相關(guān)文章 搜索相關(guān)課程
  • 你認識這些標(biāo)點符號嗎:常用標(biāo)點符號用法與表達

    常用標(biāo)點符號用法 句號

  • 標(biāo)點符號的英文怎么說

    標(biāo)點符號的英文: punctuation punctuation mark參考例句: Period: Another word to mean a "full stop". 句號:完結(jié)一句的標(biāo)點符號。 Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation. 我們的老師對標(biāo)點符號非常重視。 The children have not yet learned to punctuate correctly. 這些小學(xué)生尚未學(xué)會正確使用標(biāo)點符號. put the issue of punctuation on the editorial back burner.

  • 標(biāo)點符號中暗藏的性格秘密

    有事都說清楚講明白,不過,你對“少即是多”的理論并不買賬,你認為消息應(yīng)該是多多益善的。正因如此,有時你會把別人弄糊涂,而你自己也會感到很煩人。但是,總的來說,你還是蠻有趣的,至少讓周圍的人可以忍受。[/cn] [en][w=exclamation]Exclamation[/w]?point (!):You are [w]excitable[/w] and [w]anxious[/w]. You don’t self-[w]censor[/w] well and think that your opinion always matters. You get nervous easily and are often too loud. You’re either an overly-[w]affectionate[/w] or a mean drunk. You’re fun at parties.[/en][cn]驚嘆號:你是一個易喜易怒的人。你不太會自我反省,總認為自己的觀點很重要。你很容易緊張,也經(jīng)常會大聲喧嘩。你不是一個自戀狂,就是一個酒鬼。你對去各種聚會很感興趣。[/cn] [en]Question mark (?):Indecisive and uncertain. You over-analyze. You may be shy and have low self-[w]esteem[/w]. People usually have no idea you’re there.[/en][cn]問號:你做事猶豫、瞻前顧后,想得太多。你比較靦腆,自信不足,在人群中沒有存在感。[/cn] [en]Colon (:):You like things to be well-[w=delineate]delineated[/w]. Much like the Period type, you like order. You make lists. You usually get asked to organize the office parties and school functions.[/en][cn]冒號:你喜歡凡事井然有序。和“句號型”性格一樣,你也喜歡秩序性。你做事喜歡列清單,總被人委派去組織公共活動或擔(dān)任某種職務(wù)。[/cn] [en]Em-dash (—): You’re stuck up and [w]pretentious[/w]. You correct people’s grammar and complain about how stupid kids are these days. You made good grades in school and perform well at work. Your boss loves you, even if your co-workers don’t.[/en][cn]破折號:你愛炫耀、自命不凡。喜歡糾正別人的語法錯誤,總是抱怨現(xiàn)在的孩子有多蠢笨。你在學(xué)校里的成績很好,在工作中也表現(xiàn)出色。即使同事們不待見你,老板也會喜歡你。[/cn] [en]Ellipses (…): An indecisive and [w]flighty[/w] person. You lose your train of thought easily. You are a follower and like to let other people take the risks. You often misplace your keys or spend ten minutes looking for the glasses you’re already wearing.[/en][cn]省略號:你缺乏決斷力,反復(fù)無常。你很容易就走神,喜歡隨大流,總是讓別

  • GMAT語法:準(zhǔn)確使用標(biāo)點符號

    1. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)書面語中,逗號不能連接兩個或三個句子,即兩個或三個句子用逗號連接(句子1,句子或句子1,句子2,句子3)永遠是錯誤的表達。修改辦法有: 用分號連接:句子1;句子2或句子1;句子2;句子3(GMAT考試中較少出現(xiàn)) 用連詞“and”連接:句子1 and句子2或句子1,句子2 and句子3(GMAT考試中較少出現(xiàn)) 用逗號和連詞同時連接:句子1,and句子2或句子1,句子2,and 句子3 把一個句子變成短語或變成另一個句子的從句:句子1,短語/從句或句子1,and句子2,短語/從句 2. 主謂之間不能加逗號(即主語,謂語),除非有插入成分(即主語,插入成分,謂語)。 3. 分號前后必須使用完整主謂結(jié)構(gòu)(即句子1;句子2),它不能連接句子與短語(即句子;短語或短語;句子)。 4. 冒號后可以使用:一個句子、句子并列、詞或短語并列。 5. 破折號可以引出:作補充說明的句子或短語、同位語、插入語、列舉的事物。

