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  • 吸血鬼日記》結(jié)局新吸血鬼劇接班

    定在1967年,之后的每一季都會講一個新的故事、新角色和新吸血鬼設定。不過只有吸血鬼是唯一的不變元素延續(xù)一季又一季。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries will debut its eighth and final season this fall. [/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》第八季將會在今年秋季開播,這也會是這部劇的最后一季。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼日記衍生劇《The Originals》第1集: I Want to Be King!

    [en]Fans are treated to an extended look at "The Originals," the wildly anticipated backdoor pilot that will take viewers to New Orleans and into what appears to be an especially crazy, non-stop party.[/en][cn]現(xiàn)在《吸血鬼日記》的粉絲們都非常急迫的想看到該劇的衍生劇《The Originals》的第一集了!這一集將會把我們帶到另外一個瘋狂的派對不夜城——新奧爾良。[/cn] [en]It's run by Klaus' former [w]protege[/w], Marcel, who has created a Utopia for supernatural beings. How has he accomplished such a feat? That's what Klaus wants to know.[/en][cn]這座城市現(xiàn)在由Klaus的門徒Marcel在管理,這座城市是所有超自然生物的理想烏托邦。Klaus想知道,他是怎么做到的。[/cn] [en]How can the mentor take over as king? That's what Klaus plans on finding out. [/en][cn]而Klaus這位導師怎樣才能真正稱王?這吸血鬼會是這部劇中Klaus想要做的。[/cn]

  • 吸血鬼日記》里關(guān)于愛的臺詞

    吸血鬼意外你吻我,我只是意外你以為我會回吻你。[/cn] [en]He's your first love i intend to be your last however long it takes.[/en] [cn]他是你的初戀,而我想做你最后一個,無論等多久。[/cn] [en

  • 囧研究:人類可以做吸血鬼

    [en]The arrest of a 19-year-old Texas man claiming to be a 500-year-old [w]vampire[/w] from hell has raised chilling questions about pop culture's influence on human behavior.[/en][cn]近日,一個自稱“來自地獄的500歲吸血鬼”的19歲德州少年被捕,向人們提出了流行文化對人類行為的影響這一嚴峻問題。[/cn] [en]Lyle Monroe Bensley is being held in Galveston


    吸血鬼 囧研究

  • 吸血鬼的英語怎么說

    吸血鬼的英文: vampire bloodsucker參考例句: 14,000 Victory vampires, 14000個勝利吸血鬼… I needed a powerful vampire's soul. 我需要一個強大吸血鬼的靈魂。 The leech hangs about other people hoping to obtain money 那個吸血鬼依附于他人希望獲得錢財。 Dracula appeared draped in a huge cloak. 吸血鬼披著一件大斗篷走了出來。 Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire. 由于聽過許多有關(guān)吸血鬼的傳說,孩子們晚上不敢去睡覺。 Tommy: Yeah, sick a vampire on me, huh? Watch it on the net. You can download it. 湯米:是喔,叫一個吸血鬼來吸血鬼的英文: vampire bloodsucker參考例句: 14,000 Victory vampires, 14000個勝利吸血鬼… I needed a powerful vampire's soul. 我需要一個強大吸血鬼攻擊我嗎?去網(wǎng)絡上看嘛。你可以下載啊。 vampire是什么意思: n. 吸血鬼;吸血蝙蝠;殘酷剝削他人的人 It is a vampire bat. 它是吸血蝠。 false vampire bat 假吸血蝠 14,000 Victory vampires, 14000個勝利吸血鬼… I needed a powerful vampire's soul. 我需要一個強大吸血鬼的靈魂。 It wasn't a wife waiting there for him but a blood sucking vampire! 家里的不是個老婆,而是個吸人血的妖精!bloodsucker是什么意思: n. 吸血動物,水蛭,剝削他人者 A leech is a small blood-sucking worm and usually lives in water. 水蛭是一種小型吸血蟲,通常生活在水中。 到滬江小D查看吸血鬼的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 星大法的英文怎么說>> 吮的英文怎么說>> 水軟膏劑的英文怎么說>> 水率的英文怎么說>> 水量比的英文>>

