• 乳腺英文怎么

    circumferentially with the fingertips. 用對側手指尖依照乳腺象限順序轉輕按摩乳腺各個部位。 Either of two milk - secreting,glandular organs on the chest of a woman;the human mammary gland. 房,乳腺女人胸部兩個分泌汁的狀器官之一;人的乳腺 "Breast cancer :Malignant tumour in a breast, usually in women after menopause." 癌:亦稱乳腺癌。乳腺的惡性腫瘤,多見于停經期后的女性。galactophore是什意思: 排的 到滬江小D查看乳腺英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 突內膜為的英文怎么說>> 頭狀突起的的英文怎么說>> 頭的英文怎么說>> 酸的英語怎么說>> 霜的英文>>

  • 乳腺癌的英文怎么

    ;攀登 to breast the tape 沖過終點線 White breast of the dim sea. 朦朧的海洋那雪白的胸脯。 Who is the first to breast the tape? 誰第一個到終點的? 到滬江小D查看乳腺癌的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 乳腺英文怎么說>> 突內膜為的英文怎么說>> 頭狀突起的的英文怎么說>> 頭的英文怎么說>> 酸的英語怎么說>>

  • 局限性乳腺結締組織增生的英文

    局限性乳腺結締組織增生的英文: eccyclomastomaeccyclomastoma是什意思: 局限性乳腺結締織增生,局限性乳腺結締織增生 到滬江小D查看局限性乳腺結締組織增生的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 局限性的英文怎么說>> 局限用英語怎么說>> 局外人的英文怎么說>> 局勢的英文怎么說>> 局末平分的英文怎么說>>

  • 囧研究:夜間室外光照易提高患乳腺癌的風險

    在前五位)比那些在低光照環(huán)境下生活的女性(光照強度排在后五位)患上乳腺癌的風險預估增加了14%。隨著夜晚戶外光照強度的增加,罹患乳腺癌的幾率也相應上漲。[/cn] [en]However, the association between outdoor light at night and breast cancer was found only among women who were [w]premenopausal[/w] and those who were current or past smokers. In addition, the link was stronger among women who worked night shifts, suggesting that exposure to light at night and night shift work contribute jointly to breast cancer risk.[/en][cn]不過,夜晚戶外光照與乳腺癌之間的關聯(lián)只發(fā)現(xiàn)于那些絕經前期的女性以及那些當前或過去抽煙的女性。此外,對于那些上夜班的女性,這種聯(lián)系要更緊密一些,這表示,夜晚暴露于光照下與夜班工作可能會共同增加罹患乳腺癌的風險。[/cn] (翻譯:Dlacus)

  • 致哀姚貝娜:女性5招遠離乳腺


  • 少女過度飲酒患乳腺癌風險大(雙語)

    [en]Teen girls drinking may link to breast cancer later in life, the USA Today reported on Saturday.[/en] [cn]據(jù)《今日美國報》報道,處于青春期的女孩子過度飲酒有可能會導致晚年罹患乳腺癌。[/cn] [en]The study surveyed 6,899 women who had become participants when they were 9 to 15 years old.[/en] [cn]一項研究長期跟蹤調查了6,899女性,起始調查時間為被調查者九歲到十五歲的時候,也就是說,該調查起始于被調查者的青春期。[/cn] [en]Research found that girls who drank the most alcohol during their teen years were five times more likely to develop benign breast(BBD) disease as young adults than those who never drank or drank less than once a week. [w]benign[/w] breast disease is known to boost the risk for breast cancer.[/en] [cn]研究發(fā)現(xiàn),在青春期喝酒過量的女性更容易在剛成年后罹患乳腺腫瘤,且?guī)茁适悄切牟伙嬀苹蛘咭恢茱嬀粕儆谝淮蔚呐缘幕疾茁实奈灞吨唷6橄倌[瘤惡化便會誘發(fā)乳腺癌。[/cn] [en]Teen years are a critical time because the [w]mammary[/w] [w=gland]glands[/w] are undergoing rapid growth during that period, said Catherine Berkey, a biostatistician at Harvard Medical School.[/en] [cn]青春期是尤其要注意的階段,因為此時乳腺正出于一個快速發(fā)育的階段,哈佛大學醫(yī)學院生物統(tǒng)計學家凱瑟琳解釋道。[/cn] 新春課程溫暖上線,春季,和網校一起成長! 中級口譯春季班 高級口譯春季班 商務英語BEC【初級春季班】HOT! 商務英語BEC【中級春季班】

