[en]Ratings for the second episode of "Sherlock" Season 3, "The Sign of Three," were down slightly from the season premiere. Even with the decrease, however, "Sherlock" was by far the most-watched program in the UK on Sunday (Jan. 5).[/en][cn]相對于第三季開播集,《神探夏洛克》第三季第二集《三簽名》的收視人數有所下跌。不過雖然收視人數跌了,《神探夏洛克》第三季第二集仍然是當天英國收看人數最多的節(jié)目。[/cn] [en]8.48 million viewers tuned in for the 90-minute episode on BBC One. That represents a 31.9 percent share. Compared to the 9.2 million who watched "The Empty Hearse" on New Years Day -- the most-watched "Sherlock" episode ever -- this does represent a small decrease.[/en][cn]848萬觀眾收夏洛克看了BBC1臺的這集90分鐘劇集,收視率是31.9,相較于收視人數最高的前一集920萬觀眾人數有所下跌,前一集《空棺》也是《神探夏洛克》系列收視最高的一集。[/cn] [en]When compared with other British programming on Sunday, "Sherlock" still wins. The season premiere of "Dancing on Ice" on ITV, for example, pulled in only 6.8 million viewers.[/en][cn]和當天播出的其他英國節(jié)目相比,《神探夏洛克》是當日的收視冠軍。比如ITV的《Dancing on Ice》新季開播,只有680萬觀眾收看。[/cn] [en]The Season 3 finale of "Sherlock," "His Final Vow," airs on Sunday, Jan. 12 in the UK, while the third season premieres in the US on Sunday, Jan. 19 on PBS.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第三季結局集《他最后的誓言》將會在英國時間1月12日播出,而《神探夏洛克》第三季會在1月19日在美國PBS播出。[/cn]
就是為什么福爾摩斯在《波希米亞丑聞》中把華生稱為他的鮑斯威爾。[/cn] [en]7.“The game is afoot!”[/en][cn]“游戲已經開始了!”[/cn] [en]We’re more used to hearing Sherlock say “The game is on!”, but the original phrase used in The Adventure of the Abbey Grange is “The game is afoot!”[/en][cn]我們經常聽到夏洛克說:“游戲已經開始了(The game is on)!”但《修道院田莊的冒險》中的原話則是“The game is afoot!”。[/cn] [en]8. The seven percent solution[/en][cn]7%的溶液(指福爾摩斯服用的可卡因濃度為7%,首次出現(xiàn)在《四簽名》中)[/cn] [en]If you thought that detail was too much, don’t blame Gatiss or Moffat for it because it came straight from the novel.[/en][cn]如果你覺得細節(jié)過于繁多,千萬別責怪加蒂斯或莫法特哦,因為這些細節(jié)全部來自于原著。[/cn] [en]9. Ricoletti and his Abominable Bride[/en][cn]瑞科特提和他那可惡的新娘[/cn] [en]The abominable bride and the name Ricoletti come from The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual. The husband is referred to as “Ricoletti of the club-foot”, but sadly the club-foot detail has been left out. Maybe it was too much?[/en][cn]可惡的新娘和瑞科特提均選自《馬斯格雷夫典禮》。新娘的丈夫就是瑞科特提,他經常出入“洗腳城”(暗示出軌);可惜的是,這一細節(jié)在影片中被省略了,或許是因為影
下了很好的基礎,這一圣誕特輯收看人數為150萬,另外有500萬觀眾選擇在YouTube上看了這個特別迷你集。[/cn] [en]A second episode, "The Sign of Three," will air in the UK on Sunday (Jan. 5).[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》的第三季第二集將會在1月5日播出。[/cn] ?
[en]Sherlock stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman were the first to know there would be a fourth series of the BBC1 detective drama, says co-creator Steven Moffat at the Cheltenham Literature Festival.– even before himself or the BBC's [w=commissioner]commissioners[/w].[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》合伙制片人史蒂芬·莫法特特在切爾滕納姆文學節(jié)上稱,該片兩位男主角——本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和馬丁·弗里曼是最先知道這部偵探劇會有第四季的人,甚至早在制片人和BBC委員之前他們就知道了。 [/cn] [en]"We had to inform the BBC that Martin and Benedict had commissioned a new series," said Moffat.[/en][cn] “我們已經告知BBC電視臺,馬丁和本尼迪克特夏洛克已經同意出演第四季了。”莫法特說。[/cn] [en]"They signed themselves up. They both announced that they were carrying on – so that’s good. Benedict, at some red carpet event somewhere, said he was carrying on forever. Martin, at another one, said, ‘Yep, series four is happening’." [/en][cn]“他們兩個人都簽了約。兩人都宣布會繼續(xù)演下去——這非常好。本尼迪特當時正在某地走紅地毯,稱他會永遠繼續(xù)演下去。另一個男主角馬丁也說'是的,會有第四季的'?!盵/cn] [en]Fans are still awaiting Sherlock series three almost two years after the season-two [w]cliffhanger[/w] [w]finale[/w] was first screened, with an official air date yet to be announced. And while Moffat admitted he himself did not know for sure when it would be broadcast, he did say "I would place good money on it being at the very end or the very beginning of the year."[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第二季攝制之后將近兩年了,懸念迭起的劇情未完待續(xù),粉絲還在苦等著第三季。官方網站上的公映日程表也尚未公布。盡管莫法特承認他本人也不知道該劇什么時候能播出,他也說,“在今年年末或明年年初我將會把一大筆錢投入到該劇的攝制工作中去?!盵/cn]
