Passage 2 主題:陌生人之間的交流使人愉悅 (原文來源) Research shows that 【Q12】a few moments of conversation with a stranger creates a measurable improvement in mood.?But most of us are reluctant to start
生產的干蟋蟀比牛肉、雞肉和豬肉含有更多的蛋白質以及鐵和鈣等礦物質。 Unlike the production of meat, bugs do not use up large amounts of land, water or feed. 與肉類的生產不同,昆蟲不會消耗大量的土地、水或者飼料。 And insect farming also produces far fewer greenhouse gases. 昆蟲養(yǎng)殖產生的溫室氣體也要少2020年7月英語四六級得多。 However, despite 2 billion people worldwide already supplementing their diet with insects, consumer disgust remains a large barrier in many western countries. 然而,盡管全球已有20億人在食用昆蟲,但消費者對昆蟲的厭惡仍是許多西方國家的無法突破的一道門檻。 I'm not sure bugs will become a popular snack anytime soon, but they're definitely food for fort. 我不確定蟲子是否會在不久后成為一種廣受歡迎的小吃,但它絕對是高檔食物。 12. What do we learn from the passage about the food company Eat Grub? 從文章中我們可以了解到食品公司“吃蟲(Eat Grub)”的什么信息? 13. What does the speaker say about his first bite a roasted crickets? 關于對烤蟋蟀的第一口嘗試,敘述者是如何描述的? 14. What does Eat Grub say about his dried crickets? “吃蟲公司(Eat Grub)”是如何描述其公司的干蟋蟀食品的? 15. What does the passage say about insect farming? 該文章就昆蟲養(yǎng)殖說了什么? 以上就是今天為大家分享的內容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的時間認真?zhèn)淇肌P【幾4蠹伊壠扉_得勝!
作到少做2020年7月英語四六級工作。 We need to look at ways of cutting the working week without slashing living standards. 我們要尋求的是在不降低生活水平的前提下縮短工作周時長的辦法, After all worlds, workers have already suffered the worst deduction in wages since the early 18 hundreds. 畢竟,全世界的員工已經遭受了自18世紀初以來最嚴重的克扣工資, And cutting the working week would be conducive to the individual, giving millions of workers more time to spend as they see fit. 而縮短工作周時長將給個人帶來好處,給數百萬名員工更多的時間去做自己想做的事。 19. What do people often feel guilty about according to the speaker? 19. 根據敘述者所述內容,人們經常對什么感到愧疚? 20. What did leading economi sts predict 90 years ago? 20. 一些著名的經濟學家90年前預測了什么? 21. What is the result of denying workers' right to make their own choices? 21. 員工失去選擇的權利會有什么后果? 以上就是今天為大家分享的內容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的時間認真?zhèn)淇?。小編祝大家六級旗開得勝!
2020年12月英語六級考試已經結束,滬江第一時間為大家準備了六級聽力原文,快來對答案吧! 演講2 主題:心理/說謊 ? Now, believe it or not. People sometimes lie in order to maintain a good honest reputation, -- even if it hurts them to do so. At least, this is what a team of scientists is suggesting, with evidence to prove it. ? Picture this scenario
Americans don't drink soda out of the glass bottles seen in cokes ads anymore. But this week, the company is Celebrating a century of the bottle that's been sold in more than 200 countries. Flashback to 1915, when a bottle of Coca Cola cost just a nickel. 【Q10】As the soft drink gained in popularity
第三篇recoridng, 因為我們努力獲得獲得音頻有缺失,滬江英語將目前獲得的原文送給童鞋們!
2020年12月英語六級考試已經結束,滬江第一時間為大家準備了六級聽力篇章2原文,快來對答案吧! 六級短文2 I work in advertising and I like to keep up with current trends, mainly because I’m aware that we live in an image-obsessed world. However, when I first started my job, occasionally I’d catch a glimpse of myself in the lifts, and find myself
用在900萬到1000萬歐元之間。 Assuming all goes well, the airport should open in October 2020, 假設一切順利,機場將于2020年10月開放, but the still empty airport stands as the biggest embarrassment to Germany's reputation for efficiency and a continuing drain on city and state resources. 但目前仍空無一人的機場是頂著“高效率”頭銜的德國的最大恥辱,也是對城市和國家資源的一種持續(xù)性消耗。 22. What does the speaker say about the dream airport in Berlin? 22. 關于柏林的夢想機場,敘述者說了什么? 23. Why was there a need for a new airport in Berlin? 23. 為什么需2020年7月英語四六級要在柏林建一個新機場? 24. Why did Berlin postpone the opening of its dream airport again and again? 24. 柏林為何一再推遲夢想機場的開放? 25. What happens while the airport remains unused? 25. 在機場未投入使用期間會發(fā)生什么? 以上就是今天為大家分享的內容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的時間認真?zhèn)淇肌P【幾4蠹伊壠扉_得勝!
試了學生在閱讀純文本和看2020年7月英語四六級圖片兩種呈現(xiàn)方式下對基本物理化學概念的記憶, by reading plain text or viewing pictures to and everyone do better with the help of pictures. 結果顯示圖片的呈現(xiàn)方式對學生的記憶更有幫助。 16. Why do psychologists and educators study learning styles? 16. 心理學家和教育者為什么要研究學習風格? 17. What does the speaker say about one study mentioned in the 2008 review? 17. 關于2008年的報告,敘述者講述了什么? 18. What message does the speaker want to convey about learning at the end of the talk? 18. 敘述者在最后想要傳達什么有關學習的內容? 以上就是今天為大家分享的內容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的時間認真?zhèn)淇?。小編祝大家六級旗開得勝!