you hear [02:24.64]1)let rat [02:29.60]2)light right [02:34.15]3)long wrong [02:38.69]4)lot red [02:43.45]5)noise north [02:47.99]6)boy ball [02:52.36]7)toy tall [02:57.11]8)coin call [03:02.07]9)year hear [03:06.93]10)yes has [03:11.19]11)yellow hello [03:15.94]12)yet hat 更多單元請查看《牛津小學(xué)英語五年級下冊匯總專輯》,下載本文音頻請到本文相關(guān)應(yīng)用區(qū)。
blue butterfly. [04:46.15]Look and talk [04:49.91]S1:The butterfly was on a leaf. [04:54.58]S2:now it's on a flower. [04:59.83]page 40 [05:06.39]Look and read [05:09.76]Colour changes [05:14.62]1a The sky was black. [05:18.98]b Now it is blue [05:23.34]2a The leaves were green [05:27.42]b Now they are brown. 更多單元請查看《牛津小學(xué)英語五年級下冊匯總專輯》,下載本文音頻請到本文相關(guān)應(yīng)用區(qū)。
:27.29]Make a parrot [07:33.07]1 Draw a parrot. [07:38.63]2 Colour gour parrot.Use two colours. [07:48.38]3 Cut out gour parrot. [07:54.54]page 26 [07:58.20]Ask and answer [08:01.85]Where are the parrots? [08:06.30]Where's the red and yellow parrot? [08:11.36]It's on the branch. 更多單元請查看《牛津小學(xué)英語五年級下冊匯總專輯》,下載本文音頻請到本文相關(guān)應(yīng)用區(qū)。
牛津在線詞典最新收錄詞匯 社交媒體影響語言
所要消耗的精力、錢財(cái)和時(shí)間可是一點(diǎn)也沒少。[/cn] 5. guilty pleasure (n.) - something, such as a film, television programme, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard 又內(nèi)疚又喜悅的矛盾心理,有罪惡感的快樂 [en]eg. Everybody has a guilty pleasure—for me, it has to be mid 70s disco.[/en][cn]每個(gè)人都
] f 食物 屋頂 v 有逢貨車 活動 [08:00.73]th think tooth th that with [08:07.92]th 認(rèn)為 牙齒 th 那個(gè) 關(guān)于 [08:15.10][s] s sign this c city nice [08:18.52][s] s 標(biāo)記 這個(gè) c 城市 美好的 [08:21.94][z] z zoo size s visit is [08:26.71][z] z 動物園 大小 s 拜訪 是 更多單元請查看《牛津小學(xué)英語五年級上冊匯總專輯》,下載本文音頻請到本文相關(guān)應(yīng)用區(qū)。
牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第1單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第2單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第3單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第4單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第5單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第6單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第7單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第8單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第9單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第10單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第11單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第12單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第13單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第14單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第15單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第16單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第17單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第1單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第2單元 牛津18單元 牛津小學(xué)英語六年級下冊第19單元
dinosaur? [03:58.00]It's green.What colour is the big dinosaur? [04:07.75]It's green,too.Both dinosaurs are green.What colour are the pandas? [04:19.89]They're blank and white.All the pandas are black and white. 更多單元請查看《牛津小學(xué)英語五年級下冊匯總專輯》,下載本文音頻請到本文相關(guān)應(yīng)用區(qū)。
]Mother:Look,Jack!The goose is laying a golden egg. [08:50.57]Jack:Now we're rich! Thank you,goose. [08:57.23]Goose:You're welcome. 更多單元請查看《牛津小學(xué)英語五年級下冊匯總專輯》,下載本文音頻請到本文相關(guān)應(yīng)用區(qū)。
常被拿來當(dāng)做早期詞語用法的參考,盡管這些詞可能在更早之前被那些不是那么有名,或者不是那么具有文學(xué)性的人使用過了。[/cn] 那么究竟有哪些短語明明不是莎翁發(fā)明,卻把功勞歸于他了呢?我們來舉幾個(gè)例子: [en]'Its' all Greek to me,' which appears in playwright Robert Greene's The Scottish History of James The Fourth before in Julius Ceaser.[/en][cn]“如聞天書”在《凱撒大帝》之前就已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)在羅伯特·格林的《蘇格蘭史:詹姆斯四世》中。[/cn] [en]'A wild goose chase,' is credited as first appearing in Romeo and Juliet by the OED, but it had appeared at least six times in English poet Gervase Markham's book about horsemanship a few years earlier in 1593.[/en][cn]“徒勞無功”在《牛津英語詞典》中被認(rèn)為是第一次出現(xiàn)在《羅密歐與朱麗葉》里,但是這個(gè)短語1593之前幾年就在英國詩人哲瓦斯·馬克漢姆有關(guān)于馬術(shù)的書中至少出現(xiàn)過6次。[/cn] [en]'Eaten out of house and home' is thought to first appear in Henry IV part two, written in the 1590s, but examples from as early as 1578 have been found.[/en][cn]“食大如?!北徽J(rèn)為第一次出現(xiàn)在《亨利四世》第二部分,寫于19世紀(jì)60年代,但是早于1578年就被發(fā)現(xiàn)有相關(guān)例子。[/cn] [en]'Without rhyme or reason' was thought to come from As You Like it but earlier versions can be traced back to the 1400s.?[/en][cn]“無緣無故”被認(rèn)為是出自莎士比亞的《皆大歡喜》,但是最早的版本可以追溯到14世紀(jì)。[/cn] [en]However, Shakespeare is thought to have made them more 'concise' and 'catchy'.He did still invent most of his famous quotations, including 'to make an ass of oneself'.'His audiences had to understand at least the gist of what he meant, so his words were mostly in circulation already or were logical combinations of pre-existing concepts,' writes Dr McInnis.[/en][cn]但是莎士比亞也被認(rèn)為將這些詞變得更加“簡潔”和“郎朗上口”。他還發(fā)明了很多著名的語錄,比如“讓……看起來很蠢”。麥金尼斯博士寫道:“莎士比亞的讀者們必須要理解他到底在說什么,所以他使用的詞語大部分一定早已流行開來,要么就是一些現(xiàn)存概念的邏輯組合”。[/cn] 相關(guān)閱讀:莎士比亞發(fā)明的10個(gè)常用英文單詞>>> 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個(gè)人觀點(diǎn),僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。
any oranges? [08:03.21]Yes,I've got some oranges. [08:08.78]I can't see.Where are they? [08:16.04]They're behind the pears. 更多單元請查看《牛津小學(xué)英語五年級下冊匯總專輯》,下載本文音頻請到本文相關(guān)應(yīng)用區(qū)。