《吸血鬼日記》吸血鬼獵人偷了Klaus的力量 Klaus變得更壞了
[en]The Vampire Diaries' oldest set of siblings is going to experience more [w]strife[/w] than ever before.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》中最老的吸血鬼
[en]The Vampire Diaries [w]executive[/w] producer Kevin Williamson wants to make something clear: Damon and Elena’s growing closeness in the absence of Stefan won’t necessarily lead where viewers think it will this coming season.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》執(zhí)行制片人Kevin Williamson想讓觀眾們明白:雖然《吸血鬼日記》第三季中Stefan不會(huì)像之前一樣陪在Elena身邊,而Elena和Damon的關(guān)系也變得更加親密,但是這并不意味著劇情就會(huì)向著觀眾們想的方向發(fā)展(DE不會(huì)輕易在一起)。[/cn] [en]“Just because we’re putting her with Damon doesn’t mean they’re going to [w]end up[/w] together. ” Williamson told TVLine at the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour, when we pressed him about how anxious he plans to make Elena/Stefan fans.[/en][cn]“雖然我們讓Elena和Damon在一起的時(shí)間變多了,但是這不意味著他們倆最后就會(huì)在一起?!痹谥苋针娨曈霸u人協(xié)會(huì)新聞發(fā)布會(huì)上,當(dāng)記者問道劇情會(huì)不會(huì)讓SE黨很擔(dān)心時(shí),Williamson這樣回答。[/cn] [en]While Damon and Elena will “bond” as they search for Stefan — their journey will be “more about friendship” than romance, says Williamson. [/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第三季中Damon和Elena會(huì)一起去尋找Stefan——他們這一路上相較于愛情,更多的則會(huì)是友情,Williamson說。[/cn] [en]“It’s not so much about, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to fall madly in love and live happily ever after?’” says Williamson. “It’s, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to be able to find the man they both love?’ … It’s going to be fun to watch Damon and Elena form this relationship that at its [w]core[/w] is about a search for the man they both care about.”[/en][cn]“相對于‘Damon和Elena會(huì)不會(huì)墜入愛河并永遠(yuǎn)幸??鞓返脑谝黄?,劇情更多的是在描述Damon和Elena是否能找到他們都深愛的另一個(gè)男人?!盬illiamson說。看著Elena和Damon之間的關(guān)系核心卻是為了尋找另一個(gè)他們共同關(guān)心的男人很有意思。[/cn] [en]“Damon is not good at being a hero, so I can’t imagine he’s ever going to do it right,” observes Williamson, adding, “It’s always go to be one step forward, two steps back. ‘OK, so I’m the hero — I’m going to kill three people.’ And that is not OK with Elena.”[/en][cn]“Damon在做英雄這方面也一直不上手,所以不要指望他什么事都能做對?!盬illiamson還說,“事情也一直都處在向前一步后退兩步的狀態(tài)?!冒桑鋵?shí)我才是英雄——這一季里我會(huì)殺死3個(gè)角色。’這對Elena又是一大打擊?!盵/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries returns Sept. 15 at 8/7c on The CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第三季將吸血鬼日會(huì)在CW電視網(wǎng)當(dāng)?shù)貢r(shí)間9月15號晚播出。[/cn] 滬江小編:明知會(huì)被虐,還是忍不住要看...這就是好片的魅力啊~小編總覺得Caroline第三季有危險(xiǎn)呢~
《吸血鬼日記》再次閃回 Stefan再現(xiàn)黑暗面
[en]The Vampire Diaires will [wv]flashback[/wv] to 1864 one more time before this season [w]concludes[/w]. [/en][cn]在第二季結(jié)束之前,《吸血鬼日
《吸血鬼日記》第四季發(fā)官方宣傳海報(bào) Elena變吸血鬼氣場強(qiáng)大
[en]The Insider has our first official Season 4 promo pic?– and of course it features Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, and Ian Somerhalder looking good in the [w]cemetery[/w], as you do.[/en][cn]The Insider網(wǎng)站發(fā)布了《吸血鬼日記》第四季首張宣傳照——宣傳照中Nina Dobreve、Paul Wesley和Ian Somerhalder這三位主演果斷的是驚艷亮相了。[/cn] [en]And as you can see in a new photo, exclusive to , things are quite grave in season four! [/en][cn]獨(dú)家發(fā)出的這張宣傳照中,我們可以明顯感覺到《吸血鬼日記》第四季的氣息明顯偏墓地范兒了![/cn] [en]As for what the future holds now that Elena is "of the night," executive producer Julie Plec teases, "All these things that she's experienced with Damon and with Stefan will have different context for her as she's becoming this new person. "[/en][cn]接下來的故事中,Elena已經(jīng)變吸血鬼日記》第四季成了黑夜的寵兒吸血鬼,該劇執(zhí)行制片人Julie Plec說,“Elena可以算是走入一個(gè)新的境界,她和Damon與Stefan之前經(jīng)歷的事情對她來說有著不同的意義?!盵/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries premieres October 11 at 8 p.m. on The CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第四季將會(huì)在北京時(shí)間10月12日首播。[/cn]
