搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 優(yōu)美的少兒英文歌曲:Friends Lullaby

    ? 歌詞: The stars out, the moon is up. 星星出來了,月亮升起了 It’s time to go to be. 現(xiàn)在該睡覺了 I’m so glad you have a place 我很高興你有一個地方 to lay your little head. 來讓你的小頭躺下 Have a deep and peaceful sleep. 睡一個好覺 Dream away the hours. 度過這美好的時光 When you wake the sun will come, 當你醒來太陽也會出現(xiàn) to smile upon the flowers. 來用笑容喚醒花朵 Go to sleep my little friend, 睡覺吧我的小朋友 beneath the evening star. 在晚上的星星之下 You will always have a friend, 你將永遠有一個朋友 no matter where your are 不管你在哪里



  • 簡單好學的少兒英文歌曲:Old Macdonald

    麥當勞有個農(nóng)場,咿呀咿呀噢! Well, Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! 老麥當勞有個農(nóng)場,咿呀咿呀噢! And on this farm he had a dog, E-I-E-I-O! 他的農(nóng)場里有只狗,咿呀咿呀噢! With a bow-wow here, and a bow-wow there 在這里汪汪叫,和在那里汪汪叫! Here a bow, there a wow, everywhere a bow-wow! 這里汪一聲,那里汪一聲,到處汪汪叫! Oink-oink here, and an oink-oink there 在這里噢咽叫,和在那里噢咽叫! Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink-oink! 這里噢咽一聲,那里噢咽一聲,到處噢咽叫! Quack-quack here, and a quack-quack there 在這里嘎嘎叫,和在那里嘎嘎叫! Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack-quack! 這里嘎一聲,那里嘎一聲,到處嘎嘎叫! Moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there 在這里哞哞叫,和在那里哞哞叫! Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo! 這里哞一聲,那里哞一聲,到處哞哞叫! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there 在這里咯咯叫,和在那里咯咯叫! Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick-chick! 這里咯一聲,那里咯一聲,到處咯咯叫! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! 老麥當勞有個農(nóng)場,咿呀咿呀噢!



  • 適合學唱的少兒英文歌曲:Ten Little Indians

    ? 詞: One little, two little, three little Indians 一個,兩個,三個小印第安人 Four little, five little, six little Indians 四個,五個,六個小印第安人 Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians 七個,八個,九個小印第安人 Ten little Indian boys. 十個小印第安人 Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians 十個,九個,八個小印第安人 Seven little, six little, five little Indians 七個,六個,五個小印第安人 Four little, three little, two little Indians 四個,三個,兩個小印第安人 One little Indian boy. 一個小印第安人



  • 簡單歡快的少兒英文歌曲:Three Blind Mice

    ? 詞: Three blind mice, 三只瞎耗子 Three blind mice, 三只瞎耗子 See how they run! 你瞅它們咋跑的 See how they run! 你瞅他們咋跑的 They all ran after the farmer's wife, 他們都追著農(nóng)民他媳婦兒 She cut off their tails,With a carving knife. 她提刀剁了耗子的尾巴 Did you ever see such a thing in your life, 你見過這樣的奇葩事兒嗎 as three blind mice. 像這三只瞎耗子一樣



  • 少兒英文歌曲:Take me Out to The Ball Game

    ? 詞: Take Me Out To The Ball Game Take me out to the ball game Take me out to the crowd Buy me some peanuts and Crackerjacks I dont care if I ever get back Cause it root, root, root for the home team If they dont win it's a shame For it one, two, three strikes you're out At the old ball game Take



  • 少兒英文歌曲:Row, Row, Row Your Boat

    ? ? 詞: Row row row your boat 劃呀劃呀劃著小船 Gently down the stream 順著小溪輕輕漂流 Merrily merrily merrily merrily 要開開心心地 Life is but a dream 生活不過是一場夢嘛 Row row row your boat 劃呀劃呀劃著小船 Gently down the stream 順著小溪輕輕漂流 Merrily merrily merrily merrily 要開開心心地 Life is but a dream 生活不過是一場夢嘛 Row row row your boat 劃呀劃呀



  • 推薦:愛情那點兒事 Love Story

    , "stay away from Juliet" But you were my everything to me I was begging you, please don't go And I said 本歌曲榮獲滬江英樂2008年度歐美十大金>> Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story Baby, just say yes Romeo

  • 英文歌曲天天唱:Won't Go Home Without You

    歌類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語能力。主持人會在每期節(jié)目中選取好聽的歌曲開了 Oh 哦 The words that were mend 彌補的言辭 the things that were broken 破碎的一切 But now its far too late she's gone away 但現(xiàn)在一切都太晚了,她早已離開 Every night you cry yourself to sleep 每天淚水伴你入睡 Thinking why does this happen to me 思量著為什么自己這么倒霉 Why does every moment have to be so hard 為什么每時每刻都是這么痛苦 Hard to believe that 難以相信這些 講解: 模唱: 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場一試身手吧>>


  • “PPT”讀成“P-P-T”?外國朋友有可能真的聽不懂!

    等等。 05 VS VS有在比賽中競爭的意思 但是不要讀成V-S VS是拉丁語versus的縮寫 想要讓歪果仁能英文聽懂的話 要讀成['v??s?s] 例句: Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well-matched competition.? 意大利對日本隊的比賽結(jié)果是一場出人意料地勢均力敵的比賽。 以上就是今日的干貨分享 喜歡記得一鍵三連哦~ 0元學英語 滬江深耕英語教研21年,課程涵蓋: 零基礎入門、四六級考試 BEC商務英語、托福雅思 1v1商務口語 長按二維碼 即可免費領(lǐng)取 ▼


    BEC 職場口語

  • 英語六級作文題型解析+評分標準+萬能句型+高分范文

    就是我們通常所說的重復。用詞重復主要表現(xiàn)在名詞、動詞、形容詞等實詞的重復上。 例如: ??名詞重復 Catherine offered him moral help and also practical help. ??動詞重復 I like reading while my brother likes playing football. ??形容詞重復 Mark Twain is famous for his short novels in America, and now he isalso becoming more and morefamous with Chinese readers. 為避免用詞的重復,可采用以下方法: 省略 省略是避免重復最主要的手段。它可以節(jié)省詞語,使句子結(jié)構(gòu)更緊湊,還可以有效避免名詞、動詞、形容詞的重復。 例如: ??名詞省略 They are fine actors. Smith is the finest (actor) I’ve ever seen. ??動詞省略 Jack needn’t stay here, but George must (stay here). ??形容詞省略