英語四級翻譯??細v史政治、經(jīng)濟文化等話題,大家在備考過程中需要掌握不同話題的翻譯詞匯。今天@滬江英語四六級微信公眾號為大家?guī)淼氖?024年12月英語四級翻譯預測:造紙術,希望對你有所幫助。 2024年12月英語四級翻譯預測:造紙術 紙張發(fā)明之前,人們將文字刻在平整的竹片或木片上。由竹片或木片制成的書很笨重,不方便閱讀和攜帶。東漢時期( the Eastern Han Dynasty),蔡倫利用樹皮( tree bark)、麻頭(hemp)、破布等來造紙,得名”蔡倫紙”。由于輕便價廉,這種紙很快得到推廣并取代竹片和木片。隨后,中國的造紙技術流傳至世界各地。造紙術是中國的四大發(fā)明之一
經(jīng)濟學術語:Population size
Population size Population size的意思是總?cè)丝跀?shù)。 它不分性別、不分年齡、不分民族,只要是有獨立的生命活動就包含在人口總數(shù)之內(nèi)。人口總數(shù)是人口統(tǒng)計中最基本的指標。標準人口總數(shù),對于了解國情國力,制訂人口計劃和經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展計劃,進行人口科學研究,都有十分重要的意義。 我們來看2個例句: This implies an "unusually small population size for a species spread across the entire Old World, " the authors write. 作者寫到,“這說明一個非常小的種群遍布
2024-12-06 -
注滿茶杯,為顧客沖泡最優(yōu)質(zhì)的茶葉。 參考譯文: Traditional teahouse culture still exists in many parts of China. Especially in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, teahouses are everywhere: on the sides of roads, under bridges, in parks and even inside temples and other historical sites. Relaxing
要看空格前后的詞性來分析空格的詞性,還有就是可以先把副詞和固定搭配選走 (3)翻譯: 四六級當中也是比較難的一個題目,但是壓力不用太大,實在不會翻的就用簡單詞替換。 然后翻譯當中??嫉囊恍┰~大家也可以去背一下哈。 回復【翻譯】免費領取《翻譯主題詞匯》,無套路 (4)聽力:(每天花30min) ①視聽一致: 最后10天的練習包括上考場,大家盡量還是要遵從視聽一致原則。 ②精聽練習: 沒有時間大量精聽,但是還是建議大家每天花大概1小時反復訓練近3-5年的四六級真題。 按照影子聽力法訓練。相信我,真的真的絕絕子有效果 ③懵猜技巧: 選項是6a6b6c6d+ABCD中的任一個; 兩個選項相近選最全的那個,相反都不選,選另一個中庸的; 還有就是一些關鍵詞要注意:最高級、轉(zhuǎn)折詞、序數(shù)詞等在的選項更有可能是正確答案 (5)作文: 作文離不開素材的積累,多背范文和模板,閣主也給大家整理了一些萬能模板, 這個時候就不要杠模板咋地咋地,用
要看空格前后的詞性來分析空格的詞性,還有就是可以先把副詞和固定搭配選走 (3)翻譯: 四六級當中也是比較難的一個題目,但是壓力不用太大,實在不會翻的就用簡單詞替換。 然后翻譯當中常考的一些詞大家也可以去背一下哈。 回復【翻譯】免費領取《翻譯主題詞匯》,無套路 (4)聽力:(每天花30min) ①視聽一致: 最后10天的練習包括上考場,大家盡量還是要遵從視聽一致原則。 ②精聽練習: 沒有時間大量精聽,但是還是建議大家每天花大概1小時反復訓練近3-5年的四六級真題。 按照影子聽力法訓練。相信我,真的真的絕絕子有效果 ③懵猜技巧: 選項是6a6b6c6d+ABCD中的任一個; 兩個選項相近選最全的那個,相反都不選,選另一個中庸的; 還有就是一些關鍵詞要注意:最高級、轉(zhuǎn)折詞、序數(shù)詞等在的選項更有可能是正確答案 (5)作文: 作文離不開素材的積累,多背范文和模板,閣主也給大家整理了一些萬能模板, 這個時候就不要杠模板咋地咋地,用的時候替換一下詞語形成自己的模板,盡量用高級詞匯。 比如
提供的提綱、情景、圖片或圖表等,寫出一篇(四級)120~180詞的短文。寫作題占四六級總分的15%。答題時間為30分鐘。 四級寫作題的評分標準: 大學英語四六級翻譯題,以段落漢譯英的形式進行考查,內(nèi)容涉及中國的歷史、文化、經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展等。四級的段落長度是140~160個漢字。翻譯題占四六級總分的15%。答題時間為30分鐘。 四級翻譯題的評分標準: 注:寫作和翻譯題共占卷面原始分的30%,這兩個題型的卷面總分會最終轉(zhuǎn)換成報道分(滿分212分)。? 5. 聽力題評分標準 四級聽力題共包含三個題型,分別是: ? Section A 短篇新聞 3篇,共有3段,每段提2~3個問題,共7題; ? Section B 長對話 2篇,每篇240~280詞,提4個問題,共8題; ? Section C 聽力篇章 3篇短文,每篇短文220~240詞,提3~4個問題,共10題。 聽力題的卷面分是: 四級短篇新聞和長對話,每題1分; 四級聽力篇章,每題2分; 選對得分,選錯沒分。 聽力題的卷面總分,之后會轉(zhuǎn)換成報道分(滿分
能及的? 【例】grasp opportunities 抓住機會? 18、occupy ['?kj?pa?] vt.使忙碌,使從事;占領,占用? 【派】occupation n.職業(yè);occupant n.居住者;occupancy n.占有 19、capable ['ke?p?bl] a.有能力的 a.卓越的;光輝的? 【考】be capable of 能夠? 20、hunt [h?nt] n./v 尋找;打獵;追捕? 【派】hunter n.獵人 job-hunter 找工作的人? 【考】hunt down 對…窮追到底;go hunting 打獵;hunt for 尋找 ?/ 21-33 /? 21、ability [?'b?l?t?] n.本事,能力;才能 【考】to the best of one’s ability 盡某人最大努力;the ability to do sth. 從事(某事)的能力? 22、qualify ['kw?l?fa?] vt.(使)勝任,(使)具有資格? 【考】qualify for sth. 使具有…的資格? 【派】qualification n.資格,條件;qualified a.有資格的? 23、assign [?'sa?n] vt.指派,選派;分配,布置(作業(yè)) 【派】assignment 作業(yè)? 24、strain [stre?n] n.過度勞累,極度緊張;扭傷;vt.扭傷;拉緊;vi.盡力? 【派】restrained vt.抑制,遏制;管制? 25、equal ['i:kw?l] a.勝任的,合格的;平等的;vt.等于? 【考】be equal to 相等的;勝任的,合適的? 【派】equally ad.相
2024-12-02 -
經(jīng)濟學術語:The Bank Rate
The Bank Rate 在美國,聯(lián)邦和省政府也可以向中央銀行告貸。中央銀行必須公布它的放貸利率,這便是央行利率(the Bank Rate)。 在國內(nèi),央行基準利率是人民銀行公布的商業(yè)銀行存款、貸款、貼現(xiàn)等業(yè)務的指導性利率,各金融機構(gòu)的存款利率可以在基準利率基礎上下浮10%,貸款利率可以在基準利率基礎上下浮20%。 我們來看2個例句: That is to say, borrowings by banks from the central bank are made costlier by raising the bank rate. 也就是說,通過提高銀行利率,增加商業(yè)銀行向中央銀行
2024-12-02 -
