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  • 生活大爆炸第十到底結(jié)不結(jié)局?

    的合約到本末就結(jié)束了。CBS和華納兄弟工作室自然是想讓這部當前最熱美劇繼續(xù)咽下去,但是實際問題是這部劇制作費貴的驚人,而且制作費只會繼續(xù)上漲。對于演員們來說,10年來只演一部劇可能會有些枯燥和無聊,雖然這部劇讓他們賺了不少錢。對他們來說這部劇結(jié)束也許會給他們帶來自由的喜悅感。那么《生活大爆炸》到底可以播多久呢?[/cn] [en]The good news for fans: Season 10 probably won't be the end.[/en][cn]好消息是:第十應(yīng)該不會是這部劇的最后一。[/cn] [en]"We are very confident

  • CBS《生活大爆炸》又獲三續(xù)訂


  • 劇透:《生活大爆炸第十眾星云集!


  • 生活大爆炸》將要完結(jié)了?

    在那之后會發(fā)生些別的什么事。”[/cn] [en]Molaro told us they do talk about how the show may end, but there is no set ending in mind.[/en][cn]Molaro告訴記者他們確實談生活大爆炸》將要完結(jié)了?[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory won't go on forever.[/en] [cn]《生活大爆炸論過這部劇應(yīng)該如何結(jié)束的問題,但是現(xiàn)在還沒有一個定數(shù)。[/cn] [en]"My concern is that we do it right and we end this show in a way that is as befitting of these characters that we respect and love," he said. [/en][cn]他說,“我認為我們應(yīng)該好好想想,以一個合適這些我們都喜愛并尊敬的角色們的方式來結(jié)束這部劇?!盵/cn] [en]"As long as we can have the opportunity to end it in a way that serves them all properly, that's my concern—more than the number of seasons."[/en][cn]“我認為重要的是以一種能夠適合所有角色的方式來結(jié)束這部劇,這對我來說比一共可以拍幾季更加重要?!盵/cn] [en]CBS recently became the home of Thursday night football games, putting The Big Bang Theory, which airs at 8 p.m., in a sort of [w]limbo[/w].[/en][cn]CBS最近經(jīng)常播周四晚的足球賽,因此使晚上八點播出的《生活大爆炸》處于尷尬的境地。[/cn] [en]But CBS likely won't [w]sideline[/w] the highest-rated comedy on TV until November.[/en][cn]但是CBS應(yīng)該不會在11月之前停播這部排名最靠前的喜劇。[/cn] [en]Look for The Big Bang Theory to probably premiere on a different night before moving back to its regular Thursday home.[/en][cn]所以他們想要在周四晚間時段空出來之前換一天播出《生活大爆炸》這部劇。[/cn] ?

  • 生活大爆炸學英語第二第十集 醫(yī)學院沒教你這個嗎

    ? 看生活大爆炸學英語第二第十集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon總是神經(jīng)兮兮地覺得自己這也不舒服那也不舒服,于是跑到醫(yī)院找Stephanie要求做核磁共振啥的. Stephanie表示很無語. HOWARD: See the [w]blonde[/w] over there? I can hit on her and you can't. LEONARD: So,go hit on her. HOWARD: She's not my type. RAJ: Too bad,'cause she was checking you out before. HOWARD: She was? RAJ

  • 生活大爆炸》續(xù)訂至第12

    [en]CBS is closing in on a two-season pickup for Warner Bros. Television’s “The Big Bang Theory,” primetime’s top-rated comedy series.[/en][cn] CBS一下續(xù)訂兩華納兄弟制作的《生活大爆炸》,史上電視劇收視率頂尖的劇集。[/cn] [en]The prospect of a two-season deal would extend “Big Bang’s” run through at least a 12th season, which would

  • 生活大爆炸學英語第二第十一集 你的車還好吧

    生活大爆炸學英語第二第十一集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard不會騎摩托車, 甚至還沒發(fā)動,就被Dave的摩托車壓到腳. Penny也因此認識了Dave, 甚至為了Dave她假裝對物理科學實驗什么的感興趣,這讓Leonard很是郁悶,同樣是物理學家差別咋那么捏. PENNY: Oh,hey,Leonard. Ooh,are you okay? LEONARD: Oh,yeah. It's just a little motorcycle accident. PENNY: My God,how fast were you going? LEONARD: I don't know. It's

