加油的英文: make an extra effort cheer up參考例句: The football fans cheered their team. 足球迷們給他們的隊加油。 The Arsenal... Come on the Arsenal... the Arsenal! 阿森納……加油阿森納……阿森納! Now boys,pull up your slacks;we start the last ten miles at that milestone. 孩子們,加油呀!從這個里程碑開始,我們再走10英里就到了。 Three cheers for the winner: Hip
加加油門的英文: coalcoal是什么意思: n. 煤,木炭;煤塊 v.(給…)加煤;把…燒成炭 Coal is a mineral. 煤是一種礦物。 The coal will be shipped by rail. 這些煤將用火車裝運。 The boat is freighted with coal. 這條船裝載煤。 He will coal the wood. 他將把這木頭燒成炭。 He blocked out the coal. 他把煤切割成塊。 到滬江小D查看加油門的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 加油,助威的英文怎么說>> 加油用英文怎么說>> 加以考慮的英文>> 加以的英文怎么說>> 加一的英文怎么說>>
加油,助威的英文: cheer參考例句: The crowd boosted the morale of the runners. 群眾為賽跑選手們加油助威。 The crowd boosted the morale of the runners 人們?yōu)橘惻苓x手們加油助威。cheer是什么意思: n. 歡呼聲;振奮;鼓勵,激勵 v. 歡呼;鼓舞 The football fans cheered their team. 足球迷們給他們的隊加油。 Cheerful company shortens the miles 旅有好旅伴,不覺行程遠 A cheerful wife is the joy
2012-06-30 -
毒氣殺傷(人) development of gas 放出氣體;放出毒氣 This gas mask can immunize you against poison gas. 防毒面具能使你免遭毒氣襲擊。 long-distance gas 遠程供應的煤氣[天然氣] gas evolution analysis 氣體放出分析 gas | boast | bragging 吹牛[吹大炮 station是什么意思: n. 車站;站;駐地;身份,地位 v. 安置;駐扎 The house is to the right of the petrol station. 那座房子在加油站的右邊。 The train flew past the station. 火車飛加油站的英文: gas station參考例句: I have to stop at the gas station to blow up my front tires. 我得到加油快地通過車站。 Radio station is off the air. 廣播電臺停止了廣播。 A small uptown radio station. 市郊的一個小電臺。 They filed a report at the police station. 于是他們報了警。 到滬江小D查看加油站的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 加油門的英文怎么說>> 加油,助威的英文怎么說>> 加油用英文怎么說>> 加以考慮的英文>> 加以的英文怎么說>>
得不?不過這種說法只能對有點了解漢語的老外說哦,不然他們就只能對你干瞪眼了。 7. 為汽車“加油”怎么說呢? “加油”原先的意思也經常被用錯?!癟o refuel”或者“to fill up”最常用,而且這個不分英式美式英語。順帶提一下,“加油站”在英加油國是“petrol station”,在美國是“gas station”。 例句:I need to find a [w]petrol[/w] station to fill up the car. 我要找加油站,汽車該加油了。
人去試一試,大概意思是你不要擔心失敗,去爭取一下。 比如你的朋友想要參加一個比賽,但是有些猶豫不敢報名,這時候你就可以說“Go for it!”,鼓勵他相信自己,也有我看好你的意思。 舉個例子 Go for it , John! You know you can beat him. 努力爭取吧,約翰!你知道你是可以打敗他的。 ⑤ hang in there “Hang in there” = “Keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult. ” 處于艱難困苦的境況時,可以用“ Hang in there!”來給自己或別人加油鼓勁!意思是“加油,挺住”,這加油”你知道它的英文怎么說嗎?難道是張口就來“Fighting”?大家知道嗎?其實“Fighting”并沒有加油句話常用于口語表達。 舉個例子 Hang in there! It'll be over soon. 加油!很快就結束了! 如果想要找適合自己的靠譜英語口語培訓班,大家可以來網校來試一試,學習學習。當然如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學,掃一掃領200暢學卡。
NEW YORK - About 200 protesters - some dripping with fake oil, others wearing pictures of fish on their heads - gathered at a BP station Friday evening to demand the company take responsibility for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A BP drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded on April 20, killing 11 workers and sending millions of gallons of oil into the water. The oil is beginning to foul beaches, kill wildlife and cripple the tourism and fishing industries. Protesters in lower Manhattan waved signs such as "Clean Up Don't Cover Up" and chanted "BP Your Heart is Black, You Can Have Your Oil Back." Some doused themselves in chocolate and water-based paint to simulate an oil spill. "I would like to see people in the streets, and I would like to see the world come to a standstill in disgust with what's going on," said Jessica Delfino, a musician who lives in Manhattan. She was holding a sign that said "Methinks the world doth not protest enough." Dana Balicki, national campaign manager for CODEPINK, one of sponsors, said the original plan was for protesters to walk into the gas station at 6 p.m. and start pouring oil on themselves. But the police put a barricade around the station, making it impossible for them to enter, she said. "It's about showing New York, it's about showing the world, that we are not going to stand by and let the administration or let this corporation pawn off their mistakes on the taxpayers," she said. Protesters are demanding that BP be held responsible for all cleanup costs, and that the government redirect energy and financing into renewable fuels, among other things. Balicki called the demonstration a flash protest. Later on, it seemed like those gathered were more mingling than protesting. Joe Sharkey, 28, of Brooklyn, had Pump Blood Not Oil written in glitter paint on his bare chest. "Bike power, human power can get us most of the places we need to go," he said, adding that he was promoting the World Naked Bike Ride on June 12. "We don't need to be drilling for fossil fuels." 相關中文報道: 5月28日晚,約兩百名游行示威者在紐約一家屬于英國石油公司的加油站前集會。他們渾身淋有石油狀液體,頭戴印有魚的圖片,以這種方式要求英國石油公司為墨西哥灣泄露原油泄露承擔責任。 4月20日,位于美國墨西哥灣的一座英國石油公司的鉆井平臺爆炸起火。此次爆炸造成11人死亡,數(shù)百萬加侖原油流入墨西哥灣水域。 目前已對當?shù)氐囊吧鷦游?、旅游資源以及捕魚產業(yè)造成了極大地破壞。
在中文里,加油這個詞常在考試、競賽、運動等場景中加油這個詞常在考試、競賽、運動等場景中使用,用來鼓勵他人。 但從這個詞的本義來看,它指的應該是給機器添加燃料油或潤滑油,那“加油”作為鼓勵的用法是怎么來的呢? 可以說,在西方國家,并沒有用“加油”來鼓勵他人的說法,所以許多外國人會對中國人口中的“加油”大為不解。 據(jù)說,這種用法來源于清朝道光年間,有一舉人張瑛上任之后十分重視教育事業(yè),會從自己的俸祿當中拿出一些錢,鼓勵當?shù)氐慕逃?張瑛想出的鼓勵辦法就是,每天晚上他都會派出差役,帶著油桶巡城,如果發(fā)現(xiàn)有讀書人正在挑燈夜讀,就給他的油燈里添一勺油,并且要喊一句“知府大人給相公加油”,送上鼓勵。 隨著這句話在世界范圍內傳播,2018年10月,中式英文"add oil"被牛津詞典收錄。而英語里類似“加油”的表達方式可以用Come on,Go for it,Cheerup,Keep going這些地道的說法為他人加油打氣。 ? 你現(xiàn)在了解了嗎?