到了小矮人,當(dāng)小矮人知道了白雪公主的真實身份時,便幫助了他們…… 【選段臺詞】 Huntsman: I’ sorry. I’m sorry. Snow White: You’re not. Huntsman: I am. Snow White: You left us. We should never have been there. Huntsman: Hey, look at me. I’ll take you to Duke Hammond’s , okay? All right? You have my word. Huntsman and Snow White: Wait! Beith: This is our lucky day. Huntsman: . [w]Dwarves[/w]. Beith: The hedge-pig i [w]loathe[/w] most in the world lands right in our [w]lap[/w]. Huntsman: Come on, Beith. Is it how you treat friend? Beith: No,no,no. you puttock. This is how i treat a friend. Nion: She's pretty. Beith: And who's this? Is this an [w]errant[/w] [w]apprentice[/w] or captive? Snow White: The man is helping me. Gus: We should kill them both. Duir:?He's caused us nothing but trouble. Gus: [w]Skewer[/w] him and leave her to [w]rot[/w]. I don't like killing girls. Duir: I do. Gus: Good. Muir: Leave her alone, Duir. Nion: He's got nothing. One silver coin and an empty [w]codpiece[/w]. Gort: Two days we sat here. What for? Nothing. Gus: We should have stayed by the river. What a waste of time! Huntsman: Cut us down, Beith. I have gold i can pay you. It's not here, it's hidden back in the woods. Nion: Shut your ugly mug, huntsman. If you have any pennies, you would have pissed it away on mead by now. Huntsman: Cut me down, then i'll show you. Nion: Pull the other one, you lying dangler. Snow White: Tell them the truth, huntsman. There's no time! Huntsman: I have to take this girl to Hammond's. She's not safe here. Gort: Well, my little heart bleeds for you. We should chop them up and feed them to the wolves. All: Yeah, yes! Beith: Who is she? Huntsman: She's worth a lot of gold to me. Which i am happy to share with you stupid little dwarves. Stop that! Snow White: Gold is worth nothing to any of you if you're all dead! The Queen's men hunt us! They're very close! Gort: Shut up! Snow White: You have love for the Queen? Beith: We have no love for the Queen. Snow White: Then you fight against her? Gus: No one fights against the Queen. Beith: We lost everything when the King died. Nion: We fight only for ourselves! All: Yes! Snow White: My father was King Magnus. Beith: Muir, does she speak the truth? Muir: Yes, she if of the blood. She is destined, Beith. I see an end to the darkness. The Queen's men: Riders! Snow White: If you don't cut us down, we'll all be killed! Gus: I don't like this, Beith. It smells like trouble. Snow White: You'll find your weight in gold if you cut us down, now! Gort: Shut up, Princess. Gus: Queen's riders! And they're coming this way! Beith: We'll take her, but not him! Huntsman: What? Snow White: No, both of us! Beith: Cut them both down, Gort! Let's get the hell out of here! The Queen's men: Move it! Move? it! 【重點詞匯】 1. You have my word. "我保證。"當(dāng)獵人與白雪公主好不容易突出重圍,在路邊休息時,獵人向白雪公主保證,會帶她到公爵那去。 2. piss away 意為“把……吃下肚”。小矮人戳穿了獵人的謊言,“如果你真有幾便士,你早就用來換成蜂蜜酒喝下肚了。”悲劇的獵人,說謊的能力太弱哦! 3. My little heart bleeds for you. “啊,我真為你所心碎?!毙“寺牭将C人說白雪公主在被女王追殺,很不安全,要白雪公主快點離開逃離女王軍隊的追捕時,嘲笑了一句。 4. chop up 小矮人說完我真為你所心碎后,緊接一句“應(yīng)該把他們劈成幾塊喂狼?!北疽鉃椤鞍选谐伤槠保鞍选蓭讐K”。這里看起來,小矮人的確很兇橫。 5. love for 意為“擁護”,當(dāng)白雪公主知道小矮人本意不想幫他們時,急忙問:“難道你們擁護的是女王?”其實小矮人是中立派,不喜歡女王也不會與其抗衡,但是之后為了美麗的白雪公主,小矮人們的小宇宙爆發(fā)了!
