• 后悔英文怎么

    mistake. 我為自己所犯錯誤感到懊。 He felt a flicker of regret. 他突然閃現(xiàn)一絲意。 He regretted his roughness. 他對自己的粗魯感到后悔。repent是什意思: v. 對感到懊或懺 In repentance, there is salvation. 苦海無邊,回頭是岸。 From confession flows repentance and from repentance forgiveness. Never too late to repent 過則勿憚改 Short acquaintance brings repentance. 淺交生后悔。 Depend on others and you always repent 依靠別人總要后悔 到滬江小D查看后悔英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 患的英文怎么說>> 果不堪設想的英文怎么說>> 果的英文怎么說>> 顧之憂的英文怎么說>> 攻隊用英文怎么說>>

  • 世界后悔日的英文怎么

    by day. 事情逐日進行著。 Day by day the situation is improving. 情況在一天天地好轉。 Like this, day after day. 就這樣,日復一日。 It was a fateful day. 那是個不祥的日子。 Meantime, from day to day they endure. 同時,一天天他們捱了下去。 到滬江小D查看世界后悔日的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 世界和平理事會的英文怎么說>> 世界海關組織的英文怎么說>> 世界冠軍隊的英文怎么說>> 世界觀的英文怎么說>> 世界工會聯(lián)合會的英文怎么說>>

  • 后悔莫及的英文怎么

    , and repent at leisure. —— John Ray 草率成婚,后悔莫及。——雷 The road to hell is paved with good intentions 徒有良好的愿望而不去努力實現(xiàn),后悔莫及 I was overcome with remorse. 我后悔莫及。 It was too late to repent my mistakes. 我對自己犯的錯誤后悔莫及。 But we both wanted help, and now i found more than before, i had done wrong in parting with my boy Xury. 然而,我們都感到缺乏勞動力。這時,我想到真不該把佐立讓給別人,以致現(xiàn)在后悔莫及。 到滬江小D查看后悔莫及的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 后悔英文怎么說>> 患的英文怎么說>> 果不堪設想的英文怎么說>> 果的英文怎么說>> 顧之憂的英文怎么說>>

  • 有聲雙語美文:不要把時間浪費在后悔上面

    后悔。[/cn] [en]Because they were once what you wanted.[/en][cn]因為,他們曾經(jīng)是你想要的。[/cn] [en]Regreting will bring you nothing.[/en][cn]后悔

  • 后悔用英語怎么

    管你會后悔的。 If?you?don't?take?my?advice,?you'll?regret it, I promise you.? 這是一句欠考慮的話,我馬上就后悔了。 It?was?a thoughtless?remark?and?I?regretted it?immediately.? 埃利斯當時似乎正后悔不該問那個問題。 Ellis?seemed to?be regretting?that he had?asked?the?question.? 我不想作出錯誤的決定,以后后悔。 I?don't want to?make?the?wrong?decision?and?regret it?later.? 我非常后悔說了那些話。 I?deeply?regret what?I?said.? 當時我輕易向他屈服了,到現(xiàn)在我一直后悔。 I?simply?gave?in to?him, and?I've?regretted it ever since.? 你如果現(xiàn)在不做,以后一定會后悔的。 If?you?don't?do it?now,?you'll?only regret it.? 我以后也許會對此很后悔。 I?might?well regret?it?later.? 我對我那些考慮不周的言辭開始感到后悔。 I?came?to?regret?my?unconsidered?remarks.? 我死后你會為你說的話感到后悔的。 You'll be?sorry?you?said?that?when?I'm?dead?and gone.? 他在激烈爭吵時說了許多他后來感到后悔的話。 In?the?heat?of the?argument?he said?a?lot?of things?he?regretted?later.? “你會后悔的?!必堉貜偷馈?"You'll be?sorry,"?repeated?the?Cat.? 如果你做了,你就會后悔的! If?you?do,?you'll?be?sorry!? 如果你惹我生氣,你會后悔的! If?you?make?me?angry,?you'll be?sorry!? 事已如此,后悔也是枉然。 Now?it's done,?regrets?are of no?avail.; It's no use crying over spilt milk.? “那么,”狐貍說,“如果你真的想回家,盡管去吧,但你會后悔的?!?"Well,?then,"?said?the Fox, "if?you?really?want to?go?home,?go?ahead,?but?you'll be?sorry."? 相后悔:regret/remorse/repent。In deep remorse在深深的后悔之中;have no regrets at all一點不后悔;repent of one's carelessness對自己的粗心大意表示后悔信我,如果你不來,你會后悔的。 Believe?me,?if?you?don't?come,?you'll be?sorry.? 既然事情已經(jīng)發(fā)生了,就沒有后悔的余地了。 Now those?things?have?happened,?there is no?room for?regret.? 總有一天她會后悔的——也許那時已經(jīng)太晚了。 She?would be?sorry?some day--maybe?when?it was too late.? ?



  • Quora精選:人過50歲會后悔


  • Quora精選:你后悔結婚嗎?為什?


  • 有聲雙語美文:后悔沒在20幾歲做這些事

    來了很多實實在在的物品,卻沒有更多關注我們的未來。[/cn] [en]4. Better planning[/en][cn]更好的規(guī)劃人生[/cn] [en]I regret not focusing more on where I wanted to go in life, what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be and what it would take to get there. With some more planning in our twenties, we’d be further ahead in our 40s and perhaps a bit happier as well.[/en][cn]我后悔我沒有仔細思考我的人生道路,我想要做的事情,我想成為一個什樣的人以及如何才能實現(xiàn)。如果在20多歲的時候我們能更好的規(guī)劃人生,我們在40多歲的時候就會更上一層樓,也許還會感覺到更幸福。[/cn] [en]5. Seizing more experiences [/en][cn]更多的人生體驗[/cn] [en]I wish I had learned to ski and paint, speak Italian and do the Tango. I

  • 80歲時你會后悔的7件事:別等到老了再后悔

    出門去,散散步,徒步旅行或自駕旅行都好。當?shù)厥欠裼行┑胤侥銖奈瓷孀氵^?走出后院,我們將會看到更多未曾見過的景色。[/cn] [en]4. Risk[/en][cn] 冒險[/cn] [en]Like to play it safe? Worried about things going wrong? It's been my experience that everything always works out. Try something risky like changing careers or quitting your job and working for yourself. Pick up and move half way around the world and see what it's like in another culture, another country or another [w]hemisphere[/w].[/en][cn]更青睞安定的生活?害怕變化?其實據(jù)我經(jīng)驗證明,怎么選擇生活都可以過得很好。試試冒次險吧:跳槽,辭職,或是自己創(chuàng)業(yè)。收拾好

  • 英文怎么

    意思: v. 對感到懊或懺 In repentance, there is salvation. 苦海無邊,回頭是岸。 From confession flows repentance and from repentance forgiveness. Never too late to repent 過則勿憚改 Short acquaintance brings repentance. 淺交生后悔。 Depend on others and you always repent 依靠別人總要后悔 到滬江小D查看後英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 後方用英文怎么說>> 後代的英文怎么說>> 後撤防守的英文怎么說>> 後輩的英文怎么說>> 後備的英文怎么說>>