again.[/en] [cn]過去的事就別再提了,重歸于好吧。[/cn] [en]What has happened shall be buried in oblivion.[/en] [cn]既往不咎。[/cn] up a shift [en]【原句】I picked up a shift so I could pay you two shrews faster.(S06E01)[/en] [cn]【翻譯】我又找了個活,就能趕緊還你兩潑婦的錢。[/cn] 【場景】Max去趟衛(wèi)生間時間,Caroline在甜品吧看到穿著另套制服的Han捧著一束鮮花進門,交流中得知Han為了盡快還錢
2020-02-14 -
要給她多吃一些使她養(yǎng)胖一點兒。[/cn] [en]The river fed into a lake.[/en] [cn]這條河流入一個湖泊。[/cn] through [en]【原句】... to hear that you pulled through from the renal failure, ... (S05E21)[/en] [cn]【翻譯】...你能聽過腎衰竭這樣的難關(guān)...[/cn] 【場景】Caroline邀著Randy和Max再見隔壁店主,待見到店主,先送上蛋糕被拒,聽店主說道以前換過腎,此招不通再換Randy上,Max直截了當說出此行的意圖。 【講解】 pull through恢復健康,精神狀況轉(zhuǎn)好,情緒轉(zhuǎn)好;渡。 = ①continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.) ②bring into safety pull過去式:pulled過去分詞:pulled現(xiàn)在分詞:pulling第三人稱單數(shù):pulls 【例句】 [en]He will pull through his
2019-12-19 -
上了Ins.[/cn] [en]Michael arrived at his wedding in a sky blue Brooks Brothers suit perfectly suited to the summer, popping on a black tie and white dress shirt.[/en][cn]馬姐妹克爾婚禮當天穿了一件很夏天的天藍色Brooks Brothers套裝,穿著白色襯衫,配了一條黑色領(lǐng)帶。[/cn] [en]The couple have been engaged for slightly over two years, and had been together for a further six years before he popped the question.[/en][cn]這對情侶訂婚兩年多一點,訂婚之前交往了6年。[/cn] [en]Bethsaid: 'He proposed on our friends Christina Hendricks and Geoffrey Arend's rooftop at sunset with a private jazz band playing my favorite Miles Davis /John Coltrane song overlooking Manhattan!'[/en][cn]貝絲說:“日落時分,他在我們好友Christina Hendricks and Geoffrey Arend家的屋頂上面請了私人爵士樂隊演奏我最喜歡Miles Davis /John Coltrane的歌曲《overlooking Manhattan》!向我求婚?!盵/cn] [en]Christina happens to have been Michael's co-star on Mad Men, and Geoffrey has been married to her for nine years.[/en][cn]克里斯蒂娜和馬克爾共同出演《廣告狂人》杰弗里和克里斯蒂娜結(jié)婚有9年之久。[/cn] ??????? (翻譯:林潯鷗)
姐妹開了一點窗戶,讓新鮮空氣進入室內(nèi)。[/cn] [en]There is a crack in this window.[/en] [cn]這扇窗戶上有個裂紋。[/cn] ? 2. hot spot [en]【原句】That's her hot spot, so don't lick it.(S03E11)[/en] [cn]【翻譯】那是她的痛處,所以別隨便碰。[/cn] 【場景】Carline她們坐著Bebe(烘焙學校的辦公人員)的車前往
出演女姐妹花服務生的貝絲·比厄和凱特·戴琳斯,將于1月8日一起搭檔主持第40屆人民選擇獎。這也是本節(jié)目第一次請兩個人主持。[/cn] [en]“Kat and Beth are great [w=addition]additions[/w] to our People’s Choice family and we are excited to have them host the show,” said People’s Choice Awards Executive Producer Mark
2013-11-06 -
will smooth your pathway to success.[/en] [cn]為人圓通會讓你成功的道路通暢無阻。[/cn] [en]I hope I don't cross his path/cross paths with him again.[/en] [cn]我希望不要再遇到他了。[/cn] it down a notch [en]【原句】Take it down a notch.(S04E22)[/en] [cn]【翻譯】求你省省吧。[/cn] 【場景】店里好不容易來了兩位空姐,Caroline激動地招呼客人,巴拉巴拉說了一堆,在一旁的Max站不住要說句話了。 【講解
打工補上一句昨晚分別后就沒見過她們,這句讓Caroline想起跟蹤她們的事,便懟了回去。 【講解】 lurk v. 潛藏;潛伏;埋伏。n. 潛伏;隱藏。 lurk around outside潛伏在外面。lurk about偷偷摸摸地行動。on the lurk暗中行動。 【例句】 [en]Danger lurked round every corner.[/en] [cn]每個角落都暗藏著危險。[/cn] [en]A fox was sneaking on the lurk.[/en] [cn]一只狐貍正在偷偷摸摸地潛行窺探。[/cn] 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。本文翻譯僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。