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  • 狼人Tyler回歸《吸血鬼記》第八季

    會在第八季第三集回歸。然t seen the last of Tyler Lockwood.[/en][cn]在《吸血鬼日而他的回歸并不是為了回來參加前女友Caroline和Stefan的婚禮,而是回來找Damon。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries returns Friday, Oct. 21 at 8/7c on the CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季將會在10月21回歸CW電視臺。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》制片人曾挽留Nina Dobrev

    件事。[/cn] [en]“She was just looking forward to moving on with no hard feelings and no drama,” Julie said on the KCRW podcast last week. “This is taking the personal out of it completely, from a storytelling point of view it’s a great challenge. As writers in the room we’re finding it very [w]rejuvenating[/w]. Just on a strictly creative exercise level.”[/en][cn]“她希望的是一個不要太難過的離開方式,”Julie在KCRW中透露。“但是客觀來說,這對整個故事線來說會是一個很好的挑戰(zhàn)。編劇們發(fā)現(xiàn),在純粹的制作層面來說,這樣會讓劇情重新恢復(fù)活力?!盵/cn] [en]“Nina had said earlier this year that she wanted to be done and we spent a little bit of time trying to talk her out of it. [We'd say,] ‘Oh, look at all these great plans of how you can stay!’” she explained. “And she finally was like, ‘No, I signed up for six years. I’ve done my six years. I’m ready to move on and spread my wings.’”[/en][cn]“Nina今年年初跟吸血鬼日我們說了她想離開的想法,我們花了些時間想要勸她。我們說‘我們可以這樣改劇情呀,你留下吧!’”她說?!安贿^她最終還是說,‘不,我簽了6年,合同到期之后我就不演了。我已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好要離開,在新的階段里展翅翱翔了?!盵/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》第五季:變成人類的Katherine如何自處?

    [en]MTV visited Vampire Diaries' Nina Dobrev (Elena) on the set of her new movie, Let's Be Cops. They asked how Katherine will change now that she's ingested the cure and has become human. In Nina's opinion, the former vampire won't

  • 吸血鬼記》衍生劇劇透 劇中有個Damon一般的吸血鬼


  • 吸血鬼記》第八季Caroline和Stefan怎么發(fā)展?

    ][cn]Caroline和Stefan在《吸血鬼記》第七季季終集里終于在一起了。但是現(xiàn)在他們要一起從新反派手下救出他們的朋友,在這樣的情景下這對CP還能繼續(xù)好好的發(fā)展他們的戀情嗎?[/cn] [en]According to the stars, absolutely![/en][cn]據(jù)演員們透露,絕對沒問題。[/cn] [en]"I definitely have to make out with Candice a bunch, so I guess the answer's yes," Wesley tells . "They go through

  • 吸血鬼記》歷史哥客串CSI

    掉了,而他主演的《戲中迷局》也被砍了,不過最新消息是他會出現(xiàn)在CSI第十四季中哦。[/cn] [en]Davis will play the son of a fireman, according to TVLine.The character is smart, athletic and competitive.[/en][cn]據(jù)TVLine報道,Davis將會在劇中扮演一個消防員的兒子。這個角色聰明、健碩,還很有競爭心的人。[/cn] [en]The role will first come on to "CSI" in a late-October episode, and the show has not yet released the number of episodes in which Davis is set to appear.[/en][cn]這個角色將會在CSI十月首播的CSI中首次出現(xiàn),目前還沒有消息透露Davis將會在CSI中吸血鬼日出現(xiàn)多少集。[/cn] [en]The new season of "CSI" premieres Wednesday, Sept. 25 on CBS.[/en][cn]CSI將會在北京時間9月26于CBS電視臺首播。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》等熱門美劇獲得續(xù)訂

    訂了5部美劇的下一季。[/cn] [en]Those now guaranteed to return on the 2014-2015 schedule are:[/en][cn]在2014-2015年你一定能看到以下美劇的新季更新:[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries[/en][cn]吸血鬼日記[/cn] [en]Reign[/en][cn]風(fēng)中的女王[/cn] [en]Arrow[/en][cn]綠箭俠[/cn] [en]Supernatural[/en][cn]邪惡力量[/cn] [en]The Originals[/en][cn]初代吸血鬼[/cn] [en]“This season we’ve had great success with our new hit series The Originals paired with Supernatural, giving us our best Tuesday nights in years,” said CW prez Mark Pedowitz in a statement.[/en][cn]“今年的秋季檔我們有非常棒的新劇《初代吸血鬼》和《邪惡力量》搭檔,撐起了最佳周二檔,”CW總裁Mark Pedowitz說。[/cn] [en]“The Vampire Diaries is No. 2 in its time period in the young adult demos, and with Arrow continuing to gain among young men, and Reign growing its time period, we now have strong nights on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I’m very pleased to announce early pickups for all five series, and let our fans know they’ll have more great drama to look forward to next season.”[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》是年輕人最愛的第二大時間檔,這部劇和《綠箭俠》一起獲得了很多年輕人的喜愛,而《風(fēng)中的女王》正在慢慢成長,我們現(xiàn)在有非常不錯的周二檔、周三檔和周四檔。我很高興向大家宣布我們續(xù)訂這5部美劇,讓我們的觀眾知道他們下一季將會有更多值得期待的好劇上演。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》第七季Bonnie的那些完美瞬間

    [en]With the news that someone is getting killed off “The Vampire Diaries” in the final season — [w]straight[/w] from the lips of Kat Graham herself — we’re more nervous than ever that Bonnie Bennett might meet her end.[/en][cn]自Kat Graham親口說她在《吸血鬼

  • 吸血鬼記》衍生劇《The Originals》7月15開拍

    望到那個時候男主角Joseph Morgan已經(jīng)完t成了他的電影新作《Dermaphoria》。[/cn] [en]We can’t wait to see how the [w]insanity[/w] is multiplied when they all get together! [/en][cn]我們已經(jīng)等不及要看這些人在一起碰觸的創(chuàng)作火花了![/cn]

  • 《初代吸血鬼》S1E5:如何對“女王”say no

    些許貶義的意思了。在這種情況下,Drama queen在英語解釋中:a person who behaves as if a small problem or event is more important or serious than it really is.通俗來說,就是大驚小怪,大題小做的人啦!請看例句: [en](1)A "drama queen" is to describe a person?who is ?often excessively emotional? or? over-reacted.[/en][cn] “戲劇皇后”是給情緒反復(fù)無常和行為反應(yīng)過度的人的稱號。[/cn] [en](2)Emily is such a drama queen when it comes to deal with any situation whatever small it is[/en][cn]當(dāng)遇到問題需要處理時,不管問題有多小,Emily都會小題大做。[/cn] 5.Peace out 再見 小馬哥Marcel在電話里頭對Klaus說待會兒見,注意哦,他吸血鬼》的精彩瞬間了,目前《初代吸血鬼用到的不是Goodbye而是“Peace out”,那么,顯而易見地,在美國俚語中,peace out主要的意思是“再見”,也就是“See you later”的非正式說法。 所以,在最后,借小馬哥說的這句臺詞,給大家說個再見啦,咱們下期見~Peace out,my dear~ 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考,如有不妥之處,歡迎指正