• 整個暑假都被爛片辣眼睛!冰川5清泉來了

    他們一樣用尾巴吊在樹枝上。[/cn] [en]The opossums, are marsupial mammals of the order Didelphimorphia. Opossums originated in South America, and entered North America in the Great American Interchange following the connection of the two continents.[/en][cn]負鼠屬于有袋目負鼠科,負鼠源自南美洲,在南北美洲生物大遷徙中從兩塊大陸的連接處進入北美洲。[/cn] 但是據(jù)說實物張這樣的——英語君震驚了……這尼瑪明顯是不是一個物種好嗎??。?! [en]Scrat[/en][cn]鼠奎特[/cn] 接下來這位可是超人氣角色,有請我們的小松鼠! [en]Scrat is a sabre-toothed squirrel who is obsessed with collecting acorns, constantly putting his life in danger to obtain and defend them. He has his own stories in the film which mostly independent of those of the main characters, though the two do intersect at times.[/en][cn]鼠奎特是一只犬齒松鼠,熱衷于收集松子,一直以來都

  • 看《冰川》學地道口語:以牙還牙

    定要報復人類,吃掉那個小孩子當早餐,并圍繞這個目的做出計劃,要以眼還眼,以牙還牙。An? eye? for? an? eye用成語解釋是以眼還眼。 3. mess? with 迪亞戈在一切都計劃完善之后,交代后整個故事的起因,就是為了報復人類,吃掉孩子,以眼還眼,以牙還牙讓人類痛苦,最后放出狠話讓他們嘗嘗這冰河世紀(Ice Age)是2002年美國動畫電影,由藍天工作室制作,影片講述了兩百萬年前冰川就是和劍齒虎作對的下場。Mess? with? sb.在此意為和某人作對。 4. triumph? over? 晚上天下起了雨,曼尼和希德分別給自己搭建庇護所,曼尼很快就完成了,而希德只是拿著一根小木棍在那磨蹭,看到曼尼完成后說到,智力是勝不了蠻力的,暗示自己是有智力的聰明的。這個短語是勝過,超過的意思。 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉載請注明出處。本文僅表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 冰川的英文怎么說

    不可抗拒的推進。 The deep crevasse yawned at their feet. 他們腳下的冰川有一道深深的裂縫. Ice sheets are broad glaciers that blanket whole regions. 冰蓋則是能把整個地區(qū)覆蓋起來的廣闊冰川。 A comparatively short period of warmth during an overall period of glaciation. 間冰期完整冰川運動期間一個相對較短的溫暖期 alluvial soil was found to be more likely to show a greater deficiency of magnesium than glacial till soils 沖積土比冰川土更容易呈現(xiàn)較冰川的英文: glacier參考例句: Valley glaciers are confined to valleys in mountainous terrain. 山谷冰川只限于多山地帶的山谷。 One of a series of short scars made by glacial drift on a surface of bedrock. 冰川嚴重的缺鎂。glacier是什么意思: n. 冰河 The gorge was formed by a glacier. 這個峽谷是由冰河形成的。 Ice sheets are broad glaciers that blanket whole regions. 冰蓋則是能把整個地區(qū)覆蓋起來的廣闊冰川。 Rocks of assorted sizes and shapes are embedded in the bottom of a glacier 多種尺寸和形狀的巖石都埋藏在冰川的底部。 A large majority of glaciers are in retreat, defined as the shifting of the snout. 從冰川鼻移動的定義出發(fā),大部分冰川都在退縮。 The climbers were roped together when they crossed the glacier. 登山的人在過冰川時相互用繩子系在一起。 到滬江小D查看冰川的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 車僵尸的英文怎么說>> 草莓咖啡拿鐵的英文怎么說>> 菠蘿咖啡拿鐵的英文怎么說>> 薄荷咖啡的英文怎么說>> 雹的英文怎么說>>

  • 新西蘭的冰川變成了紅色,發(fā)生了什么?

