• X戰(zhàn)警:第一戰(zhàn)》美女瞬間變魔鬼 各種變異讓你意想不到

    譯名:X戰(zhàn)警:第一戰(zhàn) 導演:馬修·沃恩 主演:詹姆斯·麥卡沃伊 邁克爾·法斯賓德 詹妮弗·勞倫斯 類型:科幻片 / 動作片 / 劇情片 上映日期:2011年6月3日 國家/地區(qū):美國?? 對白語言:英語 發(fā)行公司:20世紀??怂闺娪肮?《X戰(zhàn)警:初級》設定在X教授(Xavier)和萬磁王(Magneto)二十多歲的時候,觀眾將看到X教授的變異人學校如何建立,X教授和萬磁王又是如 何分道揚鑣的,以及獨眼龍(Cyclops)、琴·格雷(Jean Grey)、野獸等人是如何從青少年一步步成長起來的。 In 1963, Charles Xavier starts up a school

  • 科學60秒:X光——透射生活的美好

    到了這臺機器,彈掉了上面的灰塵。他和同事們用這臺機器檢測一只死人的手。他們的研究刊登在《放射學》雜志上。 他們發(fā)現,現在拍X光X-rays are so common today you probably never stop to think about them. They help check a broken wrist, a sprained ankle, the state of our teeth. But a little more than a century ago, x照片只要花21毫秒,但在1896年卻要花90分鐘。而且和現代技術相比,那時候的放射線暴露要比現在高1500倍。早期X光機器的操作人員和研究人員經常會被燙傷或者患上其他疾病??茖W家們寫道,他們用早期機器拍出來的影像非常模糊,但仍然很激動人心。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 經典美劇《X檔案》明年年初復活

    [en]While Yahoo has aired the Season 6 finale of "Community" and teased there's more to come from the show, star Joel McHale has already lined up his next job, and it's a good one. McHale has been cast as a guest star in FOX's revival of "The X-Files," according to The Hollywood Reporter.[/en][cn]雅虎正在播出《社區(qū)大學》第六季大結局,并表示還會有更多相關細節(jié)即將公布的時候,劇中男星Joel McHale已經找X到了下家,而且還是個很有實力的下家。《好萊塢報道者》報道,McHale已經在FOX的重生劇《X檔案》中擔任客串明星。[/cn] [en]He will play Tad O'Malley, who's described as an anchor at a conservative Internet news network. Somehow that position puts him in touch with Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), to whom he becomes an "unlikely ally."[/en][cn]他將會在劇中扮演一個名叫Tad O'Malley的角色,是個保守派的新聞網站的重要人物。他的職務也讓他有了和Fox Mulder接觸的機會,不過兩人應該不會是可以變成盟友的關系。[/cn] [en]"The X-Files" will return for six episodes on Jan. 24, 2016, after ending its nine-season original run in 2002.[/en][cn]《X檔案》將會在2016年1月24日起回歸,一共有6集。《X檔案》原劇在9年前的2002年季終。[/cn]

  • 布蘭妮將成為“X Factor”評委?西蒙稱正在洽談當中

    ? The 'X Factor' judge [w]reveal[/w]ed Simon - who recently said the talent show would be a "walk in the park" for the 'Toxic' singer - has been in negotiations with the 30-year-old blonde about being a [w]panellist[/w] on the programme. He said: "I was out with Simon Cowell during the week, he's

