• 2021年6月英語四級聽力答案解析四級(滬江網(wǎng)校)

    2021年6月12日四級聽力考試解析 ? 本次聽力

  • 2021年6月英語四級聽力原文:長對話2四級(滬江網(wǎng)校)

    Conversation 2 ? W: I'm thinking of buying a car. I wouldn't need to use it every day, but I think it would be very convenient to have one for the weekends. (12) M: That's exciting. Would this be your first car? W: No, I actually owned a car for a little while when I lived in Miami. You see, in America, many cities don't have good public transport, so most people need their own car to get around. M: I see. So have you got your mind?set on a specific model? W: No, not really. I've heard that German cars are very reliable.(13) But I haven't decided on a specific model yet. I'd also like it to be small, so that it's easy to drive in the city. M:?I have a friend who sells second hand cars. In fact, I think his family owns the business. He's a really nice guy, and he knows a lot about cars. I could give you his phone number if you want. And you could call him and ask him questions. (14) W: Hmm, that's nice of you, but I don't want to feel obliged to buy one of his cars. M: Oh, no, he's not like that. He's a good friend of mine, and he would never try to pressure you or cheat you. (15) W:Well, if you trust him, then I guess it should be OK? To be honest, I could use some help in deciding what type of vehicle would best suit my needs. Speaking to an expert would be a good idea. M: Exactly, you have nothing to worry about. He's a lovely guy, and he'll be happy to help. (15) ? Question 12:?Why does the woman want to have a car? (出現(xiàn)在對話開頭) Question 13: What does the woman say about German cars?. Question 14: What does the man recommend the woman do? Question 15: What do we learn about the man's friend from the conversation? ? (話題:女生想買車,男生推薦他朋友) ?

  • 2021年12月英語四級聽力原文:聽力篇章3四級(滬江網(wǎng)校)

    本文來源:滬江網(wǎng)校,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。 2021年12月英語四級考試已經(jīng)結(jié)束,滬江第一時間為大家準備了四級聽力原文,快來看看吧! 四級 Passage 3? Campaigners have warned that the Q22: British government is not doing enough to prevent left-handed pupils from falling behind their peers. They claim that thousands of children are still being penalized for being

  • 2024年12月英語四級聽力新聞高頻詞四級匯(1)

    2024年12月14日四級考試在即,各位小伙伴一定要抓緊時間備考哦。各位小伙伴在備考聽力時,不僅需要多加練習,更需要學會掌握一些聽力技巧和??荚~匯,這樣會提分更快。今天@滬江英語四六級微信公眾號為大家?guī)?024年12月英語四級聽力新聞高頻詞匯(1) ,希望對你有所幫助。 2024年12月英語四級聽力新聞高頻詞匯(1) interest 利息 International Finance Corporation/IFC 國際金融公司 International Monetary Found/IMF 國際貨幣基金組織 investment trust 投資信托 investment 投資,資產(chǎn)



  • 2023年12月英語四級聽力第二套原文:短文(2四級)(滬江網(wǎng)校)


  • 2023年12月英語四級聽力原文第二套:新聞(2四級)(滬江網(wǎng)校)


  • 2020年7月英語四級聽力真題試卷四級(完整版)

    四級考試臨近,不知道小伙伴們有沒有準備好呀? 別慌,今天小編為大家?guī)砹?020年7月英語四級的聽力真題試卷 小伙伴們可以先模擬一下,再參考答案! Section? A Directions:?In this section, you will hear three news reports.?At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

