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  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第二季官方海報發(fā)布:War is coming!

    《權(quán)力的游戲》第二季將游戲》第二季將會在北京時間2012年4月2日回歸!HBO也開始為該劇第二季宣傳造勢!日前HBO官方發(fā)布了該劇第二季海報一張。海報中將史塔克家族信條凜冬將至(Winter is coming)改成了War is coming??磥?span style="color: #fe6016">第二季各方勢間的廝殺是主線。 After debuting "The North Remembers" fan poster yesterday, HBO has finally released the official "Game of Thrones" Season 2 poster. Its tagline? War is coming.

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第二季回歸在即 人物看點大曝光


  • 《權(quán)力的戲》第二季結(jié)局將加長10分鐘

    Oh "Game of Thrones!" Cable just won't be the same without you. Season 2 is almost over and "Blackwater" has aired. Only one more episode left and so much to look forward to. Zap2it just let you know which new characters we'll be seeing in Season 3. Now we have one more Westeros-related present for you. "Valar Morghulis," the Season 2 [w]finale[/w] of "Game of Thrones" will run an extra ten minutes. Yes, there will be even more [w]goodness[/w]. Will it be enough to tide you over until next year? Probably not. Will it mean you'll get more [w]wrap[/w] up and possibly dragon-y goodness? Yes. Now the fly in the [w]ointment[/w]. Some DVR's won't pick up the last few minutes. You might want to call your cable company and see if this will be a problem. Better yet, watch it live. Let us know what moments you're the most excited to see. Valar Morghulis! 滬江娛樂快訊:?哦!《權(quán)力的游戲》(Game of Thrones)?。BO要是沒了你該怎么辦啊。第二季已經(jīng)臨近結(jié)束,《黑水河之戰(zhàn)》已經(jīng)播出?,F(xiàn)在只剩下最后一集了,好多期待等著我們。之前我們已經(jīng)發(fā)布新聞,告訴大家第三季中將出現(xiàn)的眾多新人物。 這里還有一則關(guān)于維斯特洛大陸的禮物要送出?!稒?quán)力的游戲》(Game of Thrones)第二季大結(jié)局《凡人皆有一死》(Valar Morghulis)播出時將加長10分鐘。是滴,到時將

  • 《復(fù)仇》第二季:情路漫漫,幸福難得

    舉辦一個沒有莉迪亞(Lydia)的派對。” 英國演員巴里·斯羅恩(Barry Sloane)加盟第二季,他的角色除了是艾米莉(Emily)的老朋友之外,還有可能是她的新戀人。對于此人的到來,凱利表示:”艾米莉的真實身份將被徹底探究一番?!?諾蘭(Nolan)交上新女友,然而加百利·曼恩(Gabriel Mann)卻說是男是女并不重要。”我覺得只要能和全心全意地愛他或者讓他體會到被愛的人在一起,諾蘭就會很幸福。諾蘭會找到屬于自己的愛情嗎?第二季會給出答案,讓我們一同期待吧?!甭髡f。 杰克(Jack)似乎并不因為阿曼達(dá)(Amanda)回到自己身邊而感到快樂。“繼續(xù)和她在一起,只是出于責(zé)任感而已。我還是很關(guān)心她,不過......我對她的感情已經(jīng)變淡了?!蹦峥恕ぞS切斯勒(Nick Wechsler)解釋道。那么杰克會不會要求做親子鑒定呢?“這個還有待討論?!蹦峥藳]有給出一個明確回答。

  • 《復(fù)仇》第二季7月開拍

    Actors from Revenge have been able to ward off questions about the Season 1 cliffhangers by claiming to have not read the [w=script]scripts[/w] yet. But soon, they’ll be out of excuses! Series star Gabriel Mann recently tweeted that the show will start filming in less than a month, saying: #REVEN8E starts shooting S2 july 16th! summer #hamptons here we come. back to #GetSome. #revengers [w]assemble[/w]— Gabriel Mann (@Gabriel_Mann) June 23, 2012. Unfortunately, we have to wait until the fall (probably around September 2012) to see what happens to Emily Thorne, the Graysons, and Nolan Ross. 滬江娛樂快訊:《復(fù)仇》(Revenge)的演員們之前總是以他們還沒有讀劇本的借口來回避我們關(guān)于第一季留下的巨大懸念的問題。 但是他們很快就不能再找借口了! 本劇中諾蘭·羅斯(Nolan Ross)的扮演者加布里埃爾·曼在推特上說只有不到一個月的時間,《復(fù)仇》第二季就要開拍了:“《復(fù)仇》第二季將在7月16日開始拍攝!夏天的漢普頓(Hampton),我們來了。我已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了,復(fù)仇者們,集合!” 但很不爽的是,我們卻得等到今年秋天(大概是九月)才能與艾米莉·索恩(Emily Thorne),格雷森一家(Graysons)還有諾蘭見面。 ?

