《白雪公主與獵人》:休杰克曼搭檔暮色女主 “金剛狼”變“獵人”?
前有傳言,該角色會有《指環(huán)王》中的影星Viggo Mortensen來飾演,但Viggo沒有繼續(xù)為這個角色和環(huán)球商討,于是環(huán)球希望能邀請到休·杰克曼,以此來提升影片的明星效應(yīng)。[/cn] [en]There are currently two movie [w=version]versions[/w] of the [w]fairytale[/w] in the making, by Universal Studios and Relativity Media.[/en][cn]目
K-Stew says her new movie is a completely different experience from anything she’s ever done before — are YOU ready to see a new side of her? Kristen Stewart will forever be known as Bella in the Twilight films, but she says her new [w]role[/w] in Snow White And The Huntsman could not be any more different! K-Stew, 21, was promoting the film at the 2012 WonderCon at the Anaheim [w]Convention[/w] Center in Calif. on March 17 when she compared it with her biggest role to date. “Everything I’ve done always feels really different,” she said. “[Twilight] was a really extended period of my life and it was very much its own thing and I love that [w]character[/w]. Snow White couldn’t be more different.” Are you excited to see SWATH? 滬江娛樂快訊:克里斯汀·斯圖爾特扮演白雪公主,我們不得不說她確實特有公主范兒,就算是拿著刀怒吼著報復(fù)繼母、勇猛無比的白雪公主都這么的有
取了整個國家。當(dāng)魔鏡告訴女王只有得到白雪公主的心臟,她才能長生不老,永葆青春,女王便下定決心要殺了白雪公主。而白雪公主在得知女王將要加害自己之時,奮力從城堡逃脫躲入黑森林…… 【選段臺詞】 Soldier: These two were captured leading an [w]ambush[/w] on one of our supply trains. Queen: Your son? Handsome. Obviously, a debt owed to your mother. There was a time i would have lost my heart to a face like yours. And you, no doubt, would have broken it. Lain's father: Lain, no! Queen: ah!ah……You would kill your queen. Such courage. Such beauty. But how strong is your heart? Lain's father: No, my son! My son! Queen: Leave him. Let him return to the Duke and speak of the [w]generousity[/w] of his queen. Finn(Queen's brother): Out! Out! ? Finn: Magic comes at a [w]lofty[/w] price. Queen: And the expense grows. Finn: You look…… Queen:?Old. Finn: Tired. Queen: My power [w]fades[/w]. Finn: I have something for what [w]ails[/w] you. (Greta?was standing there with fear, then queen took her youth. Greta became old. She was brought back to the jail.) Snow White: Greta? Greta? (Silent) Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the [w]fairest[/w] of them all? Mirror: My queen, on this day, one has come of age, fairer even than you. She is the reason your powers [w]wane[/w]. Queen: Who is it? Mirror: Snow White. Queen: Snow White? She is my [w]undoing[/w]? I should have killed her when she was a child. Mirror:?Be warned. Her [w]innocence[/w] and purity is all that can destroy you. But she is also your [w]salvation[/w], Queen. Take her heart in your mind and you shall never again need to consume youth. You shall never again weaken or age. Queen: [w]Immortality[/w]. Immortality forever. Finn! Brother, bring me the King's daughter. Finn: (nod) ? 【重點詞匯】 1. supply train 固定詞組意為“補給車”。選段中,女王的士兵抓到Lain和他的父親指揮暴民突襲他們的補給車。Lain本想刺殺女王,但是可惜的是,女王有巫術(shù),她依然活著,只是容顏衰老了一些。 2. owe?to 本意“歸功于”。女王贊美Lain的俊美容顏連她都忍不住心動,“這歸功于你的母親的美麗容貌”。 3. how strong is your heart “你吃了雄心豹子膽了嗎?” 當(dāng)Lain一把拿出旁邊侍衛(wèi)的劍刺向王后,女王沒死后,女王抓住Lain的衣服,滿臉怒氣的質(zhì)問道,“你竟敢殺你的女王!” a lofty price "維持你的美貌需要付出很大的代價。"女王的弟弟在看到女王變老后,安慰女王,雖然要付出很大代價找適合的人,但是他還是會為女王盡力尋找。 5. come of age “從今天起,有一個人已經(jīng)成年,她的美貌超越了你?!蹦хR在女王問他誰是最美的女白雪公主人時這么回答,這加深了女王要殺害白雪公主的想法。本意為“到了成年”,“長大成人”,“年及弱冠”。
2012-10-31 -
《白雪公主與獵人》主題曲:Florence《Breath Of Life》
滬江英樂:Florence And The Machine為剛剛首映的電影《白雪公主與獵人》(Snow White and the Huntsman)獻唱主題曲《Breath Of Life》,延續(xù)組合一貫獨特的音樂風(fēng)格,為電影多添了幾分大氣悲壯的感覺。 Florence And The Machine是一支來自英國的的獨立流行樂隊, 女歌手Florence Welch擔(dān)任主唱,同時也是樂團靈魂支柱。吉他手Robert Ackroyd、鼓手Christopher Lloyd Hayden、鍵盤手Isabella Summers以及豎琴手Tom Monger等人建立起的The Machine
[en]The fairytale continues for Once Upon a Time Star Ginnifer Goodwin. Only a month after announcing her engagement to co-star Josh Dallas, the actress has some even more exciting news to declare: she’s pregnant![/en][cn]童話故事似乎真的發(fā)生在了《童話鎮(zhèn)》女星Ginnifer Goodwin身上。在上個月和該劇男主Josh Dallas宣布訂婚消息之后,他們昨天宣布了一個更故事令人興奮的消息:她懷孕了![/cn] [en]This will be the first child for 35-year-old Ginnifer and 31-year-old Josh, who confirmed their engagement in October and who have been dating since March 2012.[/en][cn]這是35歲的Ginnifer和31歲的Josh的第一個孩子,他們2012年3月開始戀愛,今年10月剛宣布訂婚。[/cn] [en]“They really hit it off,” a source told Us Weekly of the two co-stars last year. “She and Josh have a blast together and had instant chemistry.”[/en][cn]一位消息人士在去年的時候透露:“他們倆非常合適對方,她和Josh在一起的時候會有一種很特殊的感覺。[/cn] [en]According to Us, rumors initially began swirling about Ginnifer’s pregnancy when she stepped out in a gray coat large enough to conceal any growing baby bumps.[/en][cn]《Us》雜志報道,早前Goodwin曾經(jīng)穿著一件寬松的灰色大衣出門,當(dāng)時就已經(jīng)被媒體懷疑她是否已經(jīng)懷孕。[/cn]
就像雪一樣潔白。[/cn] [en]The Queen was making a coat for a little child. She said, "I want my child to be white as this cloth, white as the snow. And I shall call her Snow-white."[/en][cn]王后正在為小孩做一件上衣,她說:“我想我的孩子能夠像這布一樣白,想雪一樣白,我要叫她'白雪公主'?!盵/cn] [en]Some days after that the Queen had a child. The child was white as snow.
