小學牛津英語六年級A 詞匯 Unit 6
詞很多都是很旅程有關,如travel,ferry,hotel,等等。學習完本單元同學們也可以自己拓展相關詞匯,擴大詞匯多了。 11. [w]when[/w]????????????conj. 當…的時候 例句:It was raining when we arrived. 我們到的時候正在下雨。 12. light rail???????? n. 輕軌 短語:travel by light rail 乘輕軌(旅行) 13. department store??????n. 百貨商店 例句:In departmental store, you will find full of beautiful things/items in eyes. 百貨商店的東西真是琳瑯滿目。 14. [w]kindergarten[/w]???????????? n. 幼兒園 例句:She's in kindergarten now. 她在上幼兒園。 15. housing [w]estate[/w]???????? n. 居民區(qū) 短語:a trading/an industrial estate 商業(yè)區(qū)/工業(yè)區(qū) 16. [w]temple[/w]???????????????????? n. 廟宇 短語:Buddhist temple 佛寺
全不”;[w]Not at all[/w]. 是“不用謝?!笔且环N禮貌用語。 e.g. Thank you for your help.—Not at all.? [en]2. She sometimes watches TV.[/en][cn]他有時看電視機。[/cn] 辨析sometimes, sometime, some time, some times? [en](1)sometimes[/en][cn]有時[/cn] e.g. He is sometimes late
]1.What else do you do with her?[/en][cn]你還和他一起做什么?[/cn] [en]What else[/en][cn]別的什么,還有什么[/cn] else 用于特殊疑問詞后的情況十分常見:[en]Where else did you go?[/en][cn]你還去了哪里?[/cn]? [en]Who else will he meet?[/en][cn]他還要去見誰?[/cn] [en]2.?always[/en][cn]總是,一直[/cn] [en]usually[/en][cn]常常,通常[/cn] [en]sometimes[/en][cn]有時
? Shall表將來時,在疑問句中表征求意見。 13. How about ten o’clock in the morning?? How about…? What about…? …怎么樣?后接動名詞,e.g. How /What about watching TV? How /What about going shopping? [en]14. How are we going to get there?[/en][cn]我們怎么去那里呢?[/cn] (1)將來時的構成:be going to+ 動詞原形 will+動詞原形 (2)how詢問交通工具 (3)get there 到達那里 get
?—Yes, I’ve already been there. [en](1)have been to[/en][cn]去過某地[/cn] [en](2)have been there[/en][cn]去過那里[/cn] (3)have been to和have gone to的區(qū)別? [en]have been to[/en][cn]去過,現在人已經回來了[/cn] [en]have gone to[/en][cn]去了,現在人還沒回來[/cn] 4. What about Water World? What about…?口語中用于提出意見,表示“。。。怎么樣?”后接名詞或動名詞,如: What about the book? What about watching TV? What about…?=How about…? What about Water World?=How about Water World?
