美劇天天秀: Gossip Girl S02E25(1)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: 【Serena】Come on. Seriously, guys. She can't keep getting away with this. We all just have to band together and take her down. 【D】Serena, we just graduated. Gossip girl, high school,All these people
美劇天天秀: 絕望的主婦 S03E10
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: There's a reason people can't wait for Christmas, and it has little to do with family reunions.Or curling up with a cup of eggnog.Or that unexpected kiss beneath the mistletoe.Or receiving a present
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S01E15(1)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Phoebe: Hey you guys! Chandler's coming and he says he has, like, this incredible news,so when he gets here, we could all act like, you know... (Chandler comes in.) Chandler: Hey! All: Hey! Phoebe
美劇天天秀: Gossip Girl S02E24(1)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: 【B】Thank you, everyone. 【S】Oh, I can't believe Blair won. 【D】Yeah, who even voted for her? 【C】Me. About 150 times. I wasn't putting the Nelly Yuki [w]ballot[/w]s in.I was taking them out. 【S】But what
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S01E14(3)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Janice: I brought you something. Chandler: Is it loaded? Oh, little candy hearts. (reading the candy) Chan and Jan Forever. Janice: I had them made special. Chandler: Ok, Janice. Janice. Hey, Janice.
美劇天天秀: Gossip Girl S02E20
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Bex:Word is out that your party went from 60 to zero in the last hour.. Hazel: We knew you'd accept defeat gracefully. S: What are you talking about. Nelly:You canceled jenny's party to move off
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S01E21(2)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Phoebe: Okay.Good-bye, little monkey guy. Alright, I wrote you this poem. Okay, but don't eat it 'till you get on the plane. Ross: Thank you, Aunt Phoebe. Phoebe: Oh! Chandler: Okay, bye,champ. Now, I
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S01E11(1)
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Monica: I wish we at least knew his name...Look at that face, I mean, even sleeping, he looks smart. I bet he's a lawyer. Phoebe: Yeah, but did you see the [w]dent[/w]s in his [w]knuckle[/w]s
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S02E15
《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: MONICA: Alright, but I'm very excited about this OK, so you gotta promise you won't get all big-brothery and judgmental. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 想要得到主持人專業(yè)的點(diǎn)評(píng)和意見嗎?快來節(jié)目現(xiàn)場(chǎng)一試身手吧>> ?
美劇天天秀: 老友記 S01E14(1)
?《美劇天天秀》節(jié)目是滬江部落一檔模仿類節(jié)目,目的在于提升大家的英語口語水平,在輕松看美劇的同時(shí)鍛煉大家的口語能力。積極參與的童鞋還會(huì)得到主持的專業(yè)點(diǎn)評(píng)哦!去滬江部落訂閱本節(jié)目! 原錄音: 原文: Joey: I'm tellin' you Ross, she wants you . Ross: She barely knows me.We just live in the same building. Chandler: Any contact? Ross: She lent me an egg once. Joey: You're in! Ross: Aw, right. Woman