,墻上的魔鏡,誰是世界上最漂亮的人?”于是魔鏡開口說道:“王后是世界上最漂亮的?!盵/cn] [en]Year went by. Snow-white grew up and became a little girl. every day the Queen looked in the glass and said, "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass said, "Snow-white is most beautiful of all."[/en][cn]過了數(shù)年,白雪公主
活著。[/cn] [en]After some days Snow-white went into the garden. One of the Queen's servants was going through the forest, and he saw her. He went and told the Queen, "Snow-white is in a hut in the forest." The Queen was very angry when she heard that Snow-white was not dead.[/en][cn]幾天以后,白雪公主去了一趟花園。王后的一個仆人正經(jīng)過這片森林,他發(fā)現(xiàn)了阿。他回去告訴了王后:“白雪公主在森林的一座小屋里。”王后聽說白雪公主沒有死,十分惱火。[/cn] [en]The Queen took an apple. She made a hole in the red side of the apple, and put some powder into the hole. Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut. She called, "Is any one there?" Snow-white opened the door, and came out to her. The Queen said, "I have some pretty apples. Eat one of my pretty apples." Snow-white took the apple and said, "Is it good?" The Queen said, "See, I will eat this white side of the apThen you will know that it is good."[/en][cn]王后拿來一個蘋果,她在蘋果紅的一邊挖了一個洞,把一些毒的粉末放在這個洞里。然后,她穿上一身舊衣服,去了小屋。她喊:“屋里有人嗎?”白雪公主打開門,出來見她。王后說:“我有一些漂亮的蘋果,吃一個嘗嘗吧?”白雪公主拿著蘋果說:“這好吃嗎?”王后說:“瞧,我吃蘋果白的一半,你吃紅的一半,你會知道它味道不錯?!盵/cn]
床上?!逼邆€小矮人都過來看睡在小矮人床上的白雪公主。他們說:“她真漂亮?!盵/cn] [en]Snow-white awoke, and saw the seven Little Men with their big beards standing near her bed. She was afraid. The Little men said, "Do not be afraid. We are your friends. Tell us how you came here." Snow-white said, "I will tell you." Then she told them her story.[/en][cn]白雪公主醒了,發(fā)現(xiàn)七個留著大胡子的小矮人正站在她床旁,她很害怕。小矮人們說:“別害怕,我們是你的好朋友,告訴我們你是怎么來這兒的?!卑籽┕髡f:“我告訴你們?!苯又徒o他們講述了自己的經(jīng)歷。[/cn]
出演。據(jù)最先報道說這位20歲的影星可能會擔(dān)任主演,看來事情已經(jīng)敲定了。[/cn] [en]The co-producer of the film just tweeted that Kristen will [wv]definitely[/wv] be [w=ditch]ditching[/w] her Converse for a pretty princess dress! [/en][cn]該片的一名合作制片人在推特上說,克里斯汀一定會一改以往的匡威運動風(fēng),換上漂亮的公主裝。[/cn] [en]Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, Nicole Anderson and Miranda Cosgrove have all been [w=rumor]rumored[/w] to have [w=audition]auditioned[/w] for various Snow White roles. [/en][cn]有消息稱賽琳娜·戈麥斯、莉頓·梅斯特、尼克·安德森以及米蘭達·卡斯格拉夫都有參與試鏡來爭奪這個白雪公主的角色。[/cn] [en]This will be an all-star cast! Charlize Theron is [w=slate]slated[/w] to play the evil queen Ravenna, according to . Viggo Mortensen is rumoured to play Eric, The Huntsman [/en][cn]這部電影必定是全明星陣容。據(jù)報道,查莉茨·塞隆被選定扮演邪惡的女王Ravenna。而有傳言說維果·莫特森則會扮演Eric,電影中的獵人。[/cn] [en]According to IMDB, the film is set to be released on Dec. 21. 2012 — we can’t wait! [/en][cn]根據(jù)IMDB的資料顯示,這部電影將會在2012年12月21號上映——我們等不急啦!! [/cn]?