Despite earlier rumors that Natalie Portman wed her fiance Benjamin Millepied in a super secret ceremony earlier this year, new reports claim the Oscar-winning actress is planning to marry her handsome beau in California on August 5. “Natalie and Ben will marry in Big Sur,” an insider tells In Touch, noting that the [w]intimate[/w] affair will include only 60 guests. “It’s one of Natalie’s favorite places — whenever she needs a break from L.A., she comes here to escape.” The couple, who recently celebrated their son Aleph’s first birthday in June, fell in love on the set of Black Swan. During Natalie’s emotional 2011 Oscar speech, the actress called Benjamin “my beautiful love” and thanked him for giving her the “most important role of my life.” Though[w]lavish[/w] celebrity weddings have become all the [w]rage[/w], Natalie and Benjamin are determined to have a [w]low-key[/w] affair that reflects their personalities and values. “This wedding is for their closest friends and family,” explains the source, adding that the menu will reflect Natalie’s [w]vegan[/w] diet. “It will be a very relaxed affair,” the source continues. “They’re not sending out invites. Natalie may not even buy a new dress!” 滬江娛樂快訊:31歲的好萊塢女星娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)終于要與未婚夫本杰明·米派德(Benjamin Millepied)修成正果了。日前,有消息稱二人將于8月5日在加利福尼亞舉行婚禮。有別于一些明星婚禮的奢華浮夸,娜塔莉和本杰明只邀請了包括密友和家人在內的60名賓客,而娜塔莉堅持的素食主義也會在婚禮菜單上有所體現。 剛慶祝完兒子阿爾芬(Aleph)一周歲生日的娜塔莉和本杰明在拍攝電影《黑天鵝》時墜入愛河。在2011年的奧斯卡頒獎禮上,獲得影后殊榮的娜塔莉曾動情地將本杰明稱為“摯愛”并感謝他賦予了自己人生中最重要的角色。
[en]'It was unacceptable, manipulative and I was scared!' Natalie Portman reveals she has '100 stories' of being sexually harassed in Hollywood[/en][cn]“這種事情令人無法接受、背后也有人在操縱,我真的害怕極了?!蹦?span style="color: #fe6016">塔莉·波特曼透露,她在好萊塢有100則性騷擾的故事可以講。[/cn] [en]She's an Academy and Golden Globe award winning actress.[/en][cn]而她是奧斯卡金像獎和金
比她演的好”。[/cn] [en]6. Inexperience can be as good as courage.[/en][cn]經驗不足也因勇氣而成為一件好事。[/cn] [en]“I didn’t recognize risks as risks,” she said of the gutsy career moves she made out of ignorance rather than bravery. “Make use of the fact that you don’t doubt yourself too much right now.” [/en][cn]我并不把冒險看做普通意義上的冒險,”波特曼說她事業(yè)上大膽的前行都是因為出于無知而非膽量,“在你還沒有過多懷疑自己的時候好好利用這一點吧?!盵/cn] [en]7. And you can write any story you want on a blank slate.[/en][cn]你可以在白紙上寫任何你想寫的故事。[/cn] [en]“Your inexperience can lead you down a path where you [either] confirm to someone else’s values, or where you make something wholly yours,” Portman said.[/en][cn]波特曼說:“你的經驗不足引領你走上這樣的路:要么是迎合別人的價值,要么就是你形成自己的價值?!盵/cn] [en]8. Making time to do good works is worth it.[/en][cn]騰出時間來做好事是值得的。[/cn] [en]“It’s a cliche because it’s true: that helping others ends up helping you more than anyone.” [/en][cn]“盡管這是老生常談,但的確在理:幫助他人最終會更多地幫助到自己?!盵/cn] [en]9. And finally, the friends you make in college are ones you should?[w]hang[/w]?onto.[/en][cn]最后,在大學時期交到的朋友是值得你好好維持的。[/cn] [en]“Grab the good people around you,” Portman said. “Don’t let them go.”[/en][cn]波特曼說:“牢牢抓住你身邊的好人,別把他們放走了?!盵/cn]
[en]Natalie Portman gave the commencement speech to Harvard University's graduating class of 2015 on Wednesday.[/en][cn]上周三,娜塔莉·波特曼于哈佛大學2015畢業(yè)典禮上發(fā)表演講。[/cn] [en]In her moving address, she paints a picture with broad [w]brushstrokes[/w] from all stages of her life — her time as a teenage actress, her experiences as a mother, her own days at Harvard, and the highlights of her incredible career, from V For Vendetta to Black Swan. Natalie talks a lot about how she found a way to stay true to herself and how she pushed herself fearlessly forward in every new and challenging situation.[/en][cn]在娜塔莉感人至深的演講中,她細數描繪了自己一生中起起伏伏的各個階段——作為青年女演員的日子,作為母親的經歷,在哈佛的求學的時光,還有從《V字仇殺隊》到《黑天鵝》——她難以置信職業(yè)生涯的閃光之處。娜塔莉在演講中談到了很多:關于如何保持真我,如何逼迫自己無所畏懼的向每一個全新充滿挑戰(zhàn)的境地前行。[/cn]
[en]They’ve become tired of the hustle and bustle of Hollywood, and now Natalie Portman and her husband Benjamin Millepied are setting their sights on the City of Lights.[/en][cn]厭倦了好萊塢喧囂繁忙的生活,娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portma)與丈夫本杰明·米派德 (Benjamin Millepied)決定把家搬到燈城巴黎。[/cn] [en]Millepied just signed
2013-01-30 -
comments remind us to reflect and act upon [w=combat]combating[/w] these still-existing [w=prejudice]prejudices[/w] that are the opposite of all that is beautiful.' 滬江娛樂快訊: 繼去年的香氛廣告之后,娜塔莉·波特曼再次全裸代言迪奧美容產品。這一組迪奧光柔礦物水底妝系列廣告片由意大利攝影師馬里奧·索蘭提(Mario Sorrenti)掌鏡。一直以來,作為迪奧美容產品代言人的娜塔莉對該品牌時裝也情有獨鐘, 盡管如此,她也直言不諱地表達了對迪奧
娜塔莉?波特曼正式完婚 猶太婚禮低調甜蜜
來了生命中最重要的角色——成為一個母親。 較
,30歲的娜塔莉·波特曼帶著11個月大的兒子阿列夫在洛杉磯某公園游玩??蓯鄣男殞氄d致勃勃地坐滑梯呢!下個月阿列夫就要一歲了,小寶寶長得好快啊。 據這周早些時候的報道,娜塔莉即將出演并監(jiān)制新片《簡有把槍》(Jane Got a Gun)?!段覀冃枰務剟P文》(We Need to Talk About Kevin)的導演連恩·倫森(Lynne Ramsay)有望執(zhí)導這部西部片。?
重要的角色。”[/cn] [en]During awards season, the pregnant Portman walked endless red carpets, collecting awards while also promoting her January comedy No Strings Attached. And no, her pregnancy didn't slow her down.[/en] [cn]在各種頒獎禮中,懷孕的波特曼在各種紅毯中