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  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第一集(3) 這是唯一讓Sheldon開心的方式

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第一集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon跑來質(zhì)問Leonard是否篡改南極考察數(shù)據(jù),Leonard大

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第五集(3)君子報(bào)仇十年不晚

    看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第五集 【劇情介紹】 Penny受Leonard所托,給Howard介紹對象Bernadette, 起初兩個(gè)人完全沒有共同語言,氣氛很尷尬,后來發(fā)現(xiàn)他們都受媽媽“擺布”,這讓氣氛一下緩和,和諧起來. SHELDON:I play nightshade dryad. Game,set and match. Now fetch me Wil Wheaton! Bot-tash bir jab-loo-di rekh kkhakkh-o ny! WIL:Did that guy just say "Revenge is a dish best served cold" in Klingon? STUART: I believe so. WIL:What is wrong with him? STUART: Everyone has a different theory. HOWARD: How about computers? Do you like computers? BERNADETTE: I use them. I don't like them. HOWARD: Okay...Puppets?? Where do you stand on puppies?. BERNADETTE:A puppy once bit my face. HOWARD: Of course it did. LEONARD: How about that? Einstein was wrong. PENNY: What? LEONARD: Approaching the speed of light Doesn't slow down time. Approaching them does. HOWARD: Excuse me. Oh,damn. It's my mother. BERNADETTE: Are you going to answer it? HOWARD: I'm torn. She might be dying,and,you know, I wouldn't want to miss that. On the other hand, If I let it go to voicemail,I could play it over and over. BERNADETTE: I know how you feel. My mother makes me crazy. HOWARD: Not as crazy as my mother makes me. BERNADETTE:Oh,yeah? Does your mother call u every day at work To see if you've had a healthy lunch? HOWARD: My mother calls me at work To see if I had a healthy bowel movement. BERNADETTE: Does she lay out your clothes for you in the morning Like you're nine years old? HOWARD: You live with your mother? BERNADETTE: No. That's the sad part. 【口語講解】 1Revenge is a dish best served cold君子報(bào)仇十年不晚 2Everyone has a different theory.每個(gè)人的觀點(diǎn)都生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季不同,也可以理解為蘿卜白菜各有所愛. 3Where do you stand on對…是什么態(tài)度how do you think of 4bowel movement排便 5lay out展示;安排;花錢; He laid out all his savings in buying a car. 他把所有積蓄都用來買車了。

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第六集(3)我給你買了個(gè)新風(fēng)箏

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第六集 【劇情介紹】 Howard丟下Raj去追美女害得Raj輸?shù)袅孙L(fēng)箏,Howard買來Hello kitty的風(fēng)箏哄Raj開始,囧Raj說我輸?shù)舻哪侵豢墒钦诘呐撂骑L(fēng)箏,我花了天時(shí)間才完成的,你買個(gè)Hello kitty就想打發(fā)我?這段對話感覺像是小兩口在吵架. RAJ: It's open. HOWARD: Hey,pal. RAJ: What do you want? HOWARD: I brought you a little gift. New kite. RAJ: The kite you made me lose was an authentic

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第六集(1)我們出去“斗風(fēng)箏”


  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集(5)你才不是我的上司

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon和Raj大

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集(1) 我不想回印度

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Raj工作上出現(xiàn)了問題,很可能被遣送回國,大

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集(2)我對牛發(fā)誓

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Raj此刻心中充滿對美國生活的不舍,Sheldon對Raj所說的印度習(xí)俗表示質(zhì)疑,這樣Raj很是火大甚至對牛發(fā)誓要給Sheldon點(diǎn)顏色看看. Howard帶來好消息,看樣子“四人幫”是拆不散的. RAJ: Hello,Sheldon. SHELDON: Forgive me,as you know, I’m no adept at reading facial cues,? But I'm going to take a stab here: You’re either sad or [w=nauseate]nauseated[/w]. RAJ: I'm sad. SHELDON: I was going to say sad. I don't know why I [w=hedge]hedged[/w]. RAJ: What are you eating? SHELDON: [w]Elbow[/w] [w]macaroni[/w] with ground hamburger and tomato sauce. RAJ: Oh,beefaroni. I think I'll miss you most of all. LEONARD: I've always been a little confused about this. Why don't [w]Hindus[/w] eat beef? RAJ: We believe cows are gods. SHELDON: Not technically. In [w]Hinduism[/w], cattle are thought to be like god. RAJ: Do not tell me about my own culture, Sheldon! In the mood I'm in, I’ll take you out-- I swear to cow! SHELDON: I'm sorry. RAJ: Me,too. I'm just... I'm a little on edge. SHELDON: Understandable. Your entire life seems to be [w=crumble]crumbling[/w] around you, And your future appears [w]bleak[/w] at best. RAJ: Thank you. SHELDON: And you're wrong about Hinduism and cows. HOWARD:Hey,Raj,guess what. Professor Laughlin is looking for someone to join The [w]stellar[/w] evolution research team. RAJ:You-you're kidding! That's fantastic! HOWARD:What are you waiting for? Call him and set up an interview. RAJ: I'm on it. SHELDON: That's happy,right? LEONARD:Yeah. SHELDON: Nailed it. 【口語講解】 1. adept at熟練于…擅長于,精于,善于 How many college students are more adept at Internet use and software than they are at human relationships? 有多少大學(xué)生們正在變得越來越熟識互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和軟件的使用而疏于人際關(guān)系呢? 2. take a stab at 試試看 I've never bowled before, but I'll take a stab at it. 我以前從來沒打過保齡球,不過我想要試試看。 3. take out 除了有帶某人出去約會的意思外還有消除,消滅;摧毀,毀滅的意思 4. on edge緊張不安;心煩意亂;惱怒 Lately stress has put me on edge. 最近壓力使我易怒。 5. Nailed it搞定,成功.