  • 老師忘記教的事:各種標(biāo)點符號的英文說法

     豎線 & [w]ampersand[/w], and, reference, ref 和,引用 * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針 / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號 // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符 # pound 井號 \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符 ~ [w]tilde[/w] 波浪符 . full stop 句號 , comma 逗號 : [w]colon[/w] 冒號 ; [w]semicolon[/w

  • 從標(biāo)點符號看性格:你是什么標(biāo)點性格?

    會有自己特別常用,甚至濫用的某種標(biāo)點符號。下面就揭秘標(biāo)點符號中暗藏的性格弱點:[/cn] [en]Period (.):Type A personality. You are [w]decisive[/w] and clear. You have no difficulty with setting limits. Often a [w]stodgy[/w] person that no one else thinks is any fun to hang out with. You tend to be good with technology and have the latest [w=gadget]gadgets[/w].[/en][cn]句號:A型人格。你做事果斷、干凈利落,擅長設(shè)置各種限制情況。通常比較刻板老套,給人一種比較無趣的感覺。你是技術(shù)控,有很多最新的科技產(chǎn)品。[/cn] [en]Comma (,): The [w]peacemaker[/w]. You like to help others, and you get along with everyone. You like to make sure people understand each other. You like [w]clarity[/w] as much as the Period type, but, unlike him, you don’t [w]subscribe to[/w] the “l(fā)ess is more” theory. You believe more information is better than not enough. For this reason you sometimes confuse others and can become [w]tiresome[/w]. But, in general, you’re fun, or at least [w]tolerable[/w], to be around.[/en][cn]逗號:和平主義者。你樂于助人,和任何人都能打成一片。你希望確保每個人都能相互了解。和“句號型”性格的人一樣,你也喜歡把所號有事都說清楚講明白,不過,你對“少即是多”的理論并不買賬,你認為消息應(yīng)該是多多益善的。正因如此,有時你會把別人弄糊涂,而你自己也會感到很煩人。但是,總的來說,你還是蠻有趣的,至少讓周圍的人可以忍受。[/cn] [en][w=exclamation]Exclamation[/w]?point (!):You are [w]excitable[/w] and [w]anxious[/w]. You don’t self-[w]censor[/w] well and think that your opinion always matters. You get nervous easily and are often too loud. You’re either an overly-[w]affectionate[/w] or a mean drunk. You’re fun at parties.[/en][cn]驚嘆號:你是一個易喜易怒的人。你不太會自我反省,總認為自己的觀點很重要。你很容易緊張,也經(jīng)常會大聲喧嘩。你不是一個自戀狂,就是一個酒鬼。你對去各種聚會很感興趣。[/cn] [en]Question mark (?):Indecisive and uncertain. You over-analyze. You may be shy and have low self-[w]esteem[/w]. People usually have no idea you’re there.[/en][cn]問號:你做事猶豫、瞻前顧后,想得太多。你比較靦腆,自信不足,在人群中沒有存在感。[/cn] [en]Colon (:):You like things to be well-[w=delineate]delineated[/w]. Much like the Period type, you like order. You make lists. You usually get asked to organize the office parties and school functions.[/en][cn]冒號:你喜歡凡事井然有序。和“句號型”性格一樣,你也喜歡秩序性。你做事喜歡列清單,總被人委派去組織公共活動或擔(dān)任某種職務(wù)。[/cn] [en]Em-dash (—): You’re stuck up and [w]pretentious[/w]. You correct people’s grammar and complain about how stupid kids are these days. You made good grades in school and perform well at work. Your boss loves you, even if your co-workers don’t.[/en][cn]破折號:你愛炫耀、自命不凡。喜歡糾正別人的語法錯誤,總是抱怨現(xiàn)在的孩子有多蠢笨。你在學(xué)校里的成績很好,在工作中也表現(xiàn)出色。即使同事們不待見你,老板也會喜歡你。[/cn] [en]Quotation Mark (“): You aren’t very original. You tweet famous [w=quote]quotes[/w] a lot. You are [w]nosy[/w] and like to [w]gossip[/w]; mostly because you don’t have anything of substance to add of your own. People like to hang out with you for a coffee break but don’t really consider you a friend.[/en][cn]引號:你缺乏原創(chuàng)性,總愛引用名人名言。你總是嘰嘰喳喳,又愛說八卦,這主要是因為你沒有什么主見。人們喜歡和你出去約會,但卻不把你當(dāng)成真正的朋友。[/cn] [en]Ellipses (…): An indecisive and [w]flighty[/w] person. You lose your train of thought easily. You are a follower and like to let other people take the risks. You often misplace your keys or spend ten minutes looking for the glasses you’re already wearing.[/en][cn]省略號:你缺乏決斷力,反復(fù)無常。你很容易就走神,喜歡隨大流,總是讓別人去冒險。你經(jīng)常會忘記把鑰匙放在哪里,或者花十分鐘去找已經(jīng)戴在了鼻梁上的眼鏡。[/cn]