  • 吸血鬼日記》經(jīng)典臺詞:隨便逛逛

    以為你嗑藥過量死了。 Fly free,walk on sunshine and all that stuff. 隨便逛逛,在陽光下走走,諸如此類的。 It's just something that's been passed down in generations. 這只是一些世代相傳下來的東西。 He has some serious apologize to do. 他欠我一個鄭重的道歉呢。 This could have gone a completely different way. 這個過程可以完全換一種方式。 He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line. 他跟我們不是一個世界里的人。 Everyone thinks you are off on a bender. 每個人都以為你喝酒過量死了。

  • Nina Dobrev回歸《吸血鬼日記》大結(jié)局

    , and producer Kevin Williamson shared a first glimpse of the actress hanging out with himself and a very special co-star.[/en][cn]離開劇組差不多整整2季的Nina Dobrev終于要回歸《吸血鬼日記》的大結(jié)局季了,之前制作人Kevin Williamson發(fā)布過一張Nina Dobrev和本劇以為男主的合照。[/cn] [en]Nope, it wasn't ex-flame-slash-on-screen-boyfriend Ian Somerhalder who shared a



  • 吸血鬼界最負盛名的《吸血鬼編年史》要拍成電視劇啦?。?!

    TV series will – unsurprisingly – center on Lestat, and begin by telling his origin story as written in Rice’s second Chronicles novel The Vampire Lestat.[/en][cn] 早在2014年,Universal Pictures 還有Imagine Entertainment已經(jīng)獲得《吸血鬼編年史》的拍攝權(quán),計劃將其搬上大熒幕。但是這項計劃失效了,因為Anne Rice已經(jīng)在FB上宣布取消將其拍成電影的決定,而是將《吸血鬼編年史》拍成電視劇。毫無疑問,《吸血鬼編年史》主角是Lestat,本劇將以Rice的第二部小說《吸血鬼萊斯特》為原型講述Lestat的故事作為開端。[/cn] 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 吸血鬼日記》劇析:Damon要有新女友了?

    Is Damon’s [w]new[/w] lady friend going to nurse his [w=bruise]bruises[/w] left by Elena?? As reported by TV Guide, former [w]Smallville[/w] [w]baddie[/w] Cassidy Freeman will join the show as [w]Sage[/w], a “[w]murky[/w]” vamp who will first appear in a 1912 [w]flashback[/w] before [w=reunite]reuniting[/w] with Damon in present-day Mystic Falls. As much as people love seeing Damon and Stefan (Paul Wesley) [w]battle[/w] for Elena’s [w=affection]affections[/w] week after week after week after week (x 1,000), Some are tired of seeing Damon’s [w]supernatural[/w] [w]libido[/w] going tragically to waste. Sorry, Elena, but you can only [w]string[/w] a guy on for so long before he decides you’re not worth the effort. My only piece of advice to Sage? Enjoy your time in Mystic Falls while you can! Damon’s girlfriends — see Andie (Dawn Olivieri) and Rose (Lauren Cohan) — have a history of suddenly dropping dead. What’s your take on Sage as a potential love interest for Damon? Do you think he’ll just want to make Elena jealous, or could he really have feelings for someone else? See you in the comments section! 滬江娛樂快訊:據(jù)TV Guide報道,《吸血鬼日記》中將會出席一個新人物:吸血鬼Sage。據(jù)報道,這個人物會與Damon有些情感上的糾纏。這個角色將由《超人前傳》的Cassidy Freeman出演。首次登場會是一場劇中1921年閃回?!段砣沼洝分蠨amon、Stefan、Elena永無止盡的糾纏確實漸漸有些不那么引人,加入個新角色也許可以給劇情來個亮點。不過,如果要做Damon的女友,Sage可要好好珍惜活著的時刻哦~看看與Damon曖昧的那些角色吧,Andie、Rose都沒有什么好結(jié)果……


    吸血鬼日記 美劇

  • 吸血鬼》S1E8:Second thought

    個人”愿意給別人提出忠告?!焙呛?,真的嗎?小寶貝們你真是too young too simple了~ 它的確切意思剛好相反。To give somebody a piece of one's mind的真正意思是帶有指責的直言不諱,或者是很憤怒地把某人痛罵一頓。比如說,《初代吸血鬼》第一季經(jīng)常發(fā)生的矛盾是Klasu和Elijah,R妹子互相不信任對方,看不慣對方的做法,但通常R妹子都是敢怒不敢言,因為Klaus手里有秘密武器可以讓R妹子進入沉睡,無聲無息沉睡個一百年不是問題,那R妹子肯定很生氣了。請看例句: [en]Considering Klaus's behaviour,Rebeckah gave