搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 吸血鬼日記:第一季第一集(8) 第一集的完結(jié)

    以Elena和Stefan日記作為第一集的完結(jié),準備著迎來新的挑戰(zhàn)~~背景音樂超好聽!對了,期待Damon的童鞋不要著急哦~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... 不用標序號,一句一段哈~~ Elena: Dear diary, I couldn't have been more wrong. I thought that I could smile, nod my way through it, pretend like it would all be OK. Stefan: I had a plan. ______1_______ Elena: Without the pain. Stefan and Elena: ______2_______ Elena: But it's not that easy. The bad things stay with you. Stefan: They follow you. _______3_______ Elena: ______4_______ So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it. I need it. I wanted to change who I was, create a life as someone new, someone without the past. Someone alive. You can't escape them, as much as you want to. All you can do is be ready for the good. Elena:親愛的日記,我真是大錯特錯!本以為我可以點頭微笑,應(yīng)付自如,假裝一切都會好起來! Stefan:我本來有個計劃。本想改變自己,塑造全新的自我,沒有過去。 Elena:沒有痛苦。 Stefan and Elena:真正活著的人。 Elena:但這并非易事。困難總是追隨你。 Stefan:它們跟著你。無論我們多么渴望,都無法擺脫。 Elena:唯能做的就是為美好的明天做好準備!當(dāng)它降臨時,我們能欣然接受,因為我們需要它!我需要它! 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 吸血鬼日記》結(jié)局新吸血鬼劇接班

    定在1967年,之后的每一季都會講一個新的故事、新角色和新吸血鬼設(shè)定。不過只有吸血鬼是唯一的不變元素延續(xù)一季又一季。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries will debut its eighth and final season this fall. [/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季將會在今年秋開播,這也會是這部劇的最后一季。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼日記】第一季第二十集(3) Elena&Stefan

    一串話呢,這期是第一該死的,正如我做出的選擇,我也應(yīng)該讓Damon死。 Elena:但你沒有,即使你現(xiàn)在死了,也不能改變已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事。 Stefan:每個被傷害的人……每個失去的生命,都是因為我。 Elena:我父母死去的那晚……我逃避家庭聚會去參加派對。但卻回不來了,所以他們來接我回家。那是我們在Wickery橋出事的原因。因為這樣,他們死了。我們的行為決定著事情的發(fā)展。但我們得學(xué)會適應(yīng)它。blow off: 逃離 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 吸血鬼日記:第一季第二十集(4) Elena&Stefan

    害了我。那傷害了我。知道我自己所做的事,那種痛苦……那種痛苦一直都伴隨著我。每天,我想如果我只是……如果我能讓自己不再吸血,就能停止那種痛苦。就是那么簡單。每天,我都一空一為此做抗爭。我特別恐懼,害怕有一天。我不想再為此抗爭了,Elena。下一次我傷害的人……也許會是你。 Elena:不會再有下次了。 Stefan:你保證不了。 Elena:也許我保證不了。但我所知道的是,要不你就把它,丟進采石場,等著太陽升起。要不你帶上這枚戒指繼續(xù)抗爭。由你來決定。 Stefan: Elena。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 美劇天天秀: 吸血鬼日記S01E10(14)

    《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Elena: She supported me, encouraged me, bought me my first journal, and then she died. 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場試身手吧>>