2012-11-04 -
[en]The Little Men said, "Take her." Then the Prince told his servants to take up the box. They took up the box. Just then one of the servants fell down. The box fell, and Snow-white fell with the box. The bit of apple fell out of her mouth: she awoke, and sat up, and said, "Where am I?"[/en][cn]小矮人們說:“抬走她吧?!比缓?王子告訴他的仆人抬起棺材。他們抬起它時,不巧一個仆人跌倒了。把棺材也摔到地上,白雪公主隨同棺材跌了下來,那塊蘋果從她嘴里掉了出來,她醒了過來,坐起來說:“我這是在哪兒?”[/cn] [en]The Prince said, "You are with me. I never saw anyone as beautiful as you. Come with me and be my Queen."[/en][cn]王子說:“你跟我在一起,我從來沒有見過一位像你這么美麗的人,跟我來,做我的王后吧?!盵/cn] [en]The Prince married Snow-white, and she became his Queen.A man went and told this to the bad Queen. When she heard it she was so angry that she fell down dead.[/en][cn]王子和白雪公主結(jié)婚了,她成了王后。一個人去把這些消息告訴了壞王后,當(dāng)她聽到這些,氣得倒下死去了。[/cn] [en]Snow-white lived and was very happy ever after. And the Little Men came to see her every year.?[/en][cn]從那以后,白雪公主一直生活得很幸福。每年小矮人們都來看她。[/cn]
[en]Snow-white ate the red side of the apple. When the powder was in her mouth, she fell down dead. The Queen went back to her house. She went into her room. she looked into the glass and said, "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all?" The glass said, "The Queen is most beautiful of all." Then the Queen know that Snow-white was dead.[/en][cn]白雪公主吃了蘋果紅的一半,當(dāng)粉末進入她嘴里時,她倒下去死了。王后回到家,進了自己的房間,對著鏡子說:“告訴我,墻上的魔鏡,誰是世界上最漂亮的。”魔鏡說:“王后是世界上最漂亮的。”于是,王后知道白雪公主已經(jīng)死了。[/cn] [en]The Little Men came back to the hut. When they saw that Snow-white was dead, the poor Little Men cried. Then they put Snow-white in a box made of glass. They took the glass box to a hill and put it there, and said, "Everyone who goes by will see how beautiful she was." Then each Little Man put one white flower on the box, and they went away.[/en][cn]小矮人們回到小屋,發(fā)現(xiàn)白雪公主死了??蓱z的小矮人們?nèi)伎蘖?。然?他們把白雪公主放進玻璃棺材里,并把它抬到山坡上,安放在那里,說:“每位經(jīng)過這里的人都會看見她是多么美麗?!苯又總€小矮人在棺材上放了一朵白花,然后離開了。[/cn] [en]Just as they were going away, a Prince came by. He saw the glass box and said, "What is that?" Then he saw Snow-white in the box. He said, "She was very beautiful: but do not put her there. There is a hall in the garden of my father's house. It is all made of white stone. We will take the glass box and put it in the hall of beautiful white stone."?[/en][cn]他們剛剛要離開,一位王子從此經(jīng)過,他看著玻璃棺材說:“那是什么?”這時,他發(fā)現(xiàn)白雪公主躺在里面,他說:“她太美麗了,不能把她放在這里,在父親的王宮里有一座大廳,整個大廳都是用白石頭砌成,我們把玻璃棺材搬到那所漂亮的白石大廳里?!盵/cn]
The Academy Award-winner explained in a recent interview that director Rupert Sanders's dark [w]fairytale[/w] is unlike any [w]project[/w] she has ever worked on. "It really is epic in scale, it is [w]gorgeous[/w], it is disturbing," Flicks and Bits reports Theron as saying. "It's always walking this very fine line of fantasy and reality, heightened fantasy and harsh realities. I think that's the thing that grounds it and makes you care, makes you connect, makes you hooked." She further explained: "At the same time it's an [w]incredible[/w] feast for the eyes. It's beautifully shot, this film is really, really gorgeous. Scale-wise, and on how epic it is, and on how visual it is… combined with the actors Rupert got to play in this, I mean the dwarves alone, the cast is incredible! "Grounding the world in [w]hyperreality[/w], I think that's something people will really connect with. At the core it's going to be something emotionally that really moves them. I think that's the [w]ultimate[/w] thing you can ask for in a film." Theron's co-star Kristen Stewart recently joked that she thought she'd "ruined" Snow White and the Huntsman by accidentally [w=punch]punching[/w] Chris Hemsworth during the filming.?Snow White and the Huntsman opens in cinemas on June 1 in the US and the UK. 滬江娛樂快訊:奧斯卡影后查理茲·塞隆在最近一個采訪中把《白雪公主與獵人》(Snow White and the Huntsman)形容成一部史詩巨作。塞隆解釋到,導(dǎo)演魯伯特·山德斯的這部暗黑童話和她以往的電影都不一樣,“從整體上看,這部作品是一部史詩,它華美而震撼。影片虛實把握得當(dāng),突出了夢幻與殘酷的現(xiàn)實。這是影片的基礎(chǔ),它使得你關(guān)注、接觸、迷上影片?!?和塞隆搭檔的克里斯汀·斯圖爾特近期開玩笑地說到她覺得自己“毀掉了”影片,因為自己在電影里不小心打了克里斯·海姆斯沃斯一拳?!栋籽┕髋c獵人》將于6月1號在英美上映。?
到了7個國際武僧,娜塔麗得知自己命中注定要和邪魔對抗,毫不畏懼,反而是在武僧的訓(xùn)練和保護下努力打敗惡勢力。 雖然是根據(jù)著名的經(jīng)典童話改編,但是故事的框架已經(jīng)完全被移植到現(xiàn)代,人物設(shè)定和情節(jié)也都會進行非常大的改造。這
助你的?!比缓?他走了。[/cn] [en]Poor Snow-white sat at the foot of a tree and cried. Then she saw that night was coming. She said, "I will not cry. I will find some house where I can sleep tonight. I cannot wait here: the bears will eat me."[/en][cn]可憐的白雪公主坐在一棵樹底下哭了,這時,她看到天快黑了,她說:“我不哭了,我要找所房子今晚好睡覺,我不能呆在這兒了,熊會吃了我的。”[/cn] [en]She went far into the forest. Then she saw a little hut. She opened the door of the hut, and went in. In the hut she saw seven little beds. There was a table, and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses. She ate one of the loaves. Then she said, "I want some water to drink." So she drank some water out of one of the glasses. Then she fell asleep on one of the seven little beds.[/en][cn]她往森林深處走去,這時,她發(fā)現(xiàn)了一座小屋,她打開小屋的門,走了進去。在小屋里,她看到七張小床,還有一張桌子,桌子上有七塊小面包和七個小杯子。她吃了其中一塊面包,然后說:“我想喝點水。”于是,她又喝了一個杯子中的一些水。之后,她躺在一張小床上睡著了。[/cn]
公主走到一個小屋子,接下去發(fā)生了什么事情呢? Snow White ran into the forest. She wandered aimlessly, until she came to a small house. The house was unlocked and no one was in. There were seven tiny beds and a little table with seven little plates and cups. The bread was hardly enough for one bite and the drink