  • 2019年12月英語四級聽力原文:試卷一長對話四級聽力原文:試卷一長對話2

    該去比較的人是自己。 When you compare your current status with the starting point, you'll find you've made progress, right? That's good enough. 當你將現(xiàn)狀與之前進行比較時,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)你已經(jīng)取得了進步,對嗎?你已經(jīng)夠棒了。 That's great advice. Thank you. I'm feeling better already. 你給我的建議非常好。謝謝你。我已經(jīng)感覺好2020年7月英語四六級多了。 Questions 12 to 15 are based on the news report you have just heard. 請根據(jù)剛才所聽的新聞報道回答12-15題。 Question 12: How does the man feel about himself? 問題12:這位男士是怎么評價自己的? Question 13: What does the woman think is the man's problem? 問題13:這位女士認為這位男士的問題是什么? Question 14: How does the man feel when he sees others accomplishing things? 問題14:當這位男士看到別人取得成就時,他是什么感覺? Question 15: What does the woman suggest the man do? 問題15:這位女士建議這位男士做什么? 以上就是今天為大家分享的內(nèi)容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的時間認真?zhèn)淇?。小編祝大家順利通過四級聽力原文:試卷一長對話2,希望對你有所幫助~ What's up with you? You don't look very happy. 你這是怎么了?你看起來不太高興。 I feel like I'm a failure. I can't seem to do anything very well. 我覺得自己是個失敗者。我好像什么事都做不好。 I wouldn't say that. You do very well in a lot of things. That presentation you gave last week was excellent. 我可不會這么說。你在很多方面都做得很好。你上周的演講很精彩。 Yes, but I have this urge to strive for perfection. I really want to push harder and progress further. 是的,但我有追求完美的沖動。我真的想更加努力,取得更大的進步。 Well, that's very admirable. But be careful, overconcern with being perfect can damage our confidence if we never achieve it. 哦,那真是令人欽佩。但要注意的是,如果我們從未實現(xiàn)完美的話,過分關注完美可能會損害我們的信心。 Yes, I know. I feel awful whenever I make a mistake in whatever I'm trying to do. 是的,我知道。每當我在想做的事情上犯了一個錯誤,我就覺得很糟糕。 Well, think about it. You can't make progress without making mistakes and learning from them. 好吧,想想吧。如果不犯錯誤,不從中吸取教訓,你就不可能取得進步。 Thomas Edison, the famous inventor, once said "I've not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." 著名的發(fā)明家托馬斯·愛迪生曾經(jīng)說過:“我從來沒有失敗。我只是剛剛找到了一萬種行不通的方法。” You may well be right. I guess I should recognize my mistakes and learn the lesson they teach me and move forward. 你也許是對的。我想我應該認識到自己的錯誤,吸取錯誤帶來的教訓,繼續(xù)進步。 Also, remember a successful ending is not the only thing worthy of a celebration. 另外,記住,一個成功的結(jié)局并不是唯一值得慶祝的事情。 You need to recognize each step of progress you take towards achieving your goals. And no matter how tiny it is, it's still good news. 你需要認識到在實現(xiàn)目標的過程中所取得的每一次進步。不管進步多么小,但對你來說仍然是個好消息。 I always feel down when I see others accomplishing things and I feel miserable about my own achievements. 當我看到別人取得成就時,我總是感到沮喪,我對自己的成就感到悲哀。 I'm always trying to be as good as others, but I never seem to get there. 我總是試圖做一個和別人一樣棒的人,但我似乎從來沒有做到。 Listen. If you always compare yourself with others, you'll never feel good enough. 聽著。如果你總是拿自己和別人比較,你就永遠感覺自己不夠好。 You're the only person you should be comparing yourself with. 唯一一個應該去比較的人是自己。 When you compare your current status with the starting point, you'll find you've made progress, right? That's good enough. 當你將現(xiàn)狀與之前進行比較時,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)你已經(jīng)取得了進步,對嗎?你已經(jīng)夠棒了。 That's great advice. Thank you. I'm feeling better already. 你給我的建議非常好。謝謝你。我已經(jīng)感覺好多了。 Questions 12 to 15 are based on the news report you have just heard. 請根據(jù)剛才所聽的新聞報道回答12-15題。 Question 12: How does the man feel about himself? 問題12:這位男士是怎么評價自己的? Question 13: What does the woman think is the man's problem? 問題13:這位女士認為這位男士的問題是什么? Question 14: How does the man feel when he sees others accomplishing things? 問題14:當這位男士看到別人取得成就時,他是什么感覺? Question 15: What does the woman suggest the man do? 問題15:這位女士建議這位男士做什么? 以上就是今天為大家分享的內(nèi)容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的時間認真?zhèn)淇?。小編祝大家順利通過四級!

  • 2019年12月英語四級聽力原文:試卷一短篇新聞四級聽力原文:試卷一短篇新聞2

    2020年7月英語四六級考試即將進行,各位小伙伴準備好了么?大家在備考時一定要多做真題,這樣才能更好地把握題目難度和重點詞匯等等。今天小編為大家?guī)?019年12月英語四級聽力原文:試卷一短篇新聞2(滬江網(wǎng)校),希望對你有所幫助~ Starting April 28 of this year, the National Museum of Natural History will begin renovating its fossil hall. The fossil hall, which displays some of the world's oldest and largest fossil specimens, receives more than 2 million visitors each year. It's one of the museum's most famous attractions. As a result, the museum plans to expand the hall, as well as add to its ancient birds collection. Bird lovers, both young and old, have already responded with excitement at the news. The museum's social media account has been flooded with messages of support. In the meantime, the current collection will be closed. However, visitors will be compensated during the closure. Museum's special exhibition area will now be free of charge. This week, the resident exhibition is a display of ancient wall paintings on loan from Australia. They celebrate the cultural heritage of the country and will be available to view until Sunday. Next week, the exhibition will be taken over by the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition. The winner of this year's competition will be awarded a preview of the new fossil hall, as well as a cash prize. 從今年4月28日起,相關人員將開始對國家自然歷史博物館里的化石館進行修復。這個化石館展示了一些世界上最古老和最大的化石標本,每年接待200多萬游客。這是博物館最著名的景點之一。因此,博物館計劃擴建這個大廳,并增加古代鳥類收藏品。無論老少,愛鳥人士都對這一消息感到興奮。博物館的社交媒體賬戶上有眾多對此支持的回應。同時,當前的收藏品將不對公眾開放。但是,游客將在閉館期間得到補償。博物館的特別展區(qū)現(xiàn)在是對公眾免費開放的。本周,駐地展覽是一個從澳大利亞借來的古代壁畫展覽。他們慶祝該國的文化遺產(chǎn),并將提供觀賞,直到周日。下周,這個展覽將由年度野生動物攝影師大賽接管。今年競賽的獲勝者將獲得新化石館的預展和現(xiàn)金獎勵。 Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 請根據(jù)剛才所聽的新聞報道回答3-4題。 Question 3. What does the news report say about the fossil hall of the National Museum of Natural History? 問題3:關于國家自然歷史博物館的化石館,新聞報道說了些什么? Question 4. What is on display this week in the museum's exhibition hall? 問題4:這個星期博物館的展覽廳里展出的是什么? 以上就是今天為大家分享的內(nèi)容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的時間認真?zhèn)淇?。小編祝大家四級旗開得勝!

  • 2023年12月英語四級聽力第二套原文:長對話(1四級)(滬江網(wǎng)校)
