好啊!Wil Wheaton! Sheldon死敵的回歸! 你還真有一個死敵。 實際上,我有61個死敵。 Sheldon一語驚四座。 我想我已經(jīng)不再適合做星際旅行的粉絲了。 發(fā)射!真坑爹。 最新一集《生活大爆炸》。 愿你萬壽無疆。 你個傻子。 歡迎星期四在CBS收看新一集的生活大爆炸! 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
2011-10-12 -
[en]The Big Bang Theory star Johnny Galecki has hinted that Leonard and Penny could get engaged.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸
《生活大爆炸》有新人:宅男有知音 漫畫小妹Alice登場!
[en]The Big Bang Theory‘s geek squad will be setting their phasers to stunned this fall, and here’s why: Dexter beauty Courtney Ford has landed a potentially recurring role on the CBS.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》的一班宅男金秋又要激動好一陣了,原因就是《嗜血法醫(yī)》的美女Courtney Ford將會在CBS這部美生活大爆炸劇中扮演一個角色,并且相當(dāng)有可能會成為《生活大爆炸》的循環(huán)演員。[/cn] [en]The actress — who is coming off an arc as Bill’s great great great granddaughter (and lover!) on True Blood — will play Alice, a cute, cool and artsy girl who is something of a comic book [w]aficionado[/w]. She runs into the guys at, where else, the comic book store.[/en][cn]在《真愛如血》中扮演Bill重孫女的她將會在《生活大爆炸》中扮演一個可愛、帥氣又有點藝術(shù)家味兒的女孩,漫畫狂熱粉絲一枚。[/cn] [en]Ford is slated to first appear in the Oct. 27 episode.[/en][cn]Ford扮演的角色將會在10月27日播出的那一集中首次登場。[/cn]
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十四集 【劇情介紹】 不知是否是因為Leonard 要債的那段插曲,Penny男朋友Kurt突然良心發(fā)現(xiàn)還錢了,Leonard 以為Penny會因此深受感動感謝他,哪知他又一次把Penny “拱手讓人”, 還被Sheldon戲稱為真正的英雄, 有才哥小謝還自創(chuàng)首歌,有木有音樂家天分? PENNY: Nice hat. LEONARD: It's kind of a fashionable look these days. PENNY: Maybe if you're working on a[w]tuna[/w] boat. SHELDON: Hello,Penny. PENNY: Sheldon,here is your money. Thank you very much. It helped a lot. SHELDON: Sarcasm? PENNY: No. SHELDON: Darn. I can't seem to get the hang of that. LEONARD: Hey,I know it's none of my business,but where did the money come from? PENNY: Well,I cut back my expenses like you said and picked up a few more hours at the restaurant, but the biggest thing was,out of the blue,Kurt shows up and gives me the money he owes me. LEONARD: Really? Did he say why? PENNY: Yes,he said he was feeling guilty and wanted to do what was right. LEONARD: That's it? Did he give any reason as to why he came to this moral [w]epiphany[/w]? PENNY: Nope. I just think he's really changed. We're having dinner tomorrow night,and I get to wear my new beret. Bye,guys. LEONARD: Bye. SHELDON: Well done,Leonard. The true hero doesn't seek [w]adulation[/w]. He fights for right and justice simply because it's his nature. LEONARD: Penny's hooking up with her jerk of an ex-boyfriend and I have indelible ink on my forehead! SHELDON: That's your badge of honor-- your warrior's wound,if you will. I was wrong.Minstrels will write songs about you. LEONARD: Great. SHELDON: There once was a brave lad named Leonard with a -fi fiddle dee-dee. He faced a fearsome giant while Raj just wanted to pee. 【口語講解】 1get the hang of得知……的竅門;熟悉某物的用法;理解某事,摸清概況;鑒賞 2out of the blue突然地,意生活大爆炸外地 3indelible ink防水墨水,消不去的墨水 4badge of honor榮譽勛章 5if you will假如你喜歡的話;如果你愿意那樣說的話
2013-08-22 -
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)手繪版主題歌欣賞
出演伯納黛特的父親,并將在本季倒數(shù)第二集《發(fā)射加速度》中生活大爆炸出現(xiàn)。 [/cn] [en][w]Speculation[/w] has arisen that the character's role in the May 3 [w]instalment[/w] will be to convince Howard and Bernadette to go through with their wedding.[/en][cn]由此我們猜測,將在5月3日登場的伯納黛特之父也許是想要說服女兒和霍華德完婚。[/cn]
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十六集(2) 你說完沒啊?!
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十六集 【劇情介紹】 在談?wù)擃A(yù)算消減時,Sheldon毫不客氣地說應(yīng)該開除Leonard他們,那樣他自己就有足夠的研究經(jīng)費(汗,小謝真夠直白的).Leslie輕輕松松地為Howard爭取到他申請的高速原型機同時還“喵”了一聲,這讓大家不得不懷疑他倆人的關(guān)系. RAJ: Did you guys see the new budget memo that went out this morning? LEONARD: Yeah,more cutbacks. SHELDON: Unacceptable.It [w]baffle[/w]s me why they don't
2011-08-22 -
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第八集(1) 你還是從了吧
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第八集 【劇情介紹】 Raj的父母要他去相親, Raj不愿意, 想讓Sheldon他們想辦法,但是他們卻一直沒放在心上,Raj后悔交了這幫損友. SHELDON: If I may,?your parents probably don't consider this [w=meddle]meddling[/w]. While arranged marriages are no longer the norm, Indian parents continue to have an greater than average involvement
2013-08-22 -