sheldon&Leonard&Penny在看The Grinch(圣誕怪杰) And I was really with him right up to the point that he succumbed to social convention and returned the presents and saved Christmas. 我和他真的很有共鳴,就從他服從社會習俗退還禮物拯救了圣誕節(jié)這點來看。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>