• 生活大爆炸學英語第一季第六集(1)別提了好不好

    生活大爆炸學英語第一季第六集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon, Leonard, Howard和Raj玩彩彈游戲兵敗而歸, 家都在討論失敗原因. RAJ: Okay, if no one else will say it, I will.We really suck at [w]paintball[/w]. HOWARD: That was absolutely [w=humiliate]humiliating[/w]. LEONARD: Oh, come on. Some battles you win, some battles you lose. HOWARD: Yes

  • 生活大爆炸》第五季11集中英雙語預告片

    be nice.[/en][cn]真是太好了。[/cn] [en]We open our home to Jimmy,and once he's at sleep. We kill him.[/en][cn]等Jimmy在我們家睡著的時候,干掉他。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》[/cn] [en]I said it would be nice,I didn't say we should do it.[/en][cn]我說這很棒,又沒說我們真的應該下手。[/cn] [en]A new episode CBS Thursday.[/en][cn]新的一集,周四就在CBS。 [/cn] MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟>>

  • 生活大爆炸》收視威武霸氣 再次創(chuàng)新高

    [en]Ho-hum -- another Thursday, another series-best performance for?"The Big Bang Theory."?The CBS comedy scored nearly 20 million viewers and posted a 6.3 rating among adults 18-49 in leading the network to a big ratings win for the night.[/en][cn]本周四播出的《生活大爆炸》表現(xiàn)相當出色。這部CBS美劇吸引了2千萬觀眾收看,在18-49歲觀眾中

  • 生活大爆炸》第六季:我們不會在劇中看到Amy的手

    解決這個問題嗎?或者是我們有沒有必要把它寫進劇本里?...最終我們決定藏起它,不讓這只手出鏡。[/cn] [en]Bialik also countered reports that she had lost a finger in the accident, which happened when another driver made an illegal turn in front of her. "It doesn't look so great, it doesn't feel so great," she admitted. "But all my fingers are there. They all work."[/en][cn]Bialik否認了自己在車禍中失去手指的消息,這場車禍是對方司機的違法違法拐彎造成的?!扒闆r看著不太妙,感覺也的確不太妙,”她承認。“但是我的所有手指是都保t住了。它們功能都還完整。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory premieres Thursday, Sept. 27 at 8/7c.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》第六季將會在北京時間9月28日首播。[/cn]

  • 生活大爆炸學英語第三季第四集(5)你才不是我的上司

    生活大爆炸學英語第三季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon和Raj大

  • 生活大爆炸》迎來Leonard Nimoy客串 他讓Sheldon魂牽夢繞

    Sources confirm to TVLine exclusively that the Star Trek icon will fulfill Sheldon’s (Jim Parsons) lifelong dream when he makes a [w]cameo[/w] in the show’s March 29 episode. But there’s a catch: Nimoy will be heard, not seen. According to an insider, Nimoy will speak to Sheldon, as Spock, in a dream sequence. Sheldon’s obsession with Nimoy has been a recurring theme on the show. In a classic Season 2 episode, Penny gave him a napkin autographed by the sci-fi legend for Christmas. And in the show’s 100th episode last month, Sheldon received in the mail a life-size cardboard cut-out of Mr. Spock, but was horrified to discover it wasn’t the Nimoy version he ordered but the Zachary Quinto incarnation. The hit comedy’s producers have made several overtures to Nimoy over the years, referring to him as their “dream” guest star. Nimoy, however, has largely retired from on-camera acting, though he has found workarounds, be it voicing an animated William Bell on Fringe or popping up in a pre-taped Emmys bit or Bruno Mars music video. 據(jù)知情人士透露,在3月29日播出的《生活大爆炸》中Sheldon的畢生夢想就將實現(xiàn),《星際迷航》中的Leonard Nimoy將會來客串。Sheldon將會在夢中見到他的天王巨星Spock,但是見面方式是只聞其聲,不見其人。

  • 生活大爆炸》第六季:拉杰戀上《老友記》菲比?

