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  • J.K羅琳犯罪新作《偵探科莫蘭》將由湯姆伯克來演?!

    J.K.?Rowling?has?another?project?in?the?works,?and?this?time?it’s?for?the?small?screen. [/en][cn]不滿足于征服舞臺和銀幕,作者J

  • Jessie J和錢老板曝光新戀情!震驚到我了....

    of marriage.[/en][cn]今年四月塔圖姆宣布與女演員珍娜·迪萬結(jié)束近九年的婚姻,而在個月后兩人就開始了新戀情。[/cn] [en]A social media user wrote on Saturday that he had seen Tatum and Jessie J at a mini-golf course.[/en][cn]上周六一位社交媒體用戶寫道,他在一個迷你高爾夫球場里看到了塔圖姆和 Jessie J。[/cn] [en]“Who knew a mini golf job could be so crazy. Tonight I had to watch

  • 身價是浮云 自由是王道:Jessie J - Price Tag

    滬江英樂訊?? Jessie J,英國女歌手,2011英國年度新聲冠軍,也是2月15號即將揭曉的全英音樂大獎中,已經(jīng)確定下來的樂評人J選擇獎(Critics' Choice)獲獎歌手。這首很好聽的Price Tag是她和美國說唱新人B.o.B合作的,一起來欣賞吧^^ Artist:Jessie J ft. B.o.B Song:Price Tag Verse 1: Seems like everybody's got a price, I wonder how they sleep at night. When the sale comes first, And the truth comes

  • 美文賞譯16: J.B.普里斯特列 生活的藝術(shù)

    不可思議,充滿了從上帝的每個毛孔里蹦出來的美。我們都清楚這一點,但我們常常只有在回首往事時才會想去過去,才會突然意識到過去永遠地消逝了,才會承認這個道理。 我們都記得美的褪去,愛的老去。但我們更痛苦地記得美正艷時,我們卻沒有發(fā)現(xiàn),愛正濃時,我們卻沒有回應(yīng)。 ………… ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 注解:J.B.普里斯特列(J.B.Priestley) (1894---1984):英國作家,以小說批評出名,自己也從事寫作。這是一篇教人們?nèi)绾稳プ非竺篮蒙畹恼芾硇∑肺?,語言精煉,讀起來朗朗上口,值得細細品味。 練習:翻譯句子 Hold fast to life but not so fast that you cannot let go. This is the second side of life’s coin, the opposite pole of its paradox: we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go. 答案:抓住生活,但不要抓得太緊,以至你放不下手。這就是生活像硬幣一樣也有另一面,也是生活矛盾的另一極:我們必須接受放棄,并且學(xué)會怎樣讓它過去。

  • 熱門單曲:無與倫比的性感 Ray J - Sexy Can I

    滬江英樂訊? 《Sexy Can I》收錄于Ray J的第四張錄音室專輯《All I Feel》,由他和同門師弟Yung Berg共同演唱。單曲于2008年2月16日正式發(fā)行,首周在美國單曲榜上排名77,之后躍升至第3的最好成績,《Sexy Can I》最終在排行榜上占據(jù)的時間超過了三個月之久。 我想點這首歌給朋友>> Billboard Top 25超強混音歌曲>> Artist:Ray J featuring Yung Berg Song:Sexy Can I Yeah, Yeahhh All we wanna know is... [Chorus:] Sexy can I, just

  • J.K.羅琳豪捐了1880萬美元,資助的項目意義重大

    J.K. Rowling has made a substantial donation for research into the treatment of multiple sclerosis at a center named after her late mother.[/en] [cn]《哈利·波特》的作者J已故母親的名字命名的研究中心研究多發(fā)性硬化癥的治療方法。[/cn] [en]The 15.3 million-pound ($18.8 million) donation announced Thursday will be used for new facilities at a research center based at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The author's mother suffered from the disease and died at the age of 45.[/en] [cn]周四她宣布捐贈的1530萬英鎊(合1880萬美元)將用于位于蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學(xué)的研究中心購進新設(shè)備。這位作家的母親就死于這種疾病,享年45歲。[/cn] 圖片來源:視覺中國 [en]The new gift

  • J.K.羅琳開寫哈利波特百科全書 收入捐贈慈善機構(gòu)