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第五集(2)我曾經(jīng)是他的粉絲

    看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第五集 【劇情介紹】 漫畫書店舉行神秘勇士錦標(biāo)賽(一種紙牌游戲), 星際迷航中的一演員威爾惠頓也參加,他曾經(jīng)是Sheldon的偶像,但由于他曾經(jīng) “放鴿子”, Sheldon把他視為敵人.Raj在一旁煽風(fēng)點(diǎn)火想讓Sheldon參加比賽. SHELDON: Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Betty and Veronica? STUART: Hey,Sheldon,the new Greelantern figurine's coming in tomorrow. Want me to set one aside for you? SHELDON: Thank you. You just robbed me of the opportunity to stumble upon the figurine And make the oh-so-satisfying journey From discovery to desire to possession. STUART: All right,I won't set one aside for you. SHELDON: But I must have it. STUART: Okay,I'll set one aside for you. SHELDON: Thank you. You know,I can buy all these things online. I come here for the personal service. RAJ: Hey,Stuart,is the Wil Wheaton signed up For the Mystic Warlords tournament The Wil Wheaton from Star Trek? STUART: Yeah,he lives around here. Big gamer. SHELDON: Excuse me. Are you saying that will wheaton aka Ensign Wesley Crusher On Star Trek: The next generation Is going to be participating in your tournament? STUART: Oh,I'm sorry,did I rob you of the opportunity to stumble onto that for yourself? SHELDON: You don't understand. Growing up,I idolizedle Wil Wheaton. Wesley Crusher had an eidetic memory just like me. RAJ: Ooh,what a coincidence. Maybe you can discuss with him while you're playing in the tournament. Sign here. SHELDON: I was such a fan That in 1995,I traveled ten hours by bus To a sci-fi convention in Jackson,Mississippi, Wearing my Starfleet Academy cadet uniform In order to meet Wil Wheaton?And get him to autograph My mint in-package Wesley Crusher action figure RAJ: Ooh,it'll be like a reunion then. Sign here. SHELDON: My arduous journey,however,was for naught. Although advertised to appear,he did not show up. It was at that moment,I vowed eternal hatred for Wil Wheaton. RAJ: Okay,great,you can tell him you hate him. Sign here. 【口語講解】 1set aside除了有表示“把…放在一邊”之外還有“撤銷,駁回,宣布…無效”的意思 The appeal was set aside. 上訴被駁生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季回了。 2rob of搶劫;盜取;偷竊.剝奪;使失去 Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity.電視使電影不像過去那樣受歡迎了。 3 stumble upon偶然發(fā)現(xiàn) I stumble upon the rare book in a second-hand bookstore. 我在一家舊書店偶然找到這本珍貴的書。 4personal service個(gè)人服務(wù),personalized service個(gè)性化服務(wù) 5 eidetic memory過目不忘.photographic memory 6for naught徒勞,沒有價(jià)值 All their work was for naught. 他們所有的工作都是白做。

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第七集 如果喜歡就該結(jié)婚

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第七集 【劇情介紹】 Penny的前男友要來Penny家投宿,Leonard因此跟Penny大

  • 生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集(3)你們會來印度看我嗎

    生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Raj面試的時(shí)候喝了酒說了些不該說的話,面試不成功就罷了還有可能被投訴.正當(dāng)他心灰意冷的時(shí)候, 自稱為挽救局的Sheldon來了, 說他項(xiàng)目正好缺人,Raj可以試一試. HOWARD: What do you mean you didn't get the job? How could you not get it? RAJ: You know, he’s British, I'm Indian. Ever since [w]Gandhi[/w], they haven't liked us very much. LEONARD: Wait