[en]We still have far too long to wait until The Vampire Diaries returns on January 5 - but at least we now have a juicy [w]nugget[/w] to contemplate during this [w]hiatus[/w].[/en][cn]現(xiàn)在離《吸血鬼日記》1月5日的回歸日期還有很久——但是停播期間的劇透永遠是最勁爆的。[/cn] [en]As first reported by Michael Ausiello, the series
《吸血鬼日記》Nina Dobrev談及近況
松些。[/cn] [en]“I didn’t know then but I know now—a little bit of advice is— to let everyday go day by day and learn and be OK with the fact that it’s not always going to be okay but it’s going to get better.”[/en][cn]“我以前不知道但現(xiàn)在知道了——一個小小的建議——讓日子一天一天的過去并從中體會,接受并不能永遠完美但可以變得更好的事實?!盵/cn] [en]The actress alluded to things “getting better” in her acceptance speech about moving on with her career.[/en][cn]關于她的演藝事業(yè)進展,她在獲獎感言中暗示情況“正在變好”。[/cn] [en]“So the last two months have been a pretty big change to me,” she said. "Change. It's a scary word – or at least I used to think that – because it meant new beginnings, new beginnings with a future that's unknown.”[/en][cn]她說:“過去的兩個月帶給我了很大的改變。改變,是一個可怕的詞——或者至少我曾經這樣認為——因為這意味著通向一個未知未來的新的開始。”[/cn]
2015-08-18 -
14集,我們就要和我們劇里的一個角色說再見了,”該劇執(zhí)行制片人Julie Plec接受《電視指南》采訪時說?!癑eremy將會去 藝術學校上學。我們將會看到他的未來,不過演員Steven R. McQueen已經長大了,要自己出去闖了。我們不得不跟我們劇中的這個常規(guī)演員說再見。我們給他舉吸血鬼日行了盛大的歡送派對?!盵/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries returns on Thursday, Jan. 22 at 8/7c on The CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》將會在北京時間1月23日回歸CW電視臺。[/cn]
[en]Australian actress Claire Holt made a name for herself when she joined "The Vampire Diaries" in 2011 as Rebekah. When "The Originals" spinoff sent the Mikaelsons to New Orleans, Holt transitioned to the new show as a series regular. [/en][cn]澳大利亞女演員Claire Holt因為2011年加入《吸血鬼日記》扮演Rebekah而被大家所熟知。在加入《吸血鬼日記》衍生劇《初代吸血鬼》之后,Holt成為劇集常規(guī)演員。[/cn] [en]However, halfway through "The Originals" Season 1, she announced that she would be taking a break from the series, wishing to return to Australia and spend some time with her family. [/en][cn]然而,就在《初代吸血鬼》第一季播到一半的時候,她突然宣布要退出劇組休息一陣,和家人多花些時間在一起。[/cn] [en]Holt is currently back on "The Originals," but she's unlikely to rejoin the show on a permanent basis, as she's beginning to line up new projects. The actress has already been cast in a new series: "Aquarius," a 1960s crime drama which is set to premiere on NBC in 2015. [/en][cn]現(xiàn)在Holt已經重回《初代吸血鬼》,不過只是客串,而且她現(xiàn)在正在開始新項目。她
到處聲張。[/cn] [en]"It's going to let us see maybe the lighter side, the softer side of Klaus," Candice Accola tells us of the "Klaroline" [w]dynamic[/w] in this episode. "What's so appealing to the viewer and so fun for us is that it's sexy, because every scene that they're in, there's really a push and pull. It feels like a big game, and as frustrating as games are, they're really fun to watch on TV. That's what the [w]appeal[/w] is with these two characters. The games, though, can also lead to revealing different perspectives and higher truths, letting you see a little deeper into both of these people."[/en][cn]?“這可能會讓我們看到克勞斯身上的更為光明和溫柔的一面?!笨驳纤? 阿克拉(Candice Accola, Caroline 的扮演者)對于本集中KC的發(fā)展如此說道。“吸引觀眾以及讓我們覺得很有意思的原因是這很誘人。因為每次他們拍對手戲的時候,都是你來我往的。這感覺像一場游戲,偶爾會讓人沮喪,他們看起來太有意思了。這就是這兩個角色的魅力。然而這些游戲,同樣可以讓我們看到不同的觀點以及更深層的真相,讓你更深入了解他們?!盵/cn]
2012-11-26 -
《吸血鬼日記》情侶Joseph Morgan和 Persia White 逛街被拍