[en]Before the Other Side vanished into oblivion on Thursday (May 15) night's Season 5 finale of "The Vampire Diaries," it took with it two series regulars: Ian Somerhalder's Damon and Kat Graham's Bonnie. Now, executive producer Julie Plec has already reassured fans that we'll still see both of them in some capacity when Season 6 premieres this fall, but we don't know in what capacity, or for how long. [/en][cn]在《吸血鬼日記》第五季大結(jié)局中,兩枚重要常規(guī)角色死
[en]Delena really will begin a “new relationship,” and “try to make it work.” But, as you might guess, it won't go smoothly because there's a “[w]villain[/w] in their midst they don’t know is a villain at the beginning.” [/en][cn]DE這一對戀情將會(huì)開啟“新階段”,兩人打算“好好經(jīng)營這段感情”。不過你可能也猜到了,這段感情肯定不會(huì)很順暢的發(fā)展,因?yàn)橐婚_始他們肯定不知道身邊有一個(gè)和Stefan長得一模一樣的魔鬼。[/cn] [en]Silas and his story are not going anywhere: “[It's] a pretty cool mythology that will carry on in terms of Silas, and the mystery of his past — 1,000 or 2,000 years ago.”[/en][cn]Silas和他的過去非常神秘:“Silas的有著非常神秘的過去,劇情將會(huì)講述其一兩千年前的故事。”[/cn] [en]Class itself may be "boring," Plec says, but Whitemore College will play a key role: “We always knew that Grams was a professor who taught the [w=occult]occults[/w] and that Aunt Jenna was off getting her master’s degree.”[/en][cn]大學(xué)生活也許有些“無聊”,《吸血鬼日記》Plec說,但是Whitemore大學(xué)卻是非常重要的部分:“我們知道Bonnie的外婆Grams曾經(jīng)是在這里當(dāng)教授,而Jenna阿姨也曾經(jīng)在這里讀書?!盵/cn] [en]And finally Jeremy is alive again. Hooray! But how exactly will he explain this to his friends? Plec has the same question: “What the hell cover story is that going to be? How’s he going to explain that? He had a memorial service! ”[/en][cn]Jeremy已經(jīng)復(fù)活了。但是他要怎么向大家解釋自己的復(fù)活呢?Plec也在思考這個(gè)問題:“他會(huì)怎么說?他要怎么解釋?人們參加過他的追悼會(huì)![/cn]
[en]Oh, boy. Stefan’s (Paul Wesley) ex-girlfriend is not a happy [w=camper]camper[/w]. No, not Elena (Nina Dobrev)! According to a new spoiler for The Vampire Diaries Season 5, we’re about to meet yet another of Stefan’s lady loves — and this one is [w=cranky]cranky[/w]! [/en][cn]好家伙,斯特凡的前女友可是滿腹怨氣啊。不,不是說埃琳娜!據(jù)吸血鬼日記第五季最新劇透,我們要看到斯特凡的另一位前女友了——而且這位會(huì)是個(gè)暴躁的人![/cn] [en]Vampire Tessa has spent the centuries looking for the brothers Salvatore. [w=evidently]Evidently[/w] Tessa doesn’t have fond memories of the boys. Still, she seems to be able to hold her own when she [w=tangle]tangles[/w] with Damon (Ian Somerhalder). In fact, she gets the upper hand when she steals his daylight ring.[/en][cn]女吸血鬼泰莎花了幾個(gè)世紀(jì)尋找薩爾瓦托兄弟的下落。而且很顯然,她和這兄弟兩個(gè)并沒有什么美好的回憶。和達(dá)蒙糾纏的時(shí)候她依然能招架住,事實(shí)上她還占了上風(fēng),她偷
Nina Dobrev有望回歸《吸血鬼日記》
可以回來,她的回來對CW絕對是有益處的。只有她回來《吸血鬼日記》才是完整的,不過現(xiàn)在還有一些細(xì)節(jié)商議正在進(jìn)行中。希望她會(huì)回歸。[/cn]” [en]If Dobrev, who left at the end of Season 6, does not return, Pedowitz said executive producer Julie Plec has "planned a great series finale" regardless.[/en][cn]不過Pedwoitz也透露,就算在第六季離開的Dobrev萬一無法回歸,制片人Julie Plec也已經(jīng)有了一個(gè)完美的計(jì)劃給大家一個(gè)完美的結(jié)局。[/cn]
是的。 -Damon: 就是這樣的,Elena,沒關(guān)系。因?yàn)槿绻易隽瞬煌倪x擇,我就無法遇見你。真的對不起。做了那么多傷害你的事情。 differently: 不同的 -Elena:沒關(guān)系。我原諒你了。 -Damon: 我知道你愛Stefan。而且永遠(yuǎn)都是Stefan。但是我愛你。你應(yīng)該知道的。 -Elena:我知道。 -Damon: 你應(yīng)該在1864年遇到我。那你喜歡的就是我了。 -Elena:我現(xiàn)在就喜歡你。喜歡現(xiàn)在的你。 -Damon: 謝謝你。 -Elena:不用謝。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點(diǎn)擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
[en]After five seasons, "The Vampire Diaries" is finally adding its first gay character ... something in which its spinoff series "The Originals" didn't waste any time in introducing.[/en][cn]在播了5季之后,《吸血鬼日記》終于迎來了該劇首位同性戀角色...看過《初代吸血鬼》的小伙伴們應(yīng)該很熟悉他了。[/cn] [en]According to E! Online, a new Whitmore