吸血鬼日意外你吻我,我只是意外你以為我會回吻你。[/cn] [en]He's your first love i intend to be your last however long it takes.[/en] [cn]他是你的初戀,而我想做你最后一個,無論等多久。[/cn] [en
看美劇聽好歌:《吸血鬼日記》Caroline唱給Matt的歌《Eternal flame》
在《吸血鬼日記》S02E16中,Caroline為了向Matt表達自己對他的真愛,勇敢地走上臺為Matt深情演唱了這首由Bangles演唱的《Eternal Flame》。相信那個溫馨感人的場景會成為《吸血鬼日記》中繼Elena和Damon跳舞之后的又一讓人難忘的歌舞畫面。今天就讓我們來欣賞一下這首《Eternal Flame》的原唱版本。當然小編也為大家準備了Caroline的演唱版本(喜歡Caroline版本的請戳這兒)。 歌詞送上: close your eyes, give me your hand, darling do you feel my heart [w]beating
吸血鬼日記第三季第14集插曲——《Give Me Love》
滬江英樂:這首歌的mv將歌的精髓表現(xiàn)的淋漓盡致,看的人都會有感觸吧。人的孤獨,寂寞,憂傷壓抑在內心的情感,每個人都渴望得到愛的心理,或許,每個孤單的人都只需要女主角一只愛之箭的勇氣就能......唯美的畫面后面,隱藏的苦楚卻只能自己舔舐. 【吸血鬼日記第三季第14集插曲——《Give Me Love》】? 歌詞: Give me love like her Cause lately I've been waking up alone Paint spotted tear drops on my shirt told you I'd let them go And i'll fight my
2013-10-16 -
定在1967年,之后的每一季都會講一個新的故事、新角色和新吸血鬼日設定。不過只有吸血鬼是唯一的不變元素延續(xù)一季又一季。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries will debut its eighth and final season this fall. [/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季將會在今年秋季開播,這也會是這部劇的最后一季。[/cn]
《吸血鬼日記》第二季第9集優(yōu)美片尾Amen Omen試聽下載
《吸血鬼日記》The Vampire Diaries在第二季第9集是一段時間內的最后一集,這集過后要經過兩周的的停歇劇集才會回歸。留下的一首片尾曲Amen Omen余音繞梁,相當好聽。 點此下載《吸血鬼日記》第二季第九集插曲Amen Omen>> Amen Omen by Ben Harper What started as a whisper, Slowly turned in to a scream. Searching for an answer Where the question is unseen. I don't know where you came from And I
《吸血鬼日記》第二季第8集心碎片尾I was Wrong試聽下載
追《吸血鬼日記》The Vampire Diaries的粉絲中,就屬Damon黨最遭虐了吧?在第二季第8集片尾,又有深情虐心橋段上演,好聽的配樂,來自Sleeperstar的新歌I Was Wrong,來聽聽他們現(xiàn)場的演繹。 點此下載《吸血鬼日記》第二季第八集插曲I was Wrong>> I was Wrong by The Sleeperstar I saw you fall asleep when you were reading Pages on your face you up and wipe it And I saw what it was I have done Last
Nina Dobrev回歸《吸血鬼日記》大結局
, and producer Kevin Williamson shared a first glimpse of the actress hanging out with himself and a very special co-star.[/en][cn]離開劇組差不多整整2季的Nina Dobrev終于要回歸《吸血鬼日記》的大結局季了,之前制作人Kevin Williamson發(fā)布過一張Nina Dobrev和本劇以為男主的合照。[/cn] [en]Nope, it wasn't ex-flame-slash-on-screen-boyfriend Ian Somerhalder who shared a
2017-01-30 -
Matt Donovan. And for those of you who need a quick refresher: Matt Donovan was the man who drove the White Oak Stake into Finn’s heart in season 3 of TVD.[/en][cn]在北京時間4月9日播出的那一集中,《初代吸血鬼》里的吸血鬼兄弟Elijah和Finn將會被綁架,而他們醒來的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)自己已經到了神秘瀑布真。那么是誰綁架了他們?Elijah和Finn回到神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)會想盡辦法找Matt Donovan報仇。為什么找Matt報仇?在《吸血鬼日記》第三季里,是Matt把Finn殺掉的。[/cn]
吸血鬼日有的需求 Make my heart a better place? 只是想讓心好受一些 Don't tear me down? 請不要再讓我崩潰 For all i need? 我所有的需求 Make my heart a better place? 只是想讓心好受一些 Give me something i can believe? 給我些我們信任的東西 Don't tear it down? 請不要再讓我崩潰 What's left of me? 既然已經放棄了我 Make my heart a better place 就讓我心好受些吧? Make my heart a better place 就讓我心好受些吧
[en]It's taken three seasons but The Vampire Diaries and The Originals are finally intersecting thanks to the vampire shows' oldest friendship - Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Klaus (Joseph Morgan).[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》和《初代吸血鬼》要串劇了!距離Stefan和Klaus這對老朋友上次分別已經有整整3季了。[/cn] [en]What is his reaction to seeing Klaus again for the first time in a while?[/en][cn]這么久沒見Klaus,當Stefan第一眼看到Klaus回來時是什么反應?[/cn] [en]Wesley: "Holy s--t, we have so much history and so many experiences together, but we are so different now." He's also hiding a secret from Klaus when he first sees him, so it's not completely innocuous. [Stefan] is a little on edge because he's afraid that Klaus may figure out [that] secret. He kind of has to fool him into thinking he's there for a reason that he's not. That creates a little bit of awkwardness and unease in Stefan's mind, [but] I think he's relieved to see someone that was once his friend.[/en][cn]Wesley:我勒個去,我們過去有太多共同回憶,不過現(xiàn)在我們已經不是以前的我們了。第一眼看到Klaus的時候,他有個秘密沒有告訴他,這個秘密很重要,而他又怕Klaus發(fā)現(xiàn)這個秘密。這個秘密讓Stefan有些尷尬,不過相信最終他將會坦然面對這位曾經的好友。[/cn] [en]How is Klaus going to react to the fact that Caroline was pregnant and just had twins?[/en][cn]知道Caroline現(xiàn)在懷上了雙胞胎之后,Klaus會有什么反應?[/cn] [en]Wesley: They discuss it, for sure. Klaus keeps his cool. [/en][cn]Wesley:他們肯定會聊這個話題。Klaus表現(xiàn)得很酷。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries and The Originals crossover event kicks off Friday at 9/8c on The CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》和《初代吸血鬼》串劇將會在本周五開播。[/cn]