    表土富含氧化鐵,呈現(xiàn)出特有的紅色。[/cn] [en]Among the bushfires, Australia has also seen some heavy dust storms; last month in Mildura, Victoria, a storm turned the sky a dramatic red while the temperature climbed to 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).[/en][cn]澳大利亞的森林大火也伴有嚴重的沙塵暴。上個月維多利亞州米爾迪拉出現(xiàn)沙塵暴時,天空都變成了特殊的紅色,氣溫攀升到了40攝氏度(104華氏度)。[/cn] ? 翻譯:菲菲

  • 看《冰川》學口語:別玩了!

    【影片介紹】 ?片子講述了長毛象曼弗瑞德,巨型樹獺西德和劍齒虎迪亞哥三只史前動物歷經(jīng)冰河與冰山各種千驚萬險護送一個被遺棄的人類寶寶回家的故事。又是一個關于探險的動畫,主角依舊是動物,只不過動畫背景變成了史前的冰川時代。探險伴隨著大自然帶來的困難,很易表現(xiàn)戲劇的沖突性和動作性。動物作為主角一直是歐美動畫的優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng),大概因為動物不僅更冰河與冰易與兒童產(chǎn)生共鳴并且更善于用肢體表達情感,比如迪亞哥生氣時會張嘴大吼利爪張出,而人已經(jīng)是“文明的犧牲品”而失去一些本能的情感類的肢體反應。 【選詞片段】 Manny: You? gotta? make? it? stop. I? can’t? take? it? anymore. Diego: I’ve? eaten? things? that? complained? less. Sid: He? won’t? stop? squirming. Diego: Watch? his? head. Put? it? down. Sid: Jeez “pick? him? up, put? it? down”. Diego: Its? nose? is? dry. Sid: That? means? something’s? wrong? with? it. Diego: Someone? should? lick? it. Just? in? case. Sid: I’ll? do? it. Manny: He’s? wearing? one? of? those? baby? thingies. Sid: So, So? if? he? poops, where? does? it? go? Humans? are? disgusting. Manny : Ok. You? check? for? poop. Sid: Why? am? I? the? poop-checker? Manny: Returning? him? was? your? idea. Be? you’re? small? and? insignificant, and? I’ll? pummel? you? if? you? don’t. Now, sid. Sid:I? mean,? my? goodness. Look? out. Coming? through. Manny:Watch? out. Stop? waving? that? thing? around. Sid: I’m? gonna? slip. It’s? dean, Goy? ya! Manny:Will? you? cut? it? out? Diego: Do? that? again, he? likes? it. Manny:It? made? me? feel? better? too. Sid: Here,you? hold? it. Diego:Turn? him? towards? me. Where? is? the? baby? There? he? is! Manny:Stop? it. You’re? scaring? him. 【重點表達講解】 1.??? Pick? up 在歸還孩子的一路上發(fā)生很多有趣的事,小孩子在一旁不停的哭,曼尼大聲說道我再也受不了它的哭聲了,他們把小孩子放到一塊石頭上,這時把小孩子扶起來了。Pick? up有接送,撿拾的意思,但在這里意思是慢慢起來。 2.??? Check? for 迪亞戈說小孩一直哭,一定是發(fā)生了什么,這時,他們讓希德去檢查它是不是拉屎了。希德抱怨到為什么讓他去檢查。這個短語在這的意思是檢查,查看。 3.??? cut? out 希德很不情愿的幫小孩子換了尿布,他感覺真惡心。他故意捉弄曼尼,拿著換下來的臟臟的尿布甩來甩去,曼尼警告他要小心,別弄到別人身上,怒斥道,你趕緊停下,不要再玩了。Cut? out有切斷,關掉,停止等意思,在這符合句意的是停止,停下來。 4.??? turn? towards 小孩子還是一直在不停地哭,曼尼打了希德一下,逗得小孩子咯咯笑,迪亞戈準備逗孩子笑,說到把孩子轉向我。Turn? towards或turn? to都有轉向的意思。 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉載請注明出處。本文僅表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 美國4游客冰川上野餐 遇冰川斷裂被漂走