  • 英文怎么

    腺的英文: gland參考例句: nidamental gland 纏卵腺,殼腺 a venom duct fang,gland ] 毒管牙,腺 A cyst of a tarsal gland. 跗骨腺的孢囊 The prostate gland. 前列腺分泌前列腺素的腺 All form ATP from adenosine monophosphate (AMP) or adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate. 三磷酸腺都是由腺一磷酸(AMP)或腺二磷酸(ADP)和無機磷酸形成。 Adenine refers to a portion of the molecule, the nitrogenous base. 腺嘌呤指分子的一部分,即含氮堿基。 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 【生化】煙酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸,輔酶Ⅰ Any of several diseases of the blood or lymph vessels. 管腺病;淋巴管病一種血管或淋巴管疾病 A small branching cell of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. 垂體后葉小細胞位于腦垂體腺的后裂片上的小型分枝細胞 The glands of the stomach are typical simple branched tubular glands 胃腺是典型的單分枝管狀腺。 gland是什么意思: n. 腺 The glands of the stomach are typical simple branched tubular glands 胃腺是典型的單分枝管狀腺。 The pancreas is an elongated, whitish gland. 胰臟是一個細長形的白色體。 The glands in the neck may enlarge. 頸部體可能增大。 到滬江小D查看英文翻譯>>

  • 英文怎么

    腺的英文: pancreas參考例句: The pain of pancreatitis is epigastric in location 胰腺的疼痛位于上腹部。 Pancreatic abscess obviously requires drainage 胰腺膿腫顯然需要引流。 There are about 1.5 million islets is the pancreas. 胰腺要為兩種激素控制。 Human pancreatic ribonuclease has 128 amino acid residues. 人的胰腺核糖核酸酶有128個氨基酸殘基。 insulin is secreted by special cells in the pancreas when a person eats 胰島素是在人進食時胰腺的一種特殊細胞分泌的。 pancreas是什么意思: n. 胰(腺) The pancreas is an elongated, whitish gland. 胰臟是一個細長形的白色體。 Duodenum is joined to the liver and to the pancreas by ducts. 十二指腸通過導管與肝和胰相連。 There are about 1.5 million islets is the pancreas. 胰里大約有一百五十萬個胰島。 到滬江小D查看胰英文翻譯>>

  • 英聞天天譯【第二十五期】:體育運動可降低乳腺癌發(fā)病率

    深入地了解運動如何影響雌激素從而降低患癌風險。這一點尤其重要,因為雌激素是乳腺癌發(fā)病的一大誘因 參考譯文3: 對我們的身體來說,出一身汗比單單縮減腰圍更

  • 瘤的英文怎么

    腺瘤的英文: adenoma參考例句: pituitary prolactinoma 垂體催乳素腺瘤 Lipoma is the second most common benign tumor of the colon after adenomas. 脂肪瘤是結腸中僅次于腺瘤的第二位最常見的良性腫瘤。 A tumor composed chiefly of lymph and blood vessels. 管腺瘤;淋巴管瘤主腺瘤的英文: adenoma參考例句: pituitary prolactinoma 垂體催乳素腺瘤 Lipoma is the second most common benign tumor of the colon after adenomas. 脂肪瘤是結腸中僅次于腺要由淋巴管和血管構成的腫瘤 Pathology results confirmed focal adenomatosis in all 11 patients, at the locations indicated. 病理學結果證實了這全部11位病人的腺瘤病灶位置。 adenoma是什么意思: n. 腺腫;腺瘤 Lipoma is the second most common benign tumor of the colon after adenomas. 脂肪瘤是結腸中僅次于腺瘤的第二位最常見的良性腫瘤。 到滬江小D查看瘤的英文翻譯>>