[en]The CW’s The Vampire Diaries opened its eighth and final season on Friday with 1.06 million total viewers and a 0.4 demo rating, down from its previous premiere (1.38 mil/0.6, on a Thursday) yet on par with its May finale (which aired on a Friday).[/en][cn]CW電視臺美劇《吸血鬼日記》第八季北京時間周六開播,本集開播集吸引了106萬觀眾收看,收視率0.4,比第五季季終集的收視率要低。[/cn] [en]TVLine reader’s gave TVD an average grade of “B+.”[/en][cn]TVLine的讀者們給《吸血鬼日記》的平均打分是B+。[/cn] [en]Leading out of that, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend christened her new time slot with 540,000 viewers and a 0.2 rating (and an “A-” grade), hitting and tying series lows.[/en][cn]緊隨其后的美劇《瘋狂前女友》是第一次換到新的時間檔,吸引了54萬觀眾收看,收視率0.2,這個成績也達到了本劇的最差收視率。[/cn]
[en]The CW has released a new extended trailer for The Vampire Diaries' final season, giving us our first glimpse of Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham) since she lost her magic.[/en][cn]CW電視臺發(fā)布《吸血鬼日記》結(jié)局季的最新延長版宣傳片,宣傳片里我們看到失去魔法的Bonnie Bennett。[/cn] [en]In the video, Stefan (Paul Wesley) tells Bonnie that they have to follow every possible clue that could lead them to Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Enzo (Michael Malarkey). And, without hesitation, Bonnie tells Stefan, "I'm in."[/en][cn]在視頻中,Stefan跟Bonnie說,他們要追蹤可能幫助他們找到Damon和Enzo的線索。然后Bonnie毫無猶豫的回答Stefan:“我加入?!盵/cn] [en]Also, while this trailer doesn't tease any Stefan-Caroline (Candice King) smooches, it does show us that Damon is back to his old ways: hunting for victims on nearly-deserted highways.[/en][cn]這條宣傳片沒有關(guān)于Stefan和Caroline之間的粉紅畫面,但是我們可以明確的看出Damon又變吸血鬼日回了以前的他:在高速公路上獵食。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries returns Friday, Oct. 21 at 8/7c on the CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季將會在10月21日回歸CW電視網(wǎng)。[/cn]
會在第八季第三集回歸。然吸血鬼日記》的最后一季而他的回歸并不是為了回來參加前女友Caroline和Stefan的婚禮,而是回來找Damon。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries returns Friday, Oct. 21 at 8/7c on the CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季將會在10月21日回歸CW電視臺。[/cn]
《邪惡力量》第八季要玩吸血鬼 吸血規(guī)則大不同
化為吸血鬼。在《真愛如血》中,人類要變成吸血鬼則是要先被咬,并且在喝吸血鬼血液之前把自己人類血液排除體外。在怎樣變吸血鬼這個方面《邪惡力量》也有自己獨特的規(guī)則。[/cn] [en]3. Dead man's blood weakens them. Once [w=inject]injected[/w] with it, they're incapacitated for a bit... but not for long.[/en][cn]3. 死人的血可以削弱吸血鬼的力量。一旦吸血鬼被注入死人的血液,他們的力量會被削弱...但是作用時間不會太長。[/cn] [en]4. There are a few ways to kill them. Vampires can die by having their heads cut off. In Season 6, Castiel also killed the vampire Lenore by touching her head. He's a boss like that.[/en][cn]4. 有幾種方法可以殺死吸血鬼。砍掉吸血鬼的頭可以殺死他們。在第六季中,Castiel殺Lenore的時候是用手碰了碰她的頭。好吧,這是高人的做法。[/cn] [en]5. There is a cure. Unlike some of the other major pop-culture vampires, "Supernatural" vampires can be cured of their condition -- but it isn't easy. [/en][cn]5. 被吸血鬼咬了是有
