捉到一只大海龜。 Turtles like to bask in the sun. 海龜喜歡曝于陽光中。 The turtle peacefully submit to all sorts of indignities. 海龜溫順地忍受著各種侮辱。crystal是什么意思: n. 水晶,結晶體 adj. 水晶制的;水晶似的,清澈透明的,晶瑩的 crystallize vt. 使結晶;使具體化;做成蜜餞 The basic form of this crystal is a rhomb. 此類晶體的基本形狀為一菱面體。 They didn't crystallize, they split. 他們不是具體化,而是分裂。 到滬江小D查看冰糖甲魚的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 冰糖葫蘆的英文怎么說>> 冰糖用英文怎么說>> 冰水果咖啡的英文>> 冰霜的英文怎么說>> 冰上舞蹈的英文怎么說>>
2012-06-26 -
英語是國際通用語言,在全球范圍內有著廣泛的應用和傳播。對于想要留學、出國工作或者與外國人交流的人來說,英語是必備的語言能力。下文中就來為大家介紹panda的英文怎么讀,一起來了解吧。 panda的音標為[?p?nd?],中文釋義是熊貓。例句:The giant panda is loved by people throughout the world.大熊貓受到全世界人民的喜愛。 panda 英 [?p?nd?] 美 [?p?nd?] n. 熊貓;貓熊 短語: giant panda [動]大熊貓;大貓熊 例句: 1.The panda is a shy creature. 熊貓是一種膽小的動物。 2.Bamboo is the panda's staple diet. 大熊貓的基本食物是竹子。 3.It is well-known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet. 眾所周知,竹筍是熊貓的主要食物。 4.The panda's natural habitat is the bamboo forest. 大熊貓的天然棲息地是竹林。 5.I have spotted the panda! 我看
理他。 I really like him and I want to get to know him better, but he keeps blowing me off. 我真的很喜歡他,也想進一步了解他, 可是他老晾著我。 2. brush sb. off /br??/ 這個短語不僅僅表示不理對方,而且態(tài)度還極為簡單粗暴,想趕緊把人家打發(fā)走。 I asked him for help, but he just brushed me off. 我請他幫忙,結果他不理我。 3. cross sb. out 如果單是說“cross out”,這個短語就是“刪除”的意思,可是用在人的情緒上,就是“不搭理某人”。 He always makes jokes on me, so I am crossing him out. 他總是拿我開玩笑,我就不搭理他了。 4. give sb. the cold shoulder 給別人“一個冰冷的肩膀”,意思是雖然你倆認識,但是你的態(tài)度很冷漠,對人家不理不睬。 Most of the other professors gave him the cold shoulder. 其他大部分的教授都怎么不愛搭理他。 5. ignore sb. ignore是動詞“不理”的意思,ignore sb. 表示忽略某人、假裝看不到的意思。 If he tries to start an argument,just ignore him. 如果他想挑事兒,甭理他。 6. look right through sb. 這個短語不是說你看穿了誰,而是要表達你當某人是空氣,不予理會。 He tried to engage the woman next to him in conversation,but she looked right through him. 他總想跟旁邊的女人搭訕,但人家卻視他如無物。 conversation /?k?nv??se??n/ n. 交談,會話 冷戰(zhàn)用英語怎么說?文中應該告訴大家了吧!你已經(jīng)學會了嗎?如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學,掃一掃領200暢學卡。
2024-06-10 -
冰箱的英文: icebox refrigerator fridge freezer參考例句: Refrigerators cool ford. 冰箱冷卻食物。 We keep frozen food in a freezer. 我們在冰箱里保存冷凍的食品。 The refrigerant in a household refrigerator also undergoes a cyclic process 家用冰箱的致冷劑,也經(jīng)歷循環(huán)過程。 If there's any food(left)over,put it in the fridge. 食物要是剩下就放進冰箱里. We keep frozen food in a freezer 我們在冰箱里保存冷凍的食品。 Then pour it with the broth and put in a fridge. 然后倒上肉湯把它放進冰箱里保鮮。 You ought to have married an icebox—that’s the only thing in this house you’re really attentive to. 你只應娶個冰箱——這是這個房子里頭唯一得到你垂青的東西。 When the bees have plugged up the holes the mats go into the freezer 當這些小格子被蜜蜂填滿了蜂膠以后,這些墊子就被放入冰箱中 Uncooked meat soon goes off in this hot weather unless it is kept in a refrigerator. 如果不放在冰箱里的話,生肉在這樣的大熱天里很快就會變質。 Saran(或saran; plastic) wrap; plastic film; handi-wrap 冰箱保鮮膜icebox是什么意思: n. 冰柜 He had a bottle of beer from the icebox that was perspiring cold drops in the sun 他手中還拿著一瓶從冰箱里取出來的啤酒,叫太陽一曬,酒瓶子面上全是冰水珠子。 Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose 制造一臺有效率的冰箱不像我們想象的那么簡單。 You ought to have married an icebox—that’s the only thing in this house you’re really attentive to. 你只應娶個冰箱——這是這個房子里頭唯一得到你垂青的東西。refrigerator是什么意思: n. 