  • 生活大爆炸學英語第三第五集(3)君子報仇年不晚

    看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第五集 【劇情介紹】 Penny受Leonard所托,給Howard介紹對象Bernadette, 起初兩個人完全沒有共同語言,氣氛很尷尬,后來發(fā)現(xiàn)他們都受媽媽“擺布”,這讓氣氛一下緩和,和諧起來. SHELDON:I play nightshade dryad. Game,set and match. Now fetch me Wil Wheaton! Bot-tash bir jab-loo-di rekh kkhakkh-o ny! WIL:Did that guy just say "Revenge is a dish best served cold" in Klingon? STUART: I believe so. WIL:What is wrong with him? STUART: Everyone has a different theory. HOWARD: How about computers? Do you like computers? BERNADETTE: I use them. I don't like them. HOWARD: Okay...Puppets?? Where do you stand on puppies?. BERNADETTE:A puppy once bit my face. HOWARD: Of course it did. LEONARD: How about that? Einstein was wrong. PENNY: What? LEONARD: Approaching the speed of light Doesn't slow down time. Approaching them does. HOWARD: Excuse me. Oh,damn. It's my mother. BERNADETTE: Are you going to answer it? HOWARD: I'm torn. She might be dying,and,you know, I wouldn't want to miss that. On the other hand, If I let it go to voicemail,I could play it over and over. BERNADETTE: I know how you feel. My mother makes me crazy. HOWARD: Not as crazy as my mother makes me. BERNADETTE:Oh,yeah? Does your mother call u every day at work To see if you've had a healthy lunch? HOWARD: My mother calls me at work To see if I had a healthy bowel movement. BERNADETTE: Does she lay out your clothes for you in the morning Like you're nine years old? HOWARD: You live with your mother? BERNADETTE: No. That's the sad part. 【口語講解】 1Revenge is a dish best served cold君子報仇十年不晚 2Everyone has a different theory.每個人的觀點都生活大爆炸學英語第三季不同,也可以理解為蘿卜白菜各有所愛. 3Where do you stand on對…是什么態(tài)度how do you think of 4bowel movement排便 5lay out展示;安排;花錢; He laid out all his savings in buying a car. 他把所有積蓄都用來買車了。

  • 生活大爆炸學英語第一第十集(2) 誰怕誰啊

    就去.話說他們作為物理學家也太閑了,小編又深究了,請忽視-_-b PENNY:All right, you guys. Good luck. LEONARD: Thanks, Penny. Break a leg. SHELDON: Yeah, break a leg. HOWARD: So road trip to Long Beach. LEONARD: We're not going to Long Beach. RAJ: Why not? LEONARD: Because Sheldon doesn't have a drug-addicted cousin Leopold. RAJ: Oh, too bad. I've always wanted to go to Long Beach. SHELDON: It's a very nice community. The Queen Mary is docked there. Once the largest liner in the world, it's now a hotel and restaurant where they host a surprisingly [w]gripping[/w] murder-mystery dinner. RAJ: Sounds fun. HOWARD: I'm game. RAJ: Shotgun. HOWARD: No, no, no. SHELDON: Leonard gets [w]nauseous[/w] unless he sits in front, and even then it's iffy. LEONARD: Wait, are we really going to Long Beach? SHELDON:Leonard? Leonard? Leonard? LEONARD: Let it go, Sheldon. The murderer was the first mate whether it makes sense to you or not. SHELDON:No, that's the least of our worries. I've been doing research on addiction both the [w]biochemical[/w] and [w]behavioral[/w] aspects and I think there's a problem with the current version of our lie. LEONARD: What are you talking about? It's fine, she bought it, it's over. SHELDON:Sadly, it's not. 【口語講解】 1. break a leg祝好運;大獲成功(用于祝愿演員演出成功) 2. I'm game的完整說法是I'm game if you are.:你敢的話,我就敢啊。(誰怕誰啊) 3. call shotgun 坐副駕駛座.?這種說法起源于美國西部歷史,那時駕馬車的人坐在右邊,路上會經(jīng)常有劫匪,所以,總生活大爆炸學英語第一季第十要有一個人坐在左邊副駕駛位置手里拿一桿槍,以防萬一.從此以后,坐副駕駛位就叫做ride shotgun.? 副駕駛叫shotgun.在美國似乎大家都很喜歡副駕駛座,所以如果有好幾個人坐車的話,你如果想搶副駕駛的位子,就要call shotgun, 即:我做副駕駛位子! 4. makes sense有意義;講得通;言之有理. 5.?least of our worries最不用擔心的問題. 6. buy it 相信…的話,除此之外還有放棄,認輸?shù)囊馑?

  • 生活大爆炸學英語第一第十集(1) 善意的謊言

    生活大爆炸學英語第一第十集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard為了不想傷害Penny而撒謊, Sheldon覺得Leonard的謊言不靠譜,打算用另一個慌來掩飾,小編也暈乎了. ? SHELDON: Details, Leonard. The success or failure of our [w]deceitful[/w] enterprise turns on details. LEONARD: Do you have a cousin Leopold? SHELDON: No, I made him up. I think you'd call him Lee. LEONARD: I