準是: 單果直徑22mm-24mm,標識是L,即Large; 單果直徑24mm-26mm,標識是 XL,即Extra Large; 單果直徑26-28mm俗稱“單鉤”,標識是J,即Jumbo; 單果直徑28-30mm俗稱“雙鉤”,標識為XJ\SJ\JJ,即Super Jumbo; 單果直徑30-32mm稱“3鉤”,標識為G\P\XSJ\SXJ\XXJ\SSJ ,即Giant; 單果直徑32mm以上稱“4鉤”,標識為XG\SG\XP\SP\XXXJ\XXSJ 。 此外,對車厘子規(guī)格級別的劃分還有另一種方式。 目前,美國和加拿大等北半球國家以“Row”(俗稱“行號”)為標準對車厘子進行分級。行號越小,車厘子越大;車厘子的大小多在8號行和12號行之間變化。 除此之外,車厘子后面可能還會跟一些其他字母,比如:JL、JR、JD,這些字母表示的就是不同的顏色。 L:light 淺色 R:red 紅色 D:dark 深色 最常見的就是JD,顏色比較深。 網(wǎng)絡英語培訓班哪家好?不少人還在糾結(jié)這個問題,讓你真正能夠?qū)W到知識的才是好。如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學,掃一掃領200暢學卡。
2024-07-11 -
Katy Perry & Juicy J 新單來襲
滬江英樂:水果姐姐 Katy Perry 攜手Juicy J 新單《Dark Horse》試聽版強勢來襲!音樂一開始就被深深地震撼到了有沒有?這首名叫“黑馬”的歌,能否成為榜單上的一只黑馬呢?讓我們拭目以待。 【Katy Perry & Juicy J 新單來襲】 歌詞: I knew you were You were gonna come to me And here you are But you better choose carefully ‘Cause I’m capable of anything Of anything and everything Make me your
2013-09-24Dark Horse Juicy J Katy Perry 滬江英樂 billboard 2014美國公告牌音樂大獎專題
生活得有態(tài)度:Jessie J-who's laughing now
滬江英樂訊:Jessie J1988年出生,年紀不算大也不算小,可是作為一個給歐美多位大牌歌手制作過歌曲的制作人來說,她的確夠年輕!但是,拋開她的才華,她的態(tài)度一樣吸引人!想一想,同齡的我們,或者更大更小的人們,23歲的時候都在做著什么,將要做什么? 人少了態(tài)度,少了自我,迷茫的活著,即使是有J才華的人,不夠堅定也只是庸才。如果你不想臨死前腦袋一片空白,就給自己一劑強心針,好好堅定地走下去。聽聽Jessie J《Who’s laughing now》,看看明天到底是誰在笑! Song: Who's laughing now Artist:Jessie J PUN PUN PUN…… Mummy
2011-12-06 -
聽歌學英語:Union J - Carry on
過氣魔鬼在腦海里肆意咆哮你疲憊不堪 心力交瘁 遍體鱗傷但請放輕松 堅持住 我與你相伴 我與你相伴[/cn] [en]I’ll carry you I’ll carry you So you'll know that I’ll carry you I’ll carry you I’ll carry you So you'll know that I’ll carry you I’ll carry you I’ll carry you So you know that I’ll carry you I’ll carry you I’ll carry you[/en][cn]我與你相伴 我與你相伴 所以你一定知道 我會與你相伴 我會與你相伴 與你相伴 所以你一定知道 我會與你相伴 我會與你相伴 與你相伴 所以你一定知道 我會與你相伴 我會與你相伴 與你相伴 所以你一定知道 我會與你相伴 我會與你相伴 與你相伴[/cn] 學單詞: 1.When the vision you have gets blurry. [wv]vision[/wv]:n. 視力;看見;幻覺;幻想;目光 eg.By electrically stimulating the area, doctors hoped that could restore some of jerry's vision. 醫(yī)生希望用電刺激視皮層區(qū),使杰里恢復部分視力。 2.The demons are screaming. [wv]demon[/wv]:n. 惡魔;精力充沛的人;邪念;邪惡的事物 eg.The demon of alcohol haunted him his entire life. 他的一生為酒這個惡魔所纏擾。? 3.You’re cut and you’re bruised [wv]bruise[/wv]:v. 使出現(xiàn)傷痕;撞傷;擦傷;打擊 eg.He bruise his finger with a hammer. 他的手指被錘子擊傷。 學短語: 1.When I fell, you pulled me through. put someone through:使穿過,使從事,使經(jīng)受,搞成,接通 eg:Did he go through with the treatment?他是否完成了治療?
