Anil Kapoor has signed up to a new project [w=provisional]provisionally[/w] titled Indian Sherlock. The actor will team up with Shopgirl director Anand Tucker. He told [w]Hindustan[/w] Times: "Indian Sherlock is not going to be the title; it's just tentative. I love this project and am looking forward to working on it." The Race 2 star has also begun production on his Indian adaptation of the television drama 24. Kapoor added: "The shooting for 24 is going well. We're shooting from 7pm to 8am every day. "When you do such things, you don't [worry about the audience]. You like a story and you go about bringing it to the screen. You have to believe in it to make it work." He recently said that making the Indian 24 is the biggest responsibility of his career so far. In December, Kapoor said that he expects Indian audiences to give the show a good reception. 【滬江快訊】 在熱門英劇《神探夏洛克》大熱后,我們迎來了美國版的福爾摩斯《基本演繹法》。而印度版的福爾摩斯也馬上要來了!印度著名演員Anil Kapoor將飾演Sherlock一角。印度版的新片名暫未確定。 Anil Kapoor為印度著名演員,曾在印度出演超過100部寶萊塢電影,包括奧斯卡獲獎影片《貧民窟的百萬富翁》,還曾出演過英劇《皮囊》Skins和美劇《24小時》。
劇中,這里也是頻繁出場的取景地之一。所以在夏洛克迷的心目中, 巴茨醫(yī)院和遠在瑞士的萊辛巴赫瀑布有著同樣的歷史地位。 6. 倫敦“小黃瓜”(gherkin) 倫敦金融城有棟造型奇特的圓錐形建筑,被當(dāng)?shù)厝朔Q為“小黃瓜”?!靶↑S瓜”原來的官方名稱是瑞士再保險總部大樓,高達180米,是英國最貴的寫字樓。在BBC新版英克街221B(福爾摩斯博物館) 福爾摩斯博物館離地鐵貝克街站非常近。下了倫敦地鐵,就發(fā)現(xiàn)貝克劇中,這個建筑也頻頻亮相。 倫敦“小黃瓜”被稱為倫敦第一座生態(tài)環(huán)境摩天樓。其形狀依據(jù)空氣動力學(xué)原理,使大廈下面不會產(chǎn)生像其它高樓下那種強烈陣風(fēng);玻璃幕墻讓陽光盡可能進入室內(nèi),實現(xiàn)自然照明;良好的通風(fēng)設(shè)計減少了空調(diào)的使用。 2004年,“小黃瓜”以“最新穎設(shè)計的建筑”獲“英國皇家建筑協(xié)會史特靈獎”。
2013-08-14 -
[en]Jonny Lee Miller has defended his CBS Sherlock Holmes [w]pilot[/w] Elementary. The project, which will follow a [w]contemporary[/w] Holmes (Miller) in modern-day New York, has been compared to BBC drama Sherlock.[/en][cn]約翰·李·米勒近日在訪談中為CBS版“新福爾摩斯”《Elementary》進行辯護。這部新劇講述了由米勒飾演的現(xiàn)代版福爾摩斯在紐約的冒險故事。這部新劇多次被拿來與BBC版《新福爾摩斯》進行比較。[/cn] [en]Miller told Vulture that he is aware of the comparisons, saying: "You obviously look at it and say, 'Wait a second ... ' - but I feel there's enough differences there. I thought I could do something with it; otherwise, there'd be no point."[/en][cn]米勒在采訪中說,他非常清楚人們正將兩部戲進行比較?!昂茱@然,當(dāng)你得知這部新劇時會猛然間聯(lián)想到什么,但是我覺得這兩部戲的差別非常的大。我相信這部戲會與眾不同,否則拍攝這部新劇也沒有任何意義了?!盵/cn] [en]The 39-year-old English actor described Elementary - which will also star Lucy Liu as Watson - as "a great project" and "a good opportunity". "We just shot the pilot," he confirmed. "We're still waiting to hear what happens with it. We're not sure yet, we're taking it slowly."[/en][cn]在《Elementary》中,劉玉玲(Lucy Liu)飾演“女版”華生。39歲的英國演員米勒稱這部新劇為“一個優(yōu)秀的項目”和“一次絕佳的機會”。他說:“我們剛剛拍攝完試播集,還在等待后續(xù)消息。現(xiàn)在我們對未來還不確定,一切都得慢慢來。”[/cn] [en]Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch recently insisted that he is not "bitter" about Elementary. "[Their show will] be different and I don't think it'll take away the love for ours, and there's no reason to be [w]churlish[/w] or bitter about them or what they're trying to do," he argued.[/en][cn]BBC版《神探夏洛克》主演本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇近日表示他并沒有唱衰《Elementary》。本尼迪克特說:“他們的電視劇和
[en]BBC1 viewers met Sherlock Holmes’s parents tonight and – unbeknown to many – were simultaneously introduced to Benedict Cumberbatch’s real mum and dad.[/en][cn]BBC的觀眾們在《神探夏洛克》第三季首播劇集中看到了夏洛克·福爾摩斯的父母——許多觀眾不知道的是,他們同時也見夏洛克到了本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇現(xiàn)實中的父母。[/cn] [en]Wanda Ventham, 78, and Timothy Carlton (real name
