看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第五集 【劇情介紹】 漫畫書店舉行神秘勇士錦標賽(一種紙牌游戲), 星際迷航中的一演員威爾惠頓也參加,他曾經(jīng)是Sheldon的偶像,但由于他曾經(jīng) “放鴿子”, Sheldon把他視為敵人.Raj在一旁煽風點火想讓Sheldon參加比賽. SHELDON: Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Betty and Veronica? STUART: Hey,Sheldon,the new Greelantern figurine's coming in tomorrow. Want me to set one aside for you? SHELDON: Thank you. You just robbed me of the opportunity to stumble upon the figurine And make the oh-so-satisfying journey From discovery to desire to possession. STUART: All right,I won't set one aside for you. SHELDON: But I must have it. STUART: Okay,I'll set one aside for you. SHELDON: Thank you. You know,I can buy all these things online. I come here for the personal service. RAJ: Hey,Stuart,is the Wil Wheaton signed up For the Mystic Warlords tournament The Wil Wheaton from Star Trek? STUART: Yeah,he lives around here. Big gamer. SHELDON: Excuse me. Are you saying that will wheaton aka Ensign Wesley Crusher On Star Trek: The next generation Is going to be participating in your tournament? STUART: Oh,I'm sorry,did I rob you of the opportunity to stumble onto that for yourself? SHELDON: You don't understand. Growing up,I idolizedle Wil Wheaton. Wesley Crusher had an eidetic memory just like me. RAJ: Ooh,what a coincidence. Maybe you can discuss with him while you're playing in the tournament. Sign here. SHELDON: I was such a fan That in 1995,I traveled ten hours by bus To a sci-fi convention in Jackson,Mississippi, Wearing my Starfleet Academy cadet uniform In order to meet Wil Wheaton?And get him to autograph My mint in-package Wesley Crusher action figure RAJ: Ooh,it'll be like a reunion then. Sign here. SHELDON: My arduous journey,however,was for naught. Although advertised to appear,he did not show up. It was at that moment,I vowed eternal hatred for Wil Wheaton. RAJ: Okay,great,you can tell him you hate him. Sign here. 【口語講解】 1set aside除了有表示“把…放在一邊”之外還有“撤銷,駁回,宣布…無效”的意思 The appeal was set aside. 上訴被駁生活大爆炸學英語第三季回了。 2rob of搶劫;盜取;偷竊.剝奪;使失去 Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity.電視使電影不像過去那樣受歡迎了。 3 stumble upon偶然發(fā)現(xiàn) I stumble upon the rare book in a second-hand bookstore. 我在一家舊書店偶然找到這本珍貴的書。 4personal service個人服務,personalized service個性化服務 5 eidetic memory過目不忘.photographic memory 6for naught徒勞,沒有價值 All their work was for naught. 他們所有的工作都是白做。
行了頒獎典禮,84歲的紐哈特憑借在上季《生活大爆炸》中客串兒童科學節(jié)目主持人質子教授獲得了喜劇類最佳客串男演員。[/cn] [en]"This is my seventh shot at this. ... I just love this very much," he said
《生活大爆炸》過審 第八季7月國內復播!
須向相關部門提交一季所有劇集——附加字幕——以供審查,才能在中國放映。[/cn] [en]Content deemed violent or pornographic will be deleted. Previously, sites like Youku Tudou, Baidu's iQIYI, , Tencent and others, were largely self-censoring, but the government is currently engaged in a [w]campaign[/w] cracking down on pornography, violence or anything that might challenge the authority of the ruling Communist Party.[/en][cn]被認為屬于色情或暴力的內容將被刪除。之前,優(yōu)酷,土豆,百度門下的愛奇藝,搜狐,騰訊等視頻網(wǎng)站都處于自理審查的狀態(tài),然而,如今,中國政府展開了一場打擊黃色影像制品的活動,對黃色,暴力等違反國家規(guī)定的內容進行治理。[/cn]