Jessie J獻唱《烏云背后的幸福線》原聲:《Silver Lining》
? 滬江英樂:英國女歌手Jessie J全新歌曲《Silver Lining(Crazy 'bout You)》首播,這首歌也是即將上映的電影《烏云背后的幸福線》原聲歌曲,Bradley Cooper搭檔Jennifer Lawrence出演,從幾組鏡頭可以看出電影也是溫暖路線的,交織的情節(jié)畫面投射在Jessie J身上。 【Jessie J 獻唱《烏云背后的幸福線》原聲——《Silver Lining》】 歌詞: Call me crazy In a world where no one, no one understands It's good to finally find
2012-11-22 -
別太把錢當回事,聽Jessie J唱給你聽
江英樂訊 ;?怎么大家都這么較真兒呢?錢又不能買來你的幸福!笑一個吧,每天帶著面具生活已經(jīng)很辛苦了,何必跟自己過不去?歌手簡介:Jessie J是一名英國女歌手,作詞、曲人及音樂制作人,全名Jessie J Cornish。曾經(jīng)幫Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Alicia Keys 和Christina Aguilera等歌手制作過歌曲。 Song:Price Tag Artist:Jessie J & BOB Seems like everybody's got a price, I wonder how they sleep at night. When the [w]tale[/w] comes first, And the truth comes second, Just stop, for a minute and Smile Why is everybody so serious! Acting so damn mysterious You got your shades on your eyes And your [w=heel]heels[/w] so high That you can't even have a good time. Everybody look to their left (yeah) Everybody look to their right (ha) Can you feel that (yeah) Well pay them with love tonight… It's not about the money, money, money We don't need your money, money, money We just wanna make the world dance, Forget about the Price [w]Tag[/w] Ain't about the (ha) Ka-Ching Ka-Ching. Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling Wanna make the world dance, Forget about the Price Tag. We need to take it back in time, When music made us all UNITE! And it wasn't low blows and video Hoes, Am I the only one gettin… tired? Why is everybody so obsessed? Money can't buy us happiness Can we all slow down and enjoy right now Guarantee we'll be feelin All right. Everybody look to their left (yeah) Everybody look to their right (ha) Can you feel that (yeah) Well pay them with love tonight… It's not about the money, money, money We don't need your money, money, money We just wanna make the world dance, Forget about the Price Tag Ain't about the (ha) Ka-Ching Ka-Ching. Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling Wanna make the world dance, Forget about the Price Tag. Yeah yeah well, keep the price tag and take the cash back just give me six streams and a half [w]stack[/w] and you can keep the cars leave me the [w]garage[/w] and all I.. yes all I need are keys and garage and guess what, in 30 seconds I'm leaving to Mars yes we leaving across these [w]undefeatable[/w] odds its like this man, you can't put a price on life we do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice everynight so we aint gon stumble and fall never waiting to see, a sign of defeat uh uh so we gon keep everyone moving there feet so bring back the beat and everybody sing It's not about the money, money, money it's not about… We don't need your money, money, money We just wanna make the world dance, Forget about the Price Tag Ain't about the (ha) Ka-Ching Ka-Ching. Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling Wanna make the world dance, Forget about the Price Tag. It's not about the money, money, money We don't need your money, money, money We just wanna make the world dance, Forget about the Price Tag Ain't about the (ha) Ka-Ching Ka-Ching. Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling Wanna make the world dance, Forget about the Price Tag. Yeah yeah oo-oooh forget about the price tag? 更多好音樂,請點此進入滬江英樂電臺,給你的耳朵放個假>>
