上了威脅生命的實時危險情況。發(fā)出Mayday時必須連續(xù)呼叫三次(「 Mayday, Mayday,Mayday」),以免誤聽,被噪音蓋過或與其它通訊混淆。 [en]6.ATC notified. Squawk 7700.[/en][cn]通知空中交通管制,識別信號7700。[/cn] ATC-Air Traffic Control空中交通管制:它是指利用技術(shù)手段和設(shè)備對飛機(jī)在空中飛行的情況進(jìn)行監(jiān)視和管理,以保證其飛行安全和飛行效率。 這里的7700是應(yīng)答機(jī)代碼,應(yīng)答機(jī)代號取值從0000到7777,共4096個,其中一些組合帶有特定的意思,比如:7500:非法行為(劫機(jī));7600:通訊故障;7700:緊急狀況 [en]7.This is the Captain.Brace for impact.[/en][cn]我是機(jī)長。準(zhǔn)備緊急撞擊姿勢。[/cn] brace for impact是當(dāng)飛機(jī)可能會發(fā)生撞擊時機(jī)上人員為避免受傷做的動作,如下圖所示。 [en]8.The ACARS data was wrong.[/en][cn]飛機(jī)通訊信址與報告系統(tǒng)的數(shù)據(jù)是錯誤的。[/cn] 飛機(jī)通信尋址與報告系統(tǒng)(Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System,縮寫:ACARS),是一種在航空器和地面站之間通過無線電或衛(wèi)星傳輸短消息(報文)的數(shù)字?jǐn)?shù)據(jù)鏈系統(tǒng)。 [en]9.In these simulations, you’ve taken all of the humanity out of the cockpit.[/en][cn]所
2017-02-17 -
斯卡布拉斯加》預(yù)告片>> Philomena《菲洛梅娜》預(yù)告片>> Twelve Years A Slave《為奴十二年》預(yù)告片>> The Wolf Of Wall Street《華爾街之狼》預(yù)告片>> 最佳男主角提名名單: Christian Bale 克里斯蒂安·貝爾——American Hustle《美國騙局》 Bruce Dern 布魯斯·鄧恩——Nebraska《內(nèi)布拉斯加》 Leonardo DiCaprio 萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧——The Wolf of Wall Street《華爾街之狼》 Chiwetel Ejiofor 切瓦特·埃加福特——12 Years a
Viola Davis在奧斯卡上的獲獎感言,太感人!
2017-03-02 -
須在英國排練電影,排練這部名為《愛樂之城》的電影!”[/cn] [en]The insider added: 'They jumped through hoops to make it work with her, but she just didn't feel the film was right for her.'[/en][cn]知情人士補(bǔ)充道:“為了讓她
饋給監(jiān)考老師。 第一部分答題卡每空只填一個字母,必須是大寫。2個不同的單詞之間空一格。有"-"的單詞,直接寫"-"。 聽力答題卡樣例: 四、口語部分考試流程及注意事項 關(guān)于口語: 口語考試時間標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為16分鐘。 一般是筆試當(dāng)天下午,考點(diǎn)人數(shù)較多的話,可能會安排在前一天晚上或者第二天上午進(jìn)行。具體安排見準(zhǔn)考證。進(jìn)入備考區(qū)后不要輕易離開教室,以免被考官拒之門外。 需要注意:口語考試缺席者,筆試成績一律作廢! 口語部分考試流程 1.被叫號后,帶準(zhǔn)考證和身份證——進(jìn)入候考區(qū)——領(lǐng)取《口語評分卡》,兩兩一組(如果考生單數(shù),也會有三個人一組搭配完成的情況)。 2.候考,10—15分鐘——可以和搭檔練口語,分配PART3部分的對話,商議好誰先開始話題,如果PART3開端一片安靜,或者現(xiàn)場商量誰先開始,會導(dǎo)致分?jǐn)?shù)低于3分;可以看資料,但是不能出去,不能看手機(jī)。 3.進(jìn)入考場——評分卡交給考官。 4.PART2有1分鐘準(zhǔn)備時間,可以記筆記。 5.PART2和PART3的考官提問環(huán)節(jié)是可有可無的。如果兩個人的互動時間不夠,考官才會提問。強(qiáng)烈建議,充分準(zhǔn)備,不要給考官提問的機(jī)會! 6.PART3沒有準(zhǔn)備時間,也不能記筆記。 口語評分卡樣例: 口語座位圖: 考試注意事項和重點(diǎn)小編已經(jīng)傾囊相授了,希望可以幫助到大家,??荚図樌?!
