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  • 吸血鬼記》第四季08集:Elena到底是不是對Damon認(rèn)祖歸宗了?


  • 吸血鬼記》第四季08集片場照曝光 Lexi要回來了!

    [en]If you love a man in uniform, tune in to the December 6 episode of The CW's Vampire Diaries. "We've got Damon [Ian Somerhalder] and Stefan [Paul Wesley] in Army gear!" says exec producer Julie Plec.[/en][cn]如果你是制服控,那你一定要看CW電視網(wǎng)12月6號播出的這一集《吸血鬼日記》“我們有Damon和Stefan的制服造型!”該劇執(zhí)行制片人Julie Plec說。[/cn] [en]The brothers head to New Orleans to search for someone from their past who could help solve the mysteries surrounding Elena's (Nina Dobrev) vampirism. Later, flashbacks reveal the undead duo trolling the Big Easy in 1942, when Damon gets involved with a woman named Charlotte (Madeline Zima). Lexi lovers alert: Arielle Kebbel returns in '40s [w]regalia[/w] as Stefan's BFF. [/en][cn]他們兄弟兩會去新奧爾良找一個能幫他們揭開環(huán)繞在Elena身上吸血鬼之謎的人。之后將會有一段閃回,講述1942年兩兄弟的故事,當(dāng)時Damon卷入一個名叫Charlotte的女人的事情。喜歡Lexi的親們請注意:Arielle Kebbel(Lexi扮演者)將會身著40年代風(fēng)格的華服,以Stefan知心好友的身份出現(xiàn)在Stefan的身邊。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》第四季冬歇回歸劇透:Rebekah和Klaus關(guān)系如初

    《吸血鬼日記》中和Klaus做了多年兄妹的Rebekah在上一集中被從棺材中吸血鬼日放了出來,那么曾經(jīng)和Klaus鬧翻的她今后是會跟Klaus勢不兩立?還是又一次的原諒哥哥,和Klaus重歸于好呢? [en]Now that she's awake, is there any chance that Rebekah and Klaus could possibly be close again? "I'd like to think so," Joseph Morgan tells us. "Obviously there was a major betrayal there, but I think that if anyone could forgive Klaus, Rebekah has been there with him for a thousand years, they've been very close, and I think she could forgive him. I don't like when she's daggered! Claire [Holt] just goes back to Los Angeles when Rebekah is daggered, and that's no fun."[/en][cn]現(xiàn)在Rebekah已經(jīng)醒了,她和Klaus還有可能再做好兄妹嗎?“我想回的,”Joseph Morgan說。“雖然這對兄妹之間曾經(jīng)有過背叛,但是我想如果說世上還有誰能原諒Klaus的話,這個人就是Rebekah。他們曾經(jīng)共同生活幾千年,關(guān)系非常好。我也不喜歡她被匕首封住?!盵/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》第四季18集:Elena賓夕法尼亞巧遇Elijah

    [en]In the next episode of The Vampire Diaries, Elijah is back. “There’s been a lot of talk about what I’m returning for and to do,” Daniel Gillies says. The episode’s synopsis simply states that Elena has a “surprising encounter” with Elijah in Pennsylvania, where she and Rebekah are headed in their search for Katherine and the cure. “All I can say is tune in,” Gillies says, “because Elijah’s gonna shock and possibly even horrify a few. In fact, I’ll say he’s gonna horrify many. But franky, I don’t care. I think what he’s doing is wonderful.”[/en][cn]下一集播出的《吸血鬼日記》中,Elijah將會回歸?!拔一貋淼哪康恼媸钦f來話長,”Daniel Gillies(Elijah扮演者)說。簡單描述這一集的劇情就是,Elena和Rebekah去賓夕法尼亞尋找拿走治愈藥劑的Katherine,卻在這里巧遇了Elijah。他說:“我只能說,大家記得去看,因為Elijah將會讓所有人震驚甚至是恐懼。好吧,我得說,Elijah會嚇到不少人。不過我不在乎,因為我覺得Elijah這樣做特別棒?!盵/cn] [en]Exec producer Julie Plec is even more [w]vague[/w]: “The first glimpse of Elijah, your heart explodes, you’re so happy to see him. And he is quintessential Elijah, dressed in his beautiful suit with his lovely [w]demeanor[/w], and, as always, trying to find ways to keep Klaus in his place and keep his family together.” (That’s also what Elijah will be doing in the April 25 episode, which serves as the backdoor pilot for the Originals spinoff.)[/en][cn]該劇的執(zhí)行制片人Julie Plec說:“看到Elijah第一眼,你的絕對就會心跳到爆,你們看到他的回歸肯定很高興。而他仍然像以前一樣,衣著考究、風(fēng)度翩翩,關(guān)心著Klaus,為一家團(tuán)聚而奔波。[/cn] [en]After this week’s episode, in which Silas put the white oak stake in Klaus’ back and threatened to do worse if he doesn’t get him the cure, Klaus appears to need all the help he can get. [/en][cn]上一集中,Silas把白橡樹的木樁插入Klaus的后輩,威脅Klaus如果不照自己的要求行事,Klaus的下場會更慘?,F(xiàn)在的Klaus將會動用所有可以動用的力量。、[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼日記》第四季第15集預(yù)告:杰里米真的死了?


