記性不如爛筆頭 3.公瑾們,盡情鞭撻我吧 4.一心多用 七、互動答疑Q&A 想提前一周知道最精彩的公開課安排嗎?那拖延就來訂閱滬江CCTalk電子報吧!電子報的訂閱入口>> 滬江網(wǎng)校還為大家提供了其他的活動,歡迎大家預(yù)約:最新活動預(yù)約 請注意!參與本活動須使用滬江全新語音學(xué)習(xí)軟件CCTalk,使用指南如下: 1.?注冊滬江網(wǎng)獲得用戶名(已是滬江用戶的不必注冊); 2. 點(diǎn)擊網(wǎng)址http://class.hujiang.com/zt/cctalk/下載CCtalk軟件; 3. 軟件安裝結(jié)束后,輸入滬江網(wǎng)的用戶名和密碼登陸CCtalk; 4. 點(diǎn)擊下圖中用紅圈標(biāo)注的“學(xué)習(xí)中心”; 5. 找到“興趣大廳”位置,點(diǎn)擊進(jìn)入; 6. 講座期間進(jìn)入興趣大廳后,如果想發(fā)言,請點(diǎn)擊下圖中的“舉手”(藍(lán)色按鈕),被主持人選中后就可以發(fā)言。說話的時候可以看到麥克進(jìn)度條在隨麥克聲音發(fā)生變化,別人說話也可以看到耳機(jī)或揚(yáng)聲器的進(jìn)度條在變化。
(本文所有圖片均轉(zhuǎn)載自TED官網(wǎng)) 拖延癥,學(xué)名懶癌,坊間俗稱“活該”,基本上每本成功學(xué)教材都會告訴你要治好它,但沒有一本告訴你怎么治。 于是,果不其然,這種疑難雜癥又得找TED,而且英語君找到的還是個段子手的演講,看到一半就笑到不能自理了。 今天的演講者叫 Tim Urban,是一個住在紐約的科普博客寫手, 他的博客叫做 [en]Wait But Why[/en][cn]刨根問底[/cn] 專門對時下流行的話題進(jìn)行詳盡的科普,Tim 本人還會給文章畫插畫。 這些博文常被其他網(wǎng)站引用,而且還在《赫芬頓郵報》等媒體上連載。 英文字幕如下:↓上下滑動鼠標(biāo)滾輪 查看全部↓ ? So
到了新的郵件——把新郵件放進(jìn)新的文件夾。[/cn] [en]31. Have a look at the intranet to see what’s on the canteen menu today.[/en][cn]瀏覽下公司內(nèi)網(wǎng),看看餐廳今天的菜單。[/cn] [en]32. Tweet Burgers for lunch![/en][cn]發(fā)條推文:“午飯吃漢堡!”[/cn] [en]33. Read “urgent” email from your marketing nemesis about a brief you’ve apparently missed.[/en][cn]營銷部的“掃把星”給你封緊急郵件,里面說明了你尚未完成的任務(wù)。[/cn] [en]34. Go and talk to your marketing nemesis who has obv not made what they want clear if you’ve not done it.[/en][cn]雖然他們并未說清自己到底需要什么,但你還是跑過去告訴他們自己是否已經(jīng)完成任務(wù)。[/cn] [en]35. Insist to them that you’ve never seen said brief before.[/en][cn]堅稱自己之前根本沒有看到過這個任務(wù)。[/cn] [en]36. Call all brief “stakeholders” to a meeting to go over it again.[/en][cn]召集所
作為借口的拖延。同時我也發(fā)現(xiàn)了與此相關(guān)的另一種傾向:以忙碌工作為借口的拖延。修改文件格式并不是寫作!漫無目的地上網(wǎng)瀏覽并不是研究![/cn] [en]When a task is truly horrible, I sometimes tackle it with the resolution to Suffer for 15 minutes.[/en][cn]當(dāng)一個任務(wù)真的相當(dāng)艱巨時,我通常采用忍受15分鐘的方式來應(yīng)對。[/cn] [en]How
須在今天完成一件事,那就盡早完成這件事。你可以拖延的事情是不需要在今天馬上解決的事情,而且這件事情可以等到任意的時間來完成。[/cn] [en]5. Opportunities That Will Pass [/en][cn]轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的機(jī)會[/cn] [en]Have you ever put off a task that caused you to miss an opportunity? Never put off tasks that are time-sensitive or may [w]expire[/w]. Many opportunities that come along have a
開學(xué)季-戰(zhàn)勝拖延 勇往直前(公開課回顧)
公開課《開學(xué)季:戰(zhàn)勝拖延,勇往直前》視頻回顧: 推薦:最新開學(xué)季活動 名師檔案: 雄叔,畢業(yè)于上海外國語大學(xué),擅長幫助口語學(xué)習(xí)者提高口語表達(dá)能力。其如native speaker般的口語、略帶播音腔的聲線、幽默風(fēng)趣的授課風(fēng)格深受學(xué)員的喜愛。雄叔對美劇、電影等愛不釋眼,并且堅信不用出國也能練就地道口語! 戳此直達(dá)老師主頁>>> 內(nèi)容大綱: 1.?Are you a procrastinator? A.At the beginning of every week,you_____ make to-do lists for your calendar. mes make to-do lists but you often forget. 