小學牛津英語六年級A 詞匯 Unit 5
在校唱詩班唱歌。 4. [w]noticeboard[/w]???? n. 布告欄 例句:I've put the list of players up on the noticeboard. 我把隊員名單貼在布告欄上了。 5. [w]parent[/w]???????????? n. 父或母 例句:May I introduce you to my parents? 我把你介紹給我的父母行嗎? 6. [w]arrive[/w]????????????? v. 到達 例句:They will arrive in New York at noon. 他們將於中午到達紐約。 7. [w]first[/w]???????????????? adv. 首先 例句:Susan came into the room first. 蘇珊第一個來到屋子里。 8. [w]classroom[/w]??????? n. 教室 短語:a second-floor classroom 一間二樓教室 9. [w]next[/w]??????????????? adv. 緊接著;隨后 例句:Who's next on the list? 名單上的下詞貼近日常生活,非常適合遣詞一個是誰? 10. [w]project[/w]????????? n. 習作項目 例句:The class are doing a project on the Roman occupation of Britain. 這個班在進行一項關於古羅馬人占領不列顛的研究。 11. [w]craft[/w]????????????? n. 工藝 短語:the potter's craft 陶器業(yè) 12. [w]club[/w]?????????????? n. 俱樂部 短語:the club bar 俱樂部酒吧間 13. [w]finally[/w]???????????? adv 最后 例句: We must settle this matter finally. 我們必須徹底解決這一問題。 14. [w]ground[/w]??????????n. 地;地面 例句:He slipped off the ladder and fell to the ground. 他從梯子上滑了下來摔在地上。 15. [w]invitation[/w]????????n. 請柬 例句:I gladly accepted their invitation to open the fete. 我愉快地接受了他們的邀請,為義賣會主持開幕式。 16. [w]yesterday[/w]??????adv. 昨天 I can remember it as if it were yesterday. 我對此事記憶猶新,恍如昨日一般。
《牛津英語詞典》新詞 破例收錄“Tweet”等網絡詞匯
破了《牛津英語詞典》的一個老規(guī)矩,就是一個新詞從出現到考慮是否要被收入詞典,需要十年時間。但現在看起來詞典收錄速度好像跟上發(fā)展了。”[/cn] [en]"Crowdsourcing", "flash mob", "geekery" and "dad dancing" also earned a place in an OED now containing 823,000 entries.[/en][cn]新版《牛津英文詞典》收詞823,000條,包括"Crowdsourcing" (眾包) "flash mob" (快閃)"geekery" (極客范兒)和"dad dancing" (老爸舞姿)等網絡詞匯也被收錄其中。[/cn] [en]"Crowdsourcing" is defined as the practice of obtaining information or services by soliciting input from a large number of people, typically via the Internet and often without offering compensation.[/en][cn]"Crowdsourcing"(眾包)的定義是:通過向大量人群征詢意見建議,從而獲得答案的行為。這種方式通常在網絡上無償進行。[/cn] [en]A "flash mob" is a large group of people organized by means of the Internet, or mobile phones or other wireless devices, who assemble in public to perform a prearranged action together and then quickly disperse.[/en][cn]"flash mob"快閃特指一群人,他們通過網絡、手機或其他無線設施相互聯系,一起到公共場所表演一段事先安牛津排好的動作,然后快速分散離開。[/cn] [en]Watchers of "The Big Bang Theory" hit U.S. TV show will recognize "geekery". It's meaning has been updated from a rarely used term for [w]bizarre[/w] [w]circus[/w] acts in favor of an obsessive devotion to or knowledge of a particular subject or pursuit and also the state of being a geek or "geekiness".[/en][cn]看熱播美劇《生活大爆炸》的人對"geekery" (極客范兒)一詞不會陌生。以前這個詞指的是“怪異的馬戲團表演”,并不常用;但現在卻是“熱衷于鉆研某學科,在某領域有豐富知識”的意思,它也指成為"geek"這類人的狀態(tài)。[/cn] [en]Other more worthy terms, such as "fiscal cliff", "e-reader" and "fracking" also make appearances alongside an alarm bell for fathers of brides at the height of the wedding season.[/en][cn]其它更常用的詞條還有"fiscal cliff" (財政懸崖) , "e-reader"(電子書)和"fracking"(水力壓裂法)等。 這些詞和“結婚旺季中的新娘父親警鈴”一起出現在詞典里。[/cn] [en]Those [w]funky[/w] moves on the dancefloor at the wedding reception are unlikely to impress the OED. They are drily captured by the term "dad dancing".[/en][cn]《牛津英文詞典》對這種婚宴上的古怪舞蹈動作并不感興趣,只把它們干巴巴地稱為"dad dancing"(老爸舞姿)。[/cn] [en]"An awkward, unfashionable, or unrestrained style of dancing to pop music, as characteristically performed by middle-aged or older men," the OED definition reads.[/en][cn]《牛津英文詞典》將"dad dancing"定義為:“一種笨拙、過時或放縱的舞蹈形式,有流行音樂伴奏,通常是中老年男子跳的舞?!盵/cn]
初中英語牛津(試用本)八年級下 詞匯 Unit 4