blackcurrants freeze well? 黑醋栗冷藏之后還好吃嗎? freeze a society's funds 凍結一團體的基金 ice是什么意思: n. 冰,冰塊;冰淇淋 v. 結冰,使結冰 The ship was beset with ice. 這船為冰所包圍。 And a ginger ale with lots of ice. 一份姜汁,加很多冰塊。 They have to cut step in the ice as they climb. 他們往上爬時得在冰上鑿出踏腳處。 到滬江小D查看結冰的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 結伴的英文怎么說>> 結拜的英文怎么說>> 結案的英文>> 潔癖控的英文怎么說>> 潔具的英文怎么說>>
綿綿冰的英文: Mein mein iceice是什么意思: n. 冰,冰塊;冰淇淋 v. 結冰,使結冰 The ship was beset with ice. 這船為冰所包圍。 And a ginger ale with lots of ice. 一份姜汁,加很多冰塊。 They have to cut step in the ice as they climb. 他們往上爬時得在冰上鑿出踏腳處。 Skate on thin ice. 如履薄冰。 a pool tissued with ice 水面結薄冰的池塘 到滬江小D查看綿綿冰的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 綿綿的英文怎么說>> 蜜汁蒸鱸魚的英文怎么說>> 蜜汁煙熏鴨肉卷的英文怎么說>> 蜜汁鴨胸的英文怎么說>> 蜜汁燒小肉排的英文怎么說>>
緊接著是是傾盆大雨加冰雹。melting是什么意思: adj. 熔化的;溶解的;融化的;動人的;感傷的 v. melt的現(xiàn)在分詞 melt into the background 逐漸消失|漸漸由濃變淡 The act or process of melting. 熔解;熔解的行動或過程 Melt the butter and then blend in the flour. 先把黃油融化,然後加入面粉。 You should melt the sugar in the mouth. 你應使糖溶解在口中。 And the sorrow that you know will melt away. 你內心的悲哀將會消散。 到滬江小D查看融冰的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 熔融的英文怎么說>> 熔爐用英文怎么說>> 熔煉的英文怎么說>> 熔解的英文怎么說>> 熔劑用英語怎么說>>
池塘里結了一層冰。 The severe cold froze the pond. 天氣寒冷使池塘結了冰。 ice是什么意思: n. 冰,冰塊;冰淇淋 v. 結冰,使結冰 The ship was beset with ice. 這船為冰所包圍。 And a ginger ale with lots of ice. 一份姜汁,加很多冰塊。 They have to cut step in the ice as they climb. 他們往上爬時得在冰上鑿出踏腳處。 到滬江小D查看冰的英文翻譯>>
理了冰淇淋的英文表達,一起來了解吧。 冰淇淋的英文: ice cream 參考例句: Brick ice cream 冰淇淋塊 Apple pie and ice-cream would be nice. 蘋果派和冰淇淋就行了。 I like cherry ice cream. 我喜歡櫻桃冰淇淋。 A scoop of ice cream, please. 請給我一勺冰淇淋。 Chocolate mousse 巧克力泡沫冰淇淋 I like ice cream. 我喜歡冰淇淋。 I 'd like some strawberry ice - cream. 我要點草莓冰淇淋 Many children would rather eat ice cream from cones than from dishes. 許多小孩喜歡吃蛋卷冰淇淋勝過盤裝冰淇淋。 technology for producing icecream with soybean 用大豆生產冰淇淋技術 She ordered a strawberry ice-cream. 她要了一份草莓冰淇淋。 ice是什么意思: n. 冰,冰塊;冰淇淋 v. 結冰,使結冰 The ship was beset
冷冰冰的英文: cold; ice-cold; icy; frosty; frigid; freezing參考例句: A frosty look;a frosty farewell. 冷冰冰的面孔;冷淡的告別 Cold fish 態(tài)度冷冰冰,沒有熱情的人 When there is little wood, the fire burns low and the cabin grows cold 柴少火不旺,房間里自然冷冰冰。 By contrast, the chilly californian nihilism of Robinson Jeffers was a refreshing tonic. 相形之下,羅賓遜·杰弗斯的加州冷冰冰的虛無主義反而給人以清新興奮之感。 Show an icy indifference to 對…持冷冰冰的態(tài)度 The banker's voice became frosty. 銀行家的聲音變得冷冰冰的。 Nod drily 冷冰冰地點頭 'A fire-extinguisher, my dear,' answered the Ambassador drily. “親愛的,是一只滅火器?!贝笫估浔貑柎?。 He was taciturn and unsociable, and rarely spoke to you 他總是不聲不響,冷冰冰的,難得跟你交談。 They received us coldly. 他們冷冰冰地接冰冰的英文: cold; ice-cold; icy; frosty; frigid; freezing參考例句: A frosty look;a frosty farewell. 冷冰冰的面孔;冷淡的告別 Cold fish 態(tài)度冷冰冰待了我們。cold是什么意思: adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的;失去知覺的 n. 寒冷;感冒 adv. 完全地 Colds are catching. 感冒是有傳染性的。 a cold unfriendly nod; a cold and unaffectionate person; a cold impersonal manner; cold logic; the concert left me cold. 冷淡、不友好的打瞌睡;冷漠、沒有感情的人;冷漠的客觀態(tài)度;冷靜的邏輯推理;音樂會讓我掃興。 You catch a cold in summer when the air is not cold. 在夏天,天氣不冷時,你也會感冒。ice是什么意思: n. 冰,冰塊;冰淇淋 v. 結冰,使結冰 The ship was beset with ice. 這船為冰所包圍。 And a ginger ale with lots of ice. 一份姜汁,加很多冰塊。 They have to cut step in the ice as they climb. 他們往上爬時得在冰上鑿出踏腳處。icy是什么意思: adj. 冰冷的;結冰的;冷冰冰的 His response was icy. 他反應冷淡。 It is difficult to keep one's balance on an icy pavement 人行道上結了冰,要想不倒可不容易 Thousands have braved icy rain to demonstrate their support. 數千人在寒冷的天氣中冒雨趕來以示他們的支持。 到滬江小D查看冷冰冰的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 冷暴力的英文>> 冷板凳的英文怎么說>> 棱錐臺的英文怎么說>> 棱柱形的英文怎么說>> 棱角的英文>>
There will be no moon. 月亮不會出來了。 The moon is a moon whether it shines or not 或名或暗,月亮總是月亮 Moon is a positive. 月球是個實在的事物。 The moon has risen. 月亮升起來了。 The moon was brilliant. 月光明亮極了。 到滬江小D查看冰月的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 冰與火之歌的英文怎么說>> 冰衣用英文怎么說>> 冰雪用英文怎么說>> 冰心苦瓜的英文怎么說>> 冰鞋的英文怎么說>>
cream into a cup and fed it to her. 他用勺子把冰激凌舀進杯子,喂給她吃。 特別提醒:如果您對英語語言學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學。掃一掃定制專屬課程 以上是為大家介紹的冰激凌用英語怎么表達的相關信息,希望可以切實幫助到大家。更多英語學習相關信息,可以關注滬江網查詢。
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2024-07-29 -
騎馬嗎? 4、He is not going to race his horse next week. 他不