    來時,他們已經(jīng)漂離到離冰島的某處冰川岸邊32英尺開外的地方了。[/cn] [en]A photo from the scene shows the three tourists sitting calmly in the chairs before they were saved. After the daring rescue, the first responders took a lighthearted approach to the tourists' [w]predicament[/w].[/en][cn]現(xiàn)場的一張照片可以看到,三名游客在獲救前冷靜地坐在椅子上。在奮勇前去營救后,急救人員看到這些游客的窘境也都忍俊不禁。[/cn] [en]'When we arrived it was quite comical to see them sitting on chairs and with a table on an iceberg,' Páll Sigureur Vignisson of the Hornafj?reur rescue team, told Iceland Review. He added: 'Yes, the dinner was over.'[/en][cn]來自Hornafj?reur救援隊的Páll對《冰島評論》的記者表示:“當我們到達時,看到他們圍坐在冰川上的桌子旁椅子上,樣子真的挺喜感的?!?他還補充說道:“對,晚餐結束啦?!?[/cn] [en]When pressed by the paper to reveal what it was the tourists had been eating, Páll said that he was too busy passing over lifejackets to them to notice. [/en][cn]在被記者問及游客們當時吃的是東西時,Páll表示當時忙著給他們遞救生衣,沒注意這些細節(jié)。[/cn] [en]In an interview with RúV, he took a more serious tone. Páll said: 'They could have been in danger. We never know how ice will behave, if it rolls over and when - we just don’t know.'[/en][cn]而在接受 RúV電視臺采訪時,他的態(tài)度嚴肅多了。他表示:“游客們這樣的行為還是挺危險的。我們不知道浮冰會怎么變化,如果冰塊翻過來了,那后果真的不堪設想啊?!盵/cn] [en]The Fjallsárlón glacial lagoon is a hot spot among visitors to Iceland, known for its spectacular views, huge glaciers and numerous icebergs dotting the area's waters.[/en][cn]Fjallsárlón冰湖一直是來冰島旅游的游客的愛去的熱門景點,冰湖景色壯麗,巨大的冰川和數(shù)目眾多的山遍布湖區(qū)域的水面上。[/cn]

  • 看《冰川》學地道口語:啟航啦!

    勝了兇惡的海盜,在變幻莫測的冰川時代重建自己的居所。 【選詞片段】 Manny: Okay. We? need? precision? timing? from? everyone? to? get? that? ship. Half-pint, you? got? your? end? covered, right? I’m? going? to? take? that? as? a “yes” Diego? Diego: I’ll? free? his? little? friends. Sid: Untie? the? ship? sir. Manny: Right, Unwind? the? vines, and? don’t? let? go? until? we’re? all? on? board. We’re? relying? on? you, sid. You? got? that? Sid: Yes? sir, Totally? focused, sir. Granny: Don’t? worry, It? will? be? easy? since? we? don’t? have? to? guard? shira? anymore. Manny: We? need? to? move, now. Captain: Squint, batten? down? the? hatches, Raz, Hoist? the? ancher. And? gupta, fly? the? colors. Gupta: Of? course, captain. Captain: We’re? setting? sail? for? vengeance, lads. Shira,oh, what? a? relief! I? thought? we’d? lost? you. Shira: The? mammoth. He? washed? ashore? with? me. Captain: What? He’s? here? 【知識點】 1. rely? on 曼尼和他的小伙伴們準備用調虎離山之計搶了海盜的船回家,他分配好任務后,對希德說,一定得等到我們?nèi)洗蟛趴梢苑砰_繩子,我們?nèi)?span style="color: #fe6016">冰川時代靠你了,明白了嗎?rely? on在這是依靠,依賴的意思。 2. fly? the? colors 海盜們在做好船之后準備啟航去找曼尼復仇。在啟航時一切都準備好之后,船長發(fā)出口令升旗,squint就爬到桅桿上,就是表示船啟航了,這個短語在此是升旗,啟航的意思。 3. set? sail 海盜的船被曼尼一伙人給毀了,還有他儲備的千辛萬苦從別的地方搶來的東西,船長準備回去找曼尼復仇。Set? sail在這的意思是啟航,揚帆。 4. what? a? relief 當希拉回來時,惡毒船長為了掩蓋自己,裝作對希拉很關心的樣子,說,你還活著,真讓我送了一口氣。Relief有放松,長舒一口氣的意思,用感嘆句是為了加強語氣。 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉載請注明出處。本文僅表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

