• 吸血鬼記的英文怎么說

    吸血鬼日記的英文: The Vampire Diaries (是一部集青春、魔幻、恐怖、劇情于一身的美國電視連續(xù)劇,由美國女作家L.J.史密斯的同名暢銷系列小說改編而成。)vampire是什么意思: n. 吸血鬼;吸血蝙蝠;殘酷剝削他人的人 It is a vampire bat. 它是吸血蝠。 false vampire bat 假吸血蝠 14,000 Victory vampires, 14000個勝利吸血鬼… I needed a powerful vampire's soul. 我需要一個強大吸血鬼的靈魂。 It wasn't a wife waiting there for him but a blood sucking vampire! 家里的不是個老婆,而是個吸人血的妖精!diaries是什么意思: n. 記事簿;日記,日記簿 She often keeps a diary. 她常記日記。 Her diaries are political dynamite. 她的日記是政治“炸藥”。 There is no further reference to him in her diary. 她的日記中沒有進一步提吸血鬼日到他。 There is no further reference to him in her diary. 她在日記中沒有進一步提到他。 I have no time to tend to my diary. 沒有時間留心寫我的記。 到滬江小D查看吸血鬼記的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 吸血鬼的英語怎么說>> 法的英文怎么說>> 吮的英文怎么說>> 水軟膏劑的英文怎么說>> 水率的英文怎么說>>

  • Paul Wesley當《吸血鬼記》導演

    [en]Paul Wesley has played two different characters on "The Vampire Diaries" -- vampire Stefan and [w]immortal[/w] gypsy Silas -- but he's about to take on a new role: Director.[/en][cn]在《吸血鬼日記》中,Paul Wesley扮演了Stefan和不死的吉普賽人Silas——不過他很快又要迎來一個新角色:導演。[/cn] [en]Wesley will make his directorial debut on an upcoming episode of The CW series, BuzzFeed reports. He will be the first actor from "The Vampire Diaries" to take over directing duties for an episode.[/en][cn]BuzzFeed報道,Wesley將吸血鬼日會在CW美劇《吸血鬼日記》接下來的某一集中擔任導演 。他是《吸血鬼日記》眾演員中第一個坐上導演位置的。[/cn] [en]"It's an honor and the cast couldn't be any more supportive, which I feel truly grateful for," Wesley says of his episode, Season 5 episode 18, which is "both [w]nostalgic[/w] and [w]suspenseful[/w]. It feels uneasy. And I respond to that."[/en][cn]“我非常榮幸,而且演員們也都非常支持和配合,這讓我對大家充滿了感恩,”Wesley說自己導演的第五季十八集齊集懷舊、懸疑因素。這很不容易,我有一種責任重大的感覺?!盵/cn] [en]Congratulations on your new role, Wesley. We can't wait to see the episode.[/en][cn]恭喜Wesley拿下導演工作,我們等不急想看他導演的這一集了。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》劇析:Damon要有新女友了?

    Is Damon’s [w]new[/w] lady friend going to nurse his [w=bruise]bruises[/w] left by Elena?? As reported by TV Guide, former [w]Smallville[/w] [w]baddie[/w] Cassidy Freeman will join the show as [w]Sage[/w], a “[w]murky[/w]” vamp who will first appear in a 1912 [w]flashback[/w] before [w=reunite]reuniting[/w] with Damon in present-day Mystic Falls. As much as people love seeing Damon and Stefan (Paul Wesley) [w]battle[/w] for Elena’s [w=affection]affections[/w] week after week after week after week (x 1,000), Some are tired of seeing Damon’s [w]supernatural[/w] [w]libido[/w] going tragically to waste. Sorry, Elena, but you can only [w]string[/w] a guy on for so long before he decides you’re not worth the effort. My only piece of advice to Sage? Enjoy your time in Mystic Falls while you can! Damon’s girlfriends — see Andie (Dawn Olivieri) and Rose (Lauren Cohan) — have a history of suddenly dropping dead. What’s your take on Sage as a potential love interest for Damon? Do you think he’ll just want to make Elena jealous, or could he really have feelings for someone else? See you in the comments section! 滬江娛樂快訊:據(jù)TV Guide報道,《吸血鬼日記》中將會出席一個新人物:吸血鬼Sage。據(jù)報道,這個人物會與Damon有些情感上的糾纏。這個角色將由《超人前傳》的Cassidy Freeman出演。首次登場會是一場劇中1921年閃回。《吸血鬼日記》中Damon、Stefan、Elena永無止盡的糾纏確實漸漸有些不那么引人,加入個新角色也許可以給劇情來個亮點。不過,如果要做Damon的女友,Sage可要好好珍惜活著的時刻哦~看看與Damon曖昧的那些角色吧,Andie、Rose都沒有什么好結果……


