[en]Big Bang baby on the way! Simon Helberg and wife Jocelyn Towne are expecting their second child together -- and it was plain to see the evidence on the red carpet at Saturday's Screen Actors Guild Awards in L.A., where the Big Bang Theory actor and his glowing wife, cradling a lovely baby bump in a draped silver gown, happily faced the cameras.[/en][cn]勁爆好消息來了!Simon Helberg和妻子Jocelyn Towne的第二個孩子要出世了——大家在周六的美國演員工會獎紅地毯上可以看到,《生活大爆炸》男演員和他身著銀灰色晚禮服的妻子,已經(jīng)可以看出Jocelyn的肚子已經(jīng)凸起。[/cn] [en]"Yes, my wife is [pregnant,] I can't take all the credit," Helberg, 33, confirmed to Entertainment Tonight's Nancy O'Dell before the ceremony.[/en][cn]“沒錯,我跟大家宣布,我老婆懷孕了,”33歲的Helberg在典禮開始前向媒體宣布。[/cn] [en]Married since 2007, Helberg and actress Towne welcomed daughter Adeline back in May 2012. And, indeed, Towne sported a baby bump at the 2012 SAGs months before Adeline's arrival.[/en][cn]他和妻子在2007年結(jié)婚,2012年的時候迎來了他們的第一個孩子,女兒Adeline。很巧的是,2012年Towne也是打著肚子出席了當(dāng)年的2012年美國演員工會獎。[/cn]
[en]CBS has finalized its deal with Warner Bros. Television for two more seasons of “The Big Bang Theory,” making the Eye’s tentpole comedy one of primetime’s long-running sitcoms, with at least 12 seasons.[/en][cn] CBS終于與華納電視確定了熱門喜劇《生活大爆炸》續(xù)訂兩季的待遇問題,《生活大爆炸》至少會播出十二季,使得該主力喜劇成為從開播以來最長的喜劇之一。[/cn] [en
[en]The last hurdle to Warner Bros. TV and CBS clinching a two-season renewal of “The Big Bang Theory” is setting a new contract with actresses Mayim Bialik and Melissa Rauch.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》續(xù)訂兩季的最后一個困難當(dāng)屬Warner Bros. TV 和CBS與兩位女主演Mayim Bialik 和Melissa Rauch的新合同了。[/cn] [en]Bialik and Rauch both joined “Big Bang” in season three and thus have to date earned significantly less than their co-stars. Both actresses are in the $200,000 per episode range this season, the show’s 10th, compared to $1 million per episode for the original five.[/en][cn] Bialik和Rauch都是在第三季加盟的,她倆的片酬一直低于五位核心主演。在第十季里她倆的片酬是20萬美元每集,而另外五位主演是每集100萬美元。[/cn] [en]In the renewal talks that began late last year, the original cast members agreed to take a $100,000 cut in salary for the prospective 11th and 12th seasons to free up $500,000 to fund raises for Bialik and Rauch.[/en][cn]在2016年末的一次談話中,五位卡司都愿意在第11和12季,從自己的片酬里抽10萬美元集資每集50萬美元勻給Bialik和Rauch。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第五集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard之前與Howard有一項協(xié)定,誰找到漂亮女朋友就得讓他的女友給對方也介紹一個, Leonard旁敲側(cè)擊地跟Penny說了這回事,Penny實在不愿意把自己好友推向“深淵”,但在Leonard的請求下最終答應(yīng)了. LEONARD: So,listen...Have you ever made a pact with someone? PENNY:You mean like a pinky swear? LEONARD: Okay,fine,like a pinky swear. PENNY:Well,in the first
2013-08-22 -
