• 損失的英語怎么說

    by losses of staff. 學校因教職人員流失而開不了課。 loss and damage or delay of goods. 貸物的損失、損壞或交付延誤。 He is a loss adjuster. 他是險損估價人 。 profits and losses on disposal of investments 轉讓投資的損益 到滬江小D查看損失的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 損傷性腰背痛的英文怎么說>> 損傷的英語怎么說>> 損人利己的英文怎么說>> 損壞的英文怎么說>> 損耗的英文怎么說>>

  • 損失極小化的英文怎么說

    is minimal 由于數(shù)量極小,無具體統(tǒng)計數(shù)字 We must not minimize the consequences of this disaster. 我們不能低估這次災難的后果。 Governments consider it prudent to minimize the risk. 各國政府均認為把這種危害降低到最小程度的做法是明智的。 到滬江小D查看損失極小化的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 損失的英語怎么說>> 損傷性腰背痛的英文怎么說>> 損傷的英語怎么說>> 損人利己的英文怎么說>> 損壞的英文怎么說>>

  • 重負損失的英文怎么說

    weight of two pounds. 放在這條繩子上的重物為兩磅。 We need a hanging weight. 我們需要一個懸掛著的重物。 Pull one's weight 竭盡全力loss是什么意思: n. 損耗,虧損;丟失;去世;失敗;浪費;降低;減少 Depreciation, loss of market, loss of use and other consequential losses of any description. 貶值、喪失市場或使用價值等其他后果損失。 The school was lamed by losses of staff. 學校因教職人員流失而開不了課。 loss and damage or delay of goods. 貸物的損失、損壞或交付延誤。 到滬江小D查看重負損失的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 重負的英語怎么說>> 重逢的英語怎么說>> 重犯的英文>> 重返家園的英文>> 重返的英文怎么說>>

  • 吸著損失的英文怎么說

    吸著損失的英文: absorption lossabsorption是什么意思: n. 吸收;專心致志;合并 This controls the absorption of liquids. 這控制著液體的吸收。 Attenuation of light is in the form of absorption. 光是以吸收的形式衰減。 Halogens also have the necessary absorption in the ultraviolet and rapid dissociation. 鹵素也具有吸收紫外線和分解快這兩種特性。 Halogens also have

  • 損失厭惡的英文怎么說

    been overcome. 顯而易見,現(xiàn)在那樣的厭惡已經被克服了。 Cat is an aversion of hers. 貓是她討厭的東西。 She has an aversion to animals. 她對動物感到厭惡。 到滬江小D查看損失厭惡的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 損失極小化的英文怎么說>> 損失的英語怎么說>> 損傷性腰背痛的英文怎么說>> 損傷的英語怎么說>> 損人利己的英文怎么說>>

  • 福利損失三角形的英文怎么說

    福利損失三角形的英文: Welfare loss trianglewelfare是什么意思: n. 幸福,安寧,繁榮;福利;福利事業(yè) It will be paid out of the welfare fund. 這將從福利費中支付。 These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community. 這些都是涉及社會福利的問題。 The order will be for the welfare of the infant. 該命令將保障未成年人的福利。 loss是什么意思: n. 損耗,虧損;丟失;去世;失敗;浪費;降低;減少

  • 承擔損失用英文怎么說

    承擔損失的英文: suffer losses; sustain lossessuffer是什么意思: v. 受痛苦;變糟;遭受;經歷 They account them as suffering deservedly whatever they suffer 他們認為他們是理所當然地應受一切應受的苦。 The roses are suffering from fungus. 玫瑰花得了真菌病。 His suffering will soon be over. 他的苦難就要結束了。losses是什么意思: n. 損耗,虧損;丟失;去世;失??;浪費;降低;減少 Depreciation

  • 植物截留損失的英文怎么說

    植物截留損失的英文: vegetable interception lossesvegetable是什么意思: n. 蔬菜,植物;生活單調的人 That part of the garden was designed for vegetables. 花園的那一部分計劃用來種菜。 The vegetables have begun to decay. 那些蔬菜已開始腐爛。 Fat is found in vegetable oil. 脂肪在植物油中有很多。interception是什么意思: n. 中途奪取[逮捕] manual intercept 人工截斷 It intercepts a

  • 電子能量損失光譜學的英文怎么說

    電子 electronic mailbox device for receiving and storing electronic mai 接受、儲存電子郵遞的裝置. Electronic mailbox device for receiving and storing electronic mail 接受、儲存電子郵遞的裝置. Do you have a marine electronic diploma? 你有航海電器執(zhí)照嗎?energy是什么意思: n. 能量;精力;活力;精神 disintegration energy 蛻變能 triggering energy 觸發(fā)能 The energy of motion is called kinetic energy. 運動的能量稱為動能。 到滬江小D查看電子能量損失光譜學的英文翻譯>>翻譯推薦: 電子流的英語怎么說>> 電子零售的英文怎么說>> 電子垃圾的英文怎么說>> 電子卡片的英文怎么說>> 電子教學用英文怎么說>>

  • 豐田一腳“踏”空損失十億

    解決,公司品牌價值就朝著一個方面穩(wěn)步行進:下降。 'Almost every company has to deal with a recall, the issue is what you do after,' said Shoichi Yoshikawa, a branding expert and managing director at public [w]relation[/w]s agency Hill & Knowlton Inc. in Tokyo. 'By putting off the issue, the company's brand value steadily goes one way: down.'    加州圣巴巴拉跟蹤汽車殘余價值與品牌價值的公司Automotive Lease Guide相信,如果豐田不迅速解決問題,在沒有進一步召回的情況下,它在人們心目中的質量分數(shù)可能下降20%,從而導致其汽車殘值下降4%。如果租賃后返還的汽車價格下跌,豐田可能需要計提更多撥備。殘值下降還會減少消費者在以舊換新或轉售二手車時獲得的價格。 Automotive Lease Guide, a Santa Barbara, California-based company tracking the [w]residual[/w] value of cars and brand values, believes Toyota's perceived quality score could fall 20%, leading to a 4% drop in the residual value of its cars, if it doesn't resolve the situation quickly and without further recalls. Toyota may have to put aside more [w]reserve[/w]s if the value of autos coming off leases declines. A fall in residual value also decreases the amount of money consumers get at trade-in or when they try to resell a used car.    據吉川介紹,品牌價值的下降是綜合銷售減少和股價下跌等因素而得出的。 A drop in brand value, according to Mr. Yoshikawa, is determined through a [w]combination[/w] of factors including sales declines and stock price falls.    豐田尚未披露北美產銷停頓、歐洲和中國連帶召回帶來的影響,但自1月21日因突然加速問題發(fā)出第二個召回令以來,其市值已經下跌18%,跌去2.55萬億日圓(合282億美元)。 While Toyota hasn't disclosed the impact from the production and sales [w]halt[/w], along with related recalls in Europe and China, the company's market value has dropped 18%, or 2.55 [w]trillion[/w] yen, ($28.2 billion) since it issued a second recall for the sudden acceleration problems on Jan. 21.    德意志銀行駐東京汽車分析師桑格表示,豐田北美制造產能已