  • 吸血鬼日記:第一季第十集(1) Elena&Stefan

    Stefan又來跟Elena說最近鎮(zhèn)上發(fā)生的奇怪現(xiàn)象了,鎮(zhèn)上要不太平啦… 老規(guī)矩:不用標序號,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... Elena: ________1_________ Stefan: None. ________2__________ They’re either sloppy, or they're trying to send a message. Elena: And you're sure it's not Damon. Stefan: Well, I’m never sure about Damon, but he's been trying to keep a low profile lately, so it just doesn't make any sense to me. Elena: So what are you gonna do? Stefan: Damon's tracking them right now. ________3________ _______4________ Elena: When I saw you, I... thought you were coming to say good-bye. Stefan: Not yet. 鬼迷們快來訂閱吧!~ So you have no idea who it could be? But it must be somebody new, because leaving a body like that. Look, I promised you the truth, so I wanted to tell you. I want you to be careful. Elena:你關(guān)于那個吸血鬼一點頭緒都沒有? Stefan:沒有,肯定是新吸血鬼,要不然留下那樣的尸體,他們要不是很粗心,就是在傳遞什么信息。 Elena:你確認那不是Damon干的? Stefan:我不確定是不是Damon 但... 他最近一直很低調(diào),要是他做得就有點說不通。keep a low profile: 保持低姿態(tài);避免引人注目 Elena:你準備怎么辦? Stefan: Damon現(xiàn)在正在找他們。我答應(yīng)過告訴你事實的,我想告訴你,希望你能小心點。 Elena:當(dāng)我看一空一到你,我以為你是來和我告別的。 Stefan:還沒呢。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

  • 美劇天天秀: 吸血鬼日記 S01E08(1)

    《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: S: You ok? E: I don't think the sheriff suspected anything. Jeremy had no memory at all. All he knew was what Damon made him know. S: Thank you. E: I can't do this, Stefan. Every time I look at Matt

  • Stefan最受《吸血鬼日記》劇組歡迎

    我們聊了她最喜歡的《吸血鬼日記》劇組演員。[/cn] [en]“My favorite male cast member was Paul Wesley. He is such a [w]riot[/w], he’s so hilarious, people don’t know that about him. He’s just so funny. And really talented, he was one of my best friends when I was working on that show,” Claire revealed. [/en][cn]“我最喜歡的男演員是Paul Wesley。他這個人很好玩,也很能鬧,一般人都不知道他還有這一面。他超搞笑的,而且也很有天賦,我還在《吸血鬼日記》劇組的時候,他就是我最好的朋友之一,”Claire說。[/cn] [en]“And female, Candice Accola. She is like the greatest friend you could ever have. She’s so loyal, she’s so fun. She is like Caroline on the show.”[/en][cn]“女演員里,我最喜歡的是Candice Accola,她就是那種超級好閨蜜型的人。對朋友很忠誠,也很有趣。她和劇里Caroline這個角色很像。”[/cn]

  • 美劇天天秀: 吸血鬼日記 S01E10

    《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會得到主持的專業(yè)點評哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Elena: You don't get to make that decision for me. If you walk away, it's for you, because I know what I want. Stefan, I love you. 語調(diào)示意圖: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點評和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場試身手吧>> ? ?

  • 吸血鬼日記》等熱門美劇獲得續(xù)訂

    訂了5部美劇的下一季。[/cn] [en]Those now guaranteed to return on the 2014-2015 schedule are:[/en][cn]在2014-2015年你一定能看到以下美劇的新季更新:[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries[/en][cn]吸血鬼日記[/cn] [en]Reign[/en][cn]風(fēng)中的女王[/cn] [en]Arrow[/en][cn]綠箭俠[/cn] [en]Supernatural[/en][cn]邪惡力量[/cn] [en]The Originals[/en][cn]初代吸血鬼[/cn] [en]“This season we’ve had great success with our new hit series The Originals paired with Supernatural, giving us our best Tuesday nights in years,” said CW prez Mark Pedowitz in a statement.[/en][cn]“今年的秋季檔我們有非常棒的新劇《初代吸血鬼》和《邪惡力量》搭檔,撐起了最佳周二檔,”CW總裁Mark Pedowitz說。[/cn] [en]“The Vampire Diaries is No. 2 in its time period in the young adult demos, and with Arrow continuing to gain among young men, and Reign growing its time period, we now have strong nights on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I’m very pleased to announce early pickups for all five series, and let our fans know they’ll have more great drama to look forward to next season.”[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》是年輕人最愛的第二大時間檔,這部劇和《綠箭俠》一起獲得了很多年輕人的喜愛,而《風(fēng)中的女王》正在慢慢成長,我們現(xiàn)一季在有非常不錯的周二檔、周三檔和周四檔。我很高興向大家宣布我們續(xù)訂這5部美劇,讓我們的觀眾知道他們下一季將會有更多值得期待的好劇上演。[/cn]