冰箱;冷藏庫 The refrigerant in a household refrigerator also undergoes a cyclic process 家用冰箱的致冷劑,也經(jīng)歷循環(huán)過程。 The refrigerator is not functioning well. 冰箱有點問題。 Refrigerate any leftovers. 把剩菜放進冰箱里。fridge是什么意思: n. 冰箱 Then pour it with the broth and put in a fridge. 然后倒上肉湯把它放進冰箱里保鮮。 She can mend the fridge by herself. 她冰箱的英文: icebox refrigerator fridge freezer參考例句: Refrigerators cool ford. 冰箱冷卻食物。 We keep frozen food in a freezer. 我們在冰可以自己修理冰箱。 The fish will go bad if you don't put it in the fridge. 這魚不放入冰箱內就會腐壞. 到滬江小D查看冰箱的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 冰香草卡布奇諾的英文怎么說>> 冰香草咖啡拿鐵的英文怎么說>> 冰舞用英語怎么說>> 冰萵苣的英文怎么說>> 冰桶挑戰(zhàn)的英文怎么說>>
cold in summer when the air is not cold. 在夏天,天氣不冷時,你也會感冒。 The cold weather froze the lake. 寒冷的天氣把湖凍住了。 Winter is a time of cough and cold. 冬季是易患咳嗽和感冒的季節(jié)。 到滬江小D查看冰涼的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 冰冷用英文怎么說>> 冰卡布奇諾的英文怎么說>> 冰咖啡的英文怎么說>> 冰焦糖卡布奇諾的英文怎么說>> 冰焦糖咖啡拿鐵的英文怎么說>>
用手洗。 I'll have to leave after this hand. 這一盤打完后我必須走了。 I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out the letter... 我把手伸進口袋,掏出了那封信。 I feel that possibly the majority of these dogs are in the wrong hands... 在我看來很可能這些狗大多數(shù)都沒有人妥善照看。 I could see you'd want a hand with the children... 我能看出你需要有人幫著照看孩子。 2、作為及物動詞,譯為交;遞;給。 例句:He handed me a little rectangle of white paper... 他遞給我一張小小的長方形白紙片。 You've got
with ice. 這船為冰所包圍。 And a ginger ale with lots of ice. 一份姜汁,加很多冰塊。 They have to cut step in the ice as they climb. 他們往上爬時得在冰上鑿出踏腳處。 到滬江小D查看冰封的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 冰法式滴濾的英文怎么說>> 冰毒用英文怎么說>> 冰凍西瓜的英文怎么說>> 冰凍生菜的英文怎么說>> 冰凍用英語怎么說>>
water. 水會從他們的桶里流出,而種子會獲得充足的水源。glaze是什么意思: n. 釉;光滑面;蛋漿 v. 裝以玻璃;上釉于;澆漿汁于;變光滑;變呆滯 This is called buff glazed paper. 這被稱為米色道林紙。 He is going to glaze a picture. 他準備給這幅畫罩上玻璃框。 Whoever invented glaze is a genius. 發(fā)明蛋漿的人實在太天才了。 The workers glazed these porchains. 我們給這些瓷器上彩。 He is glazing pottery. 他正給陶器上彩。 到滬江小D查看冰衣的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 冰雪用英文怎么說>> 冰心苦瓜的英文怎么說>> 冰鞋的英文怎么說>> 冰箱的英文怎么說>> 冰香草卡布奇諾的英文怎么說>>
不可抗拒的推進。 The deep crevasse yawned at their feet. 他們腳下的冰川有一道深深的裂縫. Ice sheets are broad glaciers that blanket whole regions. 冰蓋則是能把整個地區(qū)覆蓋起來的廣闊冰川。 A comparatively short period of warmth during an overall period of glaciation. 間冰期完整冰川運動期間一個相對較短的溫暖期 alluvial soil was found to be more likely to show a greater deficiency of magnesium than glacial till soils 沖積土比冰川土更容易呈現(xiàn)較冰川的英文: glacier參考例句: Valley glaciers are confined to valleys in mountainous terrain. 山谷冰川只限于多山地帶的山谷。 One of a series of short scars made by glacial drift on a surface of bedrock. 冰嚴重的缺鎂。glacier是什么意思: n. 冰河 The gorge was formed by a glacier. 這個峽谷是由冰河形成的。 Ice sheets are broad glaciers that blanket whole regions. 冰蓋則是能把整個地區(qū)覆蓋起來的廣闊冰川。 Rocks of assorted sizes and shapes are embedded in the bottom of a glacier 多種尺寸和形狀的巖石都埋藏在冰川的底部。 A large majority of glaciers are in retreat, defined as the shifting of the snout. 從冰川鼻移動的定義出發(fā),大部分冰川都在退縮。 The climbers were roped together when they crossed the glacier. 登山的人在過冰川時相互用繩子系在一起。 到滬江小D查看冰川的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 冰車僵尸的英文怎么說>> 冰草莓咖啡拿鐵的英文怎么說>> 冰菠蘿咖啡拿鐵的英文怎么說>> 冰薄荷咖啡的英文怎么說>> 冰雹的英文怎么說>>