要去客串《生活大爆炸》第六季哦!《好萊塢報道》有報道稱,Lerner將會扮演Mrs. Wolowitz的愛人。[/cn] [en]Don't expect to be seeing more of Mrs. Wolowitz, though. Executive producer Steve Molaro told The Hollywood Reporter, "The glimpse on the rooftop is all you're going to get for now! Isn't she better left to the imagination? There are no plans to actually see her on camera and I think it's probably better that way.". Lerner will appear in the October 18 episode of the show, potentially when Howard will be returning from space.[/en][cn]即便是這樣,大姐也不要指望能看到Wolowitz太太的真面目?!渡畲蟊ā返膱?zhí)行制片人Steve Molaro說,“大家最多也就只能看到從屋頂?shù)囊?!這樣有益于大家發(fā)揮想象不是嗎?目前還沒有計劃讓W(xué)olowitz太太出鏡,我認(rèn)為這樣更好。”Lerner將會在10月18號的這一集出現(xiàn),也就是Howard從太空回來之后。[/cn]
來得更長些。[/cn] [en]CBS announced on Monday (July 29) that its hit comedy will expand to one hour during its premiere on Thursday, Sept. 26, airing two original episodes back-to-back at 8 p.m. The move seems designed to provide as strong a lead-in as possible to Robin Williams' comeback comedy "The Crazy Ones" when it premieres at 9 p.m.[/en][cn]CBS電視網(wǎng)周一宣布,該臺情景喜劇《生活大爆炸》9月26日播出的第七季首播集將生活大爆炸》第七季首播集將會比前幾季會是兩集聯(lián)播,時長將會有1小時,因此開播時間改為晚八點。這個安排似乎是想為排在《生活大爆炸》之后9點播
2013-07-31 -
《生活大爆炸》The Big Bang Theory
生活大爆炸斯基 編 劇:查克·洛爾,比爾·普拉迪 主 演:吉姆·帕森斯,約翰尼·蓋爾克奇,凱莉·庫柯,西蒙·黑爾貝格,昆瑙·納亞爾 類 型:情景喜劇 預(yù)告片: 劇情簡介: [en]The drama describes the story betwwen two 20-year-old's IQ of the California [wv]Institute[/wv] of Technology physics, Leonard(experimental physicist) and Sheldon([wv]theoretical[/wv] physicist) and their door—a beautiful girl?Penny,a would be actor was working in a restaurant.[/en][cn]這部電視劇主要講述了加州理工學(xué)院兩個二十多歲的高智商物理學(xué)學(xué)生Leonard(實驗物理學(xué)家)和Sheldon(理論物理學(xué)家)與他們的對門——一個想成為演員卻在餐館打工的漂亮女孩Penny之間發(fā)生的故事。[/cn] [en]The effect of the film's comedy is achieved
2014-08-19 -
[en]Sheldon, the in-development Big Bang Theory spin-off prequel about breakout character Sheldon Cooper's childhood in Texas, has found its young Sheldon as well as his mother Mary, according to The Hollywood Reporter.[/en][cn]據(jù)《好萊塢報道者》報道,《生活大爆炸》衍生劇中,扮演童年Sheldon Cooper的小演員和扮演Sheldon媽媽Marry的女演員都確定
[en]We're finally going to find out what happened before the Big Bang.[/en][cn]我們終于要知道《生活大爆炸》之前會發(fā)生什么事了。[/cn] [en]According to The Hollywood Reporter, The Big Bang Theory creators Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady and executive producer Steve Molaro are developing a spin-off prequel series that would focus on young Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons).[/en][cn]據(jù)《好萊塢報道者》報道,《生活大爆炸》制作人Chuck Lorre和Bill Prady和執(zhí)行制片人Steve Molaro正在籌備《生活大爆炸》前傳,講述年輕Sheldon Cooper小時候的事。[/cn] [en]Lorre, Prady and Molaro told THR in 2013 that they couldn't imagine doing a spin-off, but apparently their minds have changed.[/en][cn]Lorre、Prady和Molaro在2013年接受《THR》采訪時說,他們當(dāng)時并沒有做衍生劇的想法,不過看來他們現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)換想法了。[/cn]