    After treating his iPhone's Suri like a girlfriend last season, The Big Bang Theory's Raj (Kunal Nayyar) will finally be getting a real love interest. And costar Kaley Cuoco thinks it would make sense if Raj hooked up with Penny's never-been-seen mom. "I know they're thinking about introducing her, and I've always wanted Lisa Kudrow to play her," Cuoco says. "I imagine her to be a skanky, dirty, trailer trashy cougar, [w=hit]hitting[/w] on the boys. I'd love for her to go after Raj." Showrunner Bill Prady took to Cuoco's pitch right away. "That's not a bad idea," he says. "Raj is a little broken and [w]desperately[/w] wants to be in a relationship with anyone who would have him, and we can assume Penny's mom would be an [w]attractive[/w] woman. She could be the woman to help him put his broken pieces back together." ??在上一季《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)中,拉杰(Raj)待iPhone的語音系統(tǒng)Suri如摯愛女友。而下一季中,他終于要迎來一位真正的戀愛對象啦!卡莉·庫措(Kaley Cuoco)覺得佩妮(Penny)尚未露面的老媽就應當是這位戀愛對象。 庫措說:“我知道他們在考慮引入佩妮媽媽的角色,我一直都希望麗莎·庫卓(Lisa Kudrow 《老友記》菲比)來扮演佩妮的媽媽。在我腦海中,她的媽媽應該是個惹人厭煩,言語挑逗的熟女。我想看到她去調戲拉杰?!?制片人比爾·普拉迪(Bill Prady)接過話柄說:“這還真不是一個壞主意。如今拉杰既心碎又絕望,他愿意與任何想要和他在一起的人談戀愛。而且我們可以猜到佩妮的媽媽肯定是位迷人的女士。說不定她能夠修補好拉杰破碎的心呢?!??

  • 驚現(xiàn)中國版《生活大爆炸》 網友表示好雷好山寨

    他們什么問題,都難不倒他們。但是說到日常生活,這兩個不修邊幅的男孩就徹底沒了脾氣--生活中柴米油鹽這些看似簡單的事情,卻讓他們有迷失在太空里一樣的感覺,他們所掌握的那些科學原理在這里根本沒有用武之地。Leonard和Sheldon還有兩個好朋友:自認為是花花公子的Howard Wolowitz(Simon Helberg 飾)和來自印度的患有嚴重“與異性交往障礙癥”的Rajesh Koothrappali(Kunal Nayyar 飾)。   最近,科學家宅男的對門搬來一位美貌性感的女孩Penny(Kaley Cuoco 飾),這是個夢想成為演員的女孩,但一直沒有能生活大爆炸成功,平時只能在快餐店打工,她個性開朗,待人友善,是位與Leonard、Sheldon截然不同的追求時尚的年輕人。宅男開始蠢蠢欲動

  • 生活大爆炸》“艾米”遇車禍 左手指嚴重受傷

    MAYIM'S FINGERS ARE SAFE ... but they're not entirely [w]functional[/w] yet -- the actress just tweeted that she "will keep all my fingers," but admitted her husband had to type the message. Mayim Bialik [w=sustain]sustained[/w] serious injuries in a car accident in Los Angeles this afternoon ... and sources tell us the "Big Bang Theory" actress is in danger of losing her finger. It all went down on the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and La Brea around noon ... sources tell us the former "Blossom" actress was traveling alone in a white Volvo which was struck in the [w]intersection[/w] by another vehicle filled with tourists from Chile. We're told [w]emergency[/w] responders raced to the scene. One source tells us there was "tons and tons of blood everywhere." Sources tell us Bialik sustained major damage to her left hand ... and "her finger was almost completely severed ... it was just hanging there." We're told 36-year-old Mayim was rushed to a nearby hospital where she is being treated. 滬江娛樂快訊:就在我們期待《生活大爆炸》新一季歸來的時候,大洋彼岸傳來了不幸的消息。劇中“艾米”的扮演者Mayim Bialik在洛杉磯街頭遭遇車禍。據(jù)悉,當時Mayim的左手嚴重受傷,手指幾乎截斷,情況十分危急。這位36歲的女演員在第一時間被送往接受治療。不過,在經過治療后Mayim的手指是安全保住了,雖然還無法親自發(fā)送信息,她還是讓丈夫在推特發(fā)消息向粉絲們報平安,“我的手指能保住了?!彼恼煞驅懙馈?讓我們?yōu)镸ayim祝福吧,希望她能早日完全康復,繼續(xù)在《生活大爆炸》中為我們獻上與謝耳朵精彩的對手戲。

  • 強人手繪"生活大爆炸"片頭 配合的天衣無縫