  • 托福寫作中標(biāo)點符號的使用

    托福寫作技巧1:在并列連詞(and, but, for, nor, or, yet )前使用,用來連接句中的各分句。 The principal reason for this is that none of them possesses chlorophyll,and since they cannot synthesize their own carbohydrates, they obtain their supplies either from the break down of dead organic matter or from other living organisms. 托福寫作技巧2:用逗號來分隔一系列單詞、詞組和從句。 Further more the walls of fungal cells are not made of cellulose, as those of plants are, but of another complex sugar like polymer called chitin, thematerial from which the hard outer skeletons of shrimps, spiders, and insects are made. They are a major cause of structural damage to building timbers, a cause of disease in animals and humans, and one of the greatest causes of agricultural losses. 新托福寫作技巧3:逗號用來分隔與句子其他部分密切相連的簡短插入語或旁白。(較長的,更為突兀的或復(fù)雜的插入成分的則用破折號或圓括號。) Chemical fertilization,for example, helps to produce better crops, but is harmful to the environment. 新托福寫作技巧4:在并列形容詞,即分別修飾同一個名詞的形容詞之間使用逗號,但也有的形容詞之間不加逗號的。 For men, heroism was usually described as bravery and the active,successful over coming of adversity. 新托福寫作技巧5:用逗號來分隔非限定性修飾語,即該修飾語對于句子的意義并非必不可少。非限定性修飾語與限定性修飾語的區(qū)別在于,它即使被省略,也不會改變句子的主要意思。 (1) 同位語。 The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds aplethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may includemonkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines. (2) 從句。 The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds aplethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may includemonkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines. 以上內(nèi)容就是有關(guān)托福寫作技巧中標(biāo)點符號的運用,在今后的托福備戰(zhàn)中,希望考生不要忽略了標(biāo)點符號的的恰當(dāng)應(yīng)用,最后預(yù)祝考生取得滿意成績。

  • 小逗號有大學(xué)問:標(biāo)點符號和語法有啥關(guān)系?

    句話,里面的逗點實在是多余的,可是刪去之后,讀起來就太急促了: “我很明白,他的意思無非是說,要他每個月回來看我一次,是不可能的”。 余光中先生還引用了臺灣1973年1月號《幼獅文藝》上翻譯的狄更斯《圣誕頌歌》( A Christmas Carol )中的一句話: “而且,史克魯治甚至沒有因這樁悲慘的事件而傷心得使他在葬禮那天無法做一個卓越的辦事人員以及用一種千真萬確的便宜價錢把葬禮搞得莊嚴肅穆” 這一句話“而且”之后一共62個字不用標(biāo)點,令人讀的氣短。用余光中先生的話說,從譯文來看“無論如何不懂為什么狄更斯是文豪”。這一段文字的英語原文其實是這樣的: And even Scrooge was not so dreadfully cut up by the sad event, but that he was an excellent man of business on the very day of the funeral, and solemnised it with an undoubted bargain. 吳鈞陶先生所翻譯的《圣誕頌歌》,其中這一句,是這樣的: “可是即使這位斯克魯奇,對于這樁傷心事,也并不那么難受的不得了,而就在舉行葬禮那天,他還是一個出色的生意人,用標(biāo)點日)。 為了這個紀念日,這項活動的組織者號召讀者以標(biāo)點地地道道的生意經(jīng)舉行了那次葬禮”。 吳先生一共用了五個逗號,而英文原文只有一個逗號。正如余光中先生所說:“英文用逗點是為了文法,中文用逗點是為了文氣。”(《變通的藝術(shù)》)我覺得說“文氣”太文,還可再通俗些,其實中文加逗號就是為了“喘氣”。