演了電影《霍比特人》,他表示將在“下下周” 回歸約翰·華生的角色。[/cn] [en]When asked whether he had read the [w=script]scripts[/w], Freeman said: "Yes, it's brilliant."[/en][cn]在被問到是否有讀過第三季劇本時,弗里曼表示:“是的,劇本很棒!” [/cn] [en]However, the actor remained [w]coy[/w] about what is in store for the characters after the huge [w]cliffhanger[/w] at the end of series two's 'The Reichenbach Fall'.[/en][cn]不過,再被問到在第二季最后一集《萊辛巴赫瀑布》扣人心弦的情節(jié)后,主角們將面臨著怎么樣的命運走向時,馬丁·弗里曼還是含糊其辭。[/cn] [en]Quizzed by Norton on whether he knew how Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock had survived at the end of the last series, he said: "Do you know what, no. Even we on reading the script aren't quite sure. Mark Gatiss is a clever fellow."[/en][cn]主持人諾頓問他是否知道本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇飾演的福爾摩斯在上季季終時是否活下夏洛克來時,他表示:“你猜怎么著,我不知道,就算是在讀劇本的時候我也不是很確定。編劇馬克·加蒂斯可是個很聰明的家伙?!?[/cn] [en]At last year's Edinburgh TV Festival, Sherlock creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss revealed the [w]teaser[/w] clues 'Rat', 'Wedding' and 'Bow' as hints for what Sherlock Holmes stories the third series will be based on.[/en][cn]在去年的愛丁堡電視節(jié)上,《神探夏洛克》的制片人史蒂文·莫法特和馬克·加蒂斯公布了第三季的線索分別為:“鼠”、“婚禮”和“致意”,這也暗示了第三季將基于哪幾部夏洛克·福爾摩斯故事。[/cn] [en]The third series of Sherlock is expected to air on BBC One later this year.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第三季有望于今年晚些時候在BBC1臺播出。[/cn]
to the detective.[/en][cn]此劇第二季最終集結(jié)束時,夏洛克·福爾摩斯似乎是要死亡了,而新標題更是讓粉絲們疑惑,這位大偵探到底怎么樣了。[/cn] [en]A [w]teaser[/w] [w]trailer[/w] for season 3 shows actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock Holmes, appearing to some of his friends in a 30-second [w]clip[/w].[/en][cn]在第三季的預(yù)告片中,我們在一個30秒的剪輯里看到,飾演夏洛克·福爾摩斯的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇又一次出現(xiàn)在他的伙伴們面前。[/cn] 相關(guān)閱讀:《神探夏洛克》第三季首款預(yù)告>>>
算過這么做。” [/cn] [en]Last night a source claimed on Twitter: ‘The person in question was asked to stop by a friend of Mr Cumberbatch and she agreed and apologised. Case was closed.’[/en][cn]昨晚有內(nèi)部人士在推特上夏洛克·福爾摩斯表示:“康伯巴奇找了一個朋友去跟當(dāng)事人交涉,對方同意不再發(fā)照片并表示了道歉,事情就算是結(jié)束了?!?[/cn] [en]Earlier this week BBC1’s official Twitter account posted a picture of Cumberbatch and his co-star Martin Freeman, who plays Dr Watson, fooling around between[w=read-through]read-throughs[/w] of the script.[/en][cn]本周早些時候,BBC1官方推特帳號發(fā)布了一張本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和同劇組演員馬丁·弗里曼的合照,兩人在劇本通讀的間隙玩得不亦樂乎。馬丁·弗里曼在《神探夏洛克》中出演華生。[/cn]
動上就跟大家分享了這樣一件軼事。[/cn] [en]How did that happen? When Cumberbatch showed up to work on the "Sherlock" pilot episode, he had recently bleached his hair to play Vincent Van Gogh. The "Sherlock" people tried to give Cumberbatch a darker look (to better match the literary Holmes' physical appearance), but the dye plus the bleach resulted in a shade of green.[/en][cn]到底是怎么回事呢?Cumberbatch在出演《神探夏洛克》第一集之前,曾經(jīng)為了梵高的一個角色把頭發(fā)漂白了。而《神探夏洛克》的造型師們?yōu)榱俗孋umberbatch和夏洛克書中的Holmes更像一些,想讓他看起來膚色黑一些,就給他然黑頭發(fā),結(jié)果兩種顏色加在一起結(jié)果就成了綠色。[/cn] [en]This was the day before filming was supposed to begin.[/en][cn]這件事發(fā)生在正式錄制開始的前一天。[/cn] [en]Fortunately, more work on the hair resulted in a more successful dye job. That's a good thing -- Sherlock Holmes is odd enough without green hair. [/en][cn]不過幸好最后還是成功的把Cumberbatch的頭發(fā)染成了棕黑色,這也避免了Sherlock Holmes頂著一頭奇怪的綠頭發(fā)。[/cn]
“夏洛克”恢復(fù)單身 姐姐爆其擇偶標準
就是他和女友相處不好的原因。他太像夏洛克了,思維敏捷,博覽群書,比一般人都要聰明。不過他沒有夏洛克那么嚴厲?!盵/cn] [en]But despite his new found [w]bachelor[/w] status, Tracy insists Benedict is [w]keen[/w] to find a loved one to share his life with. She adds: 'One of his regrets is that he hasn't found someone to settle down with.'[/en][cn]盡管康伯巴奇再次恢復(fù)了單身的身份,姐姐翠西認為,他還是想要找