't bother with planning and just let things happen. B.When you need to buy someone a gift,you_____ something right away(immediately) something a few days before you have to give it. something up on the day you have to give it. C.When you have something that's broken,you_____ ately take it in to be repaired. for convenient time to take it in. get around to taking it in. D.Wthen you have a lot of things you need to do,you do _____ hardest things first. easiest things first. ng but what you need to do. E.When you need to get something done in a short amount of time,you_____ motivated to work even harder. a little nervous,but you get to work. a hard time doing it. F.You _____feel bad when there are things you haven't got done yet. mes 2. An interesting fact on procrastination. Procrastination is spending 30 minutes finding a pen and another 10 minutes getting it to work! Procrastination is making a cup of tea,and another cup of tea! 3. Say no to procrastination! (1)Just make those ** plans!—be the master of time,not the slave (2)Learn to refuse!—Say no to distractions (3)I really appreciate your help!—Learn to accept,learn to relax (4)I need to get it done immediately!—create urgency 想提前一周知道最精彩的公開課安排嗎?那就來訂閱滬江CCTalk電子報吧!電子報的訂閱入口>>> 滬江網(wǎng)校還為大家提供了其他的活動,歡迎大家預(yù)約:最新活動預(yù)約
2013-09-03 -
[en]Some people may wonder why [w]procrastination[/w] advice seems to never work for them and if there is a deeper issue at hand. Well, for 20 percent of the population who are [w]chronic[/w] procrastinators, it is a serious problem that needs to be [w=address]addressed[/w].[/en][cn]一些人會覺得治療拖延癥的方法對他們總是不起作用,會不會癥結(jié)不在這里。其實(shí),20%的人都有拖拉的毛病,這個問題值得好好討論一下。[/cn] [en]Surround yourself with doers: It's healthy for a chronic procrastinator to surround herself with people who are likely to do things. It'll be a good [w]influence[/w] on those with a [w]tendency[/w] to [w]delay[/w] tasks.[/en][cn]和有執(zhí)行力的人在一起:對拖延癥患者來說,和愿意做事的人多相處是很有裨益的。這會給他們施加正面力量。[/cn] [en]Just take a small step at a time:For example, if you're supposed to write an essay, start with a few [w=paragraph]paragraphs[/w], and if that's too much for you, [w]resolve[/w] to write just one. If that's still [w]overwhelming[/w], stick to a couple of sentences or even a few words.[/en][cn]每次做一小步:比如,如果你要寫論文,先寫幾個段落,如果你覺得完成幾個段落對你來說量太多,那就先寫一個段落。如果這樣還不能完成,可以先寫幾個句子,甚至是幾個單詞。[/cn] [en]Set up a reward system: People like to do things they enjoy doing. [w=Reward]Rewarding[/w] yourself with something you enjoy after you complete something that you've been [w=dread]dreading[/w] to do. For example, reward yourself with half an hour of Desperate Housewives after doing [w]laundry[/w].[/en][cn]建立獎勵機(jī)制:人們總是會做他們喜歡做的事,在你完成某件事后可以獎勵下自己。比如,洗完臟衣服后可以看半小時的《絕望主婦》犒勞下。[/cn] [en]Public posting: Because procrastinators care so much about how others view them, they are more likely to do tasks when they publicly [w]announce[/w] it. Then when you've completed it, let everyone know that you've done what you set out to do. The "likes" and [w]congratulatory[/w] tweets will feel very satisfying.[/en][cn]公眾監(jiān)督:拖延癥患者很介意別人對他們的看法,所以如果別人都知道他們最近在忙什么,他們會因為顧及面子盡快完成。當(dāng)做好事情后,讓每個人都知道你的成果。微博上的“頂”和鼓勵的話會讓他們很有滿足感。[/cn]
2012-09-13終結(jié)拖延癥 打倒拖延癥 拖延心理學(xué) 拖延癥 執(zhí)行力 職場效率 職場英語 國內(nèi)英語