  • 看《X戰(zhàn)警:第一戰(zhàn)》學地道口語:取消進攻

    有的變種人,這次我們可以永除后患,不會再有這樣的好機會了?!薄癴or good”意為“永遠”, “end the threat for good”可翻譯成成語“永除后患”。 2.?collateral damage 因為 Agent?MacTaggert 正在跟隨著Charles 一行人,如果對變種人實施打擊,則?Agent?MacTaggert 的安全受到威脅。但將軍表示:“她是附帶損傷,沒辦法的?!薄癱ollateral damage”意為“附帶損傷”。 3. go ahead Erik 解決掉了他的仇人之后,呼吁所有的變種人:“兄弟姐妹們,睜大你們的雙眼吧,真正的敵人在那邊,我覺得他們的艦艇正在調整炮筒的方向,目標就是我們。感應一下,吧Charles,告訴我我錯了?!薄癵o ahead”意為“繼續(xù)做”,還有“前進”,“先走”,“發(fā)生”,“進行”等的意思。 4.?call off Charles 發(fā)現Erik說的竟然是實話,立馬示意 Agent?MacTaggert 去阻止對方開火:“我是XB70,聽到請X戰(zhàn)警:第一戰(zhàn)》是2011年上映的超級英雄電影,改編自漫威漫畫,為《X回答,海灘上安全了,取消進攻!” “call off” 意為“取消”,還有“點名”,“轉移(某人的注意力等)”,“把…叫走”的意思。 聲明:本系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。本僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 看《X戰(zhàn)警:第一戰(zhàn)》學地道口語:我可以幫你

    出現的人物與6月3日上映的最新的X戰(zhàn)警系列《X戰(zhàn)警:天啟》有千絲萬縷的關系,還不來回顧一下這一部的劇情? 【選段臺詞】 Charles:What I know about you, I'm surprised you managed to stay this long. Erik:What do you know about me? Charles:Everything. Erik:Then know to stay out of my head. Charles:I'm sorry, Erik, but I've seen what Shaw did to you.I felt your agony.?I can help you. Erik:I don't need your help. Charles:Don't kid yourself. You needed my help last night.?It's not just me you're walking away from.?Here you have the chance to be a part of something much bigger than yourself.?I won't stop you leaving, I could.?But I won't.?Shaw's got friends.?You could do with some.? CIA stuff:Hank turned that radar installation into a?[w]transmitter[/w].?It's designed to?[w]amplify[/w]?brain waves,?so it could enhance your?[w]telepathic[/w]?powers.?Help us find other mutants for our division. Erik:I thought they'd all been found by you. Charles:Erik!?You decided to stay.?If a new species is being discovered, it should be by its own kind. Erik:Charles and I find the new mutants, no suits. CIA stuff:First of all, that's my machine out there.?Second of all, and much more importantly,?this is Charles decision.?Charles is fine with the CIA being involved. Isn't that right? Charles:No, I'm sorry, but I'm with Erik.?We'll find them alone. CIA stuff:What if I say no? Charles:Then good luck using your installation without me. Hank:I call it "Cerebro". Charles:Isn't that Spanish for "brain"? Hank:Yes.?Okay, so, the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof.?And picks up a mutant.?His brain sends a signal through a relay.?And then the co-ordinates of their location are printed out here. Raven:You designed this? Hank:Yeah. Erik:What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles. Charles:Don't spoil this for me, Erik. Erik:No. I've been a lab rat, I know one when I see one. Hank:Okay, right...Are you sure we can't shave your head? Charles:Don't touch my hair. Hank:It's working! Angel:With that, daddy-o, you get a private dance.?You cat's know it's double for both, right? Charles:No, that won't be necessary,?although I'm sure it'll be magi... Erik:We were thinking more,?we'll show you ours, if you show us yours. Angel:Baby, that is not the way it works around here. Erik:More tea, Vicar? Charles:Don't mind if I do. Angel:My turn. Charles:How would you like a job, where you get to keep your clothes on? Darwin:Where to, fellas? Charles:Richmond, Virginia. Darwin:Right, so you want the airport, the station, what? Charles:No, we were rather hoping that you would take us all the way. Darwin:That's a six hour drive. Charles:That will give us plenty of time to talk. Stuff:What the hell does the government want with a guy like Alex Summers??I hope you don't plan on putting him with others.?First guy I ever met who actually prefers solitary confinement. Banshee:Crazy, huh? Girl:What? Banshee:You like fish, I like fish, too.?Maybe we should [w]bide[/w] some time and talk about it. Girl:I'd rather go out with the fish. Banshee:These fish? Erik:Excuse me. I'm Erik Lensher. Charles:Charles Xavier. Logan:Go fuck yourselves. 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。 【重點詞匯】 1.?stay out of Charles 對Erik 能在這里停留這么久感到驚訝,Erik 希望Charles 不要進入他的思維,并且不要阻止他復仇。Charles說:“對不起Erik,我目睹了Shaw對你所做的事,我感受到了你的痛苦,我可以幫你?!?“stay out of”意為“不參與…”,“不插手”,“置身于…之外”。 2.?kid oneself Erik 表示不需要Charles 的幫助,Charles 說:“不要騙自己了,昨晚你就需要我的幫助。你現在走了,不僅僅是離開我,在這里你有機會和大家組成比自己一個人強大得多的力量。我不會阻止你離開的,雖然我可以,但是我不會?!薄発id oneself”意為“自己欺騙自己”,“文過飾非”。 3. be?fine with CIA 認為Charles 默認有中情局的介入:“首先,外面那個是我的機器,其次,更X戰(zhàn)警:第一戰(zhàn)》是2011年上映的超級英雄電影,改編自漫威漫畫,為《X重要的一點,這是Charles的決。Charles對中情局插手沒有意見,對吧?”“be fine with”意為“認同”,“沒有意見”。 4.?solitary confinement Charles 和 Erik開始到處尋找變種人,他們找到了沖擊波Alex,他被單獨監(jiān)禁。Alex 在《X戰(zhàn)警:天啟》中引薦自己的弟弟鐳射眼進入學校?!皊olitary confinement” 意為“單獨監(jiān)禁”。 聲明:本系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。本僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • X戰(zhàn)警》衍生劇《一人軍團》將在2017年首播

