【犯罪心理】S01E09(2) 他想要移除什么?
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標點不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E09(1) 趕往被劫持火車的路上 Hints: Texas You can't turn back now, Ted. 1______________ and following you and... I'm doing it? Leave me alone? Any of you guys have a cell phone with service? We're in the middle of nowhere.
【犯罪心理】S01E11(4) 我雖然不是SSA,但也不是女仆
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標點不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E11(3) 你是在保護自己的聲譽 Hints: None Harriet Beecher Stowe once said "the bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. " Good job. Nice work, everybody, by the way. Thank you. Now I
【犯罪心理】S01E11(2) 我已經(jīng)厭倦了躲避
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標點不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E11(1) 一個是精神病,一個是小偷? Hints: None Elle. Oley? Put that down. Jess? Jessie? Don't you touch him. Please, Don. I said put it down. Now. Oley, think. I got a bullet that travels 1,500 feet a second.
【犯罪心理】S01E13(2) 下迷藥就沒情趣了
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標點不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E13(1) 投毒者一般有四種類型 Hints: None You wanna tell us about Saturday night, Danny? I didn't do anything. Samantha doesn't know what she's talking about. A lot of people saw you at the cafe together on Saturday night.
犯罪心理第五季第15集劇情預告 恐懼擴散
? 犯罪心理第五季第15集: 播出時間:美國時間2010年2月10日 劇情簡介: 這回BAU側(cè)寫了一個喜歡在公共場合尋找獵物并下手的連環(huán)兇手,犯人之所以如此膽大包天,猖狂至極主要目的是為了散布恐慌氣氛,讓人人自危。這樣一個混亂局面,且看我們的小組如何控制。 Criminal Minds Season?5 Episode?15 Public Enemy Airs: February 10, 2010 The team profiles a serial killer who murders his victims in public places, hoping to cause widespread fear.? ?
2010-01-18 -
【犯罪心理】S01E16(4) 你想要發(fā)起一個針對白人的戰(zhàn)爭?
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標點不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E16(3) 邪教都有自己的語言 Hints: None Mr. Cally, I'm special agent Aaron Hotchner with the FBI. You know, I spent my whole life talking to cops and doctors. Something different about you, you're not just a cop, are you
犯罪心理第六季第2集劇情預告 JJ離開
犯罪心理第六季第2集: JJ離開 播出時間:美國時間2010年9月29日 劇情簡介:JJ接犯罪心理到了一個極具誘惑的新工作邀請,同時她在幫助一個女兒失蹤的受害者家庭時感到心力交瘁。于是BAU小組不得不面對JJ將要離開的現(xiàn)實... ? Criminal Minds Season?6 Episode?2 JJ Airs:?September 29, 2010 When JJ attempts to reunite a family whose daughter has mysteriously disappeared, she deals with a new job offer that she can not ignore. Meanwhile, the BAU braces for the loss of one of their own. Final Appearance of Jennifer Jareau