我多么想成為你:J Mascis - Listen to Me
滬江英樂訊?? 曾經(jīng)唱著我不想去嘗試,因為我害怕那種感覺的J Mascis,那么多年來,一直都在不斷的嘗試著,作為另類搖滾教父的他,每次都會給我們帶來新的體驗! Artist:J Mascis Song:Listen to me Listen to me I can't wait to see you I can't wait to be you I can't wait The blame's on me I can't wait to meet you I can't wait to see you I can't wait Waiting's what we do Not enough
杰西J光頭亮相英國慈善晚會 為慈善犧牲形象
近日,英國一年一度的慈善晚會上,個性女星JessieJ亮相,不過此次的JessieJ并沒有用搞怪的造型吸引眼球,而是換上了一頭光頭的造型,甚為搶眼。 據(jù)悉,此次JessieJ剃光頭的目的是為了慈善,希望能夠用自己的光頭來喚醒人們的注意。她說:“剃光頭是我力所能及的小事,希望用這樣的方式來回饋那些需要幫助的人們?!?【人物介紹】 Jessica Ellen Cornish (born 27 March 1988), better known by her stage name Jessie J, is an English singer and songwriter. Born and raised in London, she studied at the BRIT School before signing with Gut Records and striking a songwriting deal with Sony/ATV Music Publishing where she wrote for [w]artists[/w] such as Chris Brown and Miley Cyrus. Jessie J(1988年3月27日-),英國歌手,她曾經(jīng)幫Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Alicia Keys 和Christina Aguilera等歌手制作過歌曲,使她開始受到注意。她的首支單曲"Do It Like a Dude"在英國單曲排行榜曾排名第二,第二支單曲"Price Tag"是和美國說唱歌手B.o.B合作。她的首張專輯《Who You Are》2011年3月在英國4月在美國發(fā)行。在2011年的英國年度新聲評選中,成為本年度的冠軍。 ?
J.K 羅琳解答推特字謎 并非關(guān)于哈利波特
使得“哈利波特”的粉絲們亂作一團。[/cn] [en]The [wv]prolific[/wv] author tweeted a [wv]cryptic[/wv] message Monday about a new project she is currently working on.[/en][cn]這位多產(chǎn)作家在周一發(fā)布了一條回文字謎,暗示與自己正在開發(fā)的新項目有關(guān)。[/cn] [en]The message read: "Cry, [wv]foe[/wv]! Run amok! Fa awry! My [wv]wand[/wv] won't tolerate this nonsense."[/en][cn]這則消息是:“哭吧,敵人!胡作非為!我的魔杖不會容忍這種無稽之談?!癧/cn] [en]Fans of The Boy Who Lived were quick to optimistically interpret this as a sign that the [wv]spellcasting[/wv] [wv]lad[/wv] was figuring into her plans, particularly given the word "wand."[/en][cn]哈迷們根據(jù)”魔杖‘這個詞很快就高興地猜測羅媽正在計劃魔法少年的續(xù)集。[/cn] [en]One reader who commented on The Hollywood Reporter's initial story about the hint even offered a possible solution to the [wv]anagram[/wv]: "Harry returns! Wont say any details now! A week off! No comment."[/en][cn]一位讀者在《好萊塢報道》上評論,他將這段話中的所有字母重新排列組合,最后得J出了以下一個結(jié)果:“哈利回歸!現(xiàn)在還不能透露任何細節(jié)!我要休息一周!不予置評?!盵/cn] [en]Alas, Harry Potter was not the subject of the tweet. Rowling has revealed she was actually providing a [wv]tease[/wv] about its [wv]spinoff[/wv], Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which is headed to theaters as a [wv]trilogy[/wv].[/en][cn]唉,哈利波特其實并不是推特消息的主題。羅琳已經(jīng)透露她正在修改“哈利波特”系列衍生電影《神奇動物在哪里》三部曲。[/cn] [en]The solution to the anagram, which a follower tweeted at Rowling about 24 hours after the author posted the clue, is: "Newt Scamander only meant to stay in New York for a few hours ... " [/en][cn]羅琳也在24小時之后正式公布謎底,字謎中的字母重新組合之后應該是:“紐特-斯卡曼德只會在紐約待上幾個小時?!盵/cn]
J.K.羅琳(J本書的作者不應該持有這種反對跨性別者的觀點。 ? 對丹尼爾表示敬意,希望艾瑪和魯伯特也能發(fā)表類似的聲明 ? 我真的很喜歡哈利波特系列。當一個我認為值得欽佩的作家說出像羅琳那樣的觀點時,我感到很難過。在我眼里,這永遠玷污了她的名聲。 ? 今日詞匯 identification?/a??dent?f??ke??(?)n/ n. 辨認,識別;確認,確定;身份證明;認同,強烈的同情感;密切關(guān)聯(lián)