    Four years ago the British writer took an independent U.S. publisher to court to stop its plans for a reference book on the world of the fictional boy wizard, saying it [w=constitute]constituted[/w] a "rip off" of her work.On her re-vamped website, Rowling addressed the question of a Harry Potter encyclopaedia in a "frequently asked questions and rumours" link. "For a long time I have been promising an [w]encyclopaedia[/w] of Harry's world, and I have started work on this now," said the 46-year-old, whose announcements related to Harry Potter are closely followed by millions of fans. "Some of it forms the new content in Pottermore."Pottermore, a free website allowing visitors to [w]navigate[/w] the stories and discover new content not in the original books, is one of several Potter spin-offs following the completion of the seven-novel series. The novels have sold more than 400 million copies worldwide and spawned a hit eight-movie film [w]franchise[/w] that have helped turn Rowling into the world's most successful author."It is likely to be a time-consuming job, but when finished I shall donate all royalties to charity," Rowling added. She again addressed the most burning question for die-hard followers of Potter and his pals at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry -- would there ever be another Harry Potter story? "I have always refused to say 'never' to this question, because I think it would be foolish to rule out something I might want to do in a few years' time," she wrote."However, I have no immediate plans to write another Harry Potter novel, and I do think that I have rounded off Harry's story in the seven published books." Earlier this month, Rowling announced the title of her first book for adults would be "The Casual Vacancy". It goes on sale on September 27. 【新聞快訊】日前,“哈利·波特之母”J·K·羅琳宣布其首部為成年讀者創(chuàng)作的長篇小說《臨時空缺》將于9月27日全球發(fā)售。脫下了奇幻的魔法外套,新書將以黑色幽默的手法,講述表面平靜的英國田園小鎮(zhèn)中,其實暗藏著種種沖突,充滿懸疑的情節(jié)中蘊含引人深思的命題。但同時羅琳也并沒有放棄《哈利波特》系列。 羅琳表示她將會撰寫哈利波特的百科,并將版費捐贈給慈善機構(gòu)。其實在這之前就已有熱心的粉絲自發(fā)整理了“哈利波特百科全書”,但相信羅琳的百科會比粉絲們的更有料,在大家熟悉的Pottermore網(wǎng)站有很多原著故事的細節(jié)。沒有哈利的魔法學(xué)校也依舊讓人很期待。

  • 2024年12月英語級選詞填空和長篇閱讀備考規(guī)劃

    做題,慢慢積累經(jīng)驗和對于語言文字的敏感度,達到看到選項就能想到前文中的句子,這樣就能保證這部分的準確率了。 最后,這兩部分的閱讀都是很好的閱讀材料和作文素材,所以在做完題目之后,一定要回過頭細讀文章,梳理文章中的句型結(jié)構(gòu)和生詞,這樣做,一篇文章就完成了它的使命了!愿大家在這兩部分的閱讀中滿分飄過! ?屠皓民領(lǐng)銜 四六級通關(guān)神器? ??????基礎(chǔ)班·沖刺押題班·白金班 直播錄播相結(jié)合,基礎(chǔ)強化沖刺全包括 ??不同水平,靈活選擇班型 $課程限時優(yōu)惠6折起$ 【基礎(chǔ)班】:380-424分,語法詞匯基礎(chǔ)薄弱 【沖刺班】:有一定基礎(chǔ),四六級做題技巧欠缺,刷分必選 【白金班】:380分以下,屢考不過 點擊立即免費試聽>> 屢考不過的建議選擇白金班

  • 2017年6月大學(xué)英語級大綱詞匯(J/K/N)

    報考2017年6月份的考生現(xiàn)在就可以開始背單詞了,尤其是大綱詞匯,一定要掌握。下面是小編為大家整理的2017年6月大學(xué)英語六級大綱詞匯:J/K/N字母開頭,請考生勤加記憶,牢固掌握,擴大六級詞匯量。 ?J jail / d?eil/n.監(jiān)獄 vi.監(jiān)禁 jeopardize / ‘d?ep?daiz/vt. 危害,使受危困,使陷危地 jerk / d??:k/vt.猛地一拉 vi.急拉 journalist / ‘d??:n?list/n.記者,新聞工作者 junction / ‘d?Λ?k??n/n.連接;接頭;中繼線 jury / ‘d?u?ri/n.陪審團;評獎團 justification / d?Λstifi’kei??n/n. 辯護,證明是正當?shù)?,釋?K kidney / ‘kidni/n.腎,腰子;性格 kit / kit/n.成套工具;用具包 knit / nit/vt.把…編結(jié) vi.編織 knob / n?b/n.門把,拉手;旋紐 N naive / na:’i:v/a. 天真的,純真的,樸素的 narrative / ‘n?r?tiv/n. 敘述,故事 a. 敘述的,敘事的 nasty / ‘na:sti/a.齷齪的;淫猥的 Necessitate / ni’sesiteit/vt. 迫使,使成為必需,需要 negligible / ‘neglid??bl/a.微不足道的 negotiate / ni’g?u?ieit/vi.談判,交涉,議定 nickel / ‘nikl/n.鎳;鎳幣 nightmare / ‘naitm??/n.惡夢;經(jīng)常的恐懼 Nominal / ‘n?minl/a. 名義上的,名字的 n. 名