【犯罪心理】S01E16(1) 這里是阿帕切族的土地?
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標(biāo)點(diǎn)不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點(diǎn)擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E15(3) 你能讓我們看看他的暗室么 Hints: None He was like the others. coroner said from the amount of blood, he was alive when they impaled him. I know this is gonna sound strange, but 1__________________. What? These were
【犯罪心理】S01E10(5) 誰又能不做惡夢呢?
上期節(jié)目:【犯罪心理】S01E10(4) 不過是個(gè)僥幸的猜測 Hints: None Reid. Deborah Louise Addison. Her husband Tim. The kids are Amber and Keith. Eight and six. 1985, Deborah Louise was walking home from school. She was abducted. She was 13. We profiled the unsub. And we were able to locate her before he harmed her. She
【犯罪心理】S01E16(3) 邪教都有自己的語言
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標(biāo)點(diǎn)不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點(diǎn)擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目: 【犯罪心理】S01E16(2) 至少有8個(gè)犯罪嫌疑人? Hints: None About a month ago, you placed a call to a psychiatrist in Boulder named Dr. Richard Frank. He's a deprogrammer, and 1_______________. Your daughter joined a dangerous cult, and you
) [en]There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.——Ecclesiastes 7:20[/en] [cn]舊約-傳道書第七章第二十篇:時(shí)常行善而不犯罪的義人,世上實(shí)在沒有。[/cn] ? ? Episode 16: Fear and Loathing(2007.02.14) [en]From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.——Socrates?[/en][cn]蘇格拉底:最深的欲望總能引起最極端的仇恨。[/cn
2016-06-12 -
演員帕姬?布魯斯特(Paget Brewster)告別美劇《犯罪心理》
2012-02-17 -
【犯罪心理】S01E10(4) 不過是個(gè)僥幸的猜測
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標(biāo)點(diǎn)不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點(diǎn)擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目:【犯罪心理】S01E10(3) 你是撒旦教徒? Hints: None Reid tells me you've read all the profiling books. Actually kinda hoping to be one of you guys someday. Are ya? So then you know what profilers do? The unsub likes to inject himself
犯罪心理第五季第18集劇情預(yù)告 聯(lián)合硬仗
? 犯罪心理第五季第18集:聯(lián)合硬仗 播出時(shí)間:美國時(shí)間2010年4月7日 劇情簡介: 闊別一月的BAU小組成員們這次又飛到了舊金山,調(diào)查多起流浪者被害案。在那里他們遇犯罪心理到了另外一組BAU(犯罪心理衍生劇——Minds 2.0的成員?。。。?。雖然雙方調(diào)查的案子不同但其中卻有著某種聯(lián)系。本集將介紹犯罪心理衍生劇的各位成員,領(lǐng)頭的就是下圖右邊那位~下一集就會分開各演各的。期待這兩組人碰出火花(貌似Rossi已經(jīng)做到了...)! Criminal Minds Season?5 Episode?18 The Fight Airs:?April 7, 2010 The BAU team travels
2010-04-01 -
【犯罪心理】S01E06(4) 我是瞄著腿射擊的
填句聽寫,不抄全文,不寫序號,句子最后標(biāo)點(diǎn)不用寫出,答完一空另起一行繼續(xù)作答。 若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點(diǎn)擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 上期節(jié)目:【犯罪心理】S01E06(3) 先傷再救?英雄型殺手? Hints: None You all right? Nice shot. 1___________. I wouldn't have kept kicking, but I was afraid you didn't get my plans. I got your plan the minute 2_____________. Well, I hope I didn't hurt
犯罪心理第六季前瞻 惜別金發(fā)美女JJ
Breaking: 'Criminal Minds' drops A.J. Cook There was [w]blood shed[/w] on the set of Criminal Minds today, only this time it was behind the scenes. 《犯罪心理