奧斯卡暫緩發(fā)布“最佳流行獎項”! 原因震驚到我了
出了一些改變,我們在尊重過去90年的寶貴遺產(chǎn)的同時還將繼續(xù)前進(jìn)。[/cn] [en]The Academy had reportedly devised the new category as part of an initiative to revive ratings for the annual awards show, which received just 26.5m viewers in March 2018, the lowest in its 90-year history.[/en][cn]據(jù)報道,學(xué)院設(shè)計這斯卡一新獎項種類是為了刺激年度頒獎典禮的收視率。2018年3月,頒獎禮觀眾人數(shù)僅2650萬,為過去90年以來的歷史最低水平。[/cn] [en]Instead, the Academy announced Thursday it would limit the upcoming show to just three hours, moving six to eight awards presentations into commercial breaks in an effort to reduce the overall length of the broadcast.[/en][cn]然而,周四學(xué)院宣布將把接下來的頒獎典禮限制在3個小時以內(nèi),把6到8個頒獎儀式安排在商業(yè)廣告時段,以縮短頒獎禮的總時長。[/cn] (翻譯:球球)
2018-09-10 -
2018-08-10 -
Ellen DeGeneres 再次主持奧斯卡!
他們共同決定一位頒獎主持。[/cn] [en]Choosing DeGeneres, known for her kindler, gentler humor, signals that the Academy's next awards show will have a decidedly different tone than the 85th Academy Awards, hosted by Seth MacFarlane, who drew criticism for routines like his song about actresses' nudity on film.[/en][cn]選擇讓人激動的、幽默的DeGeneres來主持奧斯卡,標(biāo)志著學(xué)院下屆頒獎禮在風(fēng)格上的轉(zhuǎn)變。上一屆的主持人Seth MacFarlane,因為他那關(guān)于女星裸露鏡頭的歌曲而備受爭議。[/cn] [en]DeGeneres previously hosted the show in 2007 and earned a Primetime Emmy nomination for her work.[/en][cn]DeGeneres 曾在2007年主持過一次奧斯卡并因為她的出色表現(xiàn)贏得了一座艾美獎。[/cn] [en]"I am so excited to be hosting the Oscars for the second time. You know what they say -- the third time's the charm," DeGeneres said in a statement.[/en][cn]“我很激動又有機(jī)會主持奧斯卡。你知道的,三次出奇跡。” DeGeneres在一個聲明中說道。[/cn] [en]Zadan and Meron added: "We are thrilled to have Ellen DeGeneres host the Oscars. As a longtime friend, we had always hoped to find a project for us to do together, and nothing could be more exciting than teaming up to do the Oscars. There are few stars today who have Ellen's gift for comedy, with her great warmth and humanity. She is beloved everywhere and we expect that the audience at the Dolby Theatre, and in homes around the globe, will be as excited by this news as we are."[/en][cn]Zadan 和 Meron 補(bǔ)充道:“我們很激動能夠請 Ellen DeGeneres來主持奧斯卡。我們已經(jīng)是老朋友了,也一直希望能有一起工作的機(jī)會。沒有什么能比一起做奧斯卡更讓人激動的了。如今很少有明星能同Ellen一樣,不斯卡學(xué)院獎一直是全世界影迷矚目的盛世。第86屆奧斯卡僅在喜劇方面頗有才華,同時還兼具溫情和人文的關(guān)懷。人人都喜歡她。我們期待杜比劇院的觀眾們以及在家收看電視的朋友們,聽到Ellen將會主持奧斯卡的消息時,都同我們一樣激動?!盵/cn] [en]Newly elected Academy President Boone Isaacs said, "I agreed with Craig and Neil immediately that Ellen is the ideal host for this year's show. We're looking forward to an entertaining, engaging and fun show."[/en][cn]學(xué)院新當(dāng)選的主席 Boone Isaacs 說:“我同意 Craig和Neil說的,Ellen是明年奧斯卡主持的理想人選。我們期待由她帶來一個娛樂的、吸引人的、好玩兒的秀?!盵/cn] [en]Academy CEO Dawn Hudson added: "Ellen is talented, wonderfully spontaneous, and knows how to entertain a worldwide audience. She's a big fan of the Oscars; we're huge fans of hers. It's a perfect match."[/en][cn]學(xué)院首席執(zhí)行官 Dawn Hudson 補(bǔ)充:“Ellen非常有才華,很自然,她知道如何去取悅世界范圍內(nèi)的觀眾。她是奧斯卡的忠實粉絲;而我們是她的鐵桿粉。這樣的結(jié)合真是太合適啦?!盵/cn] [en]Meanwhile, ABC Entertainment Group president Paul Lee said, "It is an honor to welcome back Ellen DeGeneres as the host of the biggest entertainment celebration of the year. She is the consummate entertainer, equally beloved by her peers in the industry, movie fans and television viewers. We very much look forward to having her back on ABC for Oscar Sunday."[/en][cn]與此同時,ABC 娛樂集團(tuán)的主席Paul Lee說:“很榮幸能夠再次邀請 Ellen DeGeneres 作為這一娛樂盛事的主持人。她是個完美的娛樂家,不論是同行,或是電影迷、電視迷都很喜歡她。ABC 的奧斯卡星期天非常歡迎她的回歸。”?[/cn]
2013-08-06 -
奧斯卡金酸梅獎 這些名字是什么意思?
[en]This year's Oscar-nominated musicians are going to take the stage at the Academy Awards ceremony.[/en][cn]今年獲得奧斯卡