[en]Joseph Morgan is all smiles as he does a little shopping on Wednesday afternoon (May 22) in West Hollywood, Calif.[/en][cn]5月22日周三下午,約瑟夫·摩根面帶笑容在加州的西好萊塢外出逛街。[/cn] [en]The 32-year-old Originals star was joined by his girlfriend and Vampire Diaries co-star Persia White.[/en][cn]和這位32歲的男星一道的是他的女友兼《吸血鬼日記》合作女星波斯·懷特。[/cn] [en]“I think it was amazing,” Joseph recently told JJJ about his character Klaus – Spoiler Alert – becoming a father. “I’m fully in support of the storyline, of course. We needed something that set us apart from The Vampire Diaries, other than the tone being a little darker – just something to really separate us and really drive the show. And they’ve done that with the baby.”[/en][cn]以下劇透慎入!約瑟夫·摩根日前在采訪中談到了關于他飾演的角色Klaus在衍生劇《初代吸血鬼》中當爸爸的感受:“我覺得非常棒,我當然非常支持劇情情節(jié)的發(fā)展,《初代吸血鬼》除了情節(jié)更暗黑之外,我們還需要一點東西將我們與《吸血鬼日記》分開,真日正和TVD分隔開來的情節(jié),所以編劇們想到了孩子?!?[/cn]
2013-05-26 -
Nina Dobrev不會回歸《吸血鬼日記》
[en]Rumors have been swirling for months that former Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev would return for the Season 7 finale. So did Elena Gilbert make her triumphant return and reunite with her OTP Damon (Ian Somerhalder)?[/en][cn]有傳言說《吸血鬼日
[en]Stefan and Caroline fans, The Vampire Diaries is granting your wish.[/en][cn]斯特凡和卡羅琳的粉絲們,吸血鬼日記將會滿足你們的愿望。[/cn] [en]Although Caroline (Candice Accola) will be doing her best to avoid Stefan (Paul Wesley) when Season 7 picks up, executive producer Caroline Dries tells us it's only a matter of time before his charm, good looks and hero hair, work his way into Caroline's heart.[/en][cn]盡管當?shù)谄呒鹃_始時卡羅琳仍將會盡力去回避斯特凡,但是制片人卡羅琳德里絲告訴我們,斯特凡迷人的,英俊的長相和英雄般的發(fā)型走入卡羅琳的心只是時間問題。[/cn] [en]"As much as there's chaos around her, every time she looks at Stefan she gets butterflies," Dries says in the video above. "So, it's only a matter of time before it's like... 'You make me happy.' So, we'll see them get together soon."[/en][cn]“雖然周圍有很多的混亂圍繞著她,但是每次看著斯特凡時她仍然小鹿亂撞,”德里絲在視頻里說,’這僅僅是時間問題,看到卡羅琳對斯特凡說‘你讓我開心’.所以我們很快會看到他們重歸于好。”[/cn] [en]OK, but how soon? (We have waited six seasons after all!) "Their relationship is coming in stages," Dries says. "Just because two people kiss doesn't mean they're going steady or whatever the term is now. So, they'll have their starts and stops a bit, but we'll explore each of those chapters of the relationship."[/en][cn]好吧,但是得多久?(我們已經足足等了六季了?。?!)“他們的關系將會進入下一階段”,德里絲說:”無論這季他們怎么樣,就算他們兩個接吻了也不吸血鬼日說明他們的關系就穩(wěn)定了。所以,他們的關系將會有自己的開始和等待,但是我們將在接下來的章節(jié)中進一步的挖掘他們的關系?!盵/cn]
[en]Oh, boy. Stefan’s (Paul Wesley) ex-girlfriend is not a happy [w=camper]camper[/w]. No, not Elena (Nina Dobrev)! According to a new spoiler for The Vampire Diaries Season 5, we’re about to meet yet another of Stefan’s lady loves — and this one is [w=cranky]cranky[/w]! [/en][cn]好家伙,斯特凡的前女友可是滿腹怨氣啊。不,不是說埃琳娜!據(jù)吸血鬼日記第五季最新劇透,我們要看到斯特凡的另一位前女友了——而且這位會是個暴躁的人![/cn] [en]Vampire Tessa has spent the centuries looking for the brothers Salvatore. [w=evidently]Evidently[/w] Tessa doesn’t have fond memories of the boys. Still, she seems to be able to hold her own when she [w=tangle]tangles[/w] with Damon (Ian Somerhalder). In fact, she gets the upper hand when she steals his daylight ring.[/en][cn]女吸血鬼泰莎花了幾個世紀尋找薩爾瓦托兄弟的下落。而且很顯然,她和這兄弟兩個并沒有什么美好的回憶。和達蒙糾纏的時候她依然能招架住,事實上她還占了上風,她偷
就是現(xiàn)在還一直在播的《初代吸血鬼》(The Originals) 想當年英大我追原劇追了8年,除了追劇情和顏,最喜歡的就是里面的音樂了。 不管是插曲、主題曲、配樂,沒有一首讓我失望過,第一季和第二季的原聲專輯也一直是我的珍藏寶貝。 說起偶像劇(teen drama),有不少人會嗤之以鼻,覺得這些劇的內容缺乏深度、除了看臉沒啥價值。 的確,畢竟是偶像劇,你不能把它們的內容和《大小謊言》、《西部世界》這些劇來比。 但是,要是說這些劇沒價值,那就不能茍同了;至少在美劇界,幾個大臺的偶像劇做得還是相當優(yōu)質的。 首先,劇情、懸念都寫得很專業(yè);因為這些劇賺錢,可以請得起一流的編劇團隊。 其次,同樣是因為賺錢,這些劇會有眾多服裝、首飾品牌搶著來做植入廣告,制作方的人物造型設計也會比一般的劇專業(yè)不少。 另外,這些劇也成了眾多音樂人爭搶的舞臺,因為,一旦他們的音樂在這些劇里曝光,特別是在劇情的高潮部分曝光,就可以贏得相當大的關注度。 這就讓這種劇的音樂質量也鶴立雞群,而且里面好多音樂都不是單純的劇情配樂,而是可以單獨拿出來聽的。 So~ 如果你并沒有看過《吸血鬼日記》,英大覺得,光是沖著這些音樂也可以去追一追。 而且,如果你去豆瓣搜它,會發(fā)現(xiàn)它們全都帶著可愛的播放按鈕: 何樂而不為~? ? OK,來講講今天的詞?pillar 這個詞的釋義很簡單,就是“柱子”。 英語里用?a pillar of sth.?來表示“……的支柱、……的中堅力量” 所以,也可以用它來表示“臺柱”。 ? 那么,我們來造個句子吧~ The truth is that strong [w]performance[/w] is only one pillar of a successful product.事實是,出色的性能只是一件成功產品的其中一個必要條件。 ?