距離2024年12月英語六級考試越來越近了,大家要認真復習哦。今天@滬江英語四六級微信公眾號為大家?guī)?024年12月英語六級閱讀理解模擬真題:休閑藝術,希望對你有所幫助。 2024年12月英語六級閱讀理解模擬真題:休閑藝術 Office workers who would normally step into a pub or gym to cope with the stress of a working day are being invited instead to sit in front of a painting. Manchester Art Gallery has recruited two of the country's leading experts in stress management to choose pictures that are guaranteed to leave even the most frantic feeling at ease wich the world.They have created the "tranquility tour" which allows city-centre workers to spend their lunch hour taking a soothing tourof what are described as "some of the most relaxing and inspiring paintings ever committed to canvas”. The free tour takes the visitor through several centuries of painting, from the Victorian aesthetic h the PreRaphaelite school, to modern abstract an. Kim Gowland, a gallery executive. said: "Looking at art is a stress-relieving activity. What we are tryingto do is encourage people who work in the city to spend half an hour of their lunchbreak in the gallery. to chill out rather than rush around the shops." The five works chosen by Andrew Loukes. the gallery's manager, are: John Roddam Spencer Stanhope’s The Waters of Lethe (1880), Turner's Thomson’s Aeolian Harp (1809), Sir John Everett Millais’s Autumn Leaves (1856), James Durden’s Summer in Cumberland (1925) and Bridget Riley’s Zephyr (1976). Mr. Loukes said: "We chose five pictures that suggest restfulness. We also wamed to display the breadth of the collection. We arc particularly strong in early-19th and early-20th-century British art." Their therapeutic powers have been endorsed by Olga Gregson and Terry Looker from the Department of Biological Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University. Dr. Gregson said that "research shows that stress levels have reduced and moods changed for the better” when subjects looked at paintings. "Although art appreciation is very much a matter of personal choice, it is true that some works of art appeal to almost everyone, and that some paintings have qualities that can induce relaxation in most people."Dr. Gregson said. "Great painters such as Leonardo da Vinci were masters of techniques that could evoke particular responses in the viewer." Dr. Gregson said the gallery represented an "oasis of calm". "You have got this wonderful opportunity to evoke a different kind of psychophysiological response." 1. What is done by the Manchester Art Gallery is intended to____________. A) find out the relation between paintings and stress-easing B) promote its magnificent collection of British art C) reduce working people's stress levels by art appreciation D) provide an alternative of pastime for consumers 2. The tour is named “tranquility tour" because__________. A) it is expected to play a soothing role B) it displays paintings through centuries C) it comprises paintings of various styles D) it only takes a half hour around lunch time 3. What does Kim Gowland points out about city-center workers? A) They are pressed by family burden as well as their careers. B) They like going shopping during their short lunchbreak. C) They shouldn't rush around the gallery while looking at art. D) Looking at art is much better than going to pubs or gyms. 4. According io the author, the painting's impact on relieving stress is__________. A) based on personal experiences B) vaned from people to people C) in need of further study D) scientifically proven 5. It is indicated by Dr. Gregson that da Vinci's paintings can____________. A) suggest restfulness B) arouse diverse feelings C) capture almost everyone D) ease stress in most people 參考答案及解析 1. 曼徹斯特美術館所做的事情是旨在___________________. A) 找到畫作和舒緩壓力之間的關系 B) 推廣其重要的英國藝術藏品 C) 通過藝術欣賞來幫