  • HBO續(xù)訂《政局邊緣》第二季

    [en]“The Brink” has earned a second season from HBO.[/en][cn]HBO續(xù)訂了《政局邊緣》(The Brink)第二季。[/cn] [en]The dark comedy, starring Jack Black and Tim Robbins, was renewed, just a month after its June premiere.[/en][cn]這部由杰克·布萊克(Jack Black)和蒂姆·羅賓斯(Tim Robbins)主演的黑色喜劇在六月開播僅一個月之后,就獲得了續(xù)訂。[/cn] [en]“The Brink

  • 《雙螺旋》被Syfy續(xù)訂第二季

    [en]"Helix" has been renewed for Season 2 on Syfy. The tense, mysterious series will return in 2015 with 13 new episodes.[/en][cn]Syfy電視臺宣布續(xù)訂《雙螺旋》第二季。這部集緊張、懸疑為一體的美劇將第二季會在2015年回歸,仍然是13集。[/cn] [en]"Helix has built one of our most loyal and consistent audiences in its first season on Syfy," says Syfy executive vice president Bill McGoldrick in a statement. "The incredibly talented writing and producing team have crafted a thriller that consistently delivered suspense, twists and high quality drama. We look forward to growing this passionate audience in what promises to be an even more memorable second season."[/en][cn]“《雙螺旋》這部美劇第一季就給我們電視臺吸引了一批忠誠的觀眾,”Syfy電視臺副執(zhí)行總監(jiān)Bill McGoldrick說?!斑@部集天才劇本和制作團隊為一體的美劇給觀眾們打造了一個懸疑、緊張、轉(zhuǎn)折、高潮接連不斷的高質(zhì)量劇集。我們都很看好這部劇的潛力,并且相信這部劇的第二季將會更加讓人記憶深刻。”[/cn] [en]The "Helix" Season 1 finale airs Friday, March 28 at 10 p.m. on Syfy.[/en][cn]《雙螺旋》第一季大結(jié)局將會在3月28日晚在Syfy電視臺播出。[/cn]

  • 《權(quán)力的游戲》第二季第一集今日首播 讀英文原著者必備術(shù)語掃盲

    家族(龍家House Targaryen)和拜拉席恩家族(鹿家House Baratheon)。 寒冰劍(Ice) 這把由艾德?史塔克親自揮舞的古劍常用于對違反北境法律之人的斬首行刑。 鐵王座(Iron Throne) 由戰(zhàn)敗敵人佩劍所鑄成的鐵王座是七國至高權(quán)力的象征,也是各大家族不折手段競相爭奪的目標(biāo)。 國王之手(King’s Hand) 在國王缺席、生病或者其他突發(fā)情況下,“國王之手”(即御前首相)將代理國王處理七國所有事宜。 君游戲》第二季臨城(King’s Landing) 坐落在南境的君臨城是七大王國的首都,也是爾虞我詐政治斗爭的主要戰(zhàn)場。令人萬般垂涎的鐵王座正是位于該城的紅堡(Red Keep)中。 學(xué)士(Maesters) 對諸多領(lǐng)域均有深刻了解的學(xué)者的總稱。學(xué)士為其依附的權(quán)貴家族出謀劃策并傳授知識,其脖子上佩戴的沉重鏈鎖就是學(xué)士獨一無的標(biāo)識。? 守夜人(Night’s Watch) 一支駐守在王國最北絕境長城,以防止城外潛在入侵者為職責(zé)的部隊

  • 重口美劇《超感八人組》續(xù)訂第二季

    [en]The titular characters on Netflix's Sense8 got a very special birthday present Saturday: a Season 2 pickup.[/en][cn]Netflix網(wǎng)超感8人組的各位主演們在周六為這部劇奉上了一個非常特別的生日禮物: 第二季的續(xù)訂。[/cn] [en]Netflix announced the renewal via Twitter, with a video that featured many of the cast members singing "Happy Birthday

  • 《權(quán)力的戲》把美劇當(dāng)電影拍 第二季增重要角色

    《權(quán)利的戲》是HB0在去年推出的一檔頗有影響的傳奇大戲。劇中華麗的場景,演技精湛的演員還有引人入勝的劇情給全球觀眾留下了相當(dāng)深刻的印象,甚至被稱為拿電視劇當(dāng)電影拍的巨作。該劇第二季將會在明年4月首播。 [en]Two big pieces of news out of HBO this week:[/en][cn]本周HBO放出兩條重磅消息:[/cn] [en]1. Game of Thrones will return in April.[/en][cn]1. 《權(quán)利的戲》第二季將在2012年4月回歸。[/cn] [en]2. Rose Leslie has landed