    吸血鬼日記 美劇

  • Nina Dobrev有望回歸《吸血鬼記》

    可以回來,她的回來對CW絕對是有益處的。只有她回來《吸血鬼日記》才是完整的,不過現(xiàn)在還有一些細節(jié)商議正在進行中。希望她會回歸。[/cn]” [en]If Dobrev, who left at the end of Season 6, does not return, Pedowitz said executive producer Julie Plec has "planned a great series finale" regardless.[/en][cn]不過Pedwoitz也透露,就算在第六季離開的Dobrev萬一無法回歸,制片人Julie Plec也已經(jīng)有了一個完美的計劃給大家一個完美的結局。[/cn]

  • 阿湯哥和皮特兩頂級男神飆戲,真是顏值盛宴!



    美劇 夜訪吸血鬼

  • 吸血鬼記》:當埃琳娜成為吸血鬼之后

    說道:“我們將開始一個新的故事。同一個世界、同樣的角色、相同的感覺。除了我們單純天真的女主角,一切都沒有改變?!?“她的同情心是她的美德也是她的要害,”普萊柯說。“她非常忠誠、關愛他人。并且憑著一顆明辨是非之心,她非常、非常地富有同情心。當這些品質(zhì)被放大時,她將很有可能會變得有點兒愛惹是生非……這就像一個超能力女主角的誕生。” 但是,埃琳娜甚至是在轉(zhuǎn)變之前,就已經(jīng)有了黑暗的一面。她為她給身邊人帶來的一切傷痛而感到負疚。而這吸血鬼形態(tài)下會怎樣呢? 可以肯定的是,除了普萊柯和她的團隊,在今年10月《吸血鬼記》回歸之前,我們都不知道將會發(fā)生什么。但是,你現(xiàn)在還是可以復習一下前三季的內(nèi)容的。

  • NIna Dobrev正式回歸《吸血鬼記》

    起了Stefan的好朋友Lexi,這大新聞,不過也不是意想不到的新聞,《吸血鬼日句話是她在第一季首次提起的。[/cn] [en]Dobrev starred as Elena Gilbert, along with playing a slew of doppelgangers, including Katherine, Amara and Tatia. She lent her voice in the Season 7 finale, when the Sybil (Nathalie Kelley) used Elena's voice to trick Damon (Ian Somerhalder), but she hasn't appeared onscreen since Elena's life was linked to Bonnie's (Kat Graham) and she was put in a magical coma in the Season 6 finale.[/en][cn]Dobrev扮演的Elena Gilbert,在劇中也還扮演了一系列的二重身,包括Katherine、Amara和Tatia。而且她還在第七季的結局集中獻聲演出,當時Sybil用了Elena的聲音欺騙Damon,不過他最終也沒有出現(xiàn),因為在第六季結局中,Elena的生命和Bonnie的死亡緊緊聯(lián)系在一起。[/cn]