  • 常見標(biāo)點符號的用法

    句號 Period [.] 用以表示一個句子的結(jié)束 Hockey is a popular sport in Canada. The federal government is based in Ottawa. 用在縮寫中 B.C. is the province located on the West Coast. Dr. Bethune was a Canadian who worked in China. The company is located at 888 Bay St. in Toronto. It is 4:00 p.m. in Halifax right now. 問號 Question Mark [?] 在句子的結(jié)尾使用問號表示是直接疑問句: How many provinces are there in Canada? 注意:在間接疑問句結(jié)尾不要加問號: The teacher asked the class a question. Do not ask me why. 嘆號 Exclamation Mark [!] 在句子的結(jié)尾使用嘆號表示驚訝、興奮等情緒: We won the Stanley Cup! The forest is on fire! 逗號 Comma [,] 句子中的停頓 Therefore, we should write a letter to the prime minister. 在疑問句中引出說話人: "I can come today," she said, "but not tomorrow." 排列三個或以上的名詞: Ontario, Quebec, and B.C. are the three biggest provinces. 引出定語從句 Emily Carr, who was born in 1871, was a great painter. 單引號 Apostrophe ['] 表示所有 This is David's computer. These are the player's things. (things that belong to the player) Note: 對于復(fù)數(shù)形式的名詞,只加' These are the players' things. (things that belong to the players) 縮寫I don't know how to fix it. 引號Quotation Marks ["] 直接引出某人說的話: The prime minister said, "We will win the election." "I can come today," she said, "but not tomorrow." 冒號Colon [:] 引出一系列名詞 There are three positions in hockey: goalie, defence, and forward. 引出一個較長的引語 The prime minister said: "We will fight. We will not give up. We will win the next election." 分號Semicolon [;] 將兩個相關(guān)的句子連接起來 The festival is very popular; people from all over the world visit each year. 和逗號一同使用引出一系列名詞 The three biggest cities in Canada are Toronto, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec; and Vancouver, B.C. 破折號Dash [-] 在一個句子前作總結(jié) Mild, wet, and cloudy - these are the characteristics of weather in Vancouver. 在一個句子的前面或后面加入額外的注釋 The children - Pierre, Laura, and Ashley - went to the store. Most Canadians - but not all - voted in the last election. 表示某人在說話過程中被打斷 The woman said, "I want to ask - " when the earthquake began to shake the room. 連字符Hyphen [-] 連接兩個單詞 sweet-smelling fire-resistant 將前綴 anti-Canadian non-contact 在數(shù)字中使用 one-quarter twenty-three

  • 【美劇日??谡Z】你會用“標(biāo)點符號”說話嗎?

    縮在附近的一個逃犯,我會是什么感受? Ned:你成功救了睡美人沒有? Chuck:按劇本的話救成功了。 Ned:那么你劇中的感受是怎么樣的呢? Chuck:我很高興,然后就有罪惡感,但總的來說還是很高興,然后自己覺得不該這么高興的,于是又覺得很內(nèi)疚了。 Ned:那差不多就是我的感覺,或者說確實就是我的感覺。我不想讓你以為我是個殺人犯。 Chuck:我也不標(biāo)點符號想把你想成是殺人犯:我更愿意把你想成是白馬王子…… 影視口語:有趣常用的象聲詞 雙語:《P.S. I Love You》教你寫甜蜜情書 Chandler: You know, I may be way out on a [w]limb[/w] here, but do you, do you, have a problem with Janice? Joey: No, Yeeees. God, how do I say this.