• 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第十章

    , and sometimes an indirect boast."[/en][cn]達西說:“假裝謙虛偏偏往往就是信口開河,有時候簡直是轉彎抹角的自夸?”[/cn] [en]"And which of the two do you call my little recent piece of modesty?"[/en][cn]“那么,我剛剛那幾句謙虛的話,究竟是信口開河呢,還是轉彎抹角的自夸?”[/cn] [en]"The indirect boast; -- for you are really proud of your defects in writing, because you

  • 【高中讀物精講】英漢雙語版《傲慢與偏見》第十章節(jié)選

    才是最糟糕的。我也是到肯特郡去過以后才知道事實真相的,我回來以后,和簡講了,我們倆決定不把我們了解的情況公開?,F(xiàn)在我認識到我犯了一個錯誤。我從未想到過麗迪亞會受到他的威脅?!盵/cn] [en]When they arrived at Longbourn, Elizabeth and her aunt were able to help Jane in looking after the children. They also attempted to calm Mrs Bennet, who, however, refused to be calmed, and blamed everyone except herself for the disaster. [/en][cn]到了浪搏恩后,伊麗莎白和舅母幫著簡照看孩子們。她們也努力安慰班納特太太,而她拒絕接受安慰,把釀成災禍的過錯都推到了別人身上,覺得就她一個人沒錯。[/cn] 解析:blame 責備、歸咎于 eg: I don't blame you for being angry. 我不怪你生氣。

  • 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第二

    們說吧,我們老夫妻活到這么一把年紀了,哪兒有興致天天去交朋結友;可是為了你們,我們隨便什么事都樂意去做。麗迪雅,乖寶貝,雖然你年紀最小,開起跳舞會來,彬格萊先生或許就偏偏要跟你跳呢?!盵/cn] [en]"Oh!" said Lydia [w]stoutly[/w], "I am not afraid; for though I am the youngest, I'm the tallest."[/en][cn]“噢!”麗迪雅滿不在乎地說?!拔也挪划斔换厥?。年紀雖然是我最小,個兒算我頂高?!盵/cn] [en]The rest of the evening was spent in [w

  • 【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第一


  • 四級閱讀5大得分點整理!考前一定要把這篇看一遍!


  • 2025年6月英語六級閱讀五大得分點


  • 英語六級作文題型解析+評分標準+萬能句型+高分范文

    就是我們通常所說的重復。用詞重復主要表現(xiàn)在名詞、動詞、形容詞等實詞的重復上。 例如: ??名詞重復 Catherine offered him moral help and also practical help. ??動詞重復 I like reading while my brother likes playing football. ??形容詞重復 Mark Twain is famous for his short novels in America, and now he isalso becoming more and morefamous with Chinese readers. 為避免用詞的重復,可采用以下方法: 省略 省略是避免重復最主要的手段。它可以節(jié)省詞語,使句子結構更緊湊,還可以有效避免名詞、動詞、形容詞的重復。 例如: ??名詞省略 They are fine actors. Smith is the finest (actor) I’ve ever seen. ??動詞省略 Jack needn’t stay here, but George must (stay here). ??形容詞省略

  • 四級作文題型解析+評分標準+萬能句型+高分范文

    就是我們通常所說的重復。用詞重復主要表現(xiàn)在名詞、動詞、形容詞等實詞的重復上。 例如: ??名詞重復 Catherine offered him moral help and also practical help. ??動詞重復 I like reading while my brother likes playing football. ??形容詞重復 Mark Twain is famous for his short novels in America, and now he isalso becoming more and morefamous with Chinese readers. 為避免用詞的重復,可采用以下方法: 省略 省略是避免重復最主要的手段。它

  • 2025年6月英語六級備考規(guī)劃

    遇到類似的情況,我就會知道你不必試圖哄某人擺脫抑郁。 ——《紐約時報》 ?基本釋義 [verb] gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something [動詞] 溫和且堅持不懈地說服(某人)做某事 ??深入解讀 Coax 一詞詞源不詳,最早出現(xiàn)于1581年,用來表示“愛撫、撫弄”,不過這個含義現(xiàn)已不再流行。 等到了17世紀60年代后, coax 才開始發(fā)展出現(xiàn)在的主要含義指“哄勸、勸誘”,即溫和、友善、耐心且堅持不懈地說服某人做某事或去某個地方,比如: ?哄嬰兒一笑 coax a smile from a baby ?她把那顧客哄得高高興興。 She coaxed the customer into good humour. ?他們正緩慢艱難地進行著談判。一個唱紅臉,一個唱白臉。 They are plodding on with negotiations. One coaxes, the other coerces. 而短語動詞 coax sth out of sb 或者 coax sth from sb 則相應表示“連哄帶勸地得到”,比如: ?他退休之后又被力勸出山幫助行將倒閉的公司。 He was ?coaxed out of retirement to help the moribund company. 從耐心勸誘這個概念出發(fā), coax 還被用來引申指“耐心地擺弄”,也就是以極大的毅力并付出相當大的努力,通過非常緩慢和溫和的操作來實現(xiàn)所需的狀態(tài)或活動,比如: ?小心翼翼地把火弄旺 coax a fire to burn ?他會大步走上舞臺,然后輕輕地拉他的小提琴,奏出美妙動聽的曲調。 He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his fiddle. 值得注意的是,在口語中 coax 也常

  • 四六級成績已出 | 25年6月四級備考攻略來啦

    遇到類似的情況,我就會知道你不必試圖哄某人擺脫抑郁。 ——《紐約時報》 ?基本釋義 [verb] gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something [動詞] 溫和且堅持不懈地說服(某人)做某事 ??深入解讀 Coax 一詞詞源不詳,最早出現(xiàn)于1581年,用來表示“愛撫、撫弄”,不過這個含義現(xiàn)已不再流行。 等到了17世紀60年代后, coax 才開始發(fā)展出現(xiàn)在的主要含義指“哄勸、勸誘”,即溫和、友善、耐心且堅持不懈地說服某人做某事或去某個地方,比如: ?哄嬰兒一笑 coax a smile from a baby ?她把那顧客哄得高高興興。 She coaxed the customer into good humour. ?他們正緩慢艱難地進行著談判。一個唱紅臉,一個唱白臉。 They are plodding on with negotiations. One coaxes, the other coerces. 而短語動詞 coax sth out of sb 或者 coax sth from sb 則相應表示“連哄帶勸地得到”,比如: ?他退休之后又被力勸出山幫助行將倒閉的公司。 He was ?coaxed out of retirement to help the moribund company. 從耐心勸誘這個概念出發(fā), coax 還被用來引申指“耐心地擺弄”,也就是以極大的毅力并付出相當大的努力,通過非常緩慢和溫和的操作來實現(xiàn)所需的狀態(tài)或活動,比如: ?小心翼翼地把火弄旺 coax a fire to burn ?他會大步走上舞臺,然后輕輕地拉他的小提琴,奏出美妙動聽的曲調。 He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his fiddle. 值得注意的是,在口語中 coax 也常