準是當下電視節(jié)目中的最高收費。[/cn] [en]Not without reason: "Big Bang" had its highest-rated season ever in 2012-13, and its first few episodes this season are running ahead of that average. Its first two episodes of the fall averaged 18.6 million viewers and a 5.4 rating among adults 18-49 in overnight ratings, putting it in the Top 3 on broadcast TV in both measures.[/en][cn]廣告收費這么高自然是有生活大爆炸》的超高收視讓CBS大道理的:《生活大爆炸》在2012-2013年之間的收視率是其開播以來最好的收視季,而且本季的前幾集收視比平均收視還要高出很多。比如本季前兩集就有1860萬觀眾收看,18-49歲間的主要觀眾群收視率為5.4,不管是總收視還是主要收視人數(shù)都無壓力排入前三。[/cn] [en]The most expensive new series of the fall is "The Blacklist," which commands just under $200,000 per 30-second ad. It's proving to be a [w]decent[/w] buy so far, as its early episodes have drawn solid ratings.[/en][cn]而今年新開播的新劇中,廣告費最高的是《黑名單》,該劇商業(yè)廣告是30秒20萬美元。而從開播以來的這幾集收視成績來看,廣告商出的這個價格絕對沒虧。[/cn]
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第十四集 【劇情介紹】 不知是否是因為Leonard 要債的那段插曲,Penny男朋友Kurt突然良心發(fā)現(xiàn)還錢了,Leonard 以為Penny會因此深受感動感謝他,哪知他又一次把Penny “拱手讓人”, 還被Sheldon戲稱為真正的英雄, 有才哥小謝還自創(chuàng)首歌,有木有音樂家天分? PENNY: Nice hat. LEONARD: It's kind of a fashionable look these days. PENNY: Maybe if you're working on a[w]tuna[/w] boat. SHELDON: Hello,Penny. PENNY: Sheldon,here is your money. Thank you very much. It helped a lot. SHELDON: Sarcasm? PENNY: No. SHELDON: Darn. I can't seem to get the hang of that. LEONARD: Hey,I know it's none of my business,but where did the money come from? PENNY: Well,I cut back my expenses like you said and picked up a few more hours at the restaurant, but the biggest thing was,out of the blue,Kurt shows up and gives me the money he owes me. LEONARD: Really? Did he say why? PENNY: Yes,he said he was feeling guilty and wanted to do what was right. LEONARD: That's it? Did he give any reason as to why he came to this moral [w]epiphany[/w]? PENNY: Nope. I just think he's really changed. We're having dinner tomorrow night,and I get to wear my new beret. Bye,guys. LEONARD: Bye. SHELDON: Well done,Leonard. The true hero doesn't seek [w]adulation[/w]. He fights for right and justice simply because it's his nature. LEONARD: Penny's hooking up with her jerk of an ex-boyfriend and I have indelible ink on my forehead! SHELDON: That's your badge of honor-- your warrior's wound,if you will. I was wrong.Minstrels will write songs about you. LEONARD: Great. SHELDON: There once was a brave lad named Leonard with a -fi fiddle dee-dee. He faced a fearsome giant while Raj just wanted to pee. 【口語講解】 1get the hang of得知……的竅門;熟悉某物的用法;理解某事,摸清概況;鑒賞 2out of the blue突然地,意生活大爆炸學英語第二季外地 3indelible ink防水墨水,消不去的墨水 4badge of honor榮譽勛章 5if you will假如你喜歡的話;如果你愿意那樣說的話
看生活大爆炸學英語第一季第八集(1) 你還是從了吧
看生活大爆炸學英語第一季第八集 【劇情介紹】 Raj的父母要他去相親, Raj不愿意, 想讓Sheldon他們想辦法,但是他們卻一直沒放在心上,Raj后悔交了這幫損友. SHELDON: If I may,?your parents probably don't consider this [w=meddle]meddling[/w]. While arranged marriages are no longer the norm, Indian parents continue to have an greater than average involvement
The Big New 每天一句【生活大爆炸】 每天參與聽寫酷的童鞋可額外抽取獲得50滬元 全周的【生活大爆炸】都參與了的童鞋可額外抽取獲得300滬元 生活中柴米油鹽這些看似簡單的事情,卻讓他們有迷失在太空里一樣的感覺,他們所掌握的那些科學原理在這里根本沒有用武之地...讓我們一起來TBBT... Sheldon&Leonard&Penny在看The Grinch(圣誕怪杰) 【TIP】: Frosty the Snowman?雪人Frosty When we watch Frosty the Snowman, he roots for the sun. 當我們在看"雪人Frosty"的時候,他為太陽歡呼。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
[en]Pop the champagne...Kaley Cuoco has a wedding date! The Big Bang Theory star plans to get 2014 started in style by marrying fiance Ryan Sweeting on New Year's Eve, sources reveal exclusively in the new [w=issue]issue[/w] of Us Weekly. [/en][cn]開香檳吧~凱莉·庫柯確定婚期了!這位《生活大爆炸》女主計劃在2014年有個特別的開始,那就是在除夕夜
對兒在約會將近三個月后閃電訂婚。[/cn] [en]The actress's rep confirmed the engagement news to Us Weekly back in September after the star flashed a massive diamond sparkler while on the Los Angeles set of her film The Wedding Ringer.[/en][cn]凱莉九月在洛杉磯宣傳新
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