生活大爆炸21日播第九季 盤點(diǎn)幕后軼聞10則
[en]The Big Bang Theory, CBS’s high-rated sitcom, will kick off its ninth season on September 21. In the meantime, geek out with these facts about the long-running [w]cerebral[/w] comedy.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸
2015-09-12 -
be nice.[/en][cn]真是太好了。[/cn] [en]We open our home to Jimmy,and once he's at sleep. We kill him.[/en][cn]等Jimmy在我們家睡著的時(shí)候,干掉他。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》[/cn] [en]I said it would be nice,I didn't say we should do it.[/en][cn]我說這很棒,又沒說我們真的應(yīng)該下手。[/cn] [en]A new episode CBS Thursday.[/en][cn]新的一集,周四就在CBS。 [/cn] MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟>>
2011-12-08 -
[en]CBS has finalized its deal with Warner Bros. Television for two more seasons of “The Big Bang Theory,” making the Eye’s tentpole comedy one of primetime’s long-running sitcoms, with at least 12 seasons.[/en][cn] CBS終于與華納電視確定了熱門喜劇《生活大爆炸》續(xù)訂兩季的待遇問題,《生活大爆炸》至少會播出十二季,使得該主力喜劇成為從開播以來最長的喜劇之一。[/cn] [en
解決這個(gè)問題嗎?或者是我們有沒有必要把它寫進(jìn)劇本里?...最終我們決定藏起它,不讓這只手出鏡。[/cn] [en]Bialik also countered reports that she had lost a finger in the accident, which happened when another driver made an illegal turn in front of her. "It doesn't look so great, it doesn't feel so great," she admitted. "But all my fingers are there. They all work."[/en][cn]Bialik否認(rèn)了自己在車禍中失去手指的消息,這場車禍?zhǔn)菍Ψ剿緳C(jī)的違法違法拐彎造成的?!扒闆r看著不太妙,感覺也的確不太妙,”她承認(rèn)?!暗俏业乃惺种甘嵌急W×?。它們功能都還完整。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory premieres Thursday, Sept. 27 at 8/7c.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》第六季將會在北京時(shí)間9月28日首播。[/cn]
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第四集(1) 你們倆很般配
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon媽媽回憶Sheldon小時(shí)候的種種趣事,無意提起Leonard和Penny很配, Leonard和Penny尷尬地否認(rèn). MARY: Anyway, when he went on the internet to get some, a man from the government came by and sat him down real gentle and told him it's against the law to have yellow cake [w]uranium[/w] in a [w]shed[/w]. Penny: Well, what happened? MARY: Well, poor boy had a fit, locked himself in his room and built a [w]sonic[/w] death ray. LEONARD:A death ray? MARY: Well, that's what he called it. it didn't even slow down the neighbor kids. Heh. It pissed our dog off to no end. MARY: You know, you two make a cute couple. LEONARD: I-- No, no. No, we're not a couple. We're singles. Two singles. Like those [w]individually[/w] [w=wrap]wrapped[/w] slices of cheese or we are friends. MARY: Did I [w]pluck[/w] a nerve there? HOWARD: Oh, yeah. MARY: Okay. All right, everybody, it's time to eat. Oh, Lord, we thank you for this meal and for all your [w]bounty[/w]. And we pray that you help Sheldon get back on his rocker. MARY: Now, after a moment of silent [w]meditation[/w], I'm gonna end with "in Jesus' name". but you two don't feel any [w]obligation[/w] to join in.Unless, of course, the Holy Spirit moves you. 【口語講解】 1 against the law違法.遵守法律常用abide by law或comply with law. 2 Have a fit大發(fā)脾氣 3 piss sb off惹某人生氣的常用表達(dá), to no end無止境的. 4 pluck a nerve. pluck:采,拉?nerve:神經(jīng),我是不是踩到地雷了?我是不是說錯(cuò)話了. 5 Oh, Lord, we thank you for this meal and for all your bounty.禱告前說的一句話, 主啊,感謝您賜予我們晚餐及您所有的恩賜。與日本人飯前習(xí)慣說いただきます一樣 6 get back on one’s rocker.回到正軌,重新振作.go off one's rocker:變得精神錯(cuò)亂.變得精神恍惚. 7 feel obligation to有責(zé)任有義務(wù)做某事. ?
“潘妮”墜馬摔斷腿 可能暫別《生活大爆炸》
傳奇人物鮑勃·紐哈特也會在5月2日播出的大爆炸中扮演普騰教授——萊納德和謝爾頓兒時(shí)的英雄。[/cn] [en]"I specified 'Big Bang' because of the writing and the live audience," Newhart told TV Guide, noting that the last scene "sets it up for me to return a couple more times next season."[/en] [cn]“我選擇《生活大爆炸》是因?yàn)樗膭”竞同F(xiàn)場觀眾,”紐哈特告訴TV Line,并指出劇中最后一幕的設(shè)定也會讓他在下季中有更多的出場。[/cn]
[en]The last hurdle to Warner Bros. TV and CBS clinching a two-season renewal of “The Big Bang Theory” is setting a new contract with actresses Mayim Bialik and Melissa Rauch.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》續(xù)訂兩季的最后一個(gè)困難當(dāng)屬Warner Bros. TV 和CBS與兩位女主演Mayim Bialik 和Melissa Rauch的新合同了。[/cn] [en]Bialik and Rauch both joined “Big Bang” in season three and thus have to date earned significantly less than their co-stars. Both actresses are in the $200,000 per episode range this season, the show’s 10th, compared to $1 million per episode for the original five.[/en][cn] Bialik和Rauch都是在第三季加盟的,她倆的片酬一直低于五位核心主演。在第十季里她倆的片酬是20萬美元每集,而另外五位主演是每集100萬美元。[/cn] [en]In the renewal talks that began late last year, the original cast members agreed to take a $100,000 cut in salary for the prospective 11th and 12th seasons to free up $500,000 to fund raises for Bialik and Rauch.[/en][cn]在2016年末的一次談話中,五位卡司都愿意在第11和12季,從自己的片酬里抽10萬美元集資每集50萬美元勻給Bialik和Rauch。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個(gè)人觀點(diǎn),僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。