  • 英聞天天譯: 南極冰川融化勢不可擋

    《英聞天天譯》是一檔滬江部落的原創(chuàng)翻譯互動節(jié)目(戳去參與節(jié)目>>>),主持人提供翻譯參考文本,對大家遞交的翻譯作品進行點評,和大家共同進步!本期節(jié)目選取的是關于南極冰川融化勢不可擋的一則英文報道,讓我們一起在翻譯中關注。 CONTENT: Parts of the West Antarctic IceSheet are already collapsing and probably can't be saved. Two independentstudies suggest that several glaciers have gone past the point of no [w]return[/w],dooming them to fall into the sea and cause several metres of sea level rise.However the collapse will take centuries. "A large sector of the West Antarctic IceSheet has gone into irreversible retreat," says Eric Rignot of the University of Californiaat Irvine, wholed one of the studies. "We've gone beyond the point of no return." A study led by Ian Joughin of the University of Washingtonin Seattle [w=focus]focuses[/w] on the Thwaites glacier, a key component of the West Antarctic IceSheet (WAIS). It predicts that the glacier will collapse completely within 200to 1000 years, raising global sea levels by about 60 centimetres. 【滬江英語小編】大家在查看主持人提供的翻譯版本前,可以先自己進行嘗試翻譯練習,只有在不斷的翻譯中翻譯能力才能有所提升哦! 輕松注冊滬江,馬上參與【英聞天天譯】節(jié)目練翻譯→ 本期節(jié)目參考譯文:(參考譯文由該節(jié)目主持人提供,僅供參考,歡迎大家討論) 參考譯文1: 部分南極洲西部的冰原已經(jīng)坍塌,并且很可能無法保存。兩個獨立的研究表明,一些冰川開始融化消失并且無法逆轉,這些冰川最

  • 全球變暖 阿爾卑斯冰川400年內(nèi)消融過半


  • 冰川期的英文怎么說

    冰川期的英文: little ice agelittle是什么意思: adj. 小的;年幼的;短的,近的;可愛的;討厭的;微不足道的 pron. 不多的;一些 adv. 少許;稍微 n. 少許;沒有多少;短時間 He is recovering little by little. 他的健康正在漸漸地恢復起來。 Little by little and Bit by Bit 積少成多,積沙成塔 What costs little is little esteemed. 便宜的東西得不到珍視。ice是什么意思: n. 冰,冰塊;冰淇淋 v. 結冰,使結冰 The ship was beset with ice. 這船為冰所包圍。 And a ginger ale with lots of ice. 一份姜汁,加很多冰塊。 They have to cut step in the ice as they climb. 他們往上爬時得在冰上鑿出踏腳處。age是什么意思: n. 年齡;時代,時期;年齡段 v. 長大,變老 This is a bulletin on aging. 這是關于老齡問題的期刊。 They are close in age. 他們年齡相仿。 It will be a production that will be handed on from age to age. 這將是傳世之作。 到滬江小D查看小冰川期的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 小別墅的英語怎么說>> 小標題用英文怎么說>> 小標的英文怎么說>> 小辮子的英文怎么說>> 小便宜的英文怎么說>>