  • 吸血鬼記》第四季冬歇前劇透 會是無比和諧圓滿的一集

    just happily drinks cocoa at the end of the episode." (This just in: Candice Accola is a dirty liar.)[/en][cn]《吸血鬼記》:神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)的圣誕節(jié)就要來了!雖然指的不是我們即將要來的這個圣誕(這劇劇情的時間是不是還停留在2010年?)。不過在冬歇前的最后一集,我們還是會在劇中看到讓人開心無比的超美雪景?!罢娴恼娴暮苊?。”Candice Accola說?!把┚暗膱鼍懊辣耍疫@也是非常非常瘋狂的一集。在這一集中會發(fā)生很多很多事。在這一集里一切都非常順利、非常完美、非常精彩,沒有各種煩惱的打擾,在這一集 結(jié)束的時候,所有人都可以快樂的喝著飲料。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》:Tyler&Caroline被《秘社》女演員插足!

    [en]Uh oh, Team Forwood fans, there's a new lady coming for Tyler.[/en][cn]喜歡Tyler的觀眾們,《吸血鬼日記》第四季將會出現(xiàn)一個來找Tyler的女人。[/cn] [en]The Secret Circle alum Phoebe Tonkin has been [w]cast[/w] on The Vampire Diaries, has learned. The Australian actress will play Hayley, a wild, sexy and very free-spirited friend with whom Tyler (Michael Trevino) shares a past. She'll first appear in Episode 3.[/en][cn]《電視指南》得知,《秘社》演員Phoebe Tonkin會出演這個角色。這位澳大利亞女演員將會扮演這個狂野、性感、自由奔放的角色Hayley,并且還和Tyler有著一段情。據(jù)悉她將會在《吸血鬼日記》第四季第三集首次登場。[/cn] [en]Although his love Caroline (Candice Accola) believes she said goodbye to Tyler, she'll soon learn early in the season that he's still alive.[/en][cn]在上一季大結(jié)局中,Caroline以為Tyler會死,但是在新一季中她吸血鬼日記》第四季很快就會知道Tyler還活著。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries returns Thursday, Oct. 11 at 8/7c on The CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》將會在美國時間10月11(北京時間10月12)在CW電視網(wǎng)播出。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》第四季第六集的片尾曲——《Walking Blind》

    滬江英樂:這首來自Aidan Hawken&Carina Round的《Walking Blind》是吸血鬼日記《The Vampire Diaries》第四季第六集的片尾曲。Elena向Stefan道歉因為刺吸血鬼日記《The Vampire Diaries》第四季傷了他,而后問為什么又派Damon來找她……在劇尾歌曲緩緩響起,這應(yīng)該是屬于Elena和Stefan的分手之歌了。 【《吸血鬼記》第四季第六集的片尾曲——《Walking Blind》】 歌詞: Don't tell me the truth Tell me that it didn't happen There's been a mistake There's been a

  • 吸血鬼記第二緋聞女孩第四季回歸時間確定

    ,其中包括大家最愛的《吸血鬼記》、《緋聞女孩》、《超人前傳》等等,此外還有兩部新劇Nikita和《歌舞青春》莎佩女王主演的Hellcats。[/cn] CW臺美劇2010秋檔劇集回歸時間表 Wednesday, Sept. 8 8:00-9:00 p.m. America’s Next Top Model (Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00 p.m. Hellcats (Series Premiere) Thursday, Sept. 9 8:00-9:00 p.m. The Vampire Diaries (Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00

  • 吸血鬼記》:Caroline和Tyler又要被插足!這回不是Klaus

    要有美女來到瀑布鎮(zhèn),就總會有麻煩發(fā)生。但是Tyler和Caroline的感情非常堅固。所以這樣一個可以在他們之間插一腳的人就更加顯得特吸血鬼日記》第四季10月11日別了。[/cn] [en]We presume the visitor in question is the rumored new character of Hayley. Not many details are known about her, nor has she been cast.[/en][cn]我們相信這個特別的角色就是傳說中的新角色Hayley。不過目前還沒有消息顯示這個角色會由誰來扮演。[/cn]