    [en]FX screened the first half of the pilot for its upcoming “Legion” series at New York Comic Con, giving “X-Men” fans their first taste of the eight-episode first season, set to premiere in early 2017.[/en][cn]FX在紐約國際動漫展上表明了與Fox合作推出《一人軍團》,使得《X戰(zhàn)警》的粉絲首度看到了這部八集的電視劇將在2017年首播。[/cn] [en

  • 哈利貝瑞確認回歸《X戰(zhàn)警前傳2》再度出演暴風女

    X-Men: Days of Future Past.[/en][cn]哈利·貝瑞確認了她會回歸《X繼續(xù)出演暴風女這一角色。[/cn] [en]"The fans really love Storm, and so I'm really happy that it's worked out that way," Berry told Black Tree TV. "No matter what my part will be or won't be, to be a part of that is always a good thing. I love it."[/en][cn]“粉絲們也都非常喜歡暴風女,我也很高興可以再度出演?!薄安还芪业慕巧珪鯓影l(fā)展,能夠參演就是一件好事了。我很高興。”[/cn] [en]Berry had previously said that she

  • Miley Cyrus加盟X Factor當評委 男友老爸齊心支持

    The sexy singer is getting pressured by her boyfriend and father to be a judge on the super-popular show, can EXCLUSIVELY report! Liam Hemsworth is apparently pushing Miley Cyrus to [w]pursue[/w] a spot on The X Factor — and he’s getting a ton of support from her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus! Liam, 22, and Billy Ray, 50, think the deal would be an incredible opportunity for Miley, 19, a source tells EXCLUSIVELY. “Liam and Billy Ray think it would be a great career move for Miley to join The X Factor,” a source close to the family said. “They are really pushing for it. They think that it would do the same thing to Miley’s career that American Idol did for Jennifer Lopez. It would give Miley more commercial and movie opportunities and a place to perform when she makes more music. It would be a great [w]outlet[/w]. Plus, with Liam’s film career [w=flourish]flourishing[/w], this would put them both on a huge level together and they would be a Hollywood power couple.” 滬江娛樂快訊:這一次,麥莉的男友與老爸站在一條戰(zhàn)線上了!據悉,兩人都在努力爭取讓小天后麥莉·塞勒斯(Miley Cyrus)出現在X Factor的評委席上。22歲的Liam Hemsworth和50歲的Billy Ray都認為,這是一次十分寶貴的機會,將有力的推動麥莉的事業(yè)發(fā)展。之前曾有消息稱,X Factor著名毒舌評審Simon Cowell把Miley等明星列入了評委的考慮中,還包括Demi Lovato、Avril Lavigne、Fergie。

  • X戰(zhàn)警要拍新的衍生電影《新變種人》啦~

    [en]Following recent news that Stranger Things actor Charlie Heaton would play Cannonball in Josh Boone's X