調(diào)了其對于塑造演員的重要性。[/cn] [en]"The sun, the moon and stars aligned for me one day in March when I got the official call that I had been cast in this very special role," said Ian Somerhalder, who plays one of the two main male protagonists, Damon Salvatore.[/en][cn]“當(dāng)我在三月的一天接到能夠出演《吸血鬼日記》中一個非常特別的角色的正式通知時,太陽、月亮、星星仿佛都為我連成一線?!憋椦輨≈心兄鹘侵贿_蒙·塞爾瓦托的演員伊恩·薩默海爾德如是說道。[/cn] [en]The eighth and final season will be 16- episodes and will [w]premiere[/w] October 21.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季——也吸血鬼日就是最終季——將會有16集,并于10月21日回歸。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
Ian Somerhalder暗示《吸血鬼日記》第八季大結(jié)局
[en]A few weeks after The Vampire Diarieswas renewed, star Ian Somerhalder hinted that the upcoming eighth season may be its last.[/en][cn]在《吸血鬼日記》被續(xù)訂之后,Ian Somerhalder透露接下來的第八季將有可能會是這部劇的大結(jié)局。[/cn] [en]"Can you believe this sh--? F---ing seven years! Isn't that crazy?" Somerhalder told . "We have another year now... [This morning] I just thought, 'Wow, man. You just navigated seven years, 154 episodes of television.' And by the time it's done, it's going to be 176 episodes, by this time next year."[/en][cn]“你敢相信《吸血鬼日記》特么居然播了7季了嗎?!”Somerhalder接受《電視指南》采訪時說?!敖裉煸缟衔以谙耄覀冇钟行乱患玖?,之前的7年154集。到明年就有176集了,也到了該結(jié)束的時候了?!盵/cn] [en]When asked point-blank if Season 8 would be the end for The Vampire Diaries, which already said goodbye to star Nina Dobrev last year, Somerhalder said he didn't know for sure. Either way, the actor said he views the upcoming season as an important opportunity for the show to recapture its former glory.[/en][cn]當(dāng)被問到第八季會不會是《吸血鬼日記》的最后一季時,這部劇的女主角Nina Dobrev去年就已經(jīng)宣布離開,Somerhalder說他也不確定。不過無論如何,Somerhalder認(rèn)為第八季將會是個結(jié)局的好機會。[/cn]
定在1967年,之后的每一季都會講一個新的故事、新角色和新吸血鬼日設(shè)定。不過只有吸血鬼是唯一的不變元素延續(xù)一季又一季。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries will debut its eighth and final season this fall. [/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季將會在今年秋季開播,這也會是這部劇的最后一季。[/cn]
看見Elena能夠快點醒來(或者不要醒來了)。[/cn] [en]“The Vampire Diaries” returns Friday (Oct. 21) at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季將在10月21日周五晚上8點在CW回歸。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
][cn]Caroline和Stefan在《吸血鬼日記》第七季季終集里終于在一起了。但是現(xiàn)在他們要一起從新反派手下救出他們的朋友,在這樣的情景下這對CP還能繼續(xù)好好的發(fā)展他們的戀情嗎?[/cn] [en]According to the stars, absolutely![/en][cn]據(jù)演員們透露,絕對沒問題。[/cn] [en]"I definitely have to make out with Candice a bunch, so I guess the answer's yes," Wesley tells . "They go through
會是在Rebekah的閃回片段里。這一次我們將會時光倒流——回到一千多年之前——看到原始吸血鬼還是人類的時候。當(dāng)然像吸血鬼日我們之前報道的那樣,我們還會看到原始吸血鬼家庭中由Alice Evans扮演的母親的角色。[/cn] [en]Most importantly, though, we're going to get to see what Elijah's [w]hair[/w] looked like before he was turned. [/en][cn]最重要的是我們可以看看Elijah在變成吸血鬼之前的發(fā)型。[/cn]