[en]Bad news for fans of the BBC‘s fresh and [w]inventive[/w] take on Sherlock Holmes. The second season of Sherlock has been pushed back to 2012.[/en][cn]給所有喜歡BBC英劇《神探夏洛克
"Sherlock" creator Steven Moffat has dropped three [w=keyword]keywords[/w] of the upcoming season 3. "So. The three tease words for the next run of Sherlock ... Rat. Wedding. Bow," he tweeted on Friday, August 24 after promising to share the clues the day before. He previously noted that last season's keywords were "Woman, Hound, Fall," which were all key elements in three episodes of season 2. Thus, the newly-unveiled clues could mean that the new episodes will use the stories of "The Giant Rat of Sumatra", "The Noble Bachelor" and "His Last Bow". "His Last Bow" is the final [w]installment[/w] of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes" series, hinting that the upcoming season would be the last for the Emmy-nominated crime drama show. Meanwhile, at the Edinburgh TV festival, actor Andrew Scott who plays Sherlock's nemesis Moriarty confirmed that "Moriarty is dead." Moffat, co-creator/the Mycroft Holmes depicter Mark Gatiss as well as producer Sue Vertue also attended the event, while lead star Benedict Cumberbatch had to skip the panel. 【英劇快訊】 熱門英劇《神探夏洛克》的制片人Steven Moffat近日在推特上透露了該劇第三季的三個關鍵詞:Rat, Wedding, Bow??紤]到第二季的情況,這三個單詞可能意味著第三季將用到三個柯南·道爾小說中的案子:《蘇門答臘碩鼠》(The Giant Rat of Sumatra),《單身貴族》(The Noble Bachelor)和《最后的致意》(His Last Bow)。由于《最后致意》是柯南·道爾作品中的福爾摩斯的最后一案,所以有猜測認為第三季將是《神探夏洛克》的完結篇。
【跟艾美獎電影學口語】 《神探夏洛克:可惡的新娘》 口語教學
平局后再賽以決勝負,加時賽 ? [en]3.Don’t feel singled out, Mrs Hudson.[/en][cn]別覺得受了針對,赫德森太太[/cn] single out:挑出,選出 這里被動式引申為受到針對的意思 ? [en]4.However,before you do, allow me to make some trifling?observations.[/en][cn]但在你開口之前,請容我先說一些我小小的觀察。[/cn] trifling:adj. 微不足道的;輕浮的 變形:trifle:作名詞表瑣事,小事;少量 作動詞有開玩笑;玩弄;愚弄;輕視;浪費時間,虛度光陰的意思 短語:stick at trifles?拘泥小節(jié);顧慮細枝末節(jié)[常用于否定句] ? [en]5.Lestrade! Do stop loitering by the door and come in.[/en][cn]雷斯垂德,別在門外晃了,進來吧[/cn] loiter:閑逛,消磨時光 近義詞組:idle/moon/dream away 短語:loiter away 消磨 ?loiter with intent [口語] 徘徊觀望伺機作案 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
【跟艾美獎電影學口語】 《神探夏洛克:可惡的新娘》故事還在繼續(xù)
夏洛克弄過她就拋棄了她[/cn] have a way with:善于接近(人或動物);善于同…打交道 throw over:放棄,拋棄(計劃等),背棄;把…置于…上;使覆蓋;改掉,放棄(習慣等);拒絕(接受) ? [en]5.The setting is a shade melodramatic,don’t you think?[/en][cn]場景布置的有點夸張了,你不覺得嗎?[/cn] shade除了我們日常熟悉的樹蔭,陰涼處以外,這里用作少許,細微的意思,常用短語為a shade of 此外,shade還有許多意思,作名詞時還有虛幻物,鬼魂;[美國俚語](贓物的)窩藏人;買賣贓物者;[美國俚語](贓物的)窩藏人;買賣贓物者; 作動詞有使陰暗,為遮陽;使愁眉不展,是陰暗;使產生偏見;對...有偏見。 短語詞組: a shade better 稍好一點 fall into the shade 變得黯然無光 go down to the shade 死 in the shade在陰暗處;默默無聞 put (或 cast, throw) into the shade 使默然失色,使相形見絀 shades of [口語]令人想起…的 without light and shade?(文章、繪畫等)無層次的,單調 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
《神探夏洛克》第三季2013年初開拍 有望年中播出
“莫里亞蒂教授”將不會回歸第三季,他們將在新一季中開發(fā)新的反派角色。 雙男主檔期滿滿 或成劇集推遲主因 《神探夏洛克》是一部現(xiàn)代改編劇集,第二季在今年1月份播完不久,就獲得了BBC電視臺第三季的續(xù)訂。該劇由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)和馬丁·弗瑞曼(Martin Freeman)擔當主演,分別飾演福爾摩斯和華生,迅速走紅的兩人檔期滿滿,他們將分別出演電影《星際迷航2》和彼得·杰克遜執(zhí)導的《霍比特人》,可謂忙的不可開交,這或許是《神探夏洛克》計劃一推再推的根本原因。