  • 《初代吸血鬼》將出書講始祖新故事

    [en]Can’t get enough of those fancy yet [w]ferocious[/w] Mikaelson family members? Get excited, fang fans, because Alloy Entertainment and the fantastic publishers over at Harlequin have heard our pleas and are set to release three books based on the CW’s addictive TVD spin-off, The Originals.[/en][cn]Mikaelson吸血鬼家族的吸血鬼故事還沒看過癮?那粉絲們知道這個消息就可以歡欣鼓舞了,因為Alloy Entertainment和Harlequin出版公司將會聯(lián)合根據(jù)CW電視臺這部《吸血鬼日記》衍生劇《初代吸血鬼》出版一部新書。[/cn] [en]Compelling untold stories about Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah and all their wicked indiscretions, passionate affairs and blood-filled adventures? Yep, that’s right — in the upcoming winter months you will have the opportunity to curl up with a cup of tea and some seriously sexy supernatural drama.[/en][cn]這部書會講述電視劇中沒來的講述的Klaus、Elijah、Rebekah和他們年輕時候的沖動、激情的愛情故事?是的——在今年冬季你將會有機會一邊喝茶一邊品味這部充滿性感因素的科幻書。[/cn] [en]Anyway, according to a recent announcement on , the books will consist of entirely fresh stories about the Original vampire characters and their pledge to remain together a thousand years ago. (Always and forever!) The books will be published under the Harlequin HQN imprint and are scheduled to hit bookstores in February 2015, April 2015 and June 2015. The timing comes along with the conclusion of the second season of the show.[/en][cn]根據(jù)網(wǎng)站介紹,這部書將會講述這些吸血鬼始祖?zhèn)內(nèi)碌墓适?,他們前年前發(fā)誓要永遠在一起的誓言。這部書將會在2015年的2月、4月和6月發(fā)布。這個時間正好是《初代吸血鬼》第二季結局的時候。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼記》最老吸血鬼“Klaus”演員選定(雙語)

    ] in the States, but producer Julie Plec told Entertainment Weekly last month the show likely [w=prefer]preferred[/w] an actor "that no one’s really familiar with," so he can be exploited, "in all the good ways," of course. [/en][cn]這位30歲的演員演出經(jīng)歷并不多,但是制作人Julie Plec上個月向《娛樂周刊》透露,《吸血鬼記》很可能會選擇一位“家并不太熟悉”的演員

  • 吸血鬼記》第五季9劇透(1)

    [en]1. When executive producer Julie Plec promised a lot of Delena goodness in the new season, she wasn't kidding. It seems like the two happy lovebirds haven't been able to keep their hands off each other all summer, losing hours holed up in Damon's bedroom. Though Stelena fans, don't give up all hope: there is one scene that should help to balance out the Delena-heavy episode. [/en][cn]1、《吸血鬼日記》執(zhí)行制片人Julie Plec在《吸血鬼日記》第五季開播前向DE黨表示,在新一季里會有很多DE的幸福畫面,她可不是在開玩笑。DE的確是在一起過了一個非常幸福、快樂的夏天,兩人在Damon臥室里開心到都快要忘記時間了。不過SE黨們也不要放棄希望:新季中將會有一幕SE重要劇情,能夠?qū)E之前的幸福甜蜜起到平衡作用。[/cn] [en]2. Since Jeremy is living in the Salvatore mansion (thanks to Elena burning down the Gilbert house in Season 4), that means there is plenty of opportunities for awkward sibling moments when he accidentally catches the two vamps in the ... er, act.[/en][cn]2、Jeremy搬進了Salvatore家(因為Elena在第四季把Gilbert家一把火給燒了),也就是說Jeremy會經(jīng)常不小心撞到Damon和Elena這兩枚吸血鬼做運動的場景……[/cn] [en]3. Though Elena is heading off to Whitmore College for a normal, functioning-vampire college experience with Caroline and Bonnie (or so Elena and Caroline think), don't expect that to affect her and Damon. Sure, long-distance relationships aren't easy, but when you see how these two say goodbye, you certainly won't doubt that they can make it work.[/en][cn]3、雖然Elena要和Caroline以及Bonnie(Elena和Caroline以為Bonnie會跟她們一起)一起去Whitmore大學讀書,不過別以為這會影響她和Damon的感情。雖說要維持異地戀挺不容易,不過當你看到他們倆離別